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  • Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo at COZA Tuesday
  • Life doesn’t give to you what you deserve; it gives to you what you demand. You must move to get exploits done.
  • If you are broke, we can be best of friends; if you are going through a process, we can be best of friends; If your church is small, we can be best of friends; when you are lazy and sloppy and you give excuses for why you should be a failure, I can’t stand you.
  • The move of the spirit upon the church is not first power, it is finance.
  • You can be holy, you can be righteous and be rich. That same grace can do the three things, it’s just that you have not received it.

Halleluyah! Turn your Bible to Psalm 24:1.

The earth belongs to God, it doesn’t belong to unbelievers. The earth doesn’t belong to those who don’t have Christ within them, it belongs to your Father, it belongs to your Maker, it belongs to the God you serve. I will never recover from Ezekiel 28 when the Lord said to the devil, ‘Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth and I have set thee so’. What the devil is brandishing and using all around, your father set him so. God gave it to him. God did not make the earth with demonic factors in mind, He made the earth and all its fulness with you and I in mind. ‘Let us make man in our image, let him have dominion’; the man that has the right dominate the earth is the man that is made in the likeness of God in the Spirit, that was what happened to you when you gave your life to Jesus Christ, you became the likeness of God in the Spirit.

Immediately man fell, he lost dominion. Satan grabbed it and decided to put a gate on the things that were normal to us. He says, ‘Hey, you want these things, bow to me and I will give you a portion’. He hid behind things that were freely given to us, so as to receive worship. ChurchGist. He may not come to you to bow physically but there are conditions that will make you bow, there are things that will contend with your God.

The earth is the Lord’s – Nothing belongs to you if you don’t have the C of O. The C of O of the earth is with your Father. If you have the C of O of a property and somebody, probably a government official, goes there to build, you will just be smiling because every building on that property belongs to you, that is why the Lord says, ‘The wealth of the gentiles shall be turned to the righteous’, everything with them right now is being prepared for you. There will be a takeover! There will be a turnaround!

‘And all its fullness’ – The natural resources, the raw materials, they all belong to you. We have a mentor in this church, one of the COZA 12, Brother Kenneth Copeland. He bought a property now named Eagle Mountain, it looked normal. When he was signing the papers, He signed the papers with the natural resources, when you do that in America, you pay extra. When he walked on the land, suddenly, on the land that didn’t have anything, gas appeared. That is one ministry that doesn’t pay electricity bills. ChurchGist. They generate gas from that ground to the entire city called Eagle Nest; he named it. The first time I got to the place, I wept like a baby. I said, ‘Is this the bush from where this man is touching the world?’. Guess what? The place had a military airstrip before they bought it, so when we go for meetings, you see Creflo Dollar land with his jet, Bill Winston land with his jet, they park in front of his house.

‘The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world…’, meaning the system. There is no government policy you can’t shift. My church many years ago wanted to use the National Stadium. Christians started having so much influence in Lagos, so, the government said, ‘No, nobody is using the National Stadium’. A lady in my church walked up to the National Stadium and told the person in charge, ‘Here is my card, call me back when you start seeing my fingers in your dream’. After 7 days, she was called back, ‘Please, just come and pay anything you want. Come and do anything you want’. God can suspend the system and the people inside.

Deuteronomy 10: 14. The earth and all that is inside it belongs to your God. God says to Abraham in Genesis 13: 15, ‘As far as your eyes can see, I give it to you’, then in verse 17, He says, ‘Son, walk the land you saw’. After seeing, you have to walk it out, after hearing prophecies, discharge, after hearing the declarations of your pastor, you are to take it and work with it.

Genesis 22: 16-18, Galatians 3: 13. The reason Christ hung on the cross was so that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Nigerian in Christ Jesus, the Togolese in Christ Jesus, the Ghanaian in Christ Jesus, that we may receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. If you happen to be born-again, then without ambiguity, you are Abraham’s seed, you are the descendant who will possess the gate of their enemies. God says, ‘I will multiply you, I will bless you’, this blessing would not jump on their laps, they will need to possess the gates of their enemies. To possess means to take over, it means to walk over, to harass, to dominate, to take over territories.

Gates are entry-points to cities or to estates. It is the place where elders judge. Whatever is settled at the gate is settled. Battles happen at the gate Judges 4 & 5. God expects that you deal with gates.

  • I prophesy to you, the next move you are about to make, the gate of hell will not prevail. Every illegal blockade bows before you now.

This multiplication will not happen until they get offensive and they begin to move from their territory into other territories. Where will this battle take place? Who will wield authority in this battle? Of course, it’s the descendant of Abraham that will need to possess. You need to move and take action. Some people don’t understand that the game of life is like the game of football, you don’t win by defending, you don’t win by maintaining. ChurchGist. If you allow the ball to be on your side too much, before you know it, they will confuse the goalkeeper and score. You have to ensure that the game is being played at the other side, not here. Life doesn’t give to you what you deserve, it gives to you what you demand. You must know your right and go for it. You must move to get exploits done. You need to move from being defensive to becoming offensive. God has reserved you for the end-time, you can’t afford to be strolling, you can’t afford to be sloppy. If the battle is happening at our gate, we are not advancing. If the battle is happening at our gate, we are losing grounds.

Your promise land is not necessarily empty, there are giants there, well-gated communities, you need strategies from the Lord to penetrate. That is why we are here to raise you to takeover. You don’t takeover sitting at home. You are not making waves because you are not making moves. You don’t even know what you carry until you begin to take steps. The wonders of the Lord are for those who step into deep waters. Ecclesiastes 10: 15. They don’t know how to take on systems, they don’t know how to penetrate the gate. David fought 66 battles and did not lose any, this is because for each battle, God gave him a new strategy. For everything, always ask God, ‘Lord what’s the strategy?’ People who do that always have results that are beyond them because they have learned to depend on the God-factor.

Zechariah 1: 17, Joel 2:28, The move of the spirit upon the church is not first power, it is finance. The first time Pastor Chris Oyakhilome laid his hands on me, I told my wife, ‘I could not tell if it was power that made me fall or the freshness of his face’. When I moved closer to him, I said to myself, ‘Ah, I don suffer’. That man is something else, I left that camp meeting, got to Ilorin and our church just exploded, that was how COZA started. ChurchGist. We were already operating for 2 years, struggling, I told my wife, ‘If he doesn’t lay hands on me, I’m not coming back home’. I wrote him a letter in the morning, put some small offering there. God touched his heart, he called me out of 20,000 people. As I walked like this, he looked at me, he laid hands on me. I told my wife, ‘I can’t tell whether it was power or presence, the hand was soft, the cologne was…ah’. You may be standing there thinking I’m vain, that’s okay, but there are some dry hands.

Joel 2: 23- 28. The first wave is not going to be Spirit, the first wave is not going to be power, it will be finance. One of the signs God wants to use is finance. 80% of people’s problems are about money. Do you know that this year alone we have received more than 500,000 apology letters, comments and DMs because of COZA Tv? Thousands of dollars exposed the church, but if we didn’t have the money to possess that gate, we will be in trouble? What will you do without money? How far can your vision go without money?

The first key you need to the gate; you move there and possess it. First of all, receive the fact that you have an inheritance with your name on it. ChurchGist. The grace that saved you from Egypt, could take you from bondage, could make sure you are not sick and at the same time put money in your pocket. They came out with silver and gold, none of them was feeble. So, why will you choose one part when the thing can do three. You can be holy, you can be righteous and be rich. That same grace can do the three things, it’s just that you have not received it. You carry what it takes to bring it forth, you are just not engaging it.






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