‘The Benefits of Divine of Visitation’
City Of God’s Delight Assembly, Buea Cameroon.
What Is Divine Visitation?
1) It is a change of ones personality, and the bringing out of ones identity.
2) It is the actualisation and fulfilment of prophetic words.
3) It is the restoration, of gifts, potentials and lost resources, Luke 7:16.
Prophets carry visitation. The blessing is not on the mountains. It is on men. One word of blessing from a sent man is greater than forty days of fasting. God promised Abraham a blessing, but the blessing didn’t fall from heaven. It came through a man.
What Happens When God Visits or Blesses A People?
2) Acceleration
6)Change of lives
7) The Blessing
The Blessing
When God made man, the first thing he gave them was a blessing.
Oil is for function whereas the blessing is for coverage. God has blessed us, but this blessing resides in men. God blessed Abraham, but the blessing didn’t fall from above. It came through a man.
For the blessing to be confirmed in man , it must be proclaimed. Until it is proclaimed, it is not confirmed.
The blessing is stronger than the anointing. The blessing is more expensive than the anointing.
To obtain the blessing, your value system must be in place. You must value the blessing. Anointing can come from lips. But the blessing is from the souls of men.
Oil is for function, the blessing is for coverage. Those with the blessing are more stable and live a long lasting impact than those running with an anointing. Don’t labour to be rich labour to be blessed. The riches are in the blessing.
Never disconnect from people who bless you.
The blessing rests in you and on you while the anointing rests only on you.
You can fake the oil, but you cannot fake the annointing.
Anointing oil without the blessing will live men stranded. The anointing helps you manifest but your sustainance, the renewal of your strength, and your victory over battles resides in the blessing.
Jacob stole the blessing because he realised the importance of the blessing. Also, many people don’t realised Esau was blessed. Esau pleaded and was blessed whereas Ham went without pleading and carried the curse. Even Esau understood the power of the blessing and pleaded for it.
Many anointed people out there are stranded because they lack the blessing. Many people in this nation are running with the anointing, but without the blessing. Many of us are craving and running after impartation. Yes! Many have received impartations and are still stranded with it. They need the blessing!
You can run with anointing but can not pass on a great heritage to posterity without the blessing.
Many people are anointed but are broke, unstable and confused because they lack the blessing.
Go for the blessing !!
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