Happy 10th Wedding Anniversary to Pastor Isaac and Ayomitide Oyedepo

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Today we join the Heavens and Humanity to celebrate a lovely couple who are on assignment to a generation .

Isaac and Ayomitide Oyedepo

We were there at the onset and kickstart of this union right there at Covenant University Chapel and the Cafeteria exactly 10 years ago.
Suffice to say that your wedding was our very first live coverage of an event at Church Gist (then Temple Digest).

Isaac and Ayomitide Oyedepo

We have seen you increase on every side with excellence in life and ministry as a couple and more especially as a family and in your multiplied state.

Isaac and Ayomitide Oyedepo

From Canaanland to Johannesburg to Lokogoma and Maryland, USA, your testimonies are there for all to see and give God glory.
Your unique style of ministry as a couple has been a blessing to many thereby reaching a previously ‘hard to reach’ section even within the Liberation Commission.

Isaac and Ayomitide Oyedepo

We pray that God will continue to keep you and bless you.
May he make his face shine upon you.
Make he lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.
Congratulations again Sir and Ma
We celebrate you!!!

From all of us at Church Gist.

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