FROM 111 kg TO 75 kg (245 lbs TO 155 lbs) – Pastor Isaac Oyedepo

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FROM 111 kg TO 75 kg (245 lbs TO 155 lbs), THIS IS MY TESTIMONY!

About 3 years ago, my health was challenged. I had high blood pressure reading almost to the 200s, I had pre-diabetes almost getting to full blown diabetes and the doctor confirmed, that it seemed I may have suffered heart attacks a few times without knowing.

This was a wonderful situation for lack of a better word, but being a part of this great family has taught us, that we do not just accept any negative report but we take personal responsibility in God’s word. Trusting and believing God, I saw my health experience a 360 degree turn around.

I was able to change my diet following what the scripture teaches, and there was a total reversal in 24 months.

If God did it for me, He can do it for you as well!

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