Our Father this morning we thank you for the testimonies we have heard. These are your doings and they are marvelous in our sight. Lord now our eyes are upon you this morning, we ask that you send each one of us a Word and every area of our lives shall be transformed, in Jesus precious name we have prayed.
Our line of exhortation in our Covenant Hour of Prayer for this week is : SERVING GOD IS EVERY BELIEVER’S COVENANT RESPONSIBILITY.
We have come to realize that the tag ‘Servant of God’ is not placed upon one because of a position or a title, rather it is because of a function. Serving God is not a position or a title, it is not a function of experience rather it is carrying out a specific function on the earth.
Romans 6:16
If God’s agenda, purpose, assignment is what you are in pursuit of, then you are considered a servant of God upon the earth. Church Gist. Therefore today, we are going to look further into the subject that you don’t need to be a prophet to serve God. A servant of God is simply one who is serving God and the interest of His Kingdom .
Proverbs 14:21, 1 Samuel 2:30
A servant of God is not one who is carrying the title ‘ Prophet’ , a servant of God is one who is serving God and the interest of His Kingdom upon the earth. Church Gist. The interest of God’s Kingdom is to see men saved from the Kingdom of darkness, to see them free from the power of Satan and into the liberty of God. To see them brought from their captivity into their inheritance in Christ Jesus.
Revelations 11:15
That is the agenda of our God, so anyone who is doing this is simply a servant of God. Church Gist. This morning we are going to look at one of such individuals as a case study and that is Job. Job was not a pastor, Job was not an apostle, Job was not a prophet, Job was simply a servant of God.
Job 1:1-3
Job was a business juggernaut, but look at God’s testimony of Job in Job 1:8; God called Job His servant. Job was a man that Heaven could classify as God’s servant.
The question is this: When God looks down and begins to survey the landscape of the earth, what will He call you? Yes I know you are a lecturer, business man, accountant but what does God call you. I like you to understand that your profession will never have any recognition in Heaven. You will never go to Heaven and hear God call someone an architect or accountant, it’s either servant or not. When it comes to God, He recognizes you by your function. Church Gist. Are you a servant or not? Your certificate and professional competence will give you recognition on earth but Heaven recognizes you by your function. Are you a servant of God or not.
God never calls men by their titles all through scriptures, you will not hear God say “I speak to you Apostle Paul or Prophet Moses”. He calls men by their name and their function. The only two ways you will find God calling men in scripture is by their name and function. Church Gist. God doesn’t call any one by their title, God is the Most High so He can never be intimidated by your title. Your title is of no consequence, when it comes to God He describes you by your spiritual function.
He says “I have chosen my servant, David not King David”. Church Gist. Anyone that will ever have weight before God will be described by their spiritual function. Why men may give you recognition of the earth for other reasons, God only recognizes you for spiritual reasons and the spiritual reason for which He recognizes you is the function of stewardship on the earth.
We must understand that our weight before God is a product of function and our function is a product of personal decision.
Joshua 24:15
Serving God is a choice, it is the product of personal decision. When the choice is made by you and executed by you then you are recognized by God.
We discover from scriptures that while Job was engaged in a physical location, he was also engaged in a spiritual function. The spiritual function which he engaged is what provoked Heaven’s recognition. Church Gist. My prayer is that each one of us from today I see grace coming upon us to be functional as servants of God.
It is also important that we recognize that we are not wasting your time serving the Lord rather you are investing into your destiny.
Galatians 6:7-9
The first verse shows us about sowing, the second verse tells us that you can sow into two ways either to the flesh or to the spirit, the third verse tells us that spiritual sowing is about well doing. Church Gist. It is engaging in obedience to God’s command that is responsible for well doing. It is our continuity in well doing that guarantees our reward.
We must also understand that the outcome of our engagement covers every facet of life.
Exodus 23:25-26
Don’t be weary in well doing, you will reap it in due season if you faint not.
John 12:26
You can’t miss the honour of the Father when you are recognized by Heaven as a servant of God.
My prayer for you this morning is that when God looks down on the landscapes of the earth and He sees you, He will see you as a servant.
Lift up your hands and Receive grace this morning.
Lord I receive grace this morning to be a servant in your vineyard. I receive grave to be a functional steward in your house. I receive that grace.
Never play with any spiritual responsibility. The more responsible you are spiritually, the more profitable you are in your stewardship.
Another day is here, Speak to it. Make your declaration concerning this day. Speak to the day and do it right now in confidence.
- This day is declared blessed.
- For you it is a day of encounters
- No evil for you and around you today.
- It shall be a day of testimonies
So shall it be in Jesus precious name.
CHoP is an acronym for Covenant Hour of Prayer.