Founding Pastors Teleois Church,
South Africa and Amazing friends of Church Gist
Let’s tell the story sir Brandon Bailey
Sometime in August 2016, Church Gist was on involuntary recess and at sea.
The dream seemed to be dragging.
Two years of hardwork with some 16,000 followers.
A call came in:
I am Brandon Bailey from South Africa.
Am I speaking to Church Gist?
Yes was the reply.
He continued -we have observed your page has been quiet and we have not seen you post for over 2 weeks. What’s the problem?
That call was the injection we needed.
From South Africa???
We checked later that day and saw that Church Gist was being followed in 16 countries.
It is over 700,000 followers in about 70 countries today with a quiet majority of 7 million who come to read and some to copy but who choose not to click like on the page.
We still appreciate you.
Today we post a minimum of 15 times and sometimes up to 40 times daily.
We celebrate God for your union.
We rejoice with you today for 14 years of a successful union. May God continue to guide and see you through many more years of happiness and fulfilment.
We pray for many more years of togetherness. We pray the Almighty God will continue to keep your love fresh.
May God continue to bless your family with joy unspeakable.
Congratulations and God’s Multiplied Blessings
We love you and we will keep doing so.
Thank you Sir and Ma.
From all of us at Church Gist