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4th Encounter Night
Celebration Night
Shiloh 2020 Day 4

  • I decree the outpour of the spirit of wisdom from the altar of sacrifice on this ground.
  • You will never run dry of the right thing to do, the right way to go, the right step to take.
  • You have been scratching the bottom of the pot for too long, it’s time for a turnaround.
  • No curse can stand in your life anymore.
  • Whatever came down with you to Shiloh dead shall return back alive.
  • Whatever is unequal in your health, in your business, in your life: grows up to match now in the name of Jesus and so shall it be.
  • The same way many have gotten turnarounds from the altar of sacrifice, you will get yours this time.
  • Every reproach will be rolled away from every area of your life.
    *From Shiloh 2020 onwards, nobody will ever ask you again, “where is your God?”
    *By your encounter with light on Shiloh 2020, the glory of God will descend on your life afresh.
  • The gentiles that used to mock you will come to your light and their kings will join to celebrate your rising.
  • It will be said of you, “who are these that fly as a cloud and as the doves to their windows?” That’s your testimony.
  • God will turn you to an amazement among men.
  • Many will return from Shiloh as spiritual illuminants. You step into a place and the atmosphere will change.
  • You arrive at a place and people are praising the name of the Lord. It will happen in your home, business, schooling.
  • Many people’s miracle children will drop on the altar of sacrifice.
  • Many people’s miracle jobs will drop on the altar of sacrifice.
  • Many people’s miracle marriages will drop on the altar of sacrifice.
  • Many people’s change of level in business and career will drop on the altar of sacrifice.
  • Many people’s health will be supernaturally restored on the altar of sacrifice.
  • Many appointed to death will enjoy longevity with grace in the name of Jesus.
  • No one here will have troubles with their children. Your children will not cause you heart ache in life.
  • No child or children will make us live in hospitals as our new homes.
  • From the altar of sacrifice, your health remains intact for life.
  • As the Lord liveth, your turnaround experience from this Mountain will become your new identity.
  • If anybody is hanging around with any disease tonight, BE HEALED in the name of Jesus.
  • If anyone is carrying any curse or spell on his life, be set free in the name of Jesus.
  • If anyone is in tears tonight, God has turned to tears into testimonies. Your tears are turned into testimonies.
  • Someone will receive a call that will turn his tears to testimonies tonight.
  • God has turned your mourning into dancing tonight.
  • I know you have been eating the Word, in the name of Jesus, the proofs begin right now.
  • Your joy on those utterances will never run dry.
  • Whatever anyone left behind at home as a concern, is turned to a testimony now.
  • Whatever discomfort followed you to Shiloh, that discomfort dissolves tonight in the name of Jesus.
  • By tomorrow morning, you are sharing your testimony!
  • God will stir surprises in your life.
  • Whatever has been scattered in your life will be re-ordered finally this time.
  • The impartation tomorrow will change your position forever.
  • It will establish you as a Turnaround personality.
  • For your sake, wherever you are, there shall be a Turnaround: where you are working, there shall be a turnaround. In the business you own, there shall be a Turnaround. In your career, there shall be a turnaround. In your family, there shall be a Turnaround. In the lives of your children, there shall be a Turnaround.
  • If anyone (a loved one, a relation you can’t find) is missing or kidnapped by some agents of the devil, in the name of the Lord Jesus, I command their return before the day breaks.
  • Anyone under any satanic siege of kidnappers or ritual killers, I decree your instant return under 7 hours. It is settled.






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  1. Amenn and Amenn for all the prayers and recreation. I’m blessed, I’m favorite,. I’m uplifted in Jesus name. I remain connected
    Thanks so much PAPA. Thanks so much PAPA. Thanks so much.


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