- You won’t see trouble again in your life.
- Every enemy that won’t let you rest will be crushed from this year.
- Natural laws will be suspended today on behalf of many people.
- God’s Hand is being stretched on your life today and no devil in hell can turn it back.
- You are just stepping into the fruitful season of your life right now.
- Whatever the devil may have put against your fruitfulness: It is your right to rebuke it; STOP THAT, I have Heaven’s verdict regarding my fruitfulness. I am leaving here with my babies.
- My dry season is ENDING TODAY: In my career, in my business, it is ending today.
- In my health: my dry season is ending today.
- Anybody on the line for miracle marriage because you can’t be fruitful in your body without being married.
- Anyone on the line for miracle job, that is career barrenness: THAT BARRENNESS IS OVER TODAY.
- Anyone whose business is crawling and almost dead: THAT BUSINESS BOUNCES BACK TO FULLNESS OF LIFE!
- Your life will never suffer a downturn forever.
- In your retirement age, you will be far more blossoming than in your early life.
- I command every siege of depression destroyed.
- As you keep giving glory to God for His Word to you today, everything will start taking shape in your favour.
- Our Father is the only baby maker; we cannot be baby beggars.
- Your purported barrenness is finally over today in the name of Jesus.
- Everything that murmurs and complains in you, is cursed today in the name of Jesus.
- I decree a baptism of joy and rejoicing upon your life that will keep your destiny blossoming and fruitful in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Your testimonies of fruitfulness begin this week.
- Before the month is over, it is fully blown. It is there for all to see in the name of Jesus Christ.
- All that came with Baby items to Church, lift them up before the Most High God:
- In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, all these items are turned into miracle babies in your hand.
- As the Lord liveth, your tears are over. Your waiting is over, Your Miracle Children are here.
- As the Lord liveth, in 9 months’ time, we are celebrating your testimony! In the name of Jesus.
- Every contrary wind is bound in the name of Jesus.
- Every resistance of hell is cursed in the name of Jesus.
- Every barren area of any member, in any worshipper’s life is declared over today in the name of Jesus.
That prophetic Word is answered in your life in Jesus name. - This year will be a most memorable year in your life because God has ordained to set a new pace in your life and destiny.