The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM) Worldwide
Hurray! We thank the Lord for a day like this that He has made. Mama, we thank God for your life and ministry. We bless the Lord who sustained you to see year 72 in sound health.
We thank God who has used you greatly in His vineyard and made you a mother and a covering to many of His children. We thank you for your commitment to the service of the Lord, the propagation of the Gospel and the advancement of the Kingdom. We thank you for being a great support system and backbone to Papa.

We pray this day that God Almighty will continually cover you under His shield. We pray for you, good health and vitality. We pray that you will live to celebrate many more years of greater accomplishments for the Kingdom. May He reward you accordingly and show you His abundance continually. Happy Birthday ma!
Congratulations and God’s multiplied blessings.
From all of us at Church Gist