- Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo at RCCG Youth Convention Tagged ‘Exceeding Expectations’
(Day 4, Afternoon Session).
Did you know that Nigeria is the highest consumer of champagne? Church Gist. Yes sir! Google it when I am done. The highest consumer of champagne on earth is Nigeria.
Did you know that Nigeria is the second highest consumer of Hennessy? Church Gist. Second highest consumer of Hennessy is Nigeria. But from today, something is changing. Your story is changing. Are you ready for a mind shift? I said are you ready for the change of mind?
31 years ago, I bought the land. Anyone who comes there, they will tell them, ‘Ashimolowo has a land here’. So people began to buy. Church Gist. I bought 900 hectares in Mowe. I don’t have anything then, I had no house. Now I have a house, a very small house in Lekki. Church Gist. Change your mindset because your mindset determines what comes to you.
You can only transmit an idea which you have. Your thoughts must affirm the desire you have. Church Gist. Not a mere experience. Don’t just say if I can just touch the money. No! You need to be ready because the Bible says that He gives you the power to create wealth that He may establish His covenant with you.
No one ever creates wealth or starts the importance of wealth creation by merely spending time on wrong information, wrong desires. You need to start having the right mindset.
Spend a lot of time knowing the pictures, the desires of what you want, see it in your spirit. The more, the clearer, and definite the picture of wealth creation in your mind, the more you can achieve it because as you desire it, you can increase in it if you can see it in your mind.
Your thoughts must be accompanied by unwavering faith that the things you are looking for are already yours. Church Gist. The beauty of Christianity is that we are a people who have a covenant with God. God said He will bless you.
Somebody says I will be blessed. Say it again, I will be blessed.
You see unbelievers may even practice what I am about to teach and they don’t experience it but you have a covenant with God that He will bless you. Job 36:1, Isaiah 1:19, Haggai 2:8-9, 2 Corinthians 9:8, Philippians 4:19, Deuteronomy 8:18.
I hope that it is for you but if you must walk in what I just said, you must change your mindset. Church Gist. Change the way you think, change the way you see life, hold on to the mental ownership of what you see.
How many of you see yourself blessed?
How many of you see yourself on top? How many of you see yourself turned around? How many of you see yourself in a new season? Somebody say I received it. Church Gist. Shout it louder. But then, after you have seen it in your mind, you must keep that vision even if you are living in face-me-I-face-you. Don’t let where you are determine where you are going. Believe the Word of God, know that one day they will be a testimony, know that one day they will be a turnaround.
Always imagine an environment and the financial condition that is exactly what you want, see it in your mind even when things are difficult. Never give up, use your mind to form an image of what you want. Church Gist. Hold that vision, hold it by faith, hold it with purpose. You cannot spend your life studying poverty when you desire riches. You can’t spend all your life talking about lack, saying the wrong philosophies around, misquoting the word of God. Church Gist. Don’t join those people who misquote the word of God, “money is the root of all evil”. Where did you find that in the Bible? It says, ” the love of…..”.
Money has no character. This money in my pocket, if I go to the store to buy things if they put it in the hand of a drug addict, it becomes drug money. If the drug addict buys something and they used it and gave it to a Pastor as change, it becomes money in the hand of a Pastor.
It takes on the character of the owner. It’s neutral, it’s flowing. Some people, it is flowing away from them. Church Gist. For some people, it is flowing to them. From today, it shall flow to you.
But you must change your mindset. No one ever got prosperous by thinking poverty, studying poverty, sitting down in lack. And listen, this teaching applies in all areas. In ministry, you want to see success? you have got to see success in your mind.
Business, you want to see success? You have got to see success in your mind. Blessing comes because you change your mind, you don’t wait. Many of you are waiting, waiting for one uncle. Church Gist. He said he would get you a job in customs and you waited two years. Instead of you to start something. Books and magazines which are filled with images of lack will not help your wealth creation. But you must see it in your spirit.
Life always moves in the direction of your dominant thoughts.
You think poor? You remain poor. Church Gist. You think blessing? You become blessed. But somehow, God begins to make way for you. I pray for you today, your story will change. .
From today, use your own mind, begin to dream new dreams, begin to think of it.
Man can not shape anything without thinking of It first. Everything around you as you are seated where you are or standing, everything around you started in somebody’s mind. Look at this glasses in my hand, it was once sand by the seashore. “Ordinary sand oo, na dem go carry come fire the thing, e come turn to glass ooo”. Church Gist. Na so my optician come charge me 500 pounds for sand ooo. ‘Oghene’! ( oghene it means God) (vernacular).
But you know, they saw it in their mind before they created it to agree with my eye. The microphone in my hand. Somebody saw a microphone without cables that make it comfortable for speakers, they charged us for this cordless microphone.
The cloth you are wearing did not appear as a cloth. Church Gist. It first appeared as wool, then somebody turned it into cloth.
The shoe I am wearing, there is some cows somewhere and somebody looked at the cow and saw a nice shoe. Nigerians what do we see when we see cow? We see ponmo ( the roasted skin of a cow). Whereas this shoe I am wearing will buy four Nigeria’s cows. The shoe is a thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200). I see your story changing.
We are surrounded by opportunities but we don’t see it. Ugandan right now because of the importance of banana, right now are looking for ways on how to preserve it.
When you cut a banana tree and harvested it, the tree becomes useless. In Uganda now, the biological tree will still be there. They are turning banana tree into cloth. You are surrounded by opportunities yet you are looking for a job.
You know what job stands for?
J- just
O- over
B- broke.
Job keeps you just over broke. That’s why you are ready to knee down so that your boss will not sack you.
Most Nigerian jobs only keep you J. O. B. (Just over broke). When I finished this afternoon, I am going to pray for you that your eyes will begin to open. Church Gist. You will begin to see opportunities , you will begin to see favors, shout Amen like fire.
And when I talk of opportunities, and again let me talk to Nigerian youths, the problem they are looking for is passion. Don’t pursue passion, look for a problem to solve. Nobody is paying for passion, they are looking for problem solvers. Microsoft is solving a software problem. IPhone is solving problems that makes life easy. My iPad is solving a wholesome problem. Listen, I was one of those who use to teach that people should follow their passion in God. Church Gist. Don’t follow passion, follow your problem and solve it.
Mark Zuckerberg did not follow his passion, he found a problem, connecting the world through a simple social platform.
Look for a problem and solve. If you solve a problem, people will look for you.
No one can take you where you are not willing to go. Church Gist. Think wealth and you will begin to attract wealth.
I didn’t come to teach you to prosper because I came out of prosperity. I am doing it because it is a revelation I saw in the word. Church Gist. I have come from lack, from poverty, I have come from not just poverty but intense poverty. I have come from not just intense poverty, we were so poor, you don’t need four letters to spell our own poor, you just need two letters, “PO”.
We were so poor, poor people used to call us poor. We were so poor, my father will always look for the house nobody wants to live in, that’s where we lived. Now, I was a young boy, we grew up in Zaria, Kaduna. In Kaduna, we lived in a village, Badiko village, well it is a town now. Church Gist. When I passed badiko village, it is now a city. I said, ” Cho, na badiko be this? ( vernacular). When I lived there, it was all grass houses. The only house with zinc on top “na the one wey we dey live, no light” (vernacular). ‘My father leave town, go live for village’ (vernacular).
We were so poor, we have no assurance that there will be food tomorrow. Because the man was a compulsive gambler. That time it was Doncaster versus Charlton, not now that it is Chelsea versus Manchester. Chelsea 5, Manchester 1. Yes, up blues .
I have no remembrance of new clothes. Church Gist. ‘You go to school oo, na your own. ‘You no go ooo, my papa no worry’ (vernacular). I didn’t know I was brilliant, ‘shebi, na person wey go school, go know say him brilliant’ ( vernacular). ‘I no go. Na when I come show, I come see sey, everybody dey follow me from behind’ (vernacular).
I remembered one time, as a primary two pupil, ‘ primary two in army building. Primary two face here, primary three face there’. Them ask question from primary three. Church Gist. Primary three no know am, I come raise my hands up’. I come answer am for them. My teacher come get angry. Their teacher say, no get angry. This guy should not be there, he should be here’.(Vernacular).
I see you on top. It’s not where you started, it’s where you finished. You should run your thoughts, not your thoughts running you.
Not any time your mind tells you, ” this Nigeria, things are too hard in Nigeria. Run to Canada”. ‘If you wan go Canada’, (vernacular) but let me tell you one truth and by the time I finished my teachings tomorrow, you will need to ask yourself if you really catch the vision, do I still want to go to Canada?
I have lived in England now, 37 years. Church Gist. Most Nigerians abroad, only have a middle class life, a car and a nice house. But supposed in this Nigeria, God gave you a problem to solve and you are the main supplier for two hundred million people. I have a young man in KICC Nigeria, one day the British police saw him buying something like roasted beef in London. They said, where is your passport? ‘E showed them Visa, e no get passport cos e dey still wait’ (vernacular). He read first degree Economics in Nigeria. ‘Ah, na so they carry this brother oo, carry am come Nigeria ooo’ (vernacular). But before he came, some people wanted to buy a material for a brewery in Nigeria. He had helped them before he left. As he arrived, they found out that nobody has the materials in all the breweries, the bottling companies, water companies, Coca-Cola companies, all the breweries. Church Gist. He became the sole supplier. Today, the containers he brings into Nigeria are close to one hundred every year. ‘E go go live for Canada?’ (Vernacular).
The answers, the problem you will solve that will put you on global map, God will open your eyes to see it. God will open your eyes to see it.
Everything you see around you, came from a thought. This camera in front of me, came from a thought, even the cameras have graduated, they are in quality. I own a whole Television station, so I know what I am talking about.
The cars on our roads, somebody thought of it in his mind. Church Gist. The seats you are seated upon today, somebody thought of it in his mind. And don’t tell me there is no problem anymore to solve in Nigeria. Who said so? I anoint your hand from today. Today is the poorest you will ever be.
Your thought is your startup capital. It’s not finance, it is not cash. It’s a thought, then you can begin to get into the things you want to do. Your thoughts are your abilities to come off the negative. Your thoughts bring you out of shame.
Andrew Young said that ” I have concluded that wealth is a state of mind. That anyone can acquire a wealthy state of mind by thinking rich thoughts”.
James Allen said, ” you are today where your thoughts have brought you, you will be tomorrow where your thoughts will take you”.
Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “men are prisoners not of their faith but prisoners of their minds”.
Walter Anderson said, ” you and I are not what we eat, we are what we think”.
So, whatever you are today, it’s your thoughts. I have cousins, I have siblings, all they want is what is in my hand not what is in my mind. Church Gist. They will never come to my seminar. I teach wealth creation around the world. I have seen men walk in unbelievable favors but they will not come. They just want me to raise them, to give them money. Under this hot sun, you have come to this meeting, your story will change. You will never be the same.
Your thoughts are your own. You create them. You are responsible for them. Your thoughts are your master blocks with which you build your own life. As your mind grows in strength, your thoughts increase.
On Saturday I will be teaching the young men who have paid to be in wealth academy, 20 ways to start and run a good business because until you have your own business, you will forever work under other people.
You fall in these categories, you are either an “E” or an “S” or a “B” or an “I”.
ESBI. E means you are employed by other people. They determine your life, they determine your income, they determine what you get, they own you. You wake up in the morning, rush to work, come back home, watch television, go to bed.
Then some Nigerians have moved to the next category, Self employed. It is a bit better than the ” E”. When you are self-employed? you are the ones selling some small, small things. Recharge card, you run your own company, you have your camera, you do video recording, you have no staff, but it is going on . You are better than the first man.
The third category is when you begin to run a proper business, at this level , you employ people. Church Gist. When you begin to hire a thousand people, your State governor will come looking for you.
When you start to hire a thousand people, the government would want to talk to you. You will not be the one looking for opportunity to meet the governor, or meet the president and have a selfie with him.
And then one day will come in somebody”s life here, where you will move from being a business owner to being an investor. At this level, you are looking for people who have business for you to own five per cent of that business, ten per cent of this business. You are looking to own something. Church Gist. To buy shares, to buy stocks, to buy land, to buy real estate, or you meet two men from this year’s youth conference who have a technology startup and are looking for ‘angel investor’. And their ideas require hundred million naira and their idea will work. Maybe it is an idea that will make it easy if ‘Baba’ wants to teach and he wants the Bible study to be watched by every branch of the Redeemed simultaneously and you created the Technology to make it happen. You need an investor that will help you with the initial equipment and the initial cost of putting it together. Church Gist. This is a level where some people are, they are investors. They put their money in business. They are no longer hustling they are busy playing golf when people are using their money to do business and the return Is coming to them. It’s not their age, it is their stage. Somebody’s story is changing. From today God will fill your mind with new thoughts.
- Think differently to get results.
- Don’t let men’s strict way of decision-making hold you from your future.
- Live an out-sized life that is bigger than the small dream of yesterday. See 5 years, see 10 years, see 20 years.
- Stop selling your time. If you sell your time, you will remain middle class.
- Know that everybody you know who has impacted their world, they don’t sell time. They own their time to multiply their life.
- Move into using other people’s money.
- You need an abundance mindset. Stop thinking small. Abundance is not dressing abundantly, abundance is not driving a car that says you have abundance. Abundance is continuously creating wealth. Moving from employed to self-employed to business and not just being a business person, being an investor so that you have an investment in everything going on in the land. Church Gist. You own your own thing and you are involved in other people’s things.
In 2001, I was invited by The Redeemed Christian Church of God, Central parish, Abuja to come and speak. It was an all-night prayer meeting in Eagle’s square. It was my first time in Abuja, 20 years ago. So, I left England, my load did not arrive, it went to Jamaica but there was a young man, he leaves in England, born in England, didn’t even study much, was into buying and selling shirts and ties. And he was in Abuja at that time, so some people called him and say, Pastor Mathew’s load did not arrive, he needs something to wear to minister tonight and the following morning I am speaking at Aso Rock, the guy got me two suits, two shirts, two ties.
But this young man began to listen to my teachings on wealth creation. He was a Celestial Church member, after a while, he booked an appointment to come and see me. He said, sir, I have listened to your teachings, I have received Christ into my life. I believe In what you have taught in wealth creation. I want to step out of my regular, I am thinking great thoughts and I believe if you pray for me my life will change. He knelt down and said sir, pray for me. I prayed for this young man and he shocked all of us. What you never heard Nigerians doing in London, he did it. He bought a land and build twelve apartments in London fields. He sold nine, he kept three. He came back to me, he didn’t finish any degree. Some of us we have degrees more than a thermometer. He knelt down and said sir, I am going to South Africa, pray for me.
I prayed for him. Church Gist. He went to South Africa and built one hundred and twenty-five houses.
From there he called me, and said where are you? I said I am in Ghana preaching. He came to Ghana, I was at the golf court playing golf, he came to the golf court with his wife and said where should I go again? I said I am not your financial adviser. He said but you are doing better than them. I prayed for him and the Lord said go back to your country Nigeria. He came back to Nigeria and met somebody who was selling a probing road of an acre of land in Ikoyi. He built 40 apartments and sold them for 1.5 million dollars. Don’t be jealous, say praise God. As I am speaking, the guy is building 3 towers in Alexandre in Ikoyi. He didn’t finish any degree. But he changed his mindset. Luke 15:16-17.
Tell the devil, “I have changed my mind”.