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Christian Missionary Assembly
Limbe, Cameroon

2 Samuel 13:1,2,15.
In one breath, Amnon the son of King David passionately loves Tamar his virgin half sister to the point of falling sick and after having brutally raped her, he hates her with a greater hatred than his love for her.

2 Samuel 12:1 – I will raise up evil against you from within your house David.

Amnon’s attraction and love for his half sister is not clean. It is actually an expression of the curse placed on his father David, which is now a generational curse on Amnon.

Amnon is now actually subject to a demonic influence and not in his right senses. There are some feelings of ‘love’ which are actually an expression of a demonic generational curse.

Thus some indicators of such a curse include:

– Inordinate, and abnormal sexual desires. Amnon ‘loves’ and rapes his own sister.

– Abnormal friendships to evil people. Amnon’s friend who advises him on how to deceive his own father and brutally rape his own virgin sister was Jonadab his cousin. An accursed relationship before God.

– There are abnormal attractions that will produce abnormal marriages that eventually only Jesus can redeem!

– Generational curses produce a dual personality – now, Amnon loves to the point of sickness and the next moment he hates with such cruelty!

Some Indicators of a dual personality:

2 Samuel 13:1,2 and15.

1)- Ardent love and desire when you are far but maltreatment, cruelty, hostility, opposition when you’re close. Amnon and Tamar.

-Israel praised Jesus for his miracles today and tomorrow said, crucify, crucify. (Terrible character instability and unpredictability).

2- Inability to respond to love but great ability to be stirred up by evil. Unmoved by good (indifferent, cold), but respond (stimulated) very well to evil, mistakes etc.

1 Kings 21:25 – Ahab stirred up to evil
1 Kings 18 – A call of fire from heaven.

With such a person you will think they can’t talk. Tell them I love you, no response. But touch their flesh – volcanic eruption of hysterical and evil words.

3- Acrid hatred for correction (teaching).
1 Kings 22:8,18,26,27 – Ahab hates Micaiah, but he was religious.
1 Kings 18:17 – Ahab hates Elijah, but he was religious.

In 1 Kings 12:3-16, Rehoboam rejected the advise of the elders and received the evil advises of the youths.

– Curses will cause a man to reject/forsake good people and their good advice.
– Curses will cause a man to be attracted to and gravitate towards evil counselors who speak by the devil’s spirit and not the spirit of God!

– Curses will cause royalty to be subjugated to foolishness and so be destroyed with their subjects. Rehoboam’s foolishness produced a civil war in Israel and split Israel into two.

Prayer Topics:

– By the powerful blood of Jesus, I set myself free of curse patterns of emotional attraction to evil people!
– Oh God may my sexual attractions and orientations not be a manifestation of a curse in my family bloodline!
– Oh God, every sexual attraction and orientation in my life which is the manifestation of a curse, let it catch fire!
– Oh Lord, friendships/relationships which are a manifestation of a curse shall not be my portion in Jesus’ name!
– Oh God curses that cause me like Amnon to hurt my neighbour and not care, as I pray and repent, let them break in Jesus’ name!
– Oh God, root out every tendency in me to reject good people and their advice in Jesus’ name!
– Oh God destroy every tendency in me to love evil counselors and advisers!
– Oh God in your mercy deliver me from every good-sounding advice which will destroy my life and destiny and the people under me!
– Oh God, every evil counselor you have assigned to me in your anger, so I may be destroyed, I now repent and ask for your merciful separation from them, in Jesus’ name!
– Oh God, every curse in my family bloodline that causes me like Rehoboam to depart from the Lord, deliver me from it and destroy it over me by the powerful blood of Jesus!
– Oh God every evil marriage that causes my heart to depart from u Lord, deliver me from it in Jesus’ name!
– Oh God preserve me from evil marriages destined to destroy my walk with you in Jesus’ name!
– Oh God, curses that determine my bad character, let them break in Jesus’ name!


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