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-Reverend Joe Olaiya
At Pastor Nomthandazo Odukoya’s Night of Tributes
Fountain of Life Church, Lagos

Prayers: Father, we thank You. Even when we do not understand, we thank You. When we understand, we thank You. When we have questions, we thank You. When we know the answers, we thank You. Who can question You? Thank You and thank You. You are the only One that can give joy in any situation. Thank You for the joy of salvation. Thank You for the joy that cannot be explained, thank You for joy unspeakable, thank You for your peace that reigns. Holy Ghost, have your way. Just be glorified. In this situation, be glorified. In every life, be glorified. Lord, we are just satisfied to see You glorified. Thank You Father, in Jesus name we pray.

I give all honour to God Almighty for a day like this, because somewhere in God’s Book it had been written that we would be here. You are here tonight is not by accident. I also give thanks to God for all the great men, our great leaders that are here with us; I thank God for your lives. I thank God for the Fathers of faith and thank You to a lot of colleagues, Pastors. Our hearts are comforted where we know the best is yet to come. Thank you for everything and we thank God.

Matthew 10:29-31 (NKJV)
Matthew 10:29-31 (MSG)
Can the women try to give me the statistics for the hair on the head? Any woman can help me. The owner of the hair and the owner of the head doesn’t even know the number. Now listen, He doesn’t say He knows the number, He said, “each hair strand is numbered.” That is when any particular hair strand falls off, He knows it is number 1012 that fell off. I don’t know whether you understand. That is hair number 1012. He didn’t say I know the number of hair strands, He said, every single hair strand on your head is numbered.

Psalm 139:16-18 (NKJV)
Psalm 139:16-22 (MSG)
Pastor T, this is what He is saying, “I saw you before you were born. Every day of your life was recorded in my book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are my thoughts about you. My thoughts about you cannot be numbered…”
There is not a single thing happening to you my brother that is not written in the Book and I want to congratulate you because victory is on your side.

Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJV)
The good news is, it is all in His Book and He makes all things to work together for good. When you are taking a bend on the highway, you are on a curve either horizontal curve or vertical curve, you can’t hardly see the way ahead until you finish negotiating the bend.
Job came through this bend, but he didn’t know what was after the bend. He that says, “all things work together for good to them that love the Lord”, took him through the bend, turned around everything for good, gave him 150 new years, restored every loss, removed every pain, turned everything to joy.
-There is a miracle waiting for you.

I say with every confidence the best is yet to come. The Lord is your strength. The Lord is our strength, the best is yet come. Thank God, all I have heard all through this period has been strengthening, encouraging. Thank God, we didn’t lose a general. Her time was spent, the number of days written for her were complete and she has gone to glory. She has gone to glory, because it takes the spirit of God to abide in love. One thing, satan does not have is love. I don’t know whether you understand that. I can tell you 4 things satan has: pride, lies, hate, uncleanliness. But you walk in love and the devil doesn’t stand there; you walk in truth, he doesn’t stay there. The testimonies about our sister confirms she was abiding in love and anyone that has love has eternal life.
2 Corinthians 4:16 (NKJV)
2 Corinthians 5:1 (NKJV)
As our days go by, our strength diminishes but it is a pointer to us that there is a better housing for us. Don’t be worried, life is not about what we eat right here. It’s about what you do and you will be rewarded for in eternity. The troubles, the challenges we have are temporal. There is a joy eternal waiting for us that God has prepared.

I want to encourage you today that there is nothing you gather in this life that can replace your soul.
Mark 8:36-37 (NKJV)
Lifestyle, resources, skills and talents are given to us and you will be evaluated on what good you have done with those resources.
What good with time or what evil with your time and resources!
Today, I have listened to testimonies of lives that have been positively affected with the brief time of our sister. She came into this Nation and had some much impact in such a short while, Heaven has records.
God is not going to evaluate how much you stopped, how much knowledge you have, how much money you made, how many houses you built. He is going to evaluate the resources He gave to you what good you did with it. The good you were able to do which you failed to do and the evil you were able to prevent which you failed to prevent, because you refused to use your resources, your might, time, skill that God gave you.

Joseph, the son of Jacob, used his God given resources to save the world from perishing, from hunger in his time. He interpreted the dream of Pharoah accurately and gave counsel that preserved the world in his time. He also saved his family from perishing from hunger including his brothers who sold him into slavery. He didn’t know abuse his office to get even, he was large hearted enough to forgive, to love and to reconcile. He dealt with them as if they had never done him wrong. Church Gist What a great example of Christian forgiveness. He had several opportunities to avenge himself but he would not do it.
The money God has placed in your hands, the position of authority you have, the houses you have built, the knowledge you have acquired, how much blessings have you made out of these things for your generation.
Today we celebrate a great woman who was a giver. She was a giver, I think she gave out everything. I think she knew the secret.

I met a man many years, he was very wealth, lived most of his life as an unbeliever. I pursued him with the gospel for nearly 10 years. He would not repent until he had a stroke and from the stroke he went into coma. And his colleagues, big rascals, they were top millionaires in Sokoto that time. I preached to them, hunted them with the gospel, they would not listen to me. When he had a stroke and he was in coma, they came to me, they said, “Brother Joe, please pray for us.”
I said, “pray for what?” They told me, “our friend is in coma.” I said, “he must be on his way to hell.” They said, “please pray, let him not die.” I said okay. I went to God and I prayed, about 2 am, God told me, “I will send him back.” I said, “God, I promise you if you send him back. My promise is that he is going to serve you. I will tell him that I made a vow on his behalf that he will serve You. I vow he will serve this time. Please don’t take him away.”
After that prayer, he opened his eyes, I saw him the next morning, he was out of coma. He couldn’t talk, his mouth was twisted, his hand was gone, one leg was gone. So I said to him, “yesterday you were on your way to hell but I spoke to God. He spoke to me about 2 am that He will send you back but I made a vow on one condition that if He sends you back, you will serve the Lord. Now I want you to tell me whether you will serve the Lord or not so I can go back and tell him you did not accept my vow.”
He nodded his head because he couldn’t talk, his tongue was heavy, saliva was dripping from his mouth. He nodded. I said, “you will serve the Lord. Okay, thank you very much.”
I said: Lord, he has agreed that he will serve You.
He was a big rascal, he had all the money, very intelligent. He had 2 degrees, he was a mechanical engineer, he was a medical doctor. His first degree was in mechanical engineering then he went to study medicine. Very brilliant, very hard working, but very rascal. I hunted him until that thing happened.
So I said, bring your hand, I prayed until his hand came back. I prayed for his mouth, God twisted it back. Then his eyes, the blurred vision, God cleared it. Then I said, “this leg, I won’t pray because if you get up, you will go back to your rascality.”
So I took the Bible, a New Testament Bible, I said: take this Bible and begin to read until you mature. He began to preach to everyone that came to visit him and spoke to more rascals than I ever had opportunity to and warned them that they would be on their way to hell shortly if they don’t turn back to God.
One day, he said to me, you have been serving God from youth…I have done little or nothing, I will preach every day of my life. Then he said, this is the biggest property of my life, I have nothing in heaven. I will sign out this house to the Lord if the Lord can use it. I am leaving Nigeria, I am going back to Europe and spend the rest of my days there, but I have nothing in Heaven. I have just come to know the Lord a few years and he relocated.
After some years I was in the prayer village, the Lord just told me. He said, I am about to take your brother home, if you want to see him, go and see him for the last time. If you don’t go in the next 2 weeks, you may not see him. I quickly arranged my flight and I got into London. When the wife saw me, she said, “Brother, what have you come for?”
I said, “I came to see my brother.” She said, “thank you for coming but your brother has been giving us some signs.”
I said: Like what?
“He is trying to take ill.” I said, “forget about it.” I went and sat with him. We chatted, we talked, I knew that was the last time I would see him, because the Lord had told me He was taking him home. So I prayed with him. We spoke for a long time, encouraged his faith. When I was going, the wife said to me, “this one that you came, I don’t understand.”
I said: You don’t need to understand. Everything is well
Some days after, they called me and they said the signs were showing that he needed to be attended to. Days after that, I sent one of my Pastors after him, the Lord took him home.

There is a home to go to and I tell you the truth, if you ever see that home, you will not want to be back here. But let me caution you, are you prepared for that home?
The millions and the billions that rich man had was not recognized after crossing the bridge of separation which is called death, because he had no contact with God.
Written concerning you, God has written that you should be His child. Are you His child? If you are His child, you will go back home. But you cannot go back home if you are not his child.
Sin separated us from God but Jesus brought forgiveness. You cannot be forgiven except you want to be forgiven. You cannot be accepted except you willingly say you want to go back to the father. Your sin cannot be forgiven except you regret the sin, you renounce it and give it up. If you still cherish your sin, He is not going to struggle with you over it.
Jesus is the Lamb that came to take away sin, He is only ready to die for the sins that are handed over to Him. For as long as you want to keep your sin, He is not ready to struggle with you over it; as long as you want to enjoy it, He is not going to struggle. But as soon as you want to give up, He is waiting to take it over.

He defeated the trial of sin, sickness and satan. He triumphed over death, grave and hell. Rich men fear to die and they want a charm or medicine they can take and never die. I got the medicine already because I met the Man who talked about dying and confronting death; told us how many days He would be dead; told us how long He would be dead and told us how He would triumph and come from the dead. His name is Jesus. He actually confronted death, the worst death ever anybody can die, on the cross, mutilated, beaten, shattered, broken then buried. Then He dealt with death, dealt with the grave, dealt with hell and rose from the dead. His blood He had given to pay for our sin. When He rose up, He said, “look, I am flesh and bone.” He was glistering and shining, radiating with light. He had conquered death.
Brethren, we have found somebody who has conquered death. We don’t need to be afraid of death again, because He lives, we shall live also.
You want solution to death? JESUS.

Because there is a place of condemnation.
-Never stop believing Jesus all the days of your life.
-Never deny Jesus for any reason or any temporal benefits.
Your office you occupy is temporary; your money you have is temporary; your holding on the house is temporary; your holding on the house, when you stop breathing, your certificate of occupancy expires. The day you stop breathing, your right over that house is gone. So never deny Jesus, never be too proud to repent whenever you do wrong.
I see some Christians have developed hypocrisy.
Pride plus lucifer turned him into satan. If you are a very, very proud person, then luciferism is plaguing you. The reason why satan has not repented up until now is because he is very proud. Proud people find it difficult to repent but humble people easily repent. Church Gist. Never be too proud to acknowledge your wrong and to repent.
Believers: never, ever resist the Holy Spirit.

-Hypocrisy which is the leaven of the Pharisees.
-Unforgiveness which is hate.
-Sin against the Holy Spirit: May you never commit it.

The 3 characteristics that define satan’s nature, check yourself if you are a child of the devil:
-Pride: The abomination that turned lucifer to satan.
-Lying: Which is satan’s native language.
-Hate: The nature of the devil
Those who have these 3 are certified children of the children. Are you a child of God?

3 Pillars to have, to hold on to, so that you can keep your salvation:
-Repentance: Genuine repentance never happens without humility. There must be sorrow for sin and there must be willingness to give up sin.
Many people have not overcome sin because one or two of these factors are missing. Either humility is missing, genuine sorrow for sin is missing or willingness to give it up is missing. When the 3 comes together, repentance will be full.
But repentance alone does not bring redemption. Faith must be added to repentance. Faith that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son. Faith in the Son of God, faith that Jesus died on the cross to take away your sins and He rose from the dead and faith that Jesus justified you by giving you His righteousness and eternal life after taking your sins from you.
If you allow this to happen in your life, then I can assure you that if you close your eyes in death, angels will be waiting to take you to glory.
I met a man who died for 3 days and came back to life. We became friends, he preached himself until he died the second time.
I said, “Chigozie, stop you are over working.”
He said: I made a mistake. That angel turned me back. They forced me to come back here and preach. I want to die quickly and go back to heaven. This place is useless and rotten.
He preached 12 hours a day, he travelled by road, by air, by water, anything.
I said: ‘O boy’, slow down.
He said, “let me over work myself until I die. I don’t need the angel, once I go now, I know the way. I will enter”.
And he preached all his life.

Heaven is a place you celebrate. If you get there, you don’t sorrow. Heaven is a place you will want to go to. Church Gist. There is no need to sorrow brethren. But if you are under the sound of my voice and you are not registered with eternal life, then you are of all men to be pitied.

There are two people God said I should talk to today and I don’t want to be guilty of your blood. You are here that is why God said I should talk to you. Lord have mercy.
He said you lost your first love and if you do not return to how you used to love Him, your candlestick will be snuffed out. The light will be gone.
You are here but you don’t love Him like you used to do anymore.
The second person, He said I should tell you, “you are neither hot or cold. He will spew you out.” A word is enough for the wise, you know.







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