-Pastor E. A. Adeboye on “PERFECT PEACE IN THE LAND” || Thanksgiving Service
Redeemed Christian Church of God
Let’s lift our hands to the Most High God and bless His Holy name. Let’s give Him glory, honour. Thank the Almighty God for all He has done for you since the beginning of the year. Church Gist. Thank Him for Nigeria. Give Him all the glory, and honour that Nigeria is still standing today. Give Him glory because there is hope for Nigeria. Thank you Father in Jesus’ Mighty name.
Let us pray for our Governors, their cabinet, all those who are our rulers; including the traditional rulers. Pray that the Almighty God will continue to guide them aright so that there will be peace in our land. Church Gist. Lift your voice to Him and say, “Father, this year is going to an end again; please fulfil your promises for me, my family, town, nation.”
I have a Father, Almighty Father, He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, I have a Father.
Father accept our thanks in Jesus’ name. It takes a miracle to sleep and wake up. It is of your mercy that we have not been consumed. Thank you for Nigeria. Church Gist. Thank you for 62 years of existence. Thank you for what you’ve done in the past, thank you for what you will do in the future. Father we commit all our rulers into your hands: from the Presidents, to the cabinets, to our governors, their cabinets, our traditional rulers, all those who are in authority over us. Church Gist. Father please bless them; give them wisdom, understanding, anoint them, guide them aright, for the sake of those of us who are under them please guide them aright. And Lord God almighty, you are the burden bearer. As they are carrying the burdens of our nation, carry their own burdens too.
Please Lord God almighty, favour all of us. As for your children who have been faithful in the payment of their tithes and the giving of their offerings, this month, embarrass them with your blessings. Church Gist. Let it be well with them. Don’t let them lack. Open new doors unto all of us. We pray that this month will be a very successful one for all of us in Jesus Mighty name we have prayed.
Let someone shout halleluyah!
I’ve been asked to speak on, “PERFECT PEACE IN THE LAND.” The text is 2 Chronicles 7:13-14. The Almighty God is the one speaking here. Church Gist. God said, ‘If I shut up Heaven that there be no rain…” that tells you one thing straight away: God is the controller of rainfall. He said, “if I command the locust to devour the land…” Locust does not mean ordinary insects. There are areas in Nigeria today where people are afraid to even go to the farm. Church Gist. And the action of the locust is to make sure there will be no food. So those forces that will not allow the farmer to go and farm, they are locusts. “Or if I send pestilence among my people…” you know what is called pestilence? When you consider something like Coroña virus, then you know what a pestilence is. God said if this should happen and my people who are called by my name…, Christians, are called by the name of Christ. Church Gist. If these people should humble themselves and pray…, He didn’t ask the whole country to pray, He said, “My people, called by my name.” 2 Chronicles 7:13-14.
If there’s trouble in any land, the fault belongs to Christians. If we do our duty, God will heal our land. That’s why we need to get ready because very soon I will be calling on you before the end of the year to join me in fasting and praying; very very special time of prayer. Church Gist. When the time draws near, I will let you know and I will give you the details.
What exactly is peace? Somebody may say, “Peace is the absence of war.” 2 Samuel 10:1-19.
• I pray that all the enemies of Nigeria will be defeated so that we can have peace!
Peace is the absence of storm. Mark 4:35-41.
• I pray today that the controller of storms will speak peace to our nation.
What do we mean by perfect peace? For us to understand, of course we know that perfect mean without blemish, we need to know that there is something called a truce. A truce means we are still fighting but we want to suspend the fight for one reason or the other. Church Gist. May be, we want to celebrate Christmas, all of us want to enjoy Christmas: side one wants to enjoy; side 2 wants to enjoy; so we say, “Alright, for the next 3 days, we enter into truce: we are not going to fight.” So a truce means: the battle is not over; we just want peace for a while. You can find examples in the Bible when King Saul was after David wanting to kill him. And more than one occasion, David had an opportunity to kill him and he spared him. Church Gist. And when he (Saul) heard that, “Ah! You got as close to me as to cut off the hem of my garment and you didn’t kill me? You must be a very good boy. Okay, no more problem.” But couple of days later, he was after him.
When we talk about a truce, may be a very good illustration will be a woman in labour. You see a woman in labour, the pain will come when the contraction begins – come hard. Many at times you hear the woman screaming. Church Gist. And all of a sudden, the contraction will ease to let her get some strength back; but the battle is not over because as she is relaxing, the contraction comes again – that’s a truce. You have a little bit of it until that fellow inside (the baby) will come out.
• I am praying for someone today who has been going through a truce – God will give you peace.
Perfect peace means permanent peace; not a truce. In 1 Kings 4:21-25, throughout the reign of Solomon, there was peace all around. Church Gist. He did not fight a single war. You know he was a wise fellow. When he discovered that there is a King who could be interested in his kingdom, he went and married the daughter. That’s how he ended up with not too many wives; by the time you add the wives and the concubines, everything totals 1,000. Church Gist. It wasn’t sex so much that he was interested in, it was peace. So all round about, anyone who could ever think of fighting him, he made an in-law. Solo is a very interesting fellow. Permanent peace throughout his reign!
• May I decree to someone here today that for the rest of your life, you will know permanent peace.
Before we say a word or 2 about permanent peace in the land, because I am sure when they were thinking of this topic, they had our nation in mind. Do you know that a nation is made up of individuals? And it is possible for a nation to be at war and yet somebody can be in permanent peace – like a child. Church Gist. It doesn’t matter to the child whether it is raining, or there is storm, at times they don’t even know what is going on anyway. So they just enjoy peace. While we are thinking of peace for the land, maybe we should think about peace for you; because a nation is made up of individuals.
I was talking to my children couple of days ago. Some people don’t know that bread will increase in price twice in a week. Church Gist. They don’t know! Why? They don’t buy bread; they just eat. So let’s talk about you.
When we talk about storms, storms are in categories:
• Physical storm: Mark 5:25-34. In gatherings, we all look fine, well dressed. It is the one whose fire is burning inside who will know fire is burning him. Church Gist. If the fellow next to you were to tell you some of the things he is going through physically, you may want to relocate. Someone may be in a gathering where everything seem to be going fine; and the fellow knows that he has cancer. That fellow is in a war. The woman with the issue of blood, nobody knew what was going on. Church Gist. She wasn’t telling anyone but she was fighting a war; until she came in contact with the Prince of Peace. And then, she knew peace.
- Every one of you with any form of sickness or disease, in the name of the Prince of Peace, be healed in Jesus’ name.
• Financial storm: Not everybody who is well dressed is at peace financially. Some of the big people you see, the reason some of them can’t sleep is because they have problems with their banker. Church Gist. 2 Kings 4:1-7. Every day they saw sister because she happened to be the widow of a son of prophet, “Sister how are you?” “All is well; Praise the Lord.” But the day the creditors came and said, “You don’t pay by tomorrow we will sell your children.” “Sister how now?” she said, “All is not well.” Church Gist. They ran to the Almighty God; within a day her debts were cleared and she had enough money to live for the rest of her life.
- Those of you who are in financial war, the King of Kings Himself will solve that problem today.
• Marital storm. 1 Samuel 1:1-20, Hannah was at home fighting a war. Church Gist. Until one day, she went to Shiloh and she returned home not weeping again.
- In the name of the one who called me, I decree to those of you who are fighting battles in your home, peace be still.
At times it is not a woman trusting God for the fruit of the womb that is in trouble. If you know the battle that a barren woman is fighting, you will understand what I mean when I pray for peace. Church Gist. But at times, it is not you; it is your son or daughter who is under attack. Matthew 15:21-28. It’s not the Mama that is sick; it’s the daughter. You may not have any war physically; you are healthy, strong. You may not have any problem financially; if you threaten to take your money out of a bank, the manager will catch a cold. Church Gist. But if all is not well with just one of your children, you are at war.
I remember an occasion when I was asked to come and minister to some eminent people at Ikoyi. When I arrived, because I arrived to time, I didn’t know that big people don’t worry too much about time. Church Gist. So they asked me to wait for the people I am supposed to come and minister to. So they put me in the house of the Hostess for the day. And I sat in a sitting room that is one of 5 sitting rooms; each one ascending in order of splendour. And I wanted to change my topic to, “Oh that men will praise the Lord.” Church Gist. But the Lord said, “No, don’t change the topic. The owner of this house is in trouble. The son is on drugs.” I thank God, God intervened; God saved the soul of that son that day.
- Those of you who are going through fire in your family, in the name that is above every other name, today there will be peace.
• Mental storm: Daniel 4:1-34. We find a King who became an animal. Talk of wealth – he was wealthy. Church Gist. Physically he wasn’t sick but he became an animal eating grass. I don’t want to begin to give examples; but the Elders will tell you that, “Madness is in categories.” The lowest category of madness is the one you see in the street walking naked. Church Gist. That one is madness at the lowest level because when you see him coming, you know danger is here and you can dodge. They say there is a madness of a higher degree and they call it, “Were Alaso” that is the well dressed mad man. Before you know you are dealing with trouble, the fellow has come close; because he is well dressed. Highly intelligent, but well dressed. Church Gist. Many at times you don’t know who you are sitting next to; but it doesn’t matter how mad that fellow is, today God will intervene.
I can go on and on and talk about categories of storms.
Now when we talk about perfect peace, we are talking about somebody who has no problem physically, financially, martially, mentally, spiritually. Church Gist. And in the name that is above every other name, from today onward, your peace will be perfect.
An example of that is in 2 Kings 5:1-19, it talks about a man called Naaman. He was successful, popular, rich, but he was a leper. That fellow had a storm; as popular, as rich, as successful as he was, he couldn’t even play with his children because he was a leper. Church Gist. Until one day, he came to a man of God and he was cleansed; perfect, from that day onward, he just had peace.
When we talk about national peace, (because that is what they meant by peace in the land), a whole nation can be in a storm. We don’t have to look far to find one. I mean, if a governor cannot go to his farm and feel safe, I mean he went with bodyguards, he had to thank God that he could run because bandits wanted to kill him. A governor? Church Gist. When we talk of security, a governor should be secured. As young as I am, I remember the time when a Kabiyesi is coming, and unless you are one of the very special people, you move out of the way. You don’t even want the dress the Kabiyesi is wearing to touch you. And those days oo; things are different now; Thank God.
But now, kidnappers can go to the palace and kidnap a traditional ruler. Don’t let anybody deceive you; we are in a war. 1 Samuel 17:1-53, the Bible tells us of a terrorist; just one! Church Gist. His name was Goliath. He terrorised a whole nation for 40 days. Until God raised up one small boy and what has been on for 40 days ended in minutes.
- I decree to my beloved nation, Nigeria, that what the King cannot do, what soldiers cannot handle, the Almighty God will do for us today!
What do we do to have perfect peace?
• In a nation: 2 Chronicles 7:13-14. Pray how? How do we pray? Maybe we should spend more time praying for our rulers. 1 Timothy 2:1-2. Why? Church Gist. It is easier to criticise them but there are battles human beings cannot fight and win; certain battles only God can win. Proverbs 29:2. Pray for your rulers because for every mistake they make is the people who will suffer; not them. 2 Samuel 24:1-15. 70,000 men died in one day. Do you know not a single fellow died in the palace? It was David who made a mistake; it was the innocent people who paid the price. Pray for your rulers. We’ve spent a lot of time criticising them. Church Gist. Do your duty, pray for them. 2 Chronicles 7:13-14. Proverbs 21:1. Pray to God who can turn the heart of these rulers so that the rulers will do the right thing and then we the people will enjoy.
Why are we suffering?
• Because we have not prayed: the fault is ours; not the rulers. “We are mourning because it must be the wicked in authority.” Why can’t we pray for the salvation of the souls in authority? Church Gist. There is someone who is the saviour; there is a God on His throne who can do all things. I am praying today and I pray you will join me in praying: that God will continue to guide our leaders aright. Church Gist. So that they won’t make mistakes and we won’t suffer. The other day I was asking, “How much is the ticket from Lagos to Abuja?” And they said, “250,000 Naira.” “Heee! It used to be sixty something. What happened?” and they told me what happened.
Let me tell you one thing: it doesn’t matter how much bread is costing, there will be bread in Aso Rock. Right or wrong? Church Gist. It doesn’t matter how many times the electric grid collapses, there will be light in Aso Rock. If our rulers, leaders make mistakes, who will suffer? If you love yourself, pray for our leaders!
Let me close with you because you are the most important fellow in a nation. Do you know you can have peace in the midst of a storm? Psalm 23:4. Church Gist. It doesn’t matter the storm that may be in a nation, just make sure Jesus is with you; and you will enjoy peace in the midst of the storm. You know I have not been telling you stories because the injury is very serious. But I will tell you 2 quick stories:
Storm can come anytime; it is a matter of “when” not “if.” God said it in Isaiah 43:2.
I was going to London in our beloved Nigeria Airways of blessed memory. We got to Heathrow and the pilot came and said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a small problem. Church Gist. The tyres at the belly of the plane refused to come out.” That’s what he called the little problem. The thing we are going to land with refused to come out. On that day by accident, I was travelling First Class because somebody bought the ticket. That day I knew that rich people don’t want to die. Pandemonium broke out. Church Gist. When the news came that we might crash, I saw fear. People were talking all manners of talk. There was one man who throughout the journey had been going to the toilet and coming back. He wasn’t going to ease himself but he had the walking stick. The top of the walking stick was diamond; so he wanted to show us the walking stick. This time, he really wanted to go to the toilet. Church Gist. He got up and the hostess said, “Sit down Sir.” He said, “Who said so?” and I will tell you the truth, I was scared. Anointing doesn’t drive away the fear of death.
So I said, “Daddy, when I was saying good bye to my son at the Airport yesterday night, you didn’t tell me that’s the last time I will be seeing my son. And then God spoke, “You are not going to die my son. Church Gist. I want to talk to you and I know as soon as you land in London, they won’t let us talk. This one will be talking about, pray for me, do this, do that, so we need to talk urgently.”
For another 45 minutes, the plane was circling and the crises was getting bigger and bigger because the pilot came back and said, “Why all the commotion? At least you know that the fire fighters in Heathrow are very efficient.” Fire fighters? Church Gist. After 45 minutes when my Daddy and I finished our conversation, the tyre came out. They didn’t send for a mechanic; there’s no mechanic who can. You can have peace in the midst of the storm if you realize that God is with you.
A second story: this time I was travelling by air also. This time I was in British Airways. And we have settled down, about to eat. Church Gist. And I was travelling economy this time because nobody bought the ticket. And as they served us food, (You know the food they give you in economy is always very small; at least I was a young man – hungry young man), they gave us the little little food they were going to give us which we usually shock with as much coke as possible. And the pilot made an announcement, “ladies and gentlemen, you are welcome on board. Church Gist. The flight will be pretty smooth until we get to Heathrow because at the time we will be arriving, there’s going to be a big storm over there. But don’t worry, we will manage to land.”
As soon as he said that, the man who was sitting next to me froze! We are flying to a storm. But I’ve been in a storm before and I knew my Daddy was with me and I landed safely. So I enjoyed my food. When I finished eating, this man wasn’t touching his food at all. I looked at him and said, ‘Sir, you are not eating?’ he was shocked; “You mean you understand English?” I said yes. Church Gist. “You heard what the pilot said?” I said yes. He opened his mouth. I asked him again, “You are not eating?” he said no. “Can I…?” So I took his food, enjoyed it and I slept. When we got to Heathrow the pilot came back and said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, the weather boys must have deceived us. The storm is going to be in Scotland not in London.” Church Gist. So I looked at my friend and the 2 of us began to laugh. It’s too late for him to take my food; his food is already gone. But he was so relieved that he was going to land without a storm.
And then my Father spoke to me and said, “Son, the storm was coming to London but because of you I diverted it.” Sooner or later, a storm will come. It is a matter of “when” not “if.” Church Gist. And even if you don’t have physical storm – no financial storm, marital storm, sooner or later, it will be time to face death. Church Gist. That’s the biggest storm of all. But if the Lord is with you, you will have nothing to fear.
You can invite Jesus into your life, and enjoy His perfect peace no matter the storm.
If you haven’t given your life to Jesus or have backslidden, tell Him you surrender to Him, and ask Him to save your soul.
Prince of Peace, send peace into my life.
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