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  • Bishop David Oyedepo at Special Midweek Communion Service || Canaanland

Heavenly Father, thank you for another day, thank you for the privilege to be in your presence. Let your word come alive in everyone’s life. Let no one return without a word from you and let your name be glorified. Until the word of Jacob came, everything was upside down. When his word came he saw a supernatural turnaround. Church Gist. Somebody’s word is coming tonight and a massive turnaround shall be the evidence. The Lord sent one word to Jacob and translated him into a nation. Your own word that will turn your life around will come your way tonight. Heavenly Father, thank you. We look up to you. We sit at the feet of your son Jesus to receive the news for the hour, let it come our way in Jesus name.

UNDERSTANDING THE POWER OF OBEDIENCE. This book, the Bible is pregnant with wonders, it takes obedience of faith to tap into the wonders of this book. Psalm 119:18. Obedience of faith is a master key to provoking manifestation of wonder from the word. John 14:21. John 2:5-11. Water was turned into wine without any struggle, without any prayer. Simple obedience triggered the wonders from the word of the Master. We are only qualified to partake of what we believe from the word of God and prove we believe by obedience. James 2:18-20, 26. Do what He tells you to do and you trigger the wonders from His word. When we do what the word commands believing, we have committed God’s integrity to confirm His word in our lives. Isaiah 53:1. His hand equals wonders. Mathew 9:27-29. It is our faith that determines the outcome of His word in our lives. Our faith is only validated by obedience. You can’t just say you believe, you prove it by doing it. When you say I believe God, you mean I believe God to confirm His word which I have received, believed and obeyed. Church Gist. You believe God is not an empty statement, it is a statement or responsibility. 2 Timothy 1:12. This is the reason for the frustration of many. They believe in God but they won’t do what He says to do. For instance, “let the weak say I am strong”. How can they look after me if I say I am strong? Okay! Let them be looking after you. I don’t want to pretend. He just says it religiously because that is what they say in their Church. There is a lot of difference between what we say and what we truly believe. Isaiah 29:11.

Let’s observe the following facts concerning obedience.

  1. God never enforces obedience on any man, it is simply the choice of individuals.

Mark 10:17-22. Jesus never harassed him, He let him have his choice. He does not force obedience on anyone, we choose whether to obey or not. Matthew 21:28-31. The Father there is God the Father. One of the sons said No! And later had a change of heart and went later, the other said I Go and never went. God never forces obedience on anyone. When I see somebody say He is called to ministry and I know what I had to leave. Nobody forced you. Stop harassing God, no vision under heaven forces you to obey it. Jesus got to Nazareth and they refused to obey Him, they remained in their darkness, their torture. It is their choice. No matter what you preach, Jesus preached the most direct message in the world to Judas and he went to hell on his free choice..

  • May your willful obedience to the word come alive today.

Enforced obedience does not work. Psalm 112. Not pressured obedience, not high tension obedience. God never forces obedience on anyone, for example, whosoever chooses to obey is welcomed to the kingdom. The price is paid for the whole world so the grace that brings salvation has appeared to all men. People choose it, others reject it. John 6:37. God will not cast you out that your case is too bad. If you come to Him at any point in your life you are welcome. Titus 2:11. It has appeared to all men, while some embrace, many reject. Thank God you embraced it. Anyone can purge himself if only he chooses to. Church Gist. Do you know why you are not smoking hard drugs? You made a choice against it. 1 John 3:3, 2 Timothy 2:19-21. It is all a matter of choice. 1 Timothy 4:8, 2 Corinthians 4:1-2. There is a choice. Everything about the kingdom is determined by the choice you make. Your choice is your lot. Choose life that both thou and thy seed may live. Deuteronomy 30:19. It is all a choice. Obedience is a choice, it is not a gift. There is a common saying here that obedience speaks louder than voice. Deuteronomy 28:1-2. It speaks louder than voice. We are not told Abraham prayed. Abraham departed (Genesis 12:1-4, Genesis 17:23, 22:1-3). Obedience speaks louder than voice.

John 9:1-7.
For a man born blind, obedience was demanded to receive his healing so who will be excused. He went and came back seeing, 40 years of blindness ended by obedience without intercession and supplication. That is how powerful obedience can be. After Jesus left, Satan was still after Peter so they went out fishing, all the rest went with him and they laboured all night and caught nothing. Church Gist. Jesus saw them labouring and told them to cast to the right side and they did, without joining of hand to pray, cast out devil, call a prayer band, and intercede. They enclosed great multitudes of fish by simple obedience. John 21:1-6. Simple obedience triggers wonders.

  • Your life will never lack the wonders of heaven.

What kind of obedience works?
The obedience that works must be fear free obedience. Fear connotes doubt. Whatever is not of faith is sin. Numbers 23:19. Fear is an expression of doubt. Fear free obedience is the obedience that works. Romans 14:22-23.

Job, a servant of God, began to live in fear. Job 3:24-25. Nobody enjoys victory with fear. Nobody lives an overcomer’s life with fear. Fear is a spirit of the devil and its mission is to steal, kill and destroy. 2 Timothy 1:7. God said it, I believe it. Fear free obedience. Even the fact that I didn’t like it didn’t come to my mind. He can’t tell me to go where is wrong. Fear is a destroyer, fear is a killer. There are many things God is telling you that fear won’t let you do it. Somebody very close to me for over 25 years wasn’t sure who to marry. ‘I know what my experience which had collapsed 28 years ago was like’. Church Gist. Fear is a thief, fear robs people of their lot. People are just afraid of everything. Tonight as we partake of the blood, every fear in anyone’s life shall be destroyed forever.

There are some people that are Ministers, if God begs them from now till tomorrow to come here they won’t come. They are appointed to be here. Ota? God forbid. Leave this multitude in Iyana Ipaja? That is my labour. Who gave you strength to labour? You mean your labour gathered them. Jesus is behind every advancement of His kingdom. So we came and He began to confirm His word. God never backs out of any of His instructions. Fear free obedience.

We saw the obedience of Peter and how it got him to come. Matthew 14:28-31. Fear got him sinking.

  • Somebody’s destiny is rescued now.

John Hagee told a very exciting story, he had two boys and there was some cobra around the place. They are used to the sound of the cobra. One of them went into the dark side of the place and tried to sound like a cobra. The younger one ran to the door and used his feet to break the glass. There is no natural way under heaven that he could break that glass. He went through the glass and was about to take off before the other boy came and said he was the one. People fear what does not exist. To them there is kidnapping every one kilometre to Ibadan. So how do you go? You don’t have money for a flight. They say come for an interview and you say you won’t go, that you will remain jobless. Church Gist. Fear of the unknown. The bad news that many believers don’t know is that fear is a spirit, when you give it room, it will just establish a throne in your life and begin to determine where you go. Someone is not doing well in his business and you say it is the wife. After three children? So she is attacking him so he won’t train the children? Or dream in the night and see his father that has died pursuing him. The devil has so many ways of instilling fear. Hebrews 10:35. Don’t let go of your confidence. God is up to any issue confronting anyone’s life.

The kind of obedience that works must be resolute and unwavering obedience.

Everything God said Moses should tell Pharaoh. He said it exactly, no adjustment, no editing, he said it directly. He proved that he told him to and Pharaoh stopped. “Go forward” he led them forward. He was in front. Exodus 14:15, Psalm 114:23. Say it Lord and it is done under all circumstances. Resolute and unwavering obedience.

We have the example of Shedrack, Meshach and Abednego. Daniel 3. The King made a decree that once they hear a sound, they should all fall down and worship the image that he has set up. Those are crude boys from the Jewish tradition. God warned us never to bow to any other God except the living God. We go with God. Daniel 3:16-18. Do your worst? You are talking about fire? These ones have gone mad. Soldiers heat it up seven more times. Church Gist. They said if you like, let it be seven thousand times hotter, we will not bow. They didn’t push them into the fire, they walked in. They were too sure – resolute, unwavering obedience. Jude 1:3. We need to contend for the faith. All this chocolate faith is not going to lead anywhere. Faith that stands strong in all circumstances, established as the rock. God showed up. He can never Himself. You can’t stand for God and He backs out from you.

We also have the example of Daniel. The King said they should pray to only him because he is the king of kings and lord of lords, but Daniel refused. He didn’t talk like the three Hebrew boys but His action was louder than voice. He opened the windows of his house and prayed “ Oh Lord I can’t pray to anyone else but you. You are my King. Thank you for this nation of Babylon. You have put me in charge, no one can discharge me”. Church Gist. He was thrown into the lion’s den. The lions welcomed him because inside him was the Lion of the tribe of Judah. To show that they were not toy lions, the people that organized him to be thrown there were thrown inside in his place after he was brought out and before they landed the lions tore them into pieces. The lions have been hungry. Resolute and unwavering obedience is the one that God honours.

  • Someone’s story has just changed.
  1. Obedience of faith works wonders.
    Obedience turned a nobody like Abraham into a generational blessing. We are all familiar with it. His blessings transcended his generation into generations yet unborn. He is the symbol of transgenerational blessing. Church Gist. Jesus died to bring you and me into the blessings of Abraham. Jesus saw Abraham sitting on a throne in that parable and Abraham at His footstool. Luke 16:23. Simple obedience of faith made a generational giant of Abraham.
  2. God’s blessings usually trail man’s obedience.

Let me lead you and then my blessings will follow you. As long as every believer continues to obey God’s instructions, blessings will follow them. Church Gist. Let me be your shepherd and goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life. When a believer stops following God’s instruction God’s blessings also stop.

  1. No believer will ever need to beg for blessings as long as his/her obedience remains in place.
    God’s blessings will always continue to trail man’s obedience. Therefore instead of praying for blessings. We should pray for the grace to keep walking according to every commandment of the scriptures. Obedience is the master key to a world of blessings, no shortcut. Not prayer and fasting. Simple obedience, tireless obedience, unwavering obedience. We should therefore continue to pray for the enduement of the spirit of obedience that enables us to walk according to God’s commandments. Ezekiel 36:27. Remember Jesus himself said the scriptures shall not be broken. Church Gist. No amount of fasting and no intensity of prayer can make God’s word of no effect. No apostle or prophet under any level of anointing can go against the scriptures. Even God is bound by His word because He cannot deny Himself. Sustainable obedience, tireless obedience, and delightsome obedience will get anyone far above the shadows of life. That was the case for Abraham, Elijah, Noah, and even Jesus.
  • That is where you are going.

One act of obedience can turn everything around in one’s life. One of my mentors once said to me “meet me tomorrow in Makurdi”. I drove from Kaduna to Makurdi without any particular assignment. He saw me and said “so you came?” Every commandment is a test. You pass it and change class. He said “kneel down from today, I impact you with the gift of on time. Before the need arises, the supplies will be waiting”. That is what I got from that trip. You can’t tell what is in obedience until you have obeyed. Church Gist. Years ago the Lord led me to sow a seed to one of my mentors and I did, he put it back in my hand and said “this hand will never know dryness”. Every act of obedience is a test, when you obey you have passed and you are changing class. No one can tell what is in obedience until He has obeyed. No one can. A gang-up won’t solve the problem. You won’t get what is in it. You must get it this time.

  • Be blessed.
  • Your family is declared blessed.
  • Your children and your grandchildren are declared blessed.
  • The works of your hand are blessed.
  • May obedience bring you under an unending flow of obedience.
  • May you never drag obeying any of God’s instructions.
  • Sickness is over. Disease is over.

Give God thanks for the impartation tonight. Give Him glory and praise.






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