Redemeed Christian Church of God.
We appreciate you for all you represent. Thank you for giving yourself to be used by God. Your relentless pursuit of God’s Kingdom and your commitment to Kingdom service is inspiring. We pray that the Lord will increase your greatness and comfort you on every side.
May this new year mark the beginning of a new dawn in your life and we pray that new things will not cease in your life in the name of Jesus. The Lord shall guide you continually and satisfy you in drought and in dry places and make your bones strong.
We pray that you shall be like a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters fail not. May God prepare a table before you; may He anoint your head with oil and make your cup overflows with joy and peace.
We celebrate you Sir!
Congratulations Sir and God’s Multiplied Blessings.
From all of us at Church Gist.