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  • Bishop David Oyedepo on “KEYS TO RECEIVING THE IMPARTATION OF THE SPIRIT OF FAITH” || UNVEILING THE TRIUMPH OF LIGHT || Day Three, Evening Session || Canaanland, Ota

Thank you Lord!

Thank you Jesus!

To you be all the praise in the name of Jesus.

One of the missing points in some meetings is to wait for prayers. Wait to be prayed for, instead of craving for encounters that come by the Word. The Bible says and the Spirit entered into me when he spoke unto me not when He prayed for me. ChurchGist. I was up in the gallery when Hagin was speaking and I saw the thing fired into me, I broke down sobbing uncontrollably and then came the voice; my son David, the baton has been passed to you.

All my profitable connectivity under Heaven came via the voice of God, all of them. ChurchGist. Arise, get down to Benin and meet my servant there. Clean! 5th February 1986, the following day I left, it was for an impartation that will help me to stand the opposition of 1987 in Kaduna. We tormented the devil, he won’t forget. The spirit of boldness in him swept over me. Tonight, watch out, any iota of grace that you notice that you desire (it is freely given to us not that we bought it) you will get it. UNVEILING THE TRIUMPH OF LIGHT (Part 7). In this concluding night, everything that needs to be completed through this summit in your life shall be completed.

We will be looking at KEYS TO RECEIVING THE IMPARTATION OF THE SPIRIT OF FAITH. And I want you to be very sensitive because faith shall be under the most gruesome attack in these end times. ChurchGist. Jesus said; when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth. Faith will suffer the worst attack in this end time and we can see it right now, many have started in the Spirit and they are ending in the flesh. It takes the Spirit of Faith at work to stand the test of time. And this Spirit is a trans-generational spirit. We have it, the same Spirit of Faith, from generation to generation, the same Spirit of Faith, you’re not intimidated by circumstances, that spirit speaks through you under the most severe circumstances. That is the package God has prepared for each of us tonight and your portion another man will not take.


Luke 18:18. Matthew 24:12

Faith drives on love, a heart for God not a heart for things. Loving God above all else including one self.

We also understand that all hell is out against the Faith of the saint so as to resist the fulfilment of God’s agenda in this end time. What is God’s agenda? Psalm 101:1 and this shall only come through by engagement of the shield of Faith or the Spirit of Faith. Faith is the devil’s number one target because that is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith. ChurchGist. So, if he can get that from you and me, then we have lost out in the battle. Daniel 7:27. It’s impossible to deliver that agenda without faith.

Through faith they subdued kingdom not through any other thing. Faith is not I believe and then I confess. No! I will tell you what it is. For example, the growth of the Church is the greatest headache for Satan and his cohorts.

God’s agenda is to make the mountain of His house to stand above all mountains and hills and all Nation shall flow into it. Satan said; What! No! It won’t happen. ChurchGist. Faith is the answer towards satanic harassment. 2nd Corinthians 4:4. We break that hold through the engagement of the shield of faith/ Spirit of Faith. The Spirit of Faith is the response to all satanic operations under the whole Heavens

So, we are called to contend for the faith once delivered to the saint, contend for it, crave for it, go after it, it will produce the same order of result.

We saw John take up the Spirit of Faith in Elijah. Luke 1:17. The spirit of just men made perfect is still hovering the earth today. So, it’s replication after replication for those who crave for it.

The Spirit of Faith is the same for all generations with the same impact. Psalm 145:4. Hebrews 12:22-24.

When we are gathered these are the things that are presents, among them are carriers of the Spirit of just men made perfect. They are humans but you operate in the Spirit of those men as endowed by God not an accomplishment. ChurchGist. We saw from the experience of Moses with God; God took the Spirit of Moses and placed it on 70 others who craved for it. Paul said; yee are all partakers of my grace, so it’s not just sharp sharp it is for as many that are interested.

When God speaks the Spirit of Faith surges. You can’t hear Him and doubt Him, something happens. The Spirit or Faith, moved in Moses, through faith they crossed the Red Sea, what kind of Faith? Not the principles of faith. You confess and possess, that is the Spirit of Faith.

Moses was leading above 3,000,000 into the sea. *When God speaks, the Spirit of Faith enters the person who God addresses. So, Rhema is the Word that birth the Spirit of Faith.

We saw how the Spirit of Faith entered into Abraham; A land that I will show you, when they ask me where are we going? What should I say? You can tell them anything but I won’t tell you where you’re going now., Just be going, where do I turn, just be going. He heard it, he could not doubt it. ChurchGist. It is not a journey anybody will undertake. We’re going out of time, where do we go now? I don’t know, I will tell you as you go. What entered into Abraham was the Spirit of Faith, which believes all things.

Paul heard the voice of Christ in no mistakable terms, the Spirit of Faith entered him and he just blew into action. Jesus said to His disciples, take nothing for your trip, greet no man on the way, stay on the assignment I gave you, I’m responsible. Luke 10:1-7, 22:35. Jesus asked them; when I sent you did you lack anything, Thomas was there he would have raised his hands and say excuse me we lack something. They lacked nothing. ChurchGist. Sir, when I heard, after I asked the Lord, who pays me? Himself, I never sought any other source from the time He spoke to me that He is responsible, you’re in employment, lobby around no man’s resources, that is how I interpreted it (He’s the one who interpreted it) not grammar. Lobby around no man’s resources, you’re on my payroll, stay on your duty, I’m responsible for your hire. This Word came 40 years ago, the effect is still here till today.

You will hear from Heaven. It is not that you will hear it to preach it, this is that you heard. One of my sons said I told him that you’re moving our luggage to Kaduna, he said I didn’t tell him where he will get the money from and he said that’s how I behave. ChurchGist. He’s a General Overseer in this country for a vibrant Church Ministry. Sam, get the things out to Kaduna on Monday.

Praise God!

You just hear and the Spirit of Faith just get fired in you. The Voice of the Lord God is mighty than the voice of many waters. No one hears from God and doubts Him, if you hear about God, you may doubt Him, if you read about God, you may doubt him but if you hear from God, you can’t doubt Him.

We saw that in Moses! Okay where is the question? How are these people going to eat, these crowds and we are on a journey. No question? I’m not taking you through another way, go through this week, go through the Red sea. He believes totally, absolutely and unreservedly and everything began to open up for him by the Word that he heard.

Abraham did not stagger, he held on to that word that was spoken. This is one great virtue in Rhema, you hear from God, faith is stirred up from your inside and barriers clear off from your way.

They went forth and they lacked nothing, there are many ministries here today by access to Rhema that stirs the Spirit of Faith, you won’t know lack anymore.

We all know that there are different levels of faith.

  1. There is a measure of faith that is granted to us at new birth. Romans ,12:3. How is it that you have no faith? What happened to the measure of faith? It is gone because it is not fed.

Little faith; oh yet of little faith, why did you doubt. Little faith accommodates doubt under severe circumstances.

  1. Great faith: woman, great is thy faith and she got it the way she wanted it.

And now we’re talking about supernatural faith, the ever-winning faith, the ever-conquering faith, the faith that is immune to deflect, it will not cow before severe situation. ChurchGist. Put the deliverance order on top of the issues that are drowning others.

The same Spirit of Faith that worked in Noah, a farmer building an ark by following divine instructions and the ark floated, no leakage. ChurchGist. God’s agenda is to bring other people to the same unity of faith with His apostles and prophets that are sent to minister to them.

We are talking about supernatural faith here. Let’s now check the characteristics of the spirit of faith.

You can’t have it without knowing, so let’s find out the expression of the Spirit of Faith, this three puts us in auto faith frequency, the capacity to respond spontaneously to the challenges of life. Don’t bother about what to say, it’s the spirit of your father that speaks in you. You don’t go to practice it. Spontaneous response.

You won’t bow, No natural man will speak the way the three Hebrew men spike to King Nebuchadnezzar, we are not talking about Electronic fire, it’s a real fire, it’s an oven, if they put you inside, even if there is no fire you will die, that spirit spoke, rawfully, authoritatively, Without any trace of shaking.

You’re going home with this; it shall be seen in every aspect of your life and ministry.

The Spirit of Faith empowers us to believe all things. How many things? So, whatever the Word says just suits you. Acts 24:14. You don’t select what to believe anymore, whatever God says in His word concerning you and the work in your hands is final. It just finds a sitting place. Believe in all things, people don’t believe many things. Believe in all things.

  1. The Spirit of Faith speaks the unspeakable. You came with me with spare and swords but I come to you in the name of the Lord, the Lord of Hosts whose army you’ve defiled. ChurchGist. Today, look at me, I will bring down your head and I will give your body to the birds of the air. While Goliath was still talking nonsense. Faith speaks the unspeakable.

It makes incredible moves, God says something and you’re not checking hot, he sets you on your feet and there you’re going. Go forward! And then he led a team and the Red Sea gave way. ChurchGist. The sea saw them, (the psalmist said in his prophetic word) and fled, Jordan was driven back. It makes incredible moves.

I’m dedicating the Faith Tabernacle (God said), September 18, 1999, not somewhere around it. I said it till everybody was tired because I was hearing it too. It was news to me. Whatever He says He does and He did it.

It dares the undareable. Those three Hebrew boys dared the furnace. The king said make it 7 times hotter. They were like if you want to increase it to 1,000 times if you want.

They did not struggle. Daring the undareable, that is the spirit of faith. based on the truth of the Word. It accomplishes the impossible.

We saw Daniel because he believed in his God. “Hold it, we’re coming, give us time, we’ll show you the secret”. How? “To tell me the dream I dreamt, you were not in my house, even those in my house can’t tell me”. Accomplishes the impossible. He dictated the dream line by line and the King was nodding his head. Church Gist. “That’s it, that’s what I saw”. When Daniel finished, he bowed down and worshipped him. Accomplishes the impossible. Daniel 2:46. That’s the spirit of faith for you and I.

The spirit of faith puts us at rest in the midst of the storm. You’re at rest. Jesus rebuked the wind and it stopped. The spirit of faith is the ultimate realm of faith. Storms must bow to it, the waves of the sea must bow to it.

  • somebody’s story is changing.
    Those are some of the characteristics of the faith. When it’s at work in you, you will know. I stood up by the strength of God against the noise of COVID-19 satan was ashamed that he did. Church Gist. You can’t lock down the whole world for one virus. He got tired and went back to hell where it came from.

How to partake of the transference of the Spirit of Faith.
This virtue is transferable. How do I become a partaker of the transference of this virtue? Remember God is the umpire of transferring such Spirit because man may choose who to give and who not to give. Numbers 11;16-17. Church Gist. The carrier doesn’t need to know you. “I will, I will”. 2 Chronicles 16:9. So, when we see God as the umpire, we can’t be denied when you’re on key. When you’re on key with the terms of transference, he’ll not deny you. He’s not faithful to deny Himself. His Word is settled in heaven. When your heart is right, the flow is auto. When your motive for it is right, when you’re not out to sell it. “Give me some of this power, so that anybody I lay my hands upon..”, you know, that’s my business before – soothsaying. “So, give me some of these power, I want to make more money because I’ve closed the other business.” He will say your heart is not right. Most of the things we crave for, we’re denied because our heart is not right and that’s the connecting point.

What was I looking for the spirit of faith for? To deliver the mandate He gave me. Not to be popular or known, no. You gave me Word of faith mandate, I need this thing that I see working in Hagin. Church Gist. I said, “whatever makes Hagin Hagin, I want it. Because you gave me a mandate akin to the one you gave him and he has proved his own. Allow me access to what he carries.” Clean up your motives. God’s Apostles and Prophets are commanded to release freely whatever the Lord has given them. Matthew 10:8. Romans 1:11. This is one of the foremost Spiritual gifts that will secure anybody’s place in God’s agenda. “The just shall live by his faith”. So, when this Ultimate faith begins to get at work in us, every bit of faith in God’s plan for our lives begins to come to pass, one phase after another.

Now, to access the spirit of faith.

  1. Identify a Carrier. Matthew 25:9. Don’t go shopping for furniture in a vegetable market. Don’t let anybody say that they have it, see by yourself that they have it. I saw that Hagin had what I need to deliver the mandate God has given me. Church Gist. He didn’t tell me that he has it, I saw. Why? You can’t give what you don’t have. Those who don’t have it, they can’t give it. With all sense of humility, the spirit of faith is hovering round this environment and atmosphere right now. It’ll descend unmistakably, undeniably on many that are seated here. The days of struggling to prove that the Word works will end in your life.
  2. Receive the person and the ministry of carrier. Matthew 10:41. You can’t partake of the virtue in an anointed person without receiving his person. Church Gist. You can’t be castigating the person of the carrier and expect to access what he carries. “My father in the Lord, my father in Lord”, it can come from the tips of your tongues, it’s not genuine and real.

I was at the airport one time, they know me, it wasn’t in the night; “Archbishop Benson is around, Archbishop Benson is around”. It’s me they saw and we’re not the same height. you can be sitting next to each other but without heart to heart connectivity, there will never be a flow. Receive the person and the ministry of the carrier. Church Gist. The spirit of Elijah, a murderer as it were, was the avowed father of Elisha. 2 Kings 2:12. All these fatherhood of the tip won’t help you.

  1. Crave for what he carries. That’s what Elisha demonstrated, there was a crave inside him. 2 Kings 3:11.
  2. Engage in sonship tie with the carrier. This is where this generation has a problem. Nobody is qualified to be their father. Nobody in the world. They’re the father of themselves. Proverbs 13:22. When they’re about to talk about inheritance in a family, no matter your closeness, they excuse you. “Please excuse us, we’re in a serious business that only concerns us”. Church Gist. But we’re in the last days, God is connecting the Spirit of fathers to their sons. There’ll be so much replication of grace, the kind the world has never known. Malachi 4:5-6. They’ll triumph and prevail like their fathers did. That’s the rescue agenda of God – to restore fatherhood and sonship to the body of Christ. This small head receives laying on of Hands several times every year. Engage in a sonship tie with the carrier and the grace won’t stop flowing. Even the King said to Elisha, “my father, my father, shall I smite them?” The king was not in the family of Elisha but that was his father. You find this grace being replicated in business places, in industries and everywhere. As you partake of it, it keeps working, it keeps flowing and it keeps showing. Church Gist. It’s your turn if you choose to be a partaker.

Luke 2:34. There’s no genuine Apostle or prophet that will not be spoken against by people both within and without, so you must know what you’re looking for and find out where you can find it and ignore those voices. Church Gist. It’s a design of the devil to make you miss out on what He has in store for you. So, speaking against God’s anointed people is normal.

  1. Keep feeding the spirit of faith with the Word. It’s not something you receive and go to sleep with. You have to keep that Spirit activated by feeding that spirit on the Word of life, which is the bread of the Spirit. If you don’t feed a baby, it’ll die without attack. Church Gist. Every spiritual gift thrives on the Word. You keep feeding those virtues on the Word and it keeps growing in strength, power and glory.

The Lord spoke to Dr. Copeland, “get back to all of Hagin’s teaching and start drawing from it”. 1962. So he went and gathered everything and began to listen all over again. Full of energy, vigour and strength. Only those who have fathers will have sons. Church Gist. All the “self-made syndrome” that is entering the Church now is a design of the devil to kill many.

  1. Stay connected for continuous flow. No matter how long a pipe is connected to the mains, the day it disconnects, the water will stop flowing. some of these giants of faith, through whom the Lord has transferred to me a lot of virtues, some have gone to heaven, but the virtue is still speaking. Church Gist. The connectivity is still sustained, so the flow must continue. Note that the spirit of faith is the Spirit of Life because the just shall live by his faith. Habakkuk 2:4. Romans 1:17. Galatians 10:11. Hebrews 10:38. So, faith is what defines the quality of life. So, the spirit of faith is the Spirit of Life and must have to be continuously fed on the Word to stay alive. God is saying here, “I have a package for you, the spirit of faith, are you interested?” Then line up with the terms and then take your portion. Church Gist. It gives you rest in the midst of the storm. You’re fast asleep on the pillow while the sea is roaring. I’m yet to meet the first person who would come before me and say, “you’re mad”. They say it behind, when it comes to me, “thank you sir, you’re such a blessing to our nation and to the world”. I’m yet to see the person. When our church was 10, they can’t say that. So, it’s not about size, it’s about grace. When they say something bad about me, they’ll praying that I won’t hear, they’ll be scared if I hear. Church Gist. What will I say? I won’t say anything, you’re just doing your job, I’m doing mine.
  • you have all the opportunity tonight to step into the next variant of this grace, and you’re getting there.

That God will tell you to do something, no matter how magnanimous, you’re at peace. “I thank you God, anything you say, you bring it to pass”. No human being cross your mind as the one who will help you. “No, God only”. The law of absolute dependence on God. Church Gist. I’m not a signatory to any Church account in this ministry. Because I have to read and sign and I can’t read anything like that. The only thing I’m reading now is the Bible and what will help me understand it. I’ve done a bit of that and retired from it. If God can trust you, why can’t you trust others? The spirit of faith carries these virtues for us. Anyone you need there, it has it. Let your motive be pure and Kingdom pruned. I said in those days, “God, if you ever bless me, I want to be part of building you churches”, I didn’t have a bank account and I wasn’t called to ministry. Church Gist. “I know you’re sincere, I will bless you. I’m persuaded you’ll do it”. I’ve been involved in Church building, by grace, for years. If your heart is right, the unction will flow. Let your motive be Kingdom pruned, get self out of the way and let the Spirit of God have access, free flow into your life.

The spirit of faith is the cure for all doubts. It comes in and doubt flees. He’s light, doubt is darkness. When that Spirit enters, the scorch of doubt is over. The torment of doubt is overthrown. Church Gist. My wife has been with me on some occasions where we’re threatened potential crash and I will say, “Peace”. At rest in the midst of the storm. A number of people here should not be alive now, we were on the same flight to Kano and we lost an engine inflight. The captain had a bald head like mine, I didn’t have one then. I saw the plane was slowing down, so I walked into the cockpit and said, “what’s going on sir?” He said, “we just lost an engine” with his head oozing sweat. I said, “relax, make a turn back to Lagos”. Church Gist. I got to the cabin, I said, “will you like to have snacks?” If I told them we lost one engine, I may lose all of them, they’ll open the door and be jumping. We were eating snacks on the devil’s head. The spirit of faith. And when you’re at peace, God takes over the battle. Exodus 14:14. So, it establishes your peace that commits God to work. You can’t lose a battle when God takes it over and He won’t take it over until you’re at rest. You can’t be at rest without the spirit of faith at work. Jesus was asleep and the water was asleep and the water was filling the boat. Mark 4:38-39. Church Gist. I want this thing, I don’t want to struggle with issues of life and concerns of ministry anymore.

Prayer: Endow me with the spirit of faith tonight. Go ahead and pray.

No gang up can render the Spirit of Faith ineffectual. The just shall live by “his” faith not by “their” faith or the faith of the group. One of the elders, very sincere and committed elder, he asked me, “what of elderly people that are not mobile, how would they get here?” I said, “there are other Churches around, it could be that my ministry with them is over, they can cross to any of the living Churches”. Restfully. No games. I heard from God, the Spirit of Faith is alive.

Baba T. L. Osborne was here, we had not moved in. He said, “David, how do people get here?” I said, they’re already here”. I heard the one who spoke to me. So, it’s not anybody’s unbelief that’s affecting your faith. Nobody’s unbelief can make your faith have no effect. Church Gist. Your faith never needed support to be saved, so, it won’t need anybody’s support for you to triumph. Faith will deliver in the life of whosoever believes. Faith is not a democratic force. It’s a manifestation of individual’s stand with God.

  • somebody’s story is changing. You must leave here with that thing today.

You have built your measure of faith to the realm of little faith, some of us have built it to the realm of great faith and some of us have built it to the realm of vedy great faith. Now, we’re saying, step into the realm of supernatural faith. Church Gist. That one is a spontaneous response to attacks launched at you. Battle-ready, anyday and anytime.

We were involved in a potential ghastly accident and I heard my wife say “Jesus, Jesus”, I said, “no, once is enough, Jesus’ name two times is too much for this kind of thing”. The accident was still in motion, not that we had landed. I said, “we’re not going to hit that pavement”. Church Gist. The Spirit of faith is at peace and at rest. The spirit of faith just smashes out every trace of doubt.

  • the last battle you may have lost is the last you’ll ever record.

Put your right hand on your chest.

  • I decree right now, a raw release of the Spirit of Faith after the order of the one I carry, that will enable everyone that truly opens his heart for it to produce results after the same order.
  • I decree the release of this raw spirit of faith that will empower each one of us to produce the same order of results after those who carried it in scriptures, after those who are carrying the same Spirit here now, in the name of Jesus.
  • by the operation of this Spirit, that seemingly little ministry will soon be turned to a kingdom. Not your kingdom but the Kingdom of Christ. Not your family’s kingdom but the Kingdom of Christ. Receive it in the name of Jesus!
  • therefore, go forth and take over your territory. Go forth and step in your promised land. Go forth and fulfill God’s agenda for your life and ministry. In the name of Jesus!

It makes you a defence city, an iron pillar. People fighting you are wasting their time, they’re bound to lose out.

  • in the name of Jesus, I declare that by this spirit, your sense of security comes back alive.
  • it puts its carriers in command. Therefore, from now, take command! Over the affairs of that ministry, take command! Over the environment where you’re operating, take command! On the land traveling, take command! On the boat and on the sea, take command! In the name of Jesus! Thank you Jesus. Blessed be your name.

One of my mentors said, “don’t tell me you got this thing from me, you’ve gotten more from me than I did”.

  • I, therefore, pray tonight that you get more from this than I do. I decree so in the name of Jesus! That you get more from this heavenly virtue than I do.

When you’re climbing a ladder, at the last step of the ladder, you’re already taller than the ladder. Not by competitive spirit, but you remain meeker as you go higher. Whether your father is an illiterate or a literate, he’s your father. Whether he’s short or tall, he’s your father. Every generation is ordained an improvement on the previous.

  • therefore, in the name of Jesus, whatever the Spirit of Faith has done in my life, I decree that you go beyond it.
    That’s why I believe that this ministry can’t go down because the things that have been given to me, I’ve passed it. They must get greater results. Church Gist So, when we get to heaven when our time comes, we’ll be looking down from there and watching the fire burning.
  • so shall it be for your ministry.
    Some ministries die before the founders die.
  • generations after you will be drawing virtues from the work you’re doing. In the name of Jesus. So shall it be.

If you believe you got it, give God thanks with a loud voice.











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