*Seven Wonderful Things About God
By Pastor E. A. Adeboye at Day 5 RCCG Convention
Theme: Wonderful
Isaiah 9:6
This is a very special Convention indeed. We decided to have our Convention online because of the pandemic.
In September, the Holy Ghost Service will be for those who are trusting God for the fruit of the womb and the theme will be ‘Let There Be Light’ part 8.
The Lord has done something very special while l was waiting on Him, He gave me words of prophecy. Let me assure you that there has never been a better night in your life
What is the first name given to Him? WONDERFUL
Wonderful is a combination of two words meaning ‘full of wonders’.
Everything about God is wonderful.
– His works are Wonderful in Psalm 107:8.
– His testimonies are Wonderful, when you consider all He has done in the past.
Psalm 119:129.
– His knowledge is wonderful.
Psalm 139:6.
– His counsel is Wonderful
Isaiah 28:29.
I just want to focus on seven things about him that is wonderful. I’m choosing seven because 7 is a perfect number
Seven Wonderful Things about Him.
1. The wonders of His size:
Isaiah 66:1.
His legs.
Deuteronomy 33:27 calls His arms everlasting. How big is He put together?
2 Chronicles 16:18 says the heaven of heavens cannot contain him Consider the size of His nose, Exodus 15:8 says when He breaths, the sea parted. His ears are so large, He can hear the prayers of everyone at the same time. He is very big
He can make Himself small enough to dwell in you as big as He is.
1 John 4:4.
He dwells in you and doesn’t lose His greatness. He is bigger than COVID-19.
I am assuring somebody here today, it doesn’t matter the forces against you, greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world.
2. The Wonders of His love:
1 John 4:8.
He is the love that is willing to give His all
John 3:16.
The Almighty God is an all giving love.
Romans 8:32
We see how great this love is.
Romans 5:7-8, John 15:13.
If you are looking for the kind of love that can endure that is Jesus kind of love.
He will set you up for major and uncommon breakthrough.
2 Chronicles 1:18 ( The story of Solomon).
I shared with some of you before the testimony years ago, my father in the Lord called all workers together and said well, my children
Next week we will be needing a certain amount of money.
The following Sunday Papa gathered all of us again and thanked all of us and said how many of you closed your account like I said, only I and my wife raised our hands. And he said ‘You have done what nobody else has’
May the Almighty God set you up for a great breakthrough in Jesus name.
Romans 8:37.
Because of His love, we are more than conquerors. You can go to war and win if God is with you (David and Goliath).
More than conquerors means you don’t even have to fight.
I pray for everyone of you listening to me today, from now on you will be more than conquerors.
3. Wonders of His mercy:
Ephesians 2:4-6 talks about God who is rich in mercy.
Lamentation 3:22-23 it is because of His mercy that we are not consumed.
I am praying for everyone of you, may you continue to enjoy the mercy of God.
This mercy of God is in operation in certain places Genesis 19:15-16. Mark 10:46-52. Mark 10:,46-52 The blind beggar who was crying for mercy, he was told to shut up, but the mercy of God waited. Can you imagine the mercy of God waiting? The King of Kings waited for a beggar
James 2:13 says mercy rejoices over judgement meaning if you want to cry to God, don’t begin to tell Him how good you are, just ask for mercy.
God have mercy on me.
4. The wonders of His Glory:
1 Timothy 6:16, Acts 22:66, Isaiah 6:1-3 says even the angels who stood near God had to cover their faces so that the glory will not destroy them. Glory is the opposite of shame.
Proverbs 3:35. 1 Corinthians 15:4, as glorious as stars are, we can only see them at night.
Revelation 22:16.
We were having a program at Ebute Metta several years ago and suddenly the word came for a rich man that after he finished eating from the dinning table, he will not be satisfied until he goes to eat from the dustbin.
The Almighty God wanted to set the person free and l couldn’t say it because it will be shameful, l just told the person to see me privately.
That God is here tonight and He is going to get rid of anything causing shame.
5. Wonders of the Name:
The names are many.
Isaiah 9:6 Revelation 1:8.
Everyone of His name is meaningful
John 14:6 says l Am the Way. The way out of the problems, not only the ways out of problems but the way into joy, peace and everything beautiful.
He is always the Truth.
2 Corinthians 13:8, being the Truth makes Him irresistible.
John 8:32, 36 when the Truth sets you free, you are free indeed.
People have tried to erase the name Jesus Christ from the world and they have failed.
According to John 8:32, John 8:36 when the truth sets you free, you are free indeed.
We all appreciate the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ. John 1:14.
Do you know 2+2 is 4 in the old testament, it’s still 4 in the new testament. No matter what you try, the truth still remains the truth.
John 11:25.
There is nobody too dead that Jesus cannot raised. Because He is the ressurretion and the life.
Each name is powerful.
Phillipians 2:9-11
John 14:14- anything you ask in my name, I would do. Wonderful Jesus.
6. The wonders of his blood:
Leviticus 17:11, the life of Jesus Christ is in his blood.
The powerful blood cleanses from all sins.
1 John 1:7
Exodus12:13, the angel told Moses, when I see the blood, I will pass over you.
Hebrew 10:19.
How many friends do you take to your bedroom?
7. The wonders of His Anger, it doesn’t matter what anybody may tell you, He is love and His love is Wonderful.
Hebrews 12:6.
He loves you, but be careful, don’t toy with Him Revelation 3:19.
If God loves you, He will not leave you on your own to do whatever you want.
Proverbs 29:12
Hebrews 12:29
Hebrews 10:31.
Don’t toy with Him, He is a Holy God.
Proverbs 29:1, God loves sinner, He has no pleasure in the death of a sinner.
Please my beloveth, don’t let anybody deceive you in Psalm 7:11, God is angry with the wicked and when He decides to show His anger, He does it in a terrible way.
When he was angry with Sodom and Gomorrah he brought down fire.
Don’t let anybody deceive you God can be angry, Acts 5:1-11(Ananias and Sapphira).
Father help me not to be disobedient to you In Jesus Name.
Watch your steps, those of you who are playing games with the Most High God, watch it.
If you surrender your life to God today, His mercy is still there, if you’re a backslider bow down your head and cry to Him, Lord please restore me.
Pray for the resurrection of those who are toying with sin let us pray for God to save the sinners and restore the back-sliders in Jesus name.
Thank you Father for this Wonderful Combination.
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