FIRE FROM THE ALTAR: Bishop David Oyedepo’s 70 Remarkable Statements From His Immediate Past 70 Messages

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  1. When praise becomes your addiction, affliction and oppression will stop. 26/09/2024 – Celebrating Bishop David Oyedepo At 70 Day 4 Praise Night
  2. Until you are free from the oppression of complaints and murmuring, life remains a struggle. 26/09/2024 – Thursday CHOP
  3. There is always something in the old required to birth the new. Those who despise the old never succeed to secure the new because every new thing comes from an old seed. 25/09/2024 – Celebrating Bishop David Oyedepo At 70 Day 3 Praise Night
  4. Those who sing your praise are killing you unintentionally because the moment you nod your head, you lose your place. 24/09/2024 – Celebrating Bishop David Oyedepo At 70 Day 2 Praise Night
  5. No one runs away from a problem to solve them; you confront them to solve them. 24/09/2024 – Celebrating Bishop David Oyedepo At 70 Day 2 Public Lecture
  6. There is nothing you have that defines your worth. It’s what you add that does. 23/01/2024 – Celebrating Bishop David Oyedepo At 70 Day 1 Praise Night
  7. We have giants always in our promised land. You have to possess a lion’s heart to dislodge them. 22/09/2024 – First Sunday Service
  8. You can’t serve God as a burden and be in command of the supernatural. 21/09/2024 – Saturday CHOP
  9. The authority of the believer is domiciled in his tongue. 18/09/2024 – Midweek Communion Service
  10. Obeying God as a burden is counter productive. 16/09/2024 – Monday CHOP
  11. There is no star without a scar and the scar of every star is sacrifice. 15/09/2024 – First Sunday Service
  12. It is not what we hear that changes us but what we do with what we hear. 14/09/2024 – Saturday CHOP
  13. Taking covenant responsibility in the face of Scriptures creates a good future. 12/09/2024 – Thursday CHOP
  14. Whatever is too big for your mouth will be too big for your hand. 11/09/2024 – Wednesday Midweek Communion Service
  15. There is no access to healing and deliverance without your faith. 10/09/2024 – Tuesday Liberation Hour Service
  16. No one goes forward sitting down; you only go forward taking steps. 09/09/2024 – Monday CHOP
  17. We don’t develop capacity by potential but by potential utilization. 08/09/2024 – First Sunday Service
  18. No one’s success is the reason for another man’s failure. 07/09/2024 30th Anniversary of The Covenant Nation
  19. The ways of God are the highways of life – 07/09/2024 September 2024 Leadership Empowerment Summit
  20. Don’t fight any man that has God with him. It’s a risk. 6/9/2024 – Day 3 September 2024 Week of Spiritual Emphasis
  21. You can’t operate in the supernatural without the wisdom of God actively at work. 6/9/2024 – Day 2 September 2024 Week of Spiritual Emphasis
  22. Stop waiting for miracles, it never happens. Set out to work it! 4/09/2024 – Day 1 September 2024 Week of Spiritual Emphasis
  23. Without genuine fear of the Lord as a lifestyle, our access to revelation is not secured. 03/09/2024 – Tuesday CHOP
  24. Those who won’t commit to growth today will groan tomorrow. 02/09/2024 – Monday CHOP
  25. No one can operate effectively in the supernatural without subscribing to the demands of spiritual training to do so. 01/09/2024 – First Sunday Service


  1. Serving God is a choice and it is the choice of the wise. 31/08/2024 – Saturday CHOP
  2. You cannot be oppressed until you are first depressed. 28/08/2024 – Midweek Communion Service
  3. What one finds in the Book (Bible) is what defines his destiny. 26/8/2024 – Monday CHOP
  4. Every transmission of power answers to a thirst and a longing. 25/8/2024 Sunday First Service
  5. No excuse against the truth ever flies with God. 24/8/2024 Saturday CHOP
  6. Church is not a lecture theatre, it is God’s power house. 21/8/2024 – Midweek Communion Service
  7. You don’t wait to be promoted in the Kingdom, you serve your way there. 19/8/2024 – Monday CHOP
  8. The devil does not know grammar; he only bows to light. 18/8/2024 Sunday First Service
  9. Assumption is the mother of all frustrations. 17/8/2024 – AYAC 2024 Impartation Service
  10. A believer becomes vulnerable and begins to decay when he stops serving God’s purpose. 16/8/2024 – AYAC 2024 Day 4
  11. There is no other alternative to sustainable empowerment for wealth than understanding the secret of the covenant of abundance. 14/8/2024 – AYAC 2024 Day 2
  12. Every man is a victim of his fear. 13/8/2024 – AYAC 2024 Day 1
  13. Waiting for things to change is wasting one’s life. Doing what God says to do is what changes stories. 12/8/2024 – Monday CHOP
  14. It is not unspiritual to be challenged, it is anti covenant to be defeated. 11/8/2024 – Sunday First Service
  15. You can’t partake of anything you mock. What you don’t celebrate, you dispel. 10/8/2024 – August 2024 Leadership Empowerment Summit
  16. What you don’t want, you don’t watch. What you don’t resist has the right to remain and what you don’t confront, you can never conquer. 9/8/2024 – Day 3, August 2023 Week of Spiritual Emphasis
  17. You can’t follow the process and miss the product – 8/8/2024 Day 2, August 2024 Week of Spiritual Emphasis
  18. Every testimony in Scriptures in the lives of the brethren are pointers to our own inheritance. 7/8/2024 – Day 1, August 2024 Week of Spiritual Emphasis
  19. There is no truth of Scriptures without biblical proofs to authenticate them. 5/8/2024 – Monday CHOP
  20. Don’t mock the move of God. Those who mock testimonies, die in trials. 4/8/2024 – Sunday First Service
  21. Seasonal christianity does not pay; it will lead to frustration. 3/8/2024 – Saturday CHOP

JULY 2024

  1. You can’t access the next phase of your life with murmuring. 31/7/2024 Wednesday Midweek Communion Service
  2. Until you know how to talk, you can’t command the supernatural. 30/7/2024 Tuesday Liberation Hour
  3. Those who toy with the guide of Scriptures, they mostly end up as toys in the World. 28/7/2024 – Sunday First Service.
  4. Walking in the light of stewardship is a great thing and it makes great the adventure of life. 27/7/2024 – Saturday CHOP
  5. There is no other way to secure a change of story than embracing the truth that changes people’s stories. 26/7/2024 – Friday CHOP
  6. You have only one life. If you waste it, there is no return match. 24/7/2024 – Midweek Communion Service
  7. Our bailout from all satanic assault is genuine love for God. 23/7/2024 – Liberation Hour Service
  8. To wander from our duty post is to suffer devastation in the place of commendation. 22/7/2024 – Monday CHOP
  9. The yoke of learning is easier than the yoke of failure. 21/7/2024 – Sunday First Service
  10. Faith without expectation is fake.
    20/7/2024 – Saturday CHOP
  11. When hope is lost, faith becomes utterly helpless. 19/7/2024 – Friday CHOP
  12. Not every open door is God’s door. Many are traps in disguise. 17/7/2024 – Midweek Communion Service
  13. Nothing will ever drop from Heaven without faith at work in a man. 16/7/2024 – Tuesday Liberation Hour Service
  14. Life is a marathon. It is patience that wins the race. 14/7/2024 – Sunday First Service
  15. Faith gets sick when hope begins to die. 13/7/2024 – Saturday CHOP
  16. Miracle can’t keep you in the faith, it is your love for God that does. 10/7/2024 – Wednesday Midweek Communion Service
  17. Medical science has no solution to satanic oppression. 9/07/2024 – Tuesday Liberation Hour Service
  18. You can’t miss your steps following the dictates of the Bible. 7/07/2024 – Sunday First Service
  19. Your case can never be hopeless being connected with Jesus. 6/07/2024 – July 2024 Leadership Empowerment Summit
  20. Following God’s leading is key to coming out of all forms of struggles. 5/07/2024 – Day 3, July 2024 Week of Spiritual Emphasis
  21. Guesswork hardly works. No one succeeds by accident. 5/07/2024 – 2024 Recharge Conference
  22. Without joy, you can’t access revelation and without revelation, you can’t access your inheritance. 3/07/2024 – Day 1, July 2024, Week of Spiritual Emphasis
  23. Until light breaks forth, your breakthrough can’t come forth. 2/07/2024 – Tuesday Liberation Hour Service
  24. Genuine gratitude is what changes people’s altitude. 1/07/2024 – July 2024 Covenant Trumpet Service








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