Pastor E.A Adeboye on The Wonders of His Worship.

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John 4:19-24

Basically speaking, there are seven ways that a human can relate to God verbally.

1. By murmuring: Complaining and asking Him why He is Like this to you, Exodus 16:9-20. Murmuring is complaining about God and forgetting what He has done for you in the past. He hears when you murmur and He could be angry.
1 Corinthians 10:10

2. By querying: Many times we query Him when we think He is not caring
Mark 4:35-31.

In case you are looking at yourself and you believe that there are queries you want to present to God, l want to assure you that He cares for you
1 Peter 5:6-7
Let me assure you of one thing, if the mother of Judas knew what Judas would become, she would have preferred He died at childbirth. The Lord knows what He is doing.

3. By asking Him a question: question is different from query. Question is something you ask when you want to know.
2 Kings 2:9-15
From time to time, you may ask God, where are you? If you ask Him a question because you want to know, He will answer

4. By calling on Him: Jeremiah 33:3, He encourages calling.
Matthew 14:23-33.
Anytime you cry to God for help, He will help you.

5. You can relate to God through Thanksgiving: Psalm 100:4, thanksgiving is relating to God considering what He had done for you.
Luke 17:12-19
Thanksgiving is very acceptable to God.

6. Through praise: Praise is what you give to Him for His achievements.
Psalm 100:4
Exodus 15:1

God loves praise, He appreciates thanksgiving.
Psalm 50:23

7. Through worship: Worship is so crucial to God, God Himself looks for worshippers.

Worship is not thanking Him for what He has done for you or His achievements, worship is telling Him who He is.

Do you know who you are worshipping?

If you worship God, He will draw near and if He draws near you, your head will swell.

Tell Him who He is.

* Genesis 17:1, God introduced Himself as the All Sufficient One.

* Psalm 91:1 calls Him the Most High
Ecclesiastes 5:8

How l wish the world would know who my God is. If there is anything this pandemic has taught us, it is that the highest wisdom of man is still foolishness with God.

* Daniel 4:25 The One who rules, the one who makes a king.

* Psalm 24: 7, calls Him the King of Glory. Glory is the opposite of shame, meaning the one who has the ability to remove shame.
2 Kings 5:1-14.
He can even turn shame to glory. The story of Nebuchadnezzar.
John 2:1-11 (the wedding in Cana of Galilee)

* Psalm 24:10, calls Him the Lord of Host.
Exodus 15:4

* He is the Man of war.
– The Original General, Numbers 16:23-34.
– He is the original Admiral, Exodus 14:15-28.
He was the first one to manufacture a submarine ask Jonah.

– He is the Original Air Marshal, the first one to throw bombs.
Joshua 10:1-11.

* He is the Lord of Host,
He sends demons of errands.
1 Samuel 16:14.

God will keep you as the apples of His own eyes.

* He is called the Consuming Fire.
Hebrews 12:29.

Some will say why should l worship a consuming fire? You can worship as long as you behave yourself.
– The beauty of worshipping the Consuming Fire is that if He surrounds you, no evil will come near you.
– He can consume anything
1 King 18:36-39

* He is called the Lion of Judea.
Revelation 5:5
Daniel 6

The greatest thing you need to know is that He gave His name as I Am That l Am, Exodus 3:11-26, meaning:

1. I am not l was, or an ex-king. What l am today is what l will be tomorrow.
2. I Am That I Am simply means whatever you call me is what l will be to you.

Today, when you worship Him, please do it thoroughly. Whatever name you remember, call Him that name.

As for those of you who are yet to surrender, you can only call Him my Father when you have surrendered to Him. If you call Him my Saviour today, He will accept you.

Call on Him today, He will save you and become your Lord. Say please save my soul, let your blood wash away my sins and l will serve you for the rest of my life.

Thank You for Your Word.


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