We magnify, we honour, we celebrate, we make great the name of our king, Jesus. We bow before that name; every knee bows and every tongue confesses that He is Lord. We thank you because the heavens are opened upon us, the burdens are removed from our shoulders because they are not ours for you have said casting your cares upon me for I care for you. We cast all our cares on you and we thank you because you will prove yourself as a mighty God. Every weapon of hell, every trapping of hell, every strategy of hell is failing for our sake. Anyone held down anywhere today be free in the name of Jesus. We thank you Lord Jesus, to you be the glory, to you be the praise in Jesus name.
Welcome to another time in the presence of the Lord. I am trusting the Lord that He will bless you and your life will never remain the same. The power of God will minister to you this morning in Jesus name.
The hand of the Lord will be stretched in our lives to prove himself mighty and strong in our lives. We are putting an end to all affliction in the name of Jesus and God will give you reasons to magnify His name in the mighty name of Jesus.
Yesterday we dealt with things that are transferred to us by fathers who may not even realize what they have done but we have victory in Jesus.
One of the worst afflictions that can affect a person is also the affliction of lack of favour. When there is an affliction of lack of favour, nothing works, nobody is ready to help you, nobody is ready to bless you, whereas if you have favour wherever you can be there will be a way out, somehow people who don’t know you will rise to help you, they will rise to take up your matter.
Favour is God’s supernatural ability to take you from the back of a matter and put you in front. Favour is God taking cognizance of you and blessing you beyond you own efforts, beyond your own work. I speak into your life today that if you are one of such persons who have not known the favour of God, God will change your story. If it is because of a family tie, something that holds you to your family, God will change the story, break you out, give you victory, give your testimony, change your situation, silenced the enemy in the name of Jesus.
- If there is anyone on this alter this morning, you just have not experience the kind of favour that you desired. It is just as if it works out for others and when it comes to your turn things don’t work out, things just shut down, this day heaven will remember you and the favour of the Lord will turn your affliction to a time of testimony in the name of Jesus.
The Bible tells us of the children of Israel for 430 years they experience no favour and they were called by the name Israel, the name of the God of heaven and yet there was no favour, things were very tight, very difficult and the enemy took advantage of them, they were used as slaves for all those periods and then one day God broke through and change came. I speak into your life today that the change will come, the turnaround will come, your story will be heard all over the world in the name of Jesus.
When their change came even the enemy could not believe it that the people they held as slaves have a powerful God. Enough is enough! You’ve been through enough, God is going to turn it around. Exodus 14:21
Affliction is not about buying tickets to fly away. You break free from it because it is a spiritual thing and geographical location does not resolve spiritual matters. You need the hand of God, you need the finger of God, you need the move of God, you need the power of God, you need the grace of God, you need the workings of God.
The Bible says they pursed them again after they left the town for the Egyptians. Pharaoh and his chariots and his horse men pursed the Israelites, pursed the people who have no weapon. But the Lord looked upon the host of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and of the cloud and then troubled the host of the Egyptians, took off the chariots from their wheels and threw them into confusion so that they said let us flew from the face of the children of Israel for the Lord fights for them. In the name of Jesus, the Lord will so work in your life that every hell will know that the Lord is behind you.
- (Psalm 5:12) Lord we thank you for all that you’ve done in the past, we give glory to your name, we magnify your name, we celebrate your name. We thank you awesome God, mighty God, healing God, prayer answering God, the God who delivers, the God who heals. We pray for your healing in the name of Jesus.
- This morning we take authority over everything that is stealing your favour, everything eating up your favour, enough is enough in the name of Jesus. Everything affecting your favour has to stop from today in the name of Jesus.
- We come against every spirit, every action, every attempts of hell, every arrow that is targeted to our favour and we declare upfront; we are people of favour, called to walk in favour. Any access door that we have given the enemy that allows the draft of hell, the draft of disfavour to come in, we shut the window today, we shut the door against hell in the name of Jesus.
- The disfavour of jobless are turning around for good in Jesus. Everyone doing a job below their destiny, below their ordained calling, below their ordained standard, below their ordained destiny, today that kind of disfavour comes out of your life in the name of Jesus.
- Every disfavour at work, from this day I decree favour on your work, favour from your work in the name of Jesus. We declare the testimony of Jesus to come upon your life, to rest on your life in Jesus name. Lord we release favour this morning in the name of Jesus.
- There are people who are victims of disfavour, everywhere they turned to, wherever they go to people just turn against them and treat them with disfavour, they withdraw favour from them. The moment they show up, it is like favour is withdrawn and sometimes they may not realize it. Every mark of disfavour on you today, I cancel by the blood of the Lamb in Jesus name.
- You need God’s favour for the establishment of your own dream, you own joy, your own business, receive it this morning in the name of Jesus. What is going to be yours the Lord will establish it in the name of Jesus.
- You need God’s favour to be relevant in the journey of life, not just he came and he went. You are going to be relevant in the journey of life, your life will be a testimony, you will shake systems in the name of Jesus. God is going to lift you in the name of Jesus.
- (Psalm 71:21) Your need God’s favour for your talents and for your skills. In the name of Jesus, God will advertise the calling upon your life, He will advertise the destiny He has put in you, He will magnify the oil He has placed upon your life. From this day, your talents, your skills, your gifts will go ahead of you, rooms will open, doors will open for you in the name of Jesus.
- This day I also declare that there is a favour that makes you to be a voice that is heard globally in the name of Jesus. God will make your work to speak. May your work so speak that people will see what it is saying in the name of Jesus.
- You need God’s favour for project completion and to start new things. Everyone on this altar this morning, the things you lay your hands on shall begin to open up in the name of Jesus. I call in finances from the east, the west, the north and the south, let the rivers of finances begin to flow to you, low stream, middle stream, high stream, let them begin to flow to you right now in the name of Jesus.
- (Isaiah 13:2) In this season of your favour, the doors of nobles will open unto you in the name of Jesus. This day as the Lord lives, not just any door will open for you but the gates of nobles will open up to you in the name of Jesus
I hear the sound of celebration in your house and so shall it be. The Lord will fill your mouth with laughter in Jesus name.