PROBLEMS REVEAL AND EXPOSE YOU. IF YOU DODGE A PROBLEM, YOU DODGE YOUR NEXT LEVEL! -Bishop David Abioye at the Transforming Church, ‘ADVANCE 2021’ on ‘Breaking Limiting Barriers’

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*There is the call, the calling and the caller. Spend more time with the Caller.

Inconvenience is the trade mark of champions. Convenience is the burial place of giants. We live in a world of distractions. Each person should stay with the message given to them, stay at it. Everyone has a calling. Moses had the same message for Pharaoh all the time he went. Jonah had a message the Lord bid him to preach.

Your consistency is the expression of your maturity. What makes impact is the message that God has given to you. Stop looking for what is popular, focus on what is peculiar, in any case, not everyone will subscribe to your message. Every calling comes with a message that shapes the world.

‘Breaking Limiting Barriers’

Barriers are normal, they are the things you meet daily just like problems. The problems you face changes your face. Problems reveal and expose you, if you dodge a problem, you miss your next level. On your way to next level you meet the next devil. Barriers instigate our actions. Challenges stir you up. Anybody who takes you away from challenges is hurting you not helping you. If you rest now, you will suffer tomorrow.

When you see barriers, embrace it. I want to die victorious not in surrender to circumstances of life. Do not see barriers as your enemies, they are mountains you need to climb to change your height.
1 Corinthians 16:9
There are many adversaries you need to face. When you don’t solve a problem, you become a problem. Whatever you don’t want, don’t watch because whatever you don’t resist has the right to remain.
Problems are not to be described but to be challenged. What you call difficulty is what someone else is excited about. The land you call hard, someone is eating fat and getting fresh. What determines church attendance is not fuel crisis or COVID-19, limits are the issues of the mind and until you deal with yourself, you cannot deal outside.
Stop looking at those ahead as strange people, look at them as lessons to learn.

What are the steps to take to break limiting barriers?

  1. Be committed to knowing God more. People know about ministry more than God. Knowing the Word is important but not as important as knowing the God of the Word. The Word of God will give you faith but knowing God will give you trust.
    If you don’t know God who sent you, men will send you back. People know people more than they know God, they contact people more than they contact God.
    We need to drive towards knowing God. The people that know their God will become strong. Your strength in ministry and life is dependent in your knowledge of God.
    When you meet with the Almighty, you don’t fear mighty men.
    You don’t have to pray for exploit in ministry, just know God.

Concerning ministry we have the calling, the call and the caller. Spend more time with your caller.
Philippians 3:10
Proverbs 24:5, 10
Every barrier standing before you is broken right now.

How come Moses was able to confront Pharaoh? He knew God!
Know God!

  1. Be committed to working in the scriptures as regards every area of your life and Ministry.

Explore the Word in your area of ministry to break barriers and cause exploits in the area of darkness.
John 1:5
Isaiah 60
As your light increases, your shinning multiplies, get more light. We must be intense in seeking light, spend time to enrich your area of ministry.
You don’t have to travel anywhere to carry impact, carry weight. You need to become a weighty minister by proper feeding. When next I hear from you, you will be testifying of weight.

  1. Be committed to working by faith because it takes faith to subdue kingdoms.
    Hebrews 11:33
    Faith makes a mess of oppositions
    Ephesians 2:16
  2. Continue to speak boldly against unwanted situations around your life and ministry. Anything you will not boldly declare God will not put in your hands. We can create what we want in ministry through what we speak. Make declarations a life style. Everything you want to come to your life must come through your mouth. Continue to speak concerning unwanted situations.
  3. Be committed to a life of prayer and fasting. Nothing can change this principle. Many people do not realise that we are confronted by the power of darkness.
    If I was drinking and eating at the age of 30 I won’t be here today.

There are many things waiting for you, don’t waste time. God is patient but He will never delay. When you go into prayer and fasting you become spiritually aligned instead of carnal minded.

No matter how smart you are there are certain things that will never happen in your ministry if you don’t pray and fast.

Young people please wake up, do whatever you can do now. Fast, pray, climb mountains because a time is coming when you cannot do it again.

  1. Prophetic connections. God makes references to people ahead of us, alive or gone. Identify who in ministry is higher than you and connect so he can carry you in his wings.
    Hebrews 13:5
    There are people that God has ordained for you, hang around them, not worship them. There are people ordained to come our path, may we not miss them.





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