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Praise the Lord!
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Welcome to Morning Glow!
Welcome to another time in the presence of the Lord. Trusting the Lord to minister to you, bless you, touch your life and impact you in the name of Jesus.

Heavenly Father, we welcome Your presence. We magnify you, we celebrate you. This Monday morning, this fresh new week, we make great your name. For from the rising of the sun to the going down of it your name shall be make great. You are awesome. You are God.Church Gist. You our deliverer, our joy, our peace. Bless us today at the place of the Morning Glow. Let the heavens open upon us. Bind what we bind, lose what we lose. Cause the things we prophecy to come to pass. Let your name be glorified in Jesus name.

From today we will be taking the time to take authority to overcome all kinds of opposition, overcoming all manners of opposition. Whatever kind of opposition has come against you, we are about to take the time to overcome them.

This morning we are believing God that He will truly, truly intervene for someone. God is going to step into your matter and turn things around.Church Gist. God is going to prove himself as a mighty God, as an awesome God, the great God, the Deliverer, the Healer in the name of Jesus. Glory be to God almighty.

We live in a wicked world and many beautiful destines have been messed up by people who speak opposing words. So today as we come against opposition, actually what we will focus on is opposing voices. Voices that have opposed your blessings, voices that have opposed your breakthrough, voices that have spoken somewhere where you are not against your destiny, voices that have opposed your prosperity, voices that have opposed your going forward, that have said a lie, God is going to reject the token of the Church Gist.

Many people have died in wretched life. Their dreams packed up, their aspirations unfulfilled because there is an opposing voice that spoke against them, spoke against their breakthrough, spoke against their life, attacked them, discredited them, disqualified them, manipulated their lives, opposed them, frustrated them; but this morning there is going to be victory in the house, there will be testimony in the house in the name of Jesus.

Everyone born of a woman irrespective of race, tribe, creed or religion is subject to attacks of opposing voices.Church Gist. If you are poor, somebody will talk. If you are wealthy, somebody will talk, if you are healthy, somebody will talk, if you are sick, somebody will talk. But you need a voice of approval.Church Gist. At the appropriate time and at the appropriate place that speaks commendation, that speaks recommendation, that speaks your validation, that speaks endorsement, promotion, support and this morning as we speak against voices of opposition, every liar spoken against you shall fall and die for your sake.

Even Jesus when He came, the Father spoke to endorse him (Luke 3:21-22). So, Jesus of Nazareth succeeded in His earthly ministry because he received validation from heaven. The voice came to authenticate Him, to approve Him, to support Him, to validate Him, to confirm Him, to establish Him. That voice recommended Him and it said; hear ye Him. The voice endorsed Him, the voice favored Him, favored His ministry.Church Gist.

So, when the Sadducees were speaking against Jesus, when the Pharisees were opposing Him, they could not triumph over Him because the voice of the Father have already confirmed and affirmed Him. Glory to God.Church Gist. God will send the right voices to your life to affirm you, to confirm you, to strengthen you in Jesus name.

A voice could sound and the person’s destiny will be destroyed, a voice could sound and the whole plan could be truncated. There are been people who they were supposed to get a blessing and somebody else just shifted it, sometimes it may be good, it may be good. If somebody spoke but God knows how to turn it round, this one will be turned around.

When I was young I went to take an exam, which would have let me to go to what was known as a military school. It was a five-year military school, it was like a secondary school but you are a boy soldier.Church Gist At the end of the training you will become a soldier but you are not yet a commissioned officer. Then you went for a few months training and you become an officer.

When I went for this exam, the teachers, we had military men teaching in my school. So my teacher saw me and brought me to the table where the kids they wanted to help were. Church Gist. I was glad particularly when I saw the mathematics they were giving us. O Jeez, men, it was hard.

I think I was in primary four or five and I was given some serious algebra but somehow as my teacher walked away, another teacher came in and saw me and said what are you doing here? Before I could tell him Mr so and so was with me here, he said get out of here and he moved me to another sit, I failed that exam.Church Gist. That was the only exam I know that I have ever failed in my life.

But imagined if I heard that voice, he meant evil but it was a voice that saved me from joining the army because it was my only desire in life. My dad was a soldier, my brother was a soldier, I wanted to be in the army. Some voices of opposition may mean it for evil, God will turn it for your good.

A voice could sound and a person’s destiny could be destroyed, truncated. Many young people with great and unbeatable intelligence and talent are without recognition because the voice of approval is yet to sound to Church Gist.

There are also some wrong voices that’s why you must be very careful who your son, your daughter is listening to at a certain time in their life. Such person can sow seed that can make them take a different turn from their destiny and purpose.

I pray this morning for somebody on this platform. Every voice that opposes your validation, God is going to silence them. Voices that oppose your recommendation at work, in business, in every area; God is going to silence them.Church Gist. Voices that oppose your endorsement, your support; God will silence them. Voices of opposition from your foundation will be silenced by God in Jesus name.

The Bible says in Psalm 55:3 “because of the voice of the enemy, because of the oppression of the wicked, for they cast iniquity upon me and in wrath they hate me.”- The voice of the enemy. This morning I came with warfare, every voice that have spoken against you, behind you, that have tried to put you down, reduce you, steal from your destiny. They recommended you for a blessing, for some promotion and some guy somewhere is sitting on the panel and he said I oppose that, that woman is not qualified for their own prejudice; Heaven will shock them, Heaven will silence them in Jesus name.

There are voices of opposition, they showed up to you and speak nicely, and say nicely but behind you they say another thing. God is going to shame them this morning in the name of Jesus.

This week we are spending time in victory. We are starting with victory over the voices of opposition. Voices that speak against your blessing, voices that speak against your prosperity.

KICC was in to acquire a land one time and the land was separated in the middle by a hectare belonging to a shopping mall and we wanted to buy that land in the middle so that our land can be Church Gist. I kept on anointing that land in the middle because they were not ready to sell that land. I anointed the land for two years.

The third year they just wrote out of nowhere. If you want to buy the land in the middle. Do we want to buy? We want to buy. But then one of their directors stood and said it must not be sold to us. Hey boy, the land that I have anointed for two years. I took off whoever that person is, I never saw them, I don’t need to see them, I began to take charge over that voice of opposition.

Ladies and gentlemen, by the time God moved, KICC bought that middle hectare. Three years later or so or four, bought it cheaper than the other ones we have bought before, much cheaper. Awesome God, mighty God, glorious God, powerful God.


  • (Psalm 44:16) Somebody is bringing a reproach against you, evil report against you. This morning we are dealing with those voices, God will silence voices of opposition in Jesus name.
  • (Job 3:18) This morning we are going to silence the voice of the oppressors that have oppressed your destiny, oppressors that have oppressed your future, oppressors that have oppressed your life; we are going to silence them. The one that have spoken against your promotion, against your blessing, against your joy, against your glory. Anywhere they are whether you know them or not, let God arise and silence them. Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered in the name of Jesus.

The first case of the voice of opposition with which we are praying is:

  • (Genesis 27:1-43) Rebecca gave birth to two boys: Jacob and Esau and then dad and mum began to play favorite. The mother became the voice of opposition against Esau’s blessing. Church Gist. Esau was the firstborn, the blessing of the firstborn should come to him, the right in which the Messiah will come should come through him. The right to become the priest should come to him, the right to carry the blessings of the Patriarchs should come to him but his own mother became the voice of opposition.

*Get ready this morning because we sending missiles out to every voice that have opposed your health, your joy, your peace, your blessing, your breakthrough, your testimony.

*Rebecca’s voice opposed the glory and destiny of Esau, this morning as a servant of Jesus Christ, every voice opposing your glory, opposing your destiny, opposing your manifestation shall be silenced in the name of Jesus.

*Rebecca’s voice vehemently opposed the glory that was to rest on Esau, the destiny of Esau. I speak into your life this morning, anywhere the person is, whoever the person is, God will silence them, God will fight against them for you in the name of Jesus.

*Rebecca’s voice perverted Esau’s destiny forever. Esau became the progenitor of the Edomites, who became killers. All the Herod’s are from him, they were all people who shed the blood.Church Gist. She twisted his destiny. Anyone who has thicken their pen, or thicken their voice, or thicken anything of their voice to pervert your destiny, this morning I come against them by the fire of God.

  • They want to oppose the destiny of your children, God will frustrate their counsel. They will not be able to carry out their enterprise in the name of Jesus.

*Rebecca also, her voice manipulated Esau’s wellbeing when it matters the most. This morning I declare and decree, everyone who want to manipulate your wellbeing, your health, you joy; God will silence them.

  • I release ministering spirits this morning, I release angelic presence to go ahead of you and begin to put the destiny, the beauty of the Lord in place for you in the name of Jesus.
  • Glory to manifest, power to manifest, greatness to manifest, joy to manifest, blessing to manifest. From this morning I declare and decree, every manipulative voice speaking in the ear of your helper that they should not help you, heaven will silence them.
  • Every manipulative voice speaking in the ears of those that should bless you that they should not bless you, God will silence them
  • Every manipulative voice that comes to hear words from your mouth and go and say a different thing somewhere else; their counsel will fail, their plans will fail, their desires will fail, their opposition will fail, their strategy will fail in the name of Jesus.

*Rebecca’s voice diverted the lifetime benefits of Esau as first son. There are evil voices that will speak to a boy or a girl, our sons, our daughters and you suddenly see a boy who is brilliant and suddenly leave school and begins to hang out with the wrong people.Church Gist. Anyone who has your ear has your future. Every satanic voice attacking the ears of your sons and daughters, every demonic voice, every voice from hell that wants to twist the lifetime benefit of your children; heaven silence them in the name of Jesus.

The second voice of opposition is the person who needed help and those who are comfortable are silencing him (Mark 10:46-49).

  • Every voice, they don’t want to help you and when help comes they are the one speaking against the help, Heaven will fight them for you in the name of Jesus
  • The Lord will stand still for you. He will move on your behalf. Every oppressor will be shocked. They will be shamed. God will fight your fights and win your battles in the name of Jesus.
  • Some opposition comes at the peak of your career and they want to keep you at that point; the Lord will speak on your behalf. God will intervene on your behalf in Jesus name.
  • Every voice that will mislead your daughter, your son into all manner of relationship and mystery; I bring the fire of God against such voices in the name of Jesus.
  • Every lie, every gigolo lying in some corner or street trying to persuade your daughter or your son, the Lord rebuke them. Your sons will excel. Your daughters will excel. Your children will do well in the name of Jesus.

Glory be to God!





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