NO MATTER YOUR LEVEL, YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO START A FIRE! – Rev. Dr. Olushola Olayemi at Masterpiece in Christ Church

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John 7: 37

For you to say YES to GOD it means He has a will, He has a plan, He has a way He wants things to be, He has a way He wants my life and your life to be and we have come to see, we have come to enter into that revelation, that thought, that understanding, and in doing that we now come to a point where we can say Yes! Yes! Yes! So, He has a will, He reveals the will and we say yes to it.

Right now, Jesus is the answer, Jesus is the solution, Jesus is the light against this darkness, Jesus is the health and healing in the midst of this situation and the Spirit of Jesus with us is the supply, the delivery to each and everyone of us of exactly this very things that God wants us to possess and function by.

Jesus is predicting, declaring to us, stating to us and He’s telling us how our lives will be in John 7:37
Everyone who is a child of God, the consequence of believing in Jesus is the new birth.

Jesus has said: “Anybody who believes in Him; every new creature, every child of God, every one who has believed in their hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead and has confessed with their mouths the Lordship of Jesus. Jesus says: everyone who believes in ME as the scripture has said…Glory to God! This is something to say yes to; to say I agree, to say I go for it, to say I yield myself, to say I will not be satisfied with anything less than this, to say yes this is my portion, to say yes this is what is true about me, to say yes this is just the way it is concerning me… Glory Hallelujah!

Jesus predicts how your life and my life will be, He says because you believe in me as the scripture has said, out of your “Belle” speaking of the inner most part of your being, of your existence where your essence is. Jesus says; this is the way your life will be, everyone who comes to me, everyone who dreams of me, everyone who places their faith in me for salvation.

He said, out of your true self ( you become this true self when you embrace Jesus as your Lord) if any man be in Christ, he’s a new self, he’s a new being. That is why our confession is focused on righteousness because “righteousness” is a description of your true self, of your true nature. That’s the reality of who I am. That’s the colour of my spirit. What is the COLOUR of my Spirit? It is RIGHTEOUSNESS. What is the AROMA of my Spirit? It is RIGHTEOUSNESS. What is the COMPLEXION of my Spirit? It is RIGHTEOUSNESS. What is the BEAUTY of my Spirit? It is RIGHTEOUSNESS. What is the EXCELLENCE of my Spirit? It is RIGHTEOUSNESS. Out of my true self the Bible says, shall flow a RIVER.

Make this confession because it is the truth. This is what Jesus says about you. Out of my real self,
*Out of the depth of me flows rivers of living waters* There’s a flow, that’s what Jesus says about me and I say YES to it. Whether you say yes to it or not it’s the reality because Jesus says that is what it is going to be, but it is when you say *yes* to it that it begins to express itself, it’s when you say *yes* to it that you begin to ask questions about ” oh then, I’m expected to be like this”, I’m expected to have this, I’m expected to function like this, “will you say Yes one more time, lift your voice and say Yes. It says out of me shall flow rivers of living waters.

Now let’s draw a paralog with that in the book of Ezekiel and see what rivers of living waters can do in your generation
what rivers of living waters can do in the world where we are

The rivers of living waters will bless you
The rivers of living waters will strengthen you
The rivers of living waters will lift you
The rivers of living waters will open doors for you
The rivers of living waters will keep you clean, will keep you sanctified
The rivers of living waters will keep you focused on His agenda. There is pride in the minds of some of us because the rivers of living water has not touched it. Hallelujah! So, because you are the container that carries the rivers of living waters but the rivers of living water are not just for you. Hallelujah! It says out of me, out of my being that is where destiny is, that is where purpose stems from out of me. You know Jesus qualifies it, He says for as long as you believe in me out of your real self there will be an outflow of living waters. Ezekiel 47 talks about the revelation of a prophet how that he was brought to a place of mighty waters and it says he was brought to that place in a temple and says how water was flowing out from the threshold of the altar and it went and went and went and it says first of all the angel took him to a particular level and was at his ankle and then he moved on and it went to his knee and then it got to his loins and then it became a river impassable.. praise God! And all these things are ‘signifiers’. But whether it is the ankle length or the knee length or the loin length or a river impassable, water is present for a purpose.

There is a word for somebody here. Praise thy Lord!
No matter the level, you can still get something done because the power that produces the result is not a function of the level. It is an integral quality of the water by itself. Now some of you went to the tap this morning and the water that was coming forth from the tap was coming out in little quantities, it wasn’t gushing it is but it washed your hands, not because it was a large quantity but because water makes clean.. Glory to God. So, you may not be moving nation’s right now, you may not be setting towns on fire, but as long as you are a child of God you have what it takes to start a fire. I said, you may not be turning the whole forest on fire right now, the field may not be burning bright and beautiful like you desire, it’s a goal, it’s a plan in the works, it’s going to happen. You have something that can start the fire. Everyone of us has enough fire to start. And if you set your mind on saying yes and you apply yourself to the process of saying yes, your fire will not only start a fire but your fire will eventually consume the whole territory. But you neglect it and say you have nothing. It’s one of satan’s greatest strategies, he paralyses you because you look at yourself and you imagine. Let me give you an instance there was a program we had and there was a recording in this place and they brought equipment into this place when I was told we were going to use the Church auditorium for the program I said praise God thank you Father for this opportunity this thing is going to be good and then I went and sat down in my office and said oh God, thank you. When you see somebody elses’ you feel yours is useless and emphatically *NO* it’s in the nature of man when he’s in the flesh to always, like the white man says ” the lawn always looks greener on the other side of the fence” that’s why sometimes we always look at even our spiritual leaders “that man is better than my pastor, this one I’m just perching here” and when you look at what you have there’s this error that we have not released our minds from
It’s the error of despising;
1. Little beginnings
2. Despising things because they are close to you. You don’t think anything of it.

People have lovely hearts: when you attain a particular level also remember those who are coming behind. And don’t make your big obliterate the little another person has.
I want to tell you at this part of this message that there is worth the while in you, that what you carry is worth the while, that you have something in as much as you are a child of God you have it.

You look at some people they are burning the whole place with fire and what they are using is just a greater dimension of what you carry, and if you apply yourself to that process..


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