KNOW YOUR WORK (ASSIGNMENT) – Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche || Power Communion (Midweek) Service || Glory Dome, Abuja.

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– Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche on “KNOW YOUR WORK (ASSIGNMENT)” || Power Communion (Midweek) Service || Glory Dome, Abuja.

I welcome everyone here tonight in the Precious name of Jesus. One of the most important messages you have listened to is one of those you would be listening to tonight. Church Gist. In this month, God is showing us the things we would know in order to rise and shine. What are the things we need to know?

1. To know our God.

2. To know ourselves.

Today, we want to know our work. Know your work (assignment). Proverbs 22:29. Our objective tonight is to understand work and life’s assignments. Church Gist. Anything we need to understand regarding work and life’s work. By way of introduction, it’s important to note that man was not created to be lazy. Man was created for work. Church Gist. God is the originator of work. Work is not a curse, it is  sweating without result that is a curse. Genesis 2:8.

Now, we look through Scripture and we understand that God is a worker. Genesis 2:2. Jesus is a worker. John 5:17. So, we have seen the Father working and the Son working. Church Gist. Thirdly, the Holy Spirit is a worker. Galatians 3:5. 1 Corinthians 12:4-6. God is a worker, Jesus is a worker, the Holy Spirit and man is required to work. Genesis 2:15. Ecclesiastes 9:10.  1 Thessalonians 4:11. Church Gist. God requires us to work.

– somebody say Amen.

Question is, what is work? I have five definitions for work.

1. One is from the Oxford dictionary and that says, “work is every activity involving mental or physical effort in order to achieve results”. Church Gist. Whatever you put your mind and physical energy to do that is going to bring you results is called work.

2. Work is the engagement of life’s time, energy and ability for results and rewards. That is, you give your time, 7-8 hours a day, you gave your energy and your abilities, the different things you could do, you gave it to get results and rewards. Church Gist. At the end of the day, they paid you salary.

3. Work is any endeavour or activity that constitutes livelihood or income source. In other words, what you do with your life for a living.

I’m going to more revolutionary definitions.

4. Work is that channel for the expression of life’s potential, wisdom, skill or learning. Anything you do to cause you to express your potential, wisdom, skill or workmanship and your learning – what you learnt in school or studied – is called work. Church Gist. So, if they are paying you salary every month and you’re not putting in your potential, not engaging your wisdom, skill and not putting in what you learnt, you’re not working.

5. Work is the avenue for difference making, solution provision, change creation and contribution offering. Church Gist. Work is what you do to make a difference in the organization or the society where you’re doing it; to provide solution where solution is needed; to create change where changed is needed and to offer your contribution. That was what Joseph, Daniel and David did. Church Gist. So, if you claim to be working or you’re employed in a job somewhere and you’re not making any difference, you’re not providing any solution and not creating a change – nothing is changing because you’re there, and you’re offering no contribution, just consuming salary, you’re not working.

Quickly, let’s take note of two things about work.

1. Work can be regular or official engagement or non-regular, unofficial involvement as in self-employment. Because many people think that until government gives them an employment letter, they don’t have a job. Many people think that until a private organization hands them an employment letter, they do not have a work. Church Gist. In those days, 20-30 years ago, when you ask some Pastors, “what work do you do? Where are you working?” They will say, “I’m not working. I’m Pastoring” and that was a terrible thing to say because it is not possible for you to work and you’re not aware.

2. The main purpose of work is not just the achievement of salary but the making of difference. Church Gist. Salary would come along the line but it is not just the achievement of salary but the making of a difference. If you’re not making any difference, it’s almost as good as stealing the salary.

Quickly, why work? Why should anybody work?

We are in for a seminar tonight so there may not be too much shouting of Amen but there will be shouting along the line.

Why work? Why is work necessary?

1.  Work is the number one demand of life. Work is the first demand of life. After God created man in Genesis chapter 1:28, He ushered him into work straight – ‘Be fruitful’, that is produce fruit and there is no way you will produce fruit without planting seed. Church Gist. In Genesis 2:15, ‘The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it’, what is the meaning? Without meaningful work, life becomes a burden. And I can say this to you, without work, life begins to degenerate. I am talking of physically, life begins to degenerate.

Ecclesiastes 10:18, ‘… and through the idleness of hands the house droppeth through’. Whether it is physical house or the house which is your body, it begins to degenerate and degrade when it is not put into active effort. Am I communicating? I see this all the time, you see this very very active man, smart, sharp and by the time he’s aged sixty-five or sixty, they give him retirement letter. Just give him two, three, four, five months for some people and you may not like what you see. Church Gist. Under one year, they have added the physical equivalent of ten years in age, age came suddenly because work is no more in place. Some people begin to become physically afflicted, am I communicating at all? The system, physical body system degenerates.

One man whose father left so much inheritance for him, big money, he was still working as an Airport Personnel, working with somebody’s aircraft and somebody said, ‘Ah! They have left millions for you, why are you still working? He said, ‘In order to be alive I have to work’! Work is a demand of life. The way many of us work, the way some of us work, weakness is not a possibility. Church Gist. You know? Laziness is more tiring than diligence. It’s far more tiring!! It’s far more tiring than diligence, so work is the number one demand of life. If your life must be running like a car that is packed and it is not moving – That just begins to degenerate. If your life must be running you must be working! If your body must be intact, you must be working. Somebody say a loud Amen!

If I go to the village today, I may see some of my age mates who… In fact, I was going in the neighbourhood not too long ago when in the village and I came across a corner there and I saw people seated around palm wine as early as 8 am. Church Gist. Some of these people if you see us, it’s like you see your grandfather. No! We were in the same class. Work is the number one demand of life

2.  Work attracts the rain and blessing of Heaven

If you want rain and blessing from Heaven you must be engaged meaningfully. In Genesis 2:5, very exciting passage, God has not caused it to rain upon the earth why? Church Gist. There was not a man to till the ground. God will not allow the rain to fall on a ground that is not being tilled. In Deuteronomy 28:8, the blessing of the Lord is looking for the work of man’s hands.

3.  Work determines worth

Another way to say it is that labour brings dignity Proverbs 22:29. This is the meaning, labour! Say it again, the diligent labourer will always stand in the companies of authorities and royalties. I should be preaching in the country of Tanzania next week not necessarily because of, we have a crusade or a Church planting even though we are working at something right now. Church Gist. But the people of the land said we want you to come and preach to us. It’s a Presidential breakfast, Top Ranking Officials of the Government ranging from their President to everybody who should be in the meeting. And then they say, ‘Wait a minute, ‘Erm! While doing that, we want you also to help us address our Parliament the day before the meeting and all of that!

And now, we are asking everyone who follows Dunamis Church from the Nation of Tanzania to let us know because we will be, we should be in your country. I am saying, ‘Should be…’ because we are still working on travel arrangements. We should be in your country by next week and we intend to meet with everyone, Pastor and membership who are following Dunamis online and following on the television and then we shall be having a session with ourselves. Church Gist. Hallelujah! You are not struggling! Now, they kept on putting on pressures for that meeting, they kept on, on and on. I said, ‘My schedule is loaded’. They called somebody in this country who has been there to call me and to find out. They want me there and all of that. You are not struggling to meet with people, all you need is to face your work and your world will face you. Just face your work! Find your work and face it and face it squarely Proverbs 22:29.

4.  Work determines survival and sustenance 2 Thessalonians 3:10

If he is not working, he is not licensed to eat. The food will dry out from the mouth of the lazy. Church Gist. The food will dry out from the mouth of the indolent. Ephesians 4:28.

-I decree today, by the speaking of this Message, the days of scarcity are over in your life!

5.  Work offers the opportunity to release potentials, make contribution and create change

That is, work is your opportunity to fly. It’s like bringing the eagle out of the cage and it is flying, it is like putting the fish in the ocean and it is swimming. In Genesis 40:6-8, Joseph was in the prison and he had the right to be to himself, he had the right to just face himself but he decided to work. Church Gist. What was the work? The work of releasing his potential of encouragement. And then there was somebody who dreamt, two people and they couldn’t interpret the dream and they were sad. He released his potential to work and make a difference in their lives and create change in their countenance that led him to the palace.

-I see somebody going places!

Now, know your assignment is the Message, know your work. And we have defined work so far and we have defined why should we work. The question we are to ask and answer is: Why know your work? What is the benefit of knowing your work?

1.  To be knowledgeable is to be marketable

If you are not knowledgeable, you are not marketable, nobody is looking for liability to hire. To be knowledgeable is to be sought after. If you know what you do, your world will look for you. In 1 Kings 9:27, if he (Hiram) was to send somebody to Solomon, he had to get people who had knowledge. You saw the story of Joseph Genesis 41:14-16, he had knowledge of dreaming and interpreting dreams so they brought him before Pharaoh because there was something he knew how to do. What of David? Church Gist. 1 Samuel 16:17-18, he knew how to play the instrument and play it very well and they located him and brought him before Saul. What of Daniel? In Daniel 5:11, Daniel had the skill of wisdom and they brought him before King Darius.

Listen, excellence is the answer to prejudice. When you know how to do the work, your tribe is immaterial and especially if you are the only one who can do it. Church Gist. Every trace of nepotistic and all these tendencies where things work, if you know how to do it and you really know how to do it well, they have to look for you. They may be people of another religion, they may be people of another tribe, they may be people of opposite tribe.

-Somebody say Amen!

2. To be knowledgeable is to function in the company of authorities and royalties. If you know your work, if you know what you do, you will function in the company of authorities and royalties. Proverbs 22:29. Church Gist. We just saw the example of Joseph, David and Daniel, three of them all went before kings. Joseph before Pharoah, David before King Saul and Daniel before all the kings of Babylon – Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, Darius, Cyrius, he was before them because he was knowledgeable. Church Gist. You function in the company of authorities and royalties.

3. To be knowledgeable is to access abundance effortlessly. If you know your work, you won’t struggle for resources. Genesis 41:39-44. Church Gist. We saw how the whole of the resources of Egypt came under the control of Joseph because he was knowledgeable.

4. To be knowledgeable is to make Divine favour and promotion easy. Divine favour and promotion become easy if you’re knowledgeable. What I mean is, you make it easy for God to place you without anybody gnashing their teeth. You make it easy for God to favour and promote you. God is a just God, He won’t advertise mediocrity. Church Gist. He won’t carry you and put you on top of those who know better than you. In rare occasions, He may put you on top of those who have been working for years and (have more) experience, it’s possible but where this person knows it far more than you and you don’t know anything near him, the just God knows. But when you know better than anybody, you make it easy for him to place you like Daniel. Daniel 6:1-4. Church Gist. And if they complain, He would say, “you know what? He’s more spiritual than you, he knows your work more than you, he has more humility than you, he has more character than you, what is your complain?”

– somebody say a louder Amen.

– somebody who is about to be positioned by God and no devil is going to be able to complain about it, shout the loudest Amen!

– say after me, “in the name of Jesus, I shall take my place in the land of the living on the platform of excellence and the devil can do nothing about it”.

Me, myself, like we say in Nigeria, I am enjoying this lesson. You know when the caterer enjoys the food himself.

5. To be knowledgeable is to bring God honour and glory with your life and influence your world positively for God. Church Gist. That is, you’re the best doctor they ever saw in that hospital, you’re the best lawyer, best this and best that in that establishment and they say, “you know his secret? He’s a child of God. He’s filled with the Holy Ghost. He’s speaking in tongues. He’s cast out devils. He doesn’t take a bribe. He’s not frivolous. He’s not fraudulent. You can’t catch him with anything wrong” and then you brought honour and glory to God. Mathew 5:14-16. Church Gist. That is what God is looking for from us, “shine, stand out, be outstanding, be exceptional, let people glorify me. Don’t bring insult to me by your life”. They will say, “work, he doesn’t do. Come early to work, he can’t come early to work. Give him simple account to balance, he can’t balance and he says he’s a chartered accountant and he won’t let everybody with his speaking in tongues. Church, Church, Bible, Bible and he won’t let us rest”. Church Gist. What a shame, what a reproach. You didn’t just bring insult to yourself, you’re bringing insult to God and to the Kingdom.

– that shall never be your portion!

I have said many times that excellence is a Kingdom demand, it’s a department of our holiness. Church Gist. Excellence – to do it cleanly and neatly. Hallelujah!

What do you to know your work?

1. Be interested in what you do. Put your heart where your hand is. Where you have laid your hands, let your heart follow. Ecclesiastes 9:10. Church Gist. Nobody can know a subject he’s not interested in. Why do people study literature, government, economics and the arts subjects? That is their interest. Why do people study biology, physics, chemistry? That is their interest. I was so interested in Biology and physics, cleared everything at WAEC level, A1. In higher institution, I was solving physics, I was so interested in it. When a child says, “I don’t like mathematics”, that is failure. “I don’t like literature”, failure confirmed. Church Gist. So, where you begin with is to beg them to like it, especially the subject that is necessary for them. There are some teachers that will make subjects uninteresting. Church Gist. Be interested in what you do. Wherever you’re working, if you’re not interested, it’s possible you’re in the wrong place doing the wrong thing.

2. Read and study around your work or area of life’s assignment. Whatever is your life’s assignment, you’re in ministry, read around it. Church Gist. You’re doing property business, don’t be jumping up and down because everybody is doing property in Abuja, read around it. You’re in law, medicine, whatever it is. Papa Oyedepo said before he started the journey of Covenant University as led by God, he decided to read about the major universities in the world  – Cambridge, Oxford, Havard – what is it that made them to be such universities. Daniel 9:2. Church Gist. Read and study around your work or area of life’s assignment if you want to know it.

3. Study those who do very well what you’re called to do. Study those who do very well what you do with your life. What you’re doing for life, there are those who are doing it very well. Study them. Daniel 9:2. Church Gist. Study the life and the actions of those who do far better than you, what you’re endeavouring to do. I have studied that and continued to study people like Kenneth E. Hagin, God’s servant, Bishop David Oyedepo, Archbishop Benson Idahosa, the Enigma and several of these people, how they lived and how they did their things.

4. Endeavour to maintain mentoral influence and guidance. If you’re into estate and property business, there should be a property mentor, somebody who has character, who is doing well and in that realm. Church Gist. Let him mentor you in that business. You’re planning to be a star lawyer, get an outstanding star lawyer, let him mentor you. Judges 7:17. Acts 4:13.  God’s servant, Bishop Oyedepo said this and I quote, “you don’t play your role at your best without a role model in your assignment”. You play your role at its best once there’s a role model. Like I heard from God’s servant, Morris Cerrulo, “all truths are parallel, principles of success are universal”. Church Gist. What the man is doing in ministry that is causing him to get any result, you do it with your life. How he attacks the assignment with focus and does the things he does, you do it with your life, you will get the same result. So, endeavour to main mentoral influence and guidance.

5. Endeavour to learn as you go. This is, learn on the job. Endeavour to learn on the job. Don’t come to a point where you have finished learning. Church Gist. The challenge of our generation is that many people finish school and also finish learning. The last time they opened a book was when they were reading for their last exam, that is a disaster of life. You may finish schooling but never learning. John 21:6. Can I say this to you? In your journey of life, you must always be ready to change approach if you want to end reproach. Please don’t die with what is not working. Church Gist. Everyone married to tradition will continue to deliver frustration. They say, “who do you want to marry?” You say, “I have found tradition”. They will say, “okay. Get ready for your first child to become frustration, second one, depression, third, deprivation”.

– somebody say a loud Amen.

In conclusion, what do you do to make the most of your work life so that your life is not wasted?

1. Ensure that you do what you are wired to do with your life Jeremiah 1:5.

Don’t struggle to be a Pastor if you’re not called to pastor and don’t let people call you. Because there are people that God called and there are people that people called. They say, “All your mates are Pastors now, you went to Bible School together”. Ensure that you do what you’re wired to do with your life. Even in the business realm, there is a business that may be your own. Church Gist. Meanwhile, you are pouring your energy in a wrong business because your friend is succeeding there. Maybe, you are not called into politics. I met a man who was fully accomplished, had his money, had everything before he stepped into politics. And he spoke to me and he said, ‘I wished I never stepped in there’. You know? There are people that when they arrive a Nation they receive them like Presidents and they are not Presidents, they are stars in their field. Unfortunately in our Nation here, everybody thinks until you enter politics you are not anything. Ensure that you do what you are wired to do with your life. Wrong engagement and assignment is signature for frustration in life. When you are wrongly engaged in the wrong assignment, you have signed for frustration. Ensure that you do what you are wired to do with your life.

2.  Ensure that you do what you love and you love what you do

Do what you love, love what you do. You are going to work and you are not happy, something is wrong. Church Gist. In Genesis 40:6-8, obviously, Joseph was enjoying his life as he interpreted the dreams. In 2 Chronicles 26:10, concerning King Uzziah, the Bible said he loved husbandry. Do what you love and love what you do.

3.  Ensure that you work with singleness of focus and purpose per time Proverbs 4:25-28.

That with singleness of focus and purpose per time. This is what I mean, don’t be working in this place and all your attention is focused on another work you are looking for to the point where your input here is suffering. You are so distracted and you are saying, ‘No! I’m just managing here, I know this is not where I am meant to be, I’m just managing here’! You are doing disfavour to that assignment, to yourself and Jehovah is watching. Church Gist. The law is: Anywhere you are, be there, for as long as you are there. Do you understand what I mean? Anywhere you are, be there! Don’t be there and here and there and here. Be there for as long as you are there, give everything you’ve got into what you are doing per time. It’s possible to be looking for another job, yes! It’s possible! But don’t let that destroy your focus, destroy your attention and destroy your input in the job that is paying your current salary. Selah! You may not hear this kind of thing in Church or in Churches plenty but this is raw Gospel.

4.  Ensure that you give your task all you’ve got – Energy, ability, wisdom.

Give your task all you can – Energy, ability, wisdom Acts 20:20, Paul the Apostle said, ‘…I have kept back nothing’! Keep nothing back. Church Gist. Don’t hold your energy back, don’t hold your abilities back, don’t hold your wisdom back – Give it all it takes until it gives you all it contains.

5.  Ensure that you give your task the very best

This is insisting on excellence, the very best!! I’m talking to somebody directly right now, let everything associated with you carry the signature of excellence. Everything! Somebody brought me a painting on Sunday, when I passed I didn’t recognize the painting until I looked closely, he painted my family and so on. And then, I recognized my wife’s face and I recognized Paul-Daniel’s face. Church Gist. Okay! I can recognize this and this! Every other person looked a bit like themselves, I was the only one that was totally unrecognizable. And I told the young man and said… He said, ‘I came all the way from the East, I brought a painting’. And I said, ‘This does not look like me’! Now, normally, I would respect them small and I will say, ‘Okay! Collect the painting’! But that one I was very brutal, it doesn’t look like me. ‘No! In your eyes does this look like me’? In your own eyes not in another person’s eyes. What I do? (Laughing). What did I do? Hallelujah! Let it carry your signature of excellence.

The way human beings behave, you see? On Sunday I was driving back here to the office with some people, I saw cans of coke on the ground, people were around it. It didn’t bother anybody to pick it. You see? This, I had to stop the car, was almost coming out of the car to pick the can of coke in the compound here. And then, the people driving with me rushed to pick them up. This mediocrity, they carry it into everything, this dragginess of feet and careless attitude about everything is carried into work. Church Gist. The way I do my things can be very strange at times. I was drinking the little five hundred milliliters of the table water and I have not finished it and the person coming to pack the plate, what is left inside is like this. And he came to carry it and I said, ‘Where is the water I was drinking’? He said, ‘I thought you have finished it’! I said, ‘No, there is still something left in it’! I said, ‘I have to finish it so I can account for the bottle’! It’s the same principle will drinking full cup! I said, ‘Well! I think it is the matter of the brain!

You gave me that plate of rice, if I’m eating the rice from this side, by the time I’m through here, you won’t find one grain on this side, the rest is here! It’s almost cut like surgery. One day, my wife came and snapped the balance of the food, she said, ‘You people come and see your father, see how he ate this rice, the balance is on this side, on this side it’s a straight line no grain is left’. The other people, they may eat their own like where chicken … (Laughing). You know the way chicken scatters ground? Church Gist. Am I communicating at all?

-I’m praying that God will give us that consciousness that things should be done well.

You don’t rush out of what you haven’t finished doing. At times, my wife is coming to me and I say, ‘Hold on! And then she reverses on the spot. Why? I say, a thought is flowing, right now I must pen down in a hurry, if you engage me now, it evaporates. ‘So, I’m sorry’!! And she reversed back. Church Gist. What point are we making right here? Ensure that you give your task the very best. Insist! And whatever we are saying now does not claim that we are there yet because it’s a journey. Am I communicating at all? Nobody should misunderstand this, it’s a journey that is ongoing. In Proverb 4:18, Matthew 5:15, never allow mediocrity to be your identity.

6.  Keep on learning

That is, you want to get the best out of your work life, keep on learning. Church Gist. Keep on striving to do better, keep on learning better ways of doing things. Whatever you do, keep learning, keep improving Proverbs 4:18, Philippians 3:13.

7.  Be open to feedback and appraisals

If you want to get the best out of your work life, be open to feedback and appraisals. Someone said that feedback is the breakfast of champions. Be open to feedbacks and appraisals. Most times when some people get feedbacks they become very angry, they think it’s a criticism. No! Be open to feedback and appraisals. What are people saying about you? What are they saying about what you do? And I categorized it into three or four people you must get this feedback from:

1.  Your clients, your customers, those you serve. What is their feedback? Don’t be angry when they say this or that! What is their feedback? Church Gist. Are they saying your services are too expensive or you don’t have a human feelings or whatever?

2.  Your subordinate: People working under you, they would have feedbacks for you. Church Gist. And they may not say anything until you give them the license to do so, they may think you may take it personal if they say something.

3.  Your superior officers or bosses

You know? In the book, ‘Career and workplace wisdom’, I gave a counsel that someone should just go to their boss and ask, ‘Boss, is there anything you want me to do that I’m not doing? Is there anything I’m doing that you don’t like me to do anymore? Is there something you want me to do differently? One of our members here carried this book and is now a top star in her banking institution. One lady in America, New York heard that and went to her boss in the office and she said, ‘I came to ask you some questions Sir’! ‘Is there anything I’m doing you don’t want me to do’? Church Gist. Is there anything you want me to do that I’m not doing? Is there something that you want me to do differently? I just want to make the work easy for you! She said that to her boss and the boss said, ‘Oh! I wish it was another employee that was asking me this question’! There is nothing I want you to do you are not doing, there is nothing you are doing I don’t want you to do and there is nothing I want you to do more, just keep on doing the way you are doing. If it was this other person now, I would have known what to answer them. That earned her promotion, earned her shifts! So you must be open to this kind of feedbacks from clients, from subordinates, from superior officers.

4.  From your colleagues

People you work together with. They may see things you are not seeing. Church Gist. I have said many times, no matter how wise a person is, you cannot see the back of your head. Somebody needs to see it for you. There are people who see things you cannot see per time. Hallelujah!

5.  Feedback from society, the people at large, general people. What do they say? And by the time you get feedbacks, you are qualified to be a champion.

Conclusion, rise and work knowledgeably and no force on hell can stop your shining and your glory. Arise! Shine! For your light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.











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