RCCG February Holy Ghost Service.

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Individual Prophesies

  1. Before this fasting is over, there will be evidence that you have obtained mercy
  2. Very soon many people will testify that you have been a blessing to them.
  3. He says one day, people’s prayer will be Lord bless me as You have blessed this child of Yours.
  4. The Lord says before this fasting is over, you will get seven major miracles.
  1. Daddy says that the storm you are passing through will not blow you away.
  2. He says you need to be closer to me like never before so that the prosperity coming your way may not destroy you.
  3. He said there is someone listening to me today, He said your family anthem will soon be ‘Hallelujah is a Heavenly language’ because l will turn your home to heaven of earth.




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