*We are not agitated about the fulfillment of the Prophetic Word on August 1st 2021
*However, we are warring through the combined forces of prayers, supplication and thanksgiving to see this prophecy fulfilled on August 1st 2021.
Father, this morning we have come with voices of gratitude to thank You for all that You have done. Thank You for these awesome testimonies, they are Your doings in our midst and they are marvellous in our eyes and for it, we say Thank You…This morning, our eyes are upon You, Lord, speak to us again. By Your Word, let everyone of us be transformed. We give You thanks for it, in Jesus precious name we have prayed.
Our line of exhortation for this week in our Covenant Hour of Prayer has been:
In the Book of Habakkuk chapter 2, God’s Word declare a very clear statement in verse 3. At the end, it shall speak. We have been exploring through God’s Word in the course of this week several examples from God’s Word of God’s prophetic agenda speaking at the end. Here again, this morning we are going to go further as we explore this very pungent example.
The Word of God tells us Luke chapter 24 verse 49, Jesus directed his disciples to tarry in Jerusalem until they were endued with power from on high. Bible historians tell us for 50 days, the disciples were in the Upper room, they were tarrying, they were praying, they were engaging and it seemed as if nothing was happening: the 1st day, the 2nd day, the 10th day, the 15th day, the 20th day, the 30th day, the 40th day, the 45th day, the 49th day.
But the Bible tells us in Acts chapter 2 verse 1, look at this very closely, “when THE DAY of Pentecost was FULLY COME.” They were there for days but when the day came.
-For us, August 1st will be that day. It shall be that day.
Acts 2:2-4
All of these Words are instant Words: ‘SUDDENLY’, ‘APPEARANCE’
And not that they were been filled but ‘suddenly they were filled.’
-This coming Sunday, suddenly, immediately, instantly, the Tabernacle, all of the overflows shall be filled.
All of these things took place on that day, not the days of Pentecost but when the day of Pentecost was fully come, suddenly and they appeared and were filled. All of those happened instantly, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye and Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).
He told us at the beginning of this Prophetic Season to look out towards August 1st because this Church will be minimum double the highest average monthly attendance since Wonder Double began and He said that will take place by August 1st and the Word of the Lord cannot fail. That means you and I can be expectant.
We can look forward to August 1st. It is almost here: Yes that is true but that was how it looked on the 45th day, that was it looked on the 46th day, that was it looked on the 47th day, it looked like that on the 48th day. On the 49th day, there was no sign anywhere but then on the 50th day, the day of Pentecost fully came.
This coming Sunday shall be another such day.
Acts 2:16-19
For 50 days, they were there waiting, but they were waiting on the prophecy that had come hundreds of years before and it looked like nothing was happening, but he said this is that which was spoken.
What was spoken: He said, “In the last days, I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams…”
-This coming Sunday, God will show wonders.
From God’s Word, we see that Jesus sent forth the disciples and they began engaging and it seemed like nothing was happening because of a particular day and when the day fully came, suddenly, everything that He spoke about came to pass.
-The good news is this, all God has spoken concerning us as a Church, the multiplication of the Church including your testimony in it will suddenly come to pass.
But what must we do: according to God’s Word in the Book of Philippians chapter 4 verse 6, He says, “be concerned for nothing but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God.”
We must we do therefore: we must let go of anxiety. Refuse to allow your heart to be agitated. Don’t be double minded, God is up to what He says. The Word of God says, “God is not a man that He should lie, He is not the son of man that He should ever adjust His statement. Has He said it, will He not do it? or has He not spoken it, will He not make it good?”
Be anxious for nothing, but what must we do? We must engage the combined forces of prayer, supplication and thanksgiving to see God.
Why is that so? Because we war with prophecy (1 Timothy 1:18).
We are not concerned, we are not anxious, we are not agitated, but we are praying, we are supplicating and we are thanking. Why? we are warring with the prophecy to see it fulfilled and as we war with the prophetic Word, we shall instantly, suddenly, immediately see it fulfilled in our eyes.
As we conclude this morning, let’s take note of this: that we must keep expectations alive in order to see prophecy fulfilled (2 Peter 1:19-20). Church Gist. We have a more sure Word, we have an assurance in the Prophetic Word.
Proverbs 23:18
Keep your expectation alive! And with your eyes open and my eyes open, God will do wonders.
Prayers: Lord, I believe You. this coming Sunday is a reality. August 1st, that day of Pentecost is fully coming. I believe You.
Pray that prayer, express your faith and confidence in God. I believe You Lord, I believe You, You cannot lie. You have spoken it, it shall come to pass. You have spoken and You will make it good, I believe You Lord.
Give glory to God. Thank You, in Jesus precious name we have prayed.
CHoP is an acronym for Covenant Hour of Prayer