-Pastor Paul Enenche on ‘DIMENSIONS OF WISDOM’
Preservation and Power Communion Service, Dunamis International Gospel Centre.
Blessed be Your name Lord for tonight. We worship and we honour and we adore You. Thank You Master for a wonderful day, we worship You, we honour You in Jesus precious name.
James 1:5
The Lord bless His Word in Jesus’ name.
Tonight, we shall be looking at:
Our objective is just like the subject, understanding the different dimensions and departments of wisdom. Before we go there, we looked at the definitions of wisdom on Sunday, diverse definitions, but more specifically tonight, we want to give a summary of what the wisdom of God is all about.
What is the wisdom of God?
1). The wisdom of God is access to the secrets of God. When a person has access to the secrets of God, that person is said to be in touch with divine wisdom (Job 11:6, Job 29:4). Church Gist. The secret of God is behind the making of the wise, especially the wisdom of God.
Secrets make for success and secrets make for stardom. Everywhere you see a star, he or she is connected to secrets. Everywhere you see success, it is tied to secrets.
2). The wisdom of God is access to the thought process and mindset of God. A wise man who is wise according to the wisdom of God has access to the way God thinks, access to the way God does things (Isaiah 55:8-9). Church Gist. The thought of God; how does God think? How does God function? Accessing it is called the wisdom of God. What secret make for success with God? Accessing that is called wisdom.
Having said all of that, what are the dimensions of this wisdom? If we say a man or a woman is wise, what are the expressions?
1). Solution Provision (Problem Solving). A wise man, a wise person is a solution provider; a generational solution provider. He is a generational problem solver (Genesis 41:33-37, Daniel 5:12).
The wisdom of God will give you insight to solve your own life’s problem. What is a problem in your life currently, what is a question in your life currently, what is the situation in your life currently? Church Gist. The wisdom of God will cause you to know what to do about it and then, what is the problem of your family and the situation of your community and your generation? The wisdom of God will give you access to solution provision.
- I prophesy upon someone here today, everything that is a problem in your life, a situation in your life that you don’t know what to do about, today, wisdom is coming your way, light is coming and it be shall be handled!
2). Leadership Provision (Vision Stirring). Every wise man is a natural leader, he is a natural people influencer, he is a natural frontliner (Exodus 18:24-26, Genesis 39:2-5, 21, Acts 7:10).
Wisdom causes a person to provide leadership for his generation.
3). Creativity Operation. Creativity is a dimension of wisdom (Exodus 28:3). Spirit of wisdom is making a man to become a fashion designer, to design the High Priest’s clothes (Exodus 31:1-5, Exodus 35:30-35). Church Gist. Wisdom is behind creativity, innovation, craftsmanship; anything that has to do with the work of the hands, anything that involves design, the wisdom of God is behind it.
I want somebody here who is in the design industry, whether you are a graphic designer, television producer, fashion designer; whatever it is that has to do with creativity; architect, automobile designs, aircraft designs; whatever it is that has to do with creativity, the wisdom of God is very relevant and you will understand that most of the people that brought forth some of the things you see in our generation today are people anointed with the wisdom of God.
When this construction was about to start, before it started, I called our architectural team in the Church and I gave them the brief of what we are looking for and they brought six designs and out of those six designs that they brought, because I knew what I saw and I said, “this particular design is the design” and then, the design was brought. But there were pillars here and there and I said, “No, all these pillars here must be knocked off, it is going to be a roof without a pillar hanging anywhere.” Oh, is that possible? Can it be done?
Response: Oh yes, it can be done. It will be very expensive to construct.
“Oh yes, God is not poor, He can pay the expense, but there shall be no pillar there and that was what was done and all that was knocked off and then, with solid structure engineering, it was done and I believe that, that was the creativity of God that is at work.
The creativity of God can go into all realms. Those of you have things to do with designs, you can trust God to give you designs in the dream of the night; design of clothes, systems, machines – in the dream of the night. Church Gist. He can give you some designs and show you the secrets of wisdom and then, you can present them forth to your generation.
4). Invention Production (Generating Inventions). Proverbs 8:12, wisdom unravels inventions. You know that David was such a wise man. The woman was talking about David, the woman that brought home Absalom (2 Samuel 14:20). David’s wisdom was compared with the wisdom of an angel of God and David operated in the realm of inventions (1 Chronicles 23:5).
David was not only an instrumentalist, he wasn’t just a choir director, a songwriter, a musician or a singer; he was an inventor of music equipment and that is a dimension of wisdom. I am sure you are aware that statics shows that 99 per cent of inventions from the world came from anointed minds, fertilized minds; minds that have been touched by the Spirit of God. Church Gist. I am sure you are aware that 8/10 of the topmost universities, where most inventions will come out from and patents will come out from, like Harvard, Cambridge and Oxford, are all church based and Christian based universities. They were founded by the Body of Christ, by the Church of Jesus Christ and they became centers that produce so much inventions and things for the world.
So, the realm of invention is the realm of wisdom.
- I prophesy to someone here today, God will use you to bring something into existence that was not there before!
That is what invention is all about; bringing into existence, that which did not exist for the purpose of solving problems. Innovation on the other hand is improving on what was already existing, in order to make it function better. Invention is bringing it afresh; innovation is improving on it, to make it better and to make it produce better results and these two dimensions are dimension of wisdom.
- I believe that someone is moving in that realm!
5). Inspiration Reception. The wisdom of God flows with a lot of inspiration (Job 32:8). Wisdom travels with inspiration. You remember Solomon was a man of wisdom (1 Kings 4:30-32).
What is very essential about this is that, this inspiration, whether it is in songs, in books, writing; in which ever form, they bring refreshing, healing and impact change. If the inspiration does not produce any result, it was just intelligence, it was just mere head knowledge. The Bible says that, wisdom is justified of her children. Meaning that, wisdom has product. Church Gist. The proof of wisdom is that it has offspring. If it doesn’t have result, it wasn’t wisdom. God gave me such inspiration where I was receiving songs at the frequency of; I could receive five songs or ten songs in one day. It was just flowing like water. If I heard a music that is without words, I will hear the words inside the music. If I hear the words, I will hear the music that will follow. It was anyhow; if I dreamt in the night, I will be singing in the dream or hearing some people singing in the dream and I woke up with a song and so on and so forth.
It was so abundant until I had to deliberately relax because the songs were coming and they were not going out and they were not flowing. So, it will come to the point where there were songs that will never be sang throughout life and I felt that was not necessary. We don’t have any reward to say that we receive one thousand songs. Charles Wesley received six thousand songs, that he wrote. So, the frequency and the wavelength of inspiration that brings refreshing to people is the frequency of wisdom.
- I prophesy to someone here today, God will connect you to inspiration; inspiration that will bring hope to people, that will bring change to lives!
Lift your right hand and say;
“I receive inspiration in Jesus’ name.”
6). Ideas connection (Connecting God’s idea, divine idea is a department of wisdom). Some of the time, the ideas may not make sense (Genesis 30:37). The wisdom of God will bring ideas, instructions and direction that at times, may be strange.
2 Kings 3:15, John 2:6
These ideas will come in form of revelations, visions, directions, still small voice, just a random thought that is anointed and they produce results. Church Gist. One good thing about the idea is that, these ideas are change producing. If nothing changes by the idea, then it is not wisdom. In the story of Jacob we just heard, it produce change in the result that the flock of Laban was producing.
- I believe that someone here is receiving an idea that is going to change something in your life!
7). Excellence delivery (1 Kings 10:4-8, Daniel 5:14, Ecclesiastes 2:13). Inside wisdom is passion for excellence. Mediocrity is the twin of stupidity. When people are not using their mind, everything goes. The Spirit of wisdom is one and the same with the Spirit of excellence; in Daniel is the spirit of wisdom, in Daniel is the spirit of excellence.
I don’t know which dimension of wisdom you trust God for, but I will go for all of them. I believe that all are one and the same dimension of everything.
- Somebody who has been in the pit before today is rising to the top!
- Somebody who is battling with a problem, a situation, a question; the wisdom of God will arise for you in this season!
- In this season of wisdom, you will know what to do and the problem shall be solved!
What is my counsel tonight?
1). Discern your need for wisdom. If any man lack wisdom (James 1:5), let him ask of God. Until you know what you lack, God does not give what you need.
The admission of ignorance is qualification for insight. Until you admit that you don’t know, you are not qualified to be taught. I told you the story some time ago, when we came into Abuja City newly, a man, a pastor who was in town before we came, came to me; I was talking to somebody and he began to talk and blah, he said, “You said God sent you to Abuja City? Abuja is already saturated. There are so many churches everywhere. Church Gist. He mentioned this church and that church and so on and the man I was talking to, told him and said, “Is he talking to you? If he says God sent him, leave him.” When that ended and Church started and God began to help us little ways, maybe under six months, one year; the same man arrived and he said, “I can see that God is helping you so much. Can you please tell us the secrets of ministry and church growth? Before I can say one thing, he said, “I know you need to pray very well, I know you need to study the Word very well. I know this and I know that.”
The same man who was discouraging us initially has now come in the guise of learning, he is trying to teach. By the time he finished talking, I said, “you know everything. There is nothing I would have told you that you are not saying. Father, thank You because of all the things he knows, help him Lord in Jesus’name.” That was how he left without hearing one word from me. I don’t waste instructions, neither will God waste instructions. Admission of ignorance is qualification for insight. In our place, they say that if your mother’s maid soup is sweeter than your mother soup, agree. Church Gist. You know in Africa, all manner of polygamous setting. It doesn’t reduce you. Now, God said to Ezekiel, “Can these bones live?” If it is some people here, they will say, “Lord, it depends; it depends on which angle you want us to look at it from because we can analyze it now and see.” Ezekiel said, “I cannot tell. How can the One who has all the answers be asking me a question? Answer it Yourself Sir, Lord God, thou knowest (Ezekiel 37:3)”
Response: Okay, since you have agreed that you don’t know, let me teach you: the bones can live (Ezekiel 37:4).
There are people who have never asked any question of nobody. Do you know I have asked people, colleagues in ministry in time past, “I hear God clearly, but there are several ways God speaks. What are the ways He speaks to you? In case He may be using that way to talk to me and I am not aware.” Church Gist. I have asked all manner of question from old, young, middle level and I am still asking questions till today by His mercy. The worst thing that can happen to anybody is not to know and not to know what they don’t know. You don’t know and you don’t know that you don’t know, how can you be helped? Archbishop Idahosa said, “Big head with no brain is weight to the neck. You don’t know and you don’t know that you don’t know.
The truth is, the more you know, the more you know that you don’t know. Anybody who knows anything knows. I talked with my father in the Lord some time ago and talking of some things, I shared a scripture. He said that, “I haven’t seen this particular scripture before.” That was the man who gave his life to Christ when I was one year old. One day, I did a ministration, he asked for the whole script, the whole outline. The one who taught you, still has something to hear from what you said. That is why there is no end to the rise of great men because they are not big enough yet, to know what they need to know.
During our last conference, there were explanations that some of our pastors gave while they were preaching that brought light to me in several areas; scriptures that I have read and taught. Church Gist. So, the first step is to discern your need. Every one of us here, we need wisdom, plenty. Life would have been a thousand times better if we were wiser, true or false?
2). Crave passionately for the wisdom of God. Now, I know that I need wisdom, now I am craving for it (Proverbs 18:1). The man desires, he is craving for wisdom, he separates himself. Like our father in the Lord did one day; “Lord, show me the secret of prosperity. Three days dry fasting, I will not leave this place until I see what is the secret of financial prosperity.” Through desire, you crave passionately for the wisdom of God.
3). Place a demand at the place of prayer for the wisdom of God. Why are you here? “Not for husband, wife, car nor house; I am here for wisdom (James 1:5). I am here because there are many things I need to know that I don’t know. I need wisdom in household management, ministry management, finance management, relationship management. I think I am very bad in maintaining relationships, I am craving for this wisdom.” Ephesians 1:16-18.
So, wisdom is something you pray for and pray for it passionately (1 Kings 3:3-9). Wisdom is one thing you get and all the things that others ask for, follow them. When we look at the dividends of wisdom, we shall see them. Church Gist. It is one thing you can get and everything follows. I will tell you a story and I close with that:
A very wealthy man had children that were not very reliable according to his own estimation and he had a slave, very reliable slave. He wrote a will, that when he dies, all his children should pick any property they want; you like this house? Pick it. You like this one? Pick it. Then the whole of the rest of his estate, that obedient slave should manage it because he can trust him with his resources.
So, when the man died, what will you take? I pick this house, farm, factory etc. They picked everything and then, the other young man was so wise. What will you pick? I pick the slave because the slave is my father’s property too. What is the meaning? Church Gist. Everything that the slave picks, is under me. So, the slave will manage it for me. If I am not wise enough to control it, the slave is wise enough to control it and he is under me. That slave is like wisdom. If you pick wisdom, you don’t need to struggle for something else.
If you pick the wisdom of God, let those picking cars pick cars, let them pick houses, let them pick the lives of their enemies. But God said to Solomon, what are you picking?
Response: wisdom.
Really, you have picked wisdom? Then I am giving to you any other thing you have not asked: houses, properties, riches, long life, the life of your enemies, so that there will be no king that is like you, before you or after you because you are wise enough to pick what is controlling every other thing. Church Gist. Pick it and you will never be the same. Bishop Oyedepo said, before he stepped into ministry, God said, “I don’t want you to run into ministry like every other person ran. I want hands to be laid on you for wisdom.” “How will I go about it?” He said, “My servant, Pastor E. A Adeboye will lay hands on you for wisdom” and that was done, September, 1981 and he was released on the wings of that wisdom and today, the wisdom shows: one ministry running two universities effortlessly without ASSU strike.
Most state government are struggling with one university, they can build more if they want, but just other things because the wisdom of God was released.
- That wisdom is upon you right now!
- Father, thank You for Your Word to me tonight in the name of Jesus. Be glorified and be honoured Lord, in the name of Jesus.
Isaiah 11:1-2
- Father, I make demands on the baptism of the Spirit of wisdom today for existence as a solution provider, leadership provider, creativity operation, production of invention to exist with inspiration and divine ideas and the Spirit of excellence. Father, I receive the baptism today in the name of Jesus.
Psalm 112:4
- Father, I ask that there will arise light in my darkness in this month of wisdom. Let every mystery around my life be exposed and dissolved. I connect with solution provision, I connect with answers to every question around my life now.
- The Lord has answered us in Jesus’ name!
- Overnight tonight, there will be diverse encounters that will unveil mysteries; encounters that will bring solutions and answers!
- There shall be high frequency divine inspiration, divine ideas; ideas that will turn some people into billionaires, ideas that will cause you to change the whole of your world and change the whole of your community are coming overnight!
Isaiah 64:1
- Father, we ask that You will rend the heavens and step into Nigeria, let every mountain of terrorism, kidnapping, banditry; every mountain of religious war, every mountain of the bond woman, anti-Christ, bad leaderships, insecurity, political instability: Father, let every mountain flow down like water now.
- Father, we decree the frustration of every satanic conspiracy against the National Healing and Deliverance Crusade, starting tomorrow. Every conspiracy of the occult, witchcraft, the bond woman, the powers of the earth, the powers of the waters, the powers on the land and every conspiracy of established authority against the move of God in Nigeria tomorrow and beyond; today we decree you conspiracy, scatter now!
So shall it be!
(Altar Call)
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