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-Pastor David Ibiyeomie at Salvation Ministries Home of Success| Week of Spiritual Empowerment for the month of April, Day 2

We worship you mighty God, what we have waited for has come to pass, see what the Lord has done, one more time give the Lord a mighty hand and then you may have your seat.


How many were blessed yesterday? Before I start the message, I was just studying and I stumbled to something, just imagining God standing before you to ask you what you want from Him to do for you, that whatever you want from Him he will give it to you. I am sure for a poor man the first thing he will ask is money. ChurchGist. For the man that is hungry he will say food, for the man that is an egomaniac he will likely ask for fame and power, for the one who is single he will say marriage, but God asked someone that question in scriptures, the man’s name is called Solomon. 2nd Chronicles 1:17. Solomon said give me wisdom and knowledge that I may go out and come in before these people.

God said ask me anything, Solomon never asked for money, he never asked for anything, he said he needed wisdom, that was all he asked. He never asked for money, fame, that’s why Solomon came up and said wisdom is the principal thing, wisdom is incomparable to anything, all he asked God was wisdom and God said money, fame, name them I will give them to you, the Bible declares that greater than Solomon is here. Matthew 12:42. John 20:21. In one minute you’re going to stand up like Solomon and say Lord before this month is over. I ask for the wisdom of God. Yesterday we understood that wisdom brings wealth, wisdom brings long life, wisdom brings peace, is that true? Everything that you need in life is in wisdom. ChurchGist. But that’s what people don’t ask, that is the last thing ever ask, if you ask somebody s prayer request now, all the thing asked, you will never see anything like wisdom, everything you ask for a car, house, wife, husband, children, money but none of them can be compared to wisdom because with wisdom you’ll get all, rise to your feet, before I start teaching, you’re going to say Lord I understand what really, I should ask for. So, I ask for the wisdom of God.
Will you pray that prayer before we get on to the message, go ahead and pray that prayer in the name of Jesus.

Blessed be God forever, in Jesus most wonderful name. Somebody who has asked now, receive it in the name of Jesus, the wisdom of God will distinguish you after today. You will never remain the same, in Jesus mighty name. Give him a big hand and you may be seated.

Please, the prayer is part of the message.


The theme for week of spiritual empowerment is wisdom for possibilities, this is part 2, part 1 was yesterday, put your kind to work.


Wisdom is the ability to discern differences in people, moment and environment. Wisdom is knowing the divine reaction to a human problem. ChurchGist. Wisdom is hearing God’s word and doing it. Matthew 7:24. Every problem is simply a wisdom problem, hear this people of God, man is a trio just like God, he’s a spirit, he has a soul, he dwells in a body. 1st Thessalonians 5:23. But the soul is what determines how successful you become on the earth and the mind is part of the soul and the mind is the seat of wisdom, wisdom is the principal, in anything you’re looking, make sure you look for it Proverbs 4:7. So, every other thing is less principal.

Being spiritual does not suspend the use of your mental faculty. Many people are born again, they are so spiritual but they don’t have sense, thinking is not carnal, how do I know? God said for the thoughts I think towards you, that means God is a thinker, for the thought I think towards you. Jeremiah 29:11. So, the almighty God is a thinker. ChurchGist. That’s why he said come let us reason together. Isaiah 1:18. Thinking is not carnal; they say you have the mind of Christ. Are you getting what I am saying? 1st Corinthians 2:16. Hear this and hear me well, if your mind is not put to use, your useless mental laziness and mental dormancy is the reason for unproductive living.

Anything you don’t put to use will be useless, if you put up a building and you don’t live inside the building it will begin to drop. So, if you don’t put your mind to use it will be disused. ChurchGist. Ecclesiastes 10:18. So, once your mind is not out to use the world won’t mind you. I was making them laugh humorously, wisdom wise, before service. I was talking to the young men who were with me in the room. I said there is no point wearing dresses that show your parts, ask me why? You know young people like to wear short dresses, to show that they have fine legs, women wear things that expose their body. Are you getting what I am saying now?

If exposing the body is what will make people to marry, then all prostitute should have been married. So, exposing your body does not mean men will marry you, if not, no prostitute will have waited for husband, they would have got married because they expose every part, so, exposing your body does not make men to like you. ChurchGist. Simple wisdom. Who exposes his/her body more than prostitutes? Has anybody married them? So, that you show your fine leg, your body, your breast does not mean that men will marry you. Simple wisdom. Men marry people who cover their body because your body is not for the public.

Now, it’s time for the Church to wake up to utilize our full potentials in Christ. Hear this, you’ll be surprised: Satan’s main target is your mind. He wants the believer not to be mentally sound. 2nd Corinthians 4:4. So, he is a mind blinder, what he does is to blind you from seeing the truth. He makes you think stupid and act stupid, it is his major work. ChurchGist. Before you fight spiritual warfare, fight mental warfare. 2 Corinthians 10:5. Because once you fail in your mind you will fail in the spirit. For instance, if you think poor, there is no amount of prayer that can make you come out of poverty. Even if you do vigil every day, you’ll still be a poor man. Where you’re today is where your thoughts of yesterday brought you, many people want to change their thinking, they want things to change, they’ve not changed how they think.

You can never upgrade your life, if you don’t upgrade your thoughts. You can’t make progress if your mind is still thinking low. ChurchGist. Tomorrow I am going to teach powerfully on something that will help you to change your perspective to life, it will make you carry yourself high. Tomorrow when I am done with you, you will walk smartly. I don’t mean with pride; you won’t be walking sluggishly.

Here these people of God, you and I have what it takes to make things happen, say with me: I have what it takes to make things happen. ChurchGist. Now, I will tell you how to put your mind to work. How do I put my mind to work? Because the mind is so important. Listen. Philemon 1:14. So, if God wants to do anything in your life, your mind has a role to play. He says without your mind, the reason why certain things have not happened in your life. He doesn’t answer prayers alone, he also answers your thoughts. Ephesians 3:20. So, God said without your mind I will do nothing, the limitation on man’s life is based on the mental faculty. Every limitation is from the mind.

A true-life story. I have shared this story before. The mind is very powerful. A man was fishing in Korea and while he was fishing, every big fish he caught he threw it back into the water and any small fish he caught he put it in the boat. So, somebody was busy looking at him and was wondering why he was throwing the big fishes to the water and was taking the small ones to the boat, so the man got close to him. He said sir I have been watching you from afar, all the big fishes you threw them back and you put the small ones in the boat, why are you doing that? He said because I have a small frying pan. ChurchGist. His kind was small, what stops you from cutting the big fishes. The mind was small. Are you hearing what I am saying? Before I came to this part of the country, they used to call the south south, the minority and one day I came up, it’s an insult to be called a minority, nobody is a minority in Nigeria and then they now came up with a word south south, it was not south south before, it was minority.

I preached two messages, one I attached the Navy, they used to call them all the diabolical name, I said it’s wrong, they use to say N S AKASO I said that is demonic, give them a good name, they know came up with N S pathfinder, God has used me to change many things in this country. I said we are not a minority and then all of a sudden, they produced the President. From where? The mind. ChurchGist. The mind is powerful, where you are today is your thoughts of yesterday, so if you don’t change your thoughts of today, tomorrow will still be the same. If they give you the whole world money, if your mind is not developed you will still be poor. People think the mind is not powerful.

Okay, let me tell you something, for those of you who are young. Nigeria Naira was stronger than the dollars in the 70s, ask your fathers they will tell you. It was 70kobo to 1 dollar. To go to the United States in 1979 for studies was $11,000. Oklahoma State University was $11,000 for school fees that is #9,000. From here to UK was #700 (Nigeria Airways) to and fro, Hello! We had more money than any other nation, very powerful. But the mind was not developed, where are we now? So, even if they give you money today and you’ve not developed your mind, you’ll still be poor, an undeveloped mind is dangerous, Church have been casting demons over and over again and the demons are saying we are not worrying you, it is your mind which has refused to develop, no demon is after you it’s your mind that has refused to grow. ChurchGist. Mental development is not about going to school, it’s constant reading. School is a calendar; education is for life.



Mark 9:23. All things are possible to him that believeth, it’s not to them, it’s not a collective thing, it’s individualistic. You don’t borrow somebody’s brain. So, you’ll think for yourself, if you can believe: Every problem has a solution whether social problem, economic problem, personal problem, professional problem, educational problem, scientific problem, they all have solutions. Once your mind can conceive a solution to that challenge it’s solvable. Your mind is the battle ground while every challenge, every battle is either won or lost. ChurchGist. That’s why the Bible says guide your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23. All great inventors are men who saw possibilities in their ideas. Possibility thinking is a must for you to have outstanding results.

Always think multidimensional, now for instance in the Bible, Jacob was frustrated by Laban, his father-in-law and in Genesis 30, he began to think and from thinking he beat Laban hands down, you will beat whoever is frustrating you. People think Joseph becoming the Prime Minister is by dream. No! If it was only a dream, he wouldn’t have been a prime minister, it was his mind that took him to be a prime minister, when he interpreted the dream and he said look this is what will happen and this is what you will do to preserve the food. Genesis 42:38-41. Pharaoh said there is nobody as wise and discrete as thou have. Pharaoh said to his servant can we find one who is as wise as this, a man of whom is the Spirit of God? Yesterday we talked about the Spirit of God, is that true? Joseph was wise not just interpretation of dreams. ChurchGist. After this day wisdom will announce somebody who says amen. Joseph was a slave, ex-convict, everything was against him, do you know Pharaoh did not ask him who is your father. They don’t ask people who are wise who is your father? What is your CV? He didn’t ask him where is his CV, he was in position before Pharaoh knew his father, after this day you will be the one that will be in charge in the name of Jesus

  • A young lady here, a young man here they will give you a position you will never lobby for in the name of Jesus.
    -Men in authority will send for you after this meeting.
    -Somebody in power will send for you by the wisdom of God in the name of Jesus.
    -God will use you to proffer solutions to your Nation, shout a better amen.

Look at the man Daniel in Babylon, this man was the wisest in his time, he said whom the spirit of the gods his, Daniel was the greatest statesman in the Bible, he ruled in 4 regimes, they were making him head over all the magicians and astrologers.

  • I decree you will become a New Testament Daniel, shout a better amen, I am speaking to someone right now in the name of Jesus.

You can’t matter in this world without the use of your mind. The Bible says God has not given us the Spirit of fear but the power of love and of a sound mind. 2nd Timothy 1:7. Now hear this, why you must have a possibility mindset is this, never follow popular opinion, popular opinion is for average people, did you hear what I said, popular is for what? All the people who have made great things happen don’t follow popular opinion, when I came into Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria, they said no Church can grow in this town, that was the popular opinion, I had a different mindset. ChurchGist. I said where I am coming from in Lagos, I saw people going to Church 6am and when we have program people will sit on top of the roof, I said no that is not correct, human beings are everywhere, they are much people in this city, so every city has People, your village when they celebrate masquerade is not people that gather, in your village, so if they can gather for masquerade is it for Christ that they will not gather, I said people are here, my mind was different.

You can be spiritually sound and if you’re mentally dull you will still be a failure, the problem with the body of Christ is not spirituality, it’s a dull mentalism, there is an English like that, I changed my perspective and things began to happen. ChurchGist. In 1908 something happened, the Wright brothers flew the first airplane contrary to the resolution of the Edinburgh Society of Engineers in 1904, the Edinburgh Society of Engineers met and said it’s impossible for a metal to be flown into the air and the Wright brothers, their father, a bishop who was an engineer was in that meeting, they said it’s impossible for any metal to fly, the sons (the Wright brothers) by 1908 flew the first one (the airplane) that people say something can’t happen does not mean you cannot change it. Are you hearing what I am saying? This is the era of the Church, utilize your mind for exploits, say with me: I will take my place in science, in technology, commerce, industry, politics, business, academics and others. I will take my place, if others say it can happen, I will make it happen, if people say it can’t happen, I will make it happen in the name of Jesus. In any field anyone who believes in the possibilities mindset can make it happen.

Before this time, it had never happened in this part of the country, never. One man came, he said if you want to do a program in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria, there must be a great man of God with the person who is holding the program, that is how they do it, that is if a pastor want to hold a program from this town he has to invite a known man of God whose face has to be used as a support for people to come for the program, nobody from this town does a program, it’s never done anywhere, they said it can never happen, I said what kind of mindset is this. ChurchGist. So, I will not forget, in 2003, we set out to do the first crusade, a pastor came to me and said sir, we met o and he said look at this young man, he’s stupid, he thinks that only his face will make people to come. Because they were people I could invite, I didn’t invite anybody.

I put my face on the poster, Port Harcourt miracle crusade 2003, they said let’s see, the pastor said they came to the center to see whether people will come, from the first day there was overflow, from here. I said anywhere Jesus is people must gather and I am not the one, it’s Jesus I am going to advertise, I had a possibility mindset, I said anywhere Jesus is proclaimed people must gather, so Jesus brings them, by the 2nd day he came to confess, he said sir when you were putting your poster, we said look at this man, he said all of us are quiet now, look if anybody says you can’t be rich, you can be rich. ChurchGist. If anybody says things cannot work in this country, things can work with you, change your perspective to life, say with me: I will make things happen, I decree by the Holy Ghost that as you’ve been prayed for yesterday, a new awaken will come your way in the name of Jesus.


Here these people of God, thinking is a work, so people don’t like it. Many people dodge thinking, it is more exerting than physical labour, anytime you’re thinking, watch well you’ll get hungry very fast. Thinking is more than physical labour, when you hear people say that we are the one doing the work, this people are in the office, the thinker is paid higher, that is why the pay the architect more than the bricklayer, that is why they pay the manager more than the man who does the labour, because labour work is muscle work, that is why they call the labourer, his labouring with muscle, he is not labouring with brain. ChurchGist. Are you getting what I am saying?

E W Kenyon made a statement and I quote him: “Make your brain work it will sweat, but make it work it will improve, it will develop until you become a wonder to those around you” make your brain work, people don’t think, man at the top are thinkers, thinkers rule the world, if you’re not a thinker you can’t make your world thick. ChurchGist. When something is in your head, you will be ahead of others, the more you task your mind positively and productively the higher and brighter your life will be. Now, what is the greatest asset? What is your greatest asset? Is it the houses? Is it the money in your bank? Your greatest asset for success is your mind, that is why you hear me say, take everything this Church has and take me to Haiti I will reproduce them, it’s in my mind, have you heard me saying that before, I am not kidding, it’s not an empty statement, take everything this Church has now, the Cathedral and carry me alone to the poorest country, maybe Haiti and give me the Bible alone, I will reproduce everything the Church has in 6 months.

So, what will make you is not how much they give you, it’s your mind, your greatest asset is your mind, are you hearing what I am saying? So, engage your mind to proffer solutions to life challenges, improve on your assignment by thinking deeply. ChurchGist. Let me say this to you, the most valuable result you bring to your work or your company or the form you’re working with is your creativity, creative thinkers explore options. When you see somebody fixed, just know that he is not creative, creative people they can say use this for this, this can work for this. If someone says except this one, that person is not creative, a creative person will always be flexible, he will say this is an option for us. There are people who cool with very expensive and heavy infringements yet the soup is tasteless and there are people who will cook very simple (when my mother was alive) very simple you will eat it and kick your fingers. So, it’s not the ingredients, it is your creativity.

My husband did not give me big money, you don’t have a big sense. A wise man can manage whatever is available. Okay you’ll be shocked; we are talking about wisdom right. It’s wisdom we are teaching, task your brain. You have children and your husband is earning #60,000, he removes tithes, he removes everything and he gives you #20,000 out of it, you said in this Nigeria of today, that can’t work. Sincerely, if you look at it, it will not work, but his salary is #60,000 he can’t kill himself. ChurchGist. That is what he can give you, do you know a wise woman will still collect it and say thank you, ask me why? She will cook beans, it’s the most proteinous food, beans are at an average price. The children will eat robustly, she will make all kind of varieties (akara, moinmoin, gbegiri) the children will be eating variety, but the woman who is not wise will say look at #20,000, it won’t reach one pot of soup. Another woman is using that money to feed the children and family and doing fine. So, what you need more is sense.

Proverbs 20: 5. Think deep, task your brain. Task your brain to think, I am going to tell you something, when we were to start the cathedra, thinking was a work for me and we were to dig the foundation, the money to dig the foundation alone was millions. So, I said how do we spend millions that are not available to dig this foundation of this cathedral and I began to think. ChurchGist. I said we are over 5,000, already we are above 10,000. ChurchGist. So, 10,000 people with families. Architects map out the ground, each person and your family, take a portion you will dig, we dug the foundation in 1 day and people got blessed because it was a Holy ground but I had to think and everybody found joy in going to dig including, to somebody somewhere, we have the project but no money. You don’t have sense!

Now listen, task your brain, sit down and say what do I do. Well, there was a very humbling testimony I like on Sunday, a young lady testified she said she bought only two books that she could afford, she bought the book “Starting Small” she bought two, went and sold it, she came back and bought four, she sold it, came back and bought 6. ChurchGist. But somebody is saying if I can get 100 million, I will start, even God did not start the world in one day, he started from small. The only thing that starts from the top is the grave, is only the grave that they dig from up and then down you climb a ladder from the down point and go up. When you have sense, whatever is available if you can think well is enough to start with you. All you need to do is to think.

In tasking your mind these are the following things to do:

A) Be observant

For instance, the Bible declares, this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, thou shall meditate upon it day and night and thou shall observe. Joshua 1:8. Deuteronomy 28:1. There is a place for observation, now if you look at the law of gravity, everybody saw the apple fall but Isacc Newton observed it. It was by observation that Isacc Newton saw what other people could not see. So, if you want to be successful, you must observe those that have been successful. ChurchGist. All I did was observe my mentor, Papa Oyedepo, how is this man doing it? Why is he so successful? I have only asked Oyedepo question once since I met him, since you think I know Oyedepo I have never asked him any question, 99.9 per cent of my learning from him is from observation. I have never asked him, Papa, how do you make things happen? I just watch him. I say okay this is the way this man does, one day I was in his house, he left me in his library, I said OKAY, I also came back and changed my style of reading, I won’t tell you. So, if you want to be successful, observe. You’re not the first in your field. Are you the first? Observe those that are ahead of you. How did they make it happen? Don’t walk the street of life with your eyes closed. Observation is powerful.


That is, desire to know, desire to learn. Matthew 7:7. Ask questions, when you don’t understand, ask, please how is this thing done? How will I do it? Are you getting what I am saying?


in tasking your mind, reason. Look at the prodigal son, he was at the lowest point of life in Luke 15: 17-18. He came to himself, reasoning. ChurchGist. Sit down and ask yourself, I have been broke for 50 years begging people, what must I do now? Say with me: reasoning, are you saying nothing in Nigeria is working? Things are working. What must I do to make things work, your reasoning? Reasoning is powerful. It is from reasoning that you metamorphose into action before you get a result.

So, you know that many quarrels are a result of lack of reasoning. You’ll say my husband slaps me every day, you can’t talk anyhow to a man who is just coming from work no matter how angry you are. He just comes and you say I want to tell you something. ChurchGist. The man is coming back, tired, worn out, you’ll give him food, while he’s eating, you’ll say it: my husband, can I share something with you? The man is relaxed. But he is coming from work with all the stress and you’re saying to him: I know you’re very stupid, he will slap you. Your point is good but the time of presentation is wrong. You lack wisdom.


How many will task their minds, say with me: thinking is a work, when you say I am working, people think that you go home and wash plates. The real work is in the mind, thinking is the real work. That is why designers make more money than tailors, because tailoring is not intelligence, you just put your leg in your machine and you keep sowing. ChurchGist. Designing is thinking, most designers don’t sow, most designers don’t sow, but the real work is thinking. No tailor is rich, designers are rich.

Because designing is thinking, tailoring is muscle, so the designer makes more money than the tailor, if you think thinking does not work go and find out and today many people want to be a tailor, be a designer, not the one that you’ll put signpost that you’re a designer, you have to think. Come with your own creativity.

1) Ideas are born.

Ideas are essential virtues, accessible mainly by thinkers, it’s when you’re tasking your mind that ideas begin to come.

2) You enjoy promotion. Joseph and Daniel are typical examples.

3) You enjoy divine direction. Acts 10:19. While Peter was thinking. Most of us think it is prayer, 99 per cent I have gotten here is from thinking, God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above what we ask or THINK. Now listen, how did I come out of poverty? It was not through prayer, it was through thinking, after I read the books I read, I sat on the bed and I began to think. I said God I pay tithe, I give offering but I am not rich and I don’t like this. ChurchGist. I know I am a faithful tither and I still give offerings, what must I do I was thinking, in the deep thoughts he spoke, who is blessing you I said Bishop Oyedepo, he said now don’t you know without contradiction the less is blessed of the better, if you don’t sow to him you will never prosper, I got up I told my wife we can never be poor and I remove the #50 we had 1996, packaged it and gave it to him and the Heavens opened. It’s not in prayer, it was in thinking, are you hearing what I am saying? He gave me direction on how to come out of poverty.

Now, I don’t want to go that way but the Holy Ghost is leading me, tomorrow’s teaching is different. Let me share something a little bit, do you know why direction is very important if you want to make it in life? Let me show you something, it will baffle you. Ecclesiastes 10: 5-7,10. You see people who don’t go to Church moving big, using Rolls Royce and Church people trekking with their legs, God forbid. Naturally if you take a knife that is blunt, it is futile, but wisdom gives direction. So, when you task your brain and you begin to meditate, God gives you direction. Check every time there is hardship, those who think come out with a solution. ChurchGist. The best time to be on earth is now because there are more problems now than ever before. May your brain come alive with something.

4) You provoke the miraculous.
It was true thinking that God changed the creation. In the beginning God created the Heavens and earth, the earth was in darkness and God began to think how can this darkness go away and he said let there be light. The woman with the issue of blood, where did she get her miracle from? She got it from her mind. ChurchGist. She processed her miracle from her mind. Mark 5:28. For if I may touch the hem of his garment, where was she saying that? From her mind. Before she left the house, she was already getting her miracle. If I may but touch His garment, I shall be whole. So, she processed her miracle from the mind. The mind is a factory of miracle, you’ll get your own.

5) God becomes your companion.
Isaiah 55:8-9. His ways are what? Very high. Listen, God says the way he thinks it’s not the way people in the world think, he says the way they think in the world is not the way he thinks. Is thinking it’s too high and then he said Come reason to me at my level. ChurchGist. So, it’s only those who reason with God that operate like God. You want to get benefits then task your brain to reason at my level. At that point can God be stranded. So, thinkers can’t be stranded, can God be in Nigeria now and then say he is jobless, God is saying don’t think like the way they think in the world, upgrade your thinking to think like me and then come and reason with me and then you will come out of all life challenges. So, when you’re a thinker, you’ll begin to operate the powers of God.

Listen, even though I was not a pastor with all humility before God, I will never be jobless for one day, with the things I know now, that is if I am not a pastor, I will be one of the wealthiest men on earth. For instance, Nigeria is so rich but Nigerians are so blind and this is one of the richest countries on earth. What I see in Nigeria, everything in Nigeria is money. ChurchGist. Everything in Nigeria is money, the suit is money, the polluted air is money, the fuel scarcity is money, the hardship is money, everything in Nigeria is money, yet people are saying things are hard, because they cannot think, your own will be different.

But for your kind to be highly productive these are the things you need to do; I’m going to summarize them. Now, many of us just leave our mind like that.
🎼Jesus is coming soon, amen, amen, na so we talk ham o, amen amen, na so e be o, amen amen🎼🎼

We are going to do deliverance now, 7 days deliverance, you will see people with their whole family, chanting war songs. ChurchGist. I was born again in a deliverance ministry before I met Bishop Oyedepo, I hate deliverance, it makes people to be lazy, many peoples problem is this deliverance nonsense, it makes people to be mentally dull, there is so much mental dormancy in the name of demons worrying you, somebody is not thinking and he’s saying yes, its demons, in my family witches are disturbing us and if you watch, a class of people goes to such churches, a large people don’t go to such environment. They just hold people captive through ignorance and people like it. Today we are going to do 7 days of warfare, the devil is the problem, my friend your mind is your problem.


If your mind must be highly productive, these are the things you must do and I close with it. How many want their minds to be highly productive? Look, my greatest asset is my mind, I think more than I pray. I think and pray, I don’t just pray.

1) Read books.
Because your mind will never be productive, you’ll remain the same person, except for two things in life, the books you read and the friends you keep. ChurchGist. 5 years to come you’ll still be the same person except for two things: the book you read and the friends you keep. If there has to be improvement, there has to be books you’re reading to improve yourself. Otherwise, you’ll still be the same person.

2) Learn to meditate.
Give yourself to meditation. 1st Timothy 4:15. Sit down and begin to meditate, God you said so, your word said so. If I do it this way I will get the result, then I will do this. Meditation! Deep meditation.

3) Associate with the wise.
Proverbs 13:20, 27:20. Iron sharpeneth iron, wood will never sharpen iron, when wrong people leave your life, wrong things stop happening and when the right people come to your life better things happen. Every association will either make you or mare you. ChurchGist. Listen, there are people who will talk to you and nothing will be added to your mental capacity, it affects the mental system, I am going to tell you something on Sunday that will shock you, people get tired as husbands and wives, if your husband or wife is not conversing with you, watch your interaction level. You’re saying my husband is not talking to me, he is talking but there are people that can’t see anything tangible. He’s talking on a high level and you’re talking on a low level. ChurchGist. Just imagine a modern man, I don’t mean people in the village, just imagine a modern man coming to tell you about Ukraine and Russia and you say what is Ukraine and Russia? In this enlightened world, even if you’re a wife you will say what is my husband talking about, you will just be telling him let’s go and sell land in the village, he just says that is why I don’t like talking with you. I am talking about Ukraine and Russia. Why are you talking about selling land? My friend let her go. Association is very powerful, if you have a 16 X 20 dream and you walk with a 4 X 6 person, the person will bring you down and I have noticed people who are down want to bring you to their level.

Let me show you a demonstration, somebody come here very first, hold my hand, between me pulling him up and him pulling me down which one is easier? ChurchGist. By force of gravity, he can easily bring me down, that’s why lower people can easily bring people down. It’s easier for him to bring me down, no matter how strong I am, it’s more stressful for me to bring him up. But to bring the person down it’s very simple. So, when you associate with the wrong person, they want to bring you to their level.

I said something, I don’t want anybody to misrepresent it. One day I was thinking deep and in my thinking, I came up, I noticed that when a man is at the top, very high, if he associates with people very low, two things will happen, they get bitter with the person. ChurchGist. Now, I began to reason why? They will be very bitter with the person, so I came to the conclusion, to help people that are down, don’t associate with them, ask me why? If you watch the rich only associates with the rich because if a fellow rich man tells him that he’s not doing well he will not be angry, if he tells you that you’re not doing well, you will say it’s because I am poor, if you tell a poor man, you’re not doing well work hard, he will say it’s because I came to ask you for assistance, you now tell me I am not doing well. But if it’s a rich man, he will take it well, he will not be offended because he’s already rich, check all high men they walk with only the high. It’s not a pride because a lower person will always misrepresent your statement. So, when you’re up leave them, help them by giving them money, when they come give them money. If you try to associate with them, they will want to pull you down.

So, mind the company you keep, it is the company you keep that will determine what will accompany you. ChurchGist. That you’re keeping a company does not necessarily mean that you must meet the person, you can meet the person by books, by reading the person books you’re rubbing your mind with the person, my closest person on earth is Bishop Oyedepo because I listen to him every day, I don’t mean by marriage, are you understanding what I am saying now? In terms of success, he’s the one I listen to, I don’t mean physically going to see him, but his books, his tapes because that is who I want to be like. Do you understand what I mean now? You’re an eagle, why wander around the vulture, they look alike but they are not the same, one wants fresh meat the other eats dead meat, one stays on top of roofs the other stays on top of mountain, one has hair on the head the other does not. Some people are vulture Christians and some are eagle Christians.

Even in the same Church It is not everybody that you should be close to. As I am preaching now, some people don’t have anything they are hearing, they are saying all these things, they are wasting my time. I thought it was only healing, that’s what I like. If you like miracles everyday, won’t you have money? After your sickness goes won’t you make money. ChurchGist. Do you want to utilize your brain? Then utilize the night season. Every thinker utilize midnight, I am going to tell you something practical. Psalm 19:2. So, God will show you things in the night. Psalm 16:7. Everyone who is great: they use the midnight seasons. If I am on board a flight, my wife is aware, I do 90 per cent of my work in the midnight, I work more in the night than in the day. Daniel 2:19. The secret was revealed to Daniel in. Night vision, may God show you something tonight, it’s when you conceive ideas in the night that you deliver them in the day. Please, use the night season, in the midnight get up and task your brain, how do I go about this thing? Read! We don’t value the night season in this part of the world, we use it for midnight calls. Great people use the night season, that’s the time you begin to think because the day is too rowdy. In the night you pray in the spirit and inspiration will start coming. I pray that from today you will not waste your night seasons.

5) Consult the Holy Spirit.
How many want to be highly productive? 1st Corinthians 2:10-12. So, there are so many things given to you and I, the Holy Ghost will just tell you this is what you need to do to be super productive. Are you getting what I am saying? ChurchGist. Look, he gives us inspiration, can I tell you this and inspiration is the seed for wealth. Inspiration is the movement of the Holy Spirit in man’s mental faculty, that what it means, it’s the Holy Ghost storing your mind, he just stirs your mind to think.

Finally, to be productive let Philippians 4:8 be your thinking syllabus. Guide your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life. ChurchGist. Control your thoughts to be in line with God’s Word, refuse to think failure, refuse to think poverty, refuse to think defeat and refuse to think impossibility, think possibility, think progress, think advancement and you’ll make it, task your mind to be productive and you will rule your world and be in charge of life affairs.









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