-Pastor David Ibiyeomie at Salvation Ministries Home of Success| 25th Anniversary Service
Let your Word move somebody to a new level, let every word of my mouth be sanctified by you, bless your precious people and I vow to give you every glory in Jesus most wonderful name. Let God’s people say amen, give him a big hand and you may be seated.
I want to quickly appreciate God for this privilege to be alive to see today and I know you’re happy to be alive, I want to salute all the great men and women of God, we didn’t give invitation to anyone, anyone who has come; came because of love, there is no invitation which was given to any man or woman of God, when you love somebody, you don’t wait for invitation, that’s a sign of love. ChurchGist. There is nobody you love that would say you didn’t invite me. Everyone who has come, God will reward you and bless you. It’s a sign that you love us and you love what God is doing. I was almost in tears when the clips were rolling. You will see God’s hand in your own life in the precious name of Jesus.
For 25 years we have seen God’s mercy and goodness. I will be sharing with us God’s Word: ENJOYING THE HELP OF GOD. For 25 years God has helped us marvellously, it’s the help of God we have enjoyed. Psalm 121. I may be a bit emotional in between, in case you see that just know that it’s not sadness, it’s Joy that cannot be explained. ChurchGist. When God helps you; you will be made by him. It is the help of God that makes men whatever they are, the maker of any man is the help of God. 1st Corinthians 10:15. It’s the grace of God that makes great, God can never be helpless and he’s ever ready to help us. ChurchGist. I pray today, anywhere you’re hearing my voice all over the world, the help of God will come your way as I am speaking in the name of Jesus. His help is above all, because whatever is from above is superior to any other one.
If a man is helping you, where the strength of that man stops, that is where you stop. Just imagine a man picking up a little baby, wherever the man’s help stops that’s where the baby’s help will stop. Just imagine God picking up a baby. ChurchGist. That means when God helps you there is no limitation, no mortal man can pose to be the doer of all we are seeing and enjoying, not even me, I did nothing.
A man called Uzziah in 2nd Chronicles 26, He helped him so much that in verse 15, it says that “and his name spread far abroad, for he was marvellously helped till he was strong” I prophesy to someone the help of God will make you a marvel to your world. ChurchGist. So, it is the help of God that makes you a marvel to your world, when people look at you, they say haa! Nothing changes a man’s story like the help of God. There is a common saying that is not scriptural and it’s not correct, it’s not biblical but people say it, Heaven helps those who help themselves, that is not correct. God helps those who cannot help themselves. God can only help the helpless, if you can help yourself then you don’t need God, never say Heaven help those who help themselves instead Heaven helps those who cannot help themselves, if you can help yourself God is not involved.
So, we are here today celebrating God’s faithfulness in our lives, not our expertise, not our strength but God’s mercy and grace. Acts 26:22. So, continuity in this Kingdom is a function of the help of God, that you’re still striving is what? When we came newly, they said give him 3 years at most, then after 3 years they said at most 7 years, after that they said 10 years, after that they said forget that man. ChurchGist. If you’re continuing in anything then don’t allow the help of God to leave you. Look at where we are coming from, some of the pictures you didn’t see them. A young man Nathaniel Bassey said “see what the Lord has done”.
Now, I will tell you how to enjoy God’s help. It’s available but many people don’t enjoy the help of God. Because it’s better to tell people your story of how we enjoyed the help of God. ChurchGist. You know if I come here to preach theory it won’t work, I have to tell you what has brought us this far.
He’s our ordained helper, when Jesus was on earth he helped the apostles, they were never frustrated, they kept getting results at every point. Now he’s gone, the ordained helper is the Holy Spirit. John 14:16-26 (AMP) Anytime you never help consult the greatest of all, the Holy Spirit and I speak with deep revelation, lift your right hand towards Heaven and say: Holy Spirit help me, where do you want him to help you? Tell him, he will help you, he is a person. Now, that area you’ve asked for receive his help in the name of Jesus. ChurchGist. The Spirit of Truth which the world cannot receive. Listen, stop banking on your human connection, he says the world can’t receive him because the world goes for human help.
They trust in man, I know this man, I know this person. In the Kingdom you know the Holy Spirit. But you know him because the Holy Spirit remains in you and continually will be in you, many Christians are not conscious of the Holy Spirit. So, when they need help, they run straight to people, I know the Governor, I know the President, I know the United Secretary, no they are all humans, they have their limits, every mortal man has his own limits. ChurchGist. But you can’t know the Holy Spirit and have limitations.
Let me ask you a question, if Jesus was here can you ever be frustrated? Then why are you frustrated, because you don’t know him, my greatest secret is what I am preaching. Anytime there is a challenge I go to him, Spirit of the Living God, what do I do? He will teach you all things and he will help you remember everything he has told you. Beginning from today, you will never struggle to succeed. Comforter means helper, so the coming of the Holy Spirit is to actually help us as believers. ChurchGist. Please every Christian consciously begin to depend on Him, depend on what? That is where struggle stops, when he helps you even you; you will be marvelled, are you hearing what I am saying?
I was privileged to know Him without any mortal man introducing Him to me and that’s is the greatest secret of my success. I can’t explain how these things are happening, it’s the help of the Holy Spirit, but you know when we have issues, who do we go to first? To people. Unknowingly we run to people, say the truth, you say: who do I meet now, who do I meet and the one right inside you will be looking at you, ok run, when you run and run around you will come back, He will say I will be here and you know the funny thing about Him, He will never force himself on you, He is so gentle, that until you ask him questions he won’t answer and until you call to him, he will never respond because he is not a demon, he responds only when you ask him questions. ChurchGist. Up to last night I was still asking him, what do I preach? Then while lying down on the bed I asked him again, he said tell them I am the one who has helped you and then every Christians needs me to succeed and I decree that you’re a part of this celebration help is coming for you, help is coming for someone who says amen. In that area where your strength is gone, you feel like you’re weak and ask yourself how do I make it? That is where he will show himself mighty in the name of Jesus. ChurchGist. The area where your strength could not carry you again, He’s going to manifest through this anniversary, you will not struggle for the next result you will get, the next breakthrough you will have will be with ease, the next miracle will come with ease, as you’ve said amen God will make it happen in the name of Jesus.
That is total dependence on God. Psalm 60:11, 34:5. As we look up to Him from today, you will never see shame. Jeremiah 17:5-7. These things are not physical, it’s from your heart. Long ago when this Church started and a man was driving me and was telling me about oil business, how they’ve been given allocation and millions will be paid, church was just starting, you know if Church is starting and somebody is telling you something like that, your mind will be very strong, you will say that means big money is coming. ChurchGist. Nobody knew, only me and God knew. So, as he was driving me, he was giving me his testimony, one is coming and then my heart shifted, that means when this man gets this money, this Church will have somebody big, a big money.
Then the silence voice of the Holy Ghost said to me, now you’re saying to me he will be the one to provide for the Church, nobody heard me, I heard God. I said wow, I am sorry. He said, so this money is what will provide for my own Church. I went home and that was the last day I made such a mistake in my life. It was a heart issue, nobody knew, you can be saying, I know God will help me but deep inside you, you’re saying this man will help me. So, it’s on the inside. Are you hearing what I am saying? It is not outside. Most of the times when things are tough it’s not the devil, it’s your heart that shifted. ChurchGist. From today as you look up to God totally, he will make a difference in your life, God is all you need for your dreams to be fulfilled.
The two greatest enemy of the help of God, they are self and people, I can do it, I have the expertise, there is somebody there somewhere, God is more than enough, God will never require any human support, he can use who he likes but not for him to need the support of that person. God can use any mortal man but he will not need the support of that person. He’s enough to do anything, I have seen him in my short time and I have seen how God works, when you look totally and depend totally on God, that’s when you’ll see God In action, you want God to help you? ChurchGist. There is an illustration I want to show you that my mentor gave, take your two eyes up as if you’re looking at the light, try to bring one of your eyes down, it’s not possible. Don’t pretend to be looking up to God and one eye is looking up to men, if it is God, focus on God, he can use whoever he wants to use and I decree as you look up to God, God will give you an answer right now.
Just look up to God because men will fail you, men will disappoint you but God never disappoints, he never fails, he will make a way where there is no way, the same God who has helped us for these 25 years, you have come to celebrate us, he will make a difference in your own life. ChurchGist. You contact the anointing of the environment you find yourself in. During Glory Reign I prayed for a young man, all of you saw him. Pastor Keke of Warri, I prayed for him together with Bishop Wisdom.
Anointing is a matter of the heart, open your heart. Now, pastor Keke, he has never held such a program. He held a program in February in Warri, the stadium was jammed, they stopped bringing people, because there was nowhere for people to sit and you know where that anointing came from. That happened on a Sunday morning, the stadium of Warri was full, 26,000+ people could not contain the stadium, so they stopped bringing in people. He rubbed off on the anointing of the environment he found himself in. With all humility the largest gather in Port Harcourt has been 2010, when we held a crusade, first Night of Glory, no space, you see that thing they were showing, it is not film, its human heads, we closed by 4am, people could not get home till 10-11am and now we can’t hold any program in one place anymore. ChurchGist. Now, this God, you don’t need to be in ministry, whether you’re a businessman, the same oil on this Commission to whose heart is open, it rubs on you right now. So, if you own a business people will be trooping in. If you’re a career man, your career will be going up, I decree before this time next year, you will be a wonder to your world, shout a loud amen if you believe it.
Grace is simply God in the race of men, grace is what makes great, those who are graced by God are raised in life. Paul said I am what I am by the grace of God. Yes, labour is good, but labour without grace will amount to struggles. Struggle goes into extinction when grace comes to existence, when grace is at work it colours your effort. ChurchGist. Every mega Church is striving on the platform of grace. We are not talking about the grace that they teach that confuses people, that’s not the one I am talking about. So, don’t confuse the two, because some people will say is it that grace that he’s preaching about. It’s not those ones that are confusing people, that has gone off. Every great minister of the gospel is soaring on the wings of grace, whatever this Ministry is enjoying, it’s only by the grace of God. When you ignore the grace factor in your field of endeavour you will not be known.
Now, Paul for instance became great and we are still talking about Paul till today because of the grace factor. The effect you will have the generation after you will still be talking after them. ChurchGist. Grace is essential if you want to achieve great results in life. Grace is superior to will, it’s superior to the strength of man, if you say okay, you have strength, hear what the Bible says in 1st Samuel 2:9. By strength shall no man prevail. So, your strength has limitations. Is that true? You are saying when I have will, there is so much will that I have. Romans 9:6. It’s not of him that willeth but of God that showeth mercy. Is that true? And then you say I have skill; I am so loaded. Ecclesiastes 9:11. I returned under the sun the race is not for the swift, nor the battle for the strong…. nor yet for the men of skill. So, your skill too has limitations, put all together you’ll still have limitations.
The world boasts of strength but in the Kingdom, we boast of His grace. When we come to the end of our strength, that’s the beginning of grace. Grace is the platform for manifesting God’s glory, until you’re made by grace you cannot win in life. What is grace?
Grace is divine enablement, it’s divine empowerment or enhancement that makes a believer accomplish amazing things that cannot be explained by man. I wrote a book “THE WONDERS OF HIS GRACE” Grace is God decorating you with honour, favour, blessing and distinguishing you among others. ChurchGist. Grace is simply divine help, God helping you: that’s grace. It’s God leading in the race of life, grace is what leads you to the possibilities of life. When grace comes on you it converts impossibilities to possibilities. Luke 18:27. That’s what grace is. Listen, without grace impossibilities will remain impossible, but with grace all things are possible. ChurchGist. How many like to enjoy the grace of God? It will answer to you. When we started this ministry, people thought that it was impossible to succeed, people never believed, you know why? Grace can make you succeed no matter where you are, before we came into Port Harcourt people said you can’t succeed, except you’re in Lagos and Abuja, those were the two places where ministries are flourishing. Where they have money.
So, when we were coming, they said, if you want to have money in ministry, make sure you stay small in Lagos or you go to Abuja, Federal Capital Territory, but today they are saying that ministry is flourishing because they are in the oil city. ChurchGist. Say with me: grace, it’s not oil it is grace. I don’t know where you’re hearing the sound of my voice on this anniversary day, grace will make a difference where you are and we have been going from glory to glory by the grace of God.
That Alabama property was made possible by the grace of God, somebody in the United States asked me a very humbling question, he said how come you were in Nigeria and they gave you a property in America and we in America, they’ve not given us, he said you don’t live here, how come they jumped from America to Nigeria to come and own a property here? Say with me: GRACE. You don’t have to be in a place to enjoy what is in that place. ChurchGist. Today Nations you have not gone to, grace will make you get there, you will buy properties in Nations you have never visited. The first time we visited Alabama was the very first time I went to Alabama. I have never been to Alabama, that was the first time but we had a property.
That property: the insurance is 7 million dollars, insurance, not the worth, the property is insured with 7 million dollars, for them to insure a property for that amount you should know that the property is worth more than that. That property is casted from the base level upward, it was built as a bomb rescue place. So that when there is war people can go under, that is why they casted it, you can’t hit a nail on the wall. Whatever was shown to us was a child’s play. The people left everything, they even left chocolate in their big freezer, they didn’t carry anything. The kitchen alone is a Church that can contain a minimum of 100 people, that is where they are currently using for Church now and how much did we pay for it? Free. ChurchGist. They said we should pay $1, we said no because by law before you buy a property you have to pay something. So, we paid $10. Where do you buy a property for $10 and that was for documentation purpose, so they agreed for us to pay $10, not 10,000. We got it for free. Somebody here will get property by favour.
Listen, if you don’t believe it, you’ve seen the pastors, did they pray for the property they got. They got it by favour, leave sentiment, if they want to save their money to buy property in Lekki and Abuja, you should know now. Property in Lekki, you know the price, presently it’s above 100 million naira for one, did they save money to buy it, they got it by favour. Now, I am speaking to someone God will give you favour today. Not only property, favour of all kinds, even marriages by favour. ChurchGist. Let me tell you, it’s not the most beautiful woman that marries the best man. So, the next miracle coming your way shall come by favour. It’s not the people that work hard the most that succeed in business, when favour comes your business will just flourish. I decree today favour will answer to your business, it’s not those who know too much that succeed in life, now favour will make you succeed. Let me tell my sons who are into politics, it is not your strength that makes you succeed. I decree whatever area you find yourself; favour will distinguish you. Shout a big amen if you believe it. Ministers of the gospel, favour will distinguish you, grace will lift you up in the name of Jesus.
Without grace nobody can win the race of life, nothing is ever sufficient except for the grace of God. 2nd Corinthians 12:9. So, without grace there is no sufficiency. The best of man cannot be compared to the grace of God. When you bank on his grace you become the best among the best. ChurchGist. 1st Corinthians 15:10. Never play down on the grace of God if you want to go up in life, business, career, academics or ministry, I have tasted grace and it’s real. You can see the evidence. God’s grace is the maker of men, he will make you today. How many of you desire to enjoy God’s help? All we are celebrating is the help of God. I can’t explain it, there is nobody who can explain it, nobody can explain including me, when they give me bills to sign for the cathedral, sometimes I say where is this thing coming from, no pressure, when you hear the figures, it’s always in billion and nobody can say I am the one, including me nobody can say if not for this man. Say with me: Grace. 2nd Corinthians 12:9. Because you are a part of this celebration, grace will make all the difference in your life. I have said three things here.
1) Depend on the Holy Spirit.
2) Take your eyes off your own self and lean solely on God, that means remove your eyes from your credentials, close your credentials and keep them aside, don’t say you know what I just came back from Harvard, Harvard without grace you will end up in hazard. If all Harvard graduates are successful then many would have been successful, is it those who went to theology school that pastor the big churches? No! Most big Churches are pastored by pastors who did not attend any theology school.
Okay, let me humble you, if you think grace is child play, the greatest pastor on earth today is Papa Adeboye, I mean today in the Pentecostal circles. Have you heard him preach before, he will say: Daddy just said… His English is so simple that even Fisherwoman not fisherman will understand his English. He does not speak grammar, yet his result is humbling. He does not speak any grammar he will say: Daddy just said… And then he will laugh and he will come back again, yes Daddy just spoke… Yet there are great crowd, an unprecedented crowd. ChurchGist. They open branches as if you’re opening a shop (Tom Tom shop).
The people who speak English do they pastor that kind of a church, some people when they speak English you will need a dictionary, yet the Church is 200 people. My friend, if you think grace does not work look at that man. ChurchGist. Then turn back and look at the man Oyedepo, in case you’re doubting grace look at him. A man who is a pastor has the best University in Nigeria today, the best University in Nigeria and he’s not a professor. Now come back and look at me, you can see grace, do I speak any big English here. Sometimes they call me that my English is wrong, I just tell them thank you, I am just enjoying grace, I have never believed in my credentials, well I don’t even have one. Some of you have, but I don’t have any credentials, the only credential I have is that I gave my life to Christ, outside that no other thing but I am fully dependent on the Holy Spirit, that is the secret of this Commission.
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