THE FIRE OF THE HOLY GHOST || Rev. Ntia I. Ntia at The Wind And The Fire Sunday Service || Wining Women Conference 2024 Grand Finale || 25th August 2024 ||

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  • Rev. Ntia I. Ntia on “THE FIRE OF THE HOLY GHOST” at The Wind And The Fire Sunday Service || Wining Women Conference 2024 Grand Finale || 25th August 2024 ||

THE WIND AND THE FIRE – Part 2. In the First Service, we looked at The Wind Of The Holy Ghost. In this Second Service, we are looking at The Fire Of The Holy Ghost. We said that these are not the only descriptive expressions that capture the operation of the Holy Ghost. We have the oil of the Holy Ghost. We have the rain of the Holy Ghost. Church Gist. So, as we delve into these two, study more and discover other dimensions of the move of the Spirit. We have the comfort of the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah! Get the 2 books, ‘The Reality Of The Holy Spirit’ and ‘Receive The Holy Spirit’. Read them, study them, meditate on them. Knowledge is our access to divine benefits.

Acts 2:1-4. So, we’ve seen the wind, we also see the fire. Both of them described the move of the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room. The presence and operation of the Holy Spirit in the believer can be described or can be likened to fire. Church Gist. The presence and operation of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer can be likened to fire. He operates like fire. He burns like fire and in the Bible, we see where God poured out His fire. God did what? Poured out His fire. 1 Kings 18:22-24,39. The Fire fell.

So, we can say that the fire of the Holy Spirit;
1: is given by God. Church Gist. “He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire”. Given by God.

  1. is to be stirred and sustained by the believer. The fire is to be stirred and sustained by the believer. Don’t just keep saying “Oh God, pour out. Oh God, pour out.” The one He has poured out, stir it and sustain it. Can I hear Amen? Stir it. If you want to see the fire burn and operate in your life, look to God to pour out His fire upon you. Church Gist. Look to God, “Lord, pour out your fire fresh on me. Pour it out” Malachi 3:6. He poured it out when it was needed. Hallelujah! But it doesn’t end there. It must be stirred and sustained by the believer. Leviticus 6:12,13. So, it can go out because of careless neglect. Day in, day out, you keep neglecting it. You won’t put wood, you won’t put offering. You just keep neglecting it. It will go out by careless neglect. It can be put out by ignorant exposure. You ignorantly exposed the fire to impurities, to debris, it will be put out, to adversaries, enemies of your fire, they will put it out even though it is the fire of God and God tells us clearly, “Priests, become responsible.” Church Gist. “Oh God, pour out your fire afresh on my life” “Yes, my son (pours the fire)”. He can come by divine encounter, He can come by prophetic Impartation and you receive the fresh fire. He said, “Now, Priest, wake up. Keep the fire ever burning. You will need it”. You will need it to keep away demons from your life. You will need it to secure the destiny of your children. Keep it burning.

This World is full of enemies, keep the fire burning. We’re going to show you what the fire will do for you, but you have a job to keep it burning. Keep it burning before you die as though you didn’t know God. Keep it burning before they cut you off and your children become frustrated in destiny, keep it burning. Luke 22:31. Church Gist. Keep it burning. 1 Corinthians 16:9. Keep the fire burning. Keep the fire burning. Don’t let it go out and don’t let any enemy put it out. Keep it burning. 1 Corinthians 15:33. Keep the fire burning. A companion of fools shall be destroyed. Keep the fire burning. Not everybody wants your fire to burn. There are some on a mission to quench your fire. Keep it burning. It shall never be put out. Amen, somebody. It is poured out by God. It is to be stirred and sustained by the Priest.

  1. It can be fuelled to a greater level. You can fuel it and it burns on a greater level. Don’t stay on the same fire level. That is what God is saying. Don’t just keep the fire burning, increase it. Fuel it till it increases. Candle fire is fire, but it can burn brighter, it can burn bigger. Firewood fire is fire, but it can still burn more. Church Gist. Then you get some fuel there and boom, it burns bigger. It can still burn bigger. Then imagine the fire from the sun, there are levels. Fuel it. 2 Timothy 1:6. Fuel it, fuel your fire, let it burn bigger, burn brighter. Stir it, stir that fire. What is that fire? “For God has not given us the Spirit…” So, it’s the fire of the Spirit. Stir it. Fuel it. Can I hear Amen? Get it to burn bigger, burn brighter.

Why are you trying to cook a whole pot of soup with candle fire? You will stay there for 100 years. That is why certain exploits are not happening in your life. Your fire is too small. Yes, you are born again. Yes, you are a child of God. But your fire level is too small. Stop blaming other people. It is your fire level that is the problem. Your fire level is too small. Yes, I know that you are tired of the problem, but you have not done anything to fix it. Church Gist. You are still on 6 to 3, 6 to 12, 6 to 2 fast. What is stopping you from going 6 to 6? What is stopping you? Will you die? Okay, why can’t you go 3 days? Will you die? Try it and see if you will die. You won’t die. Don’t let your flesh and your stomach deceive you. You have eaten enough food all your life. Even if you don’t eat for one week, you won’t die. There’s too much food stored up in you, you won’t die. Fast, fuel that fire.

You say you’re born again, no consistent study life. You read your Bible once in a while when you can. Listen, stop trying to cook soup with candle light. Fuel it. Is that how you went to school to get your B.Sc? It was structure, it was consistent, it was scheduled, it was back to back. They scheduled it for you. You don’t come when you like. They give you your time table. Church Gist. You comply with it so that you can become what you want to be. It’s the same with bigger fire. Do you want more fire? Do you want witches to leave you alone? Increase your fire. If not, endure the punishment of no fire or low fire. Are you tired of being pressed in the night? Get into fire. Stir it up. You are the one to stir it up. Enough of this praying just when you are in between bathroom, in between brushing, “Father Lord, I give you praise. Father Lord, I bless your name. Father Lord, have your way today. Father, I’m in your hand”. You are not in His hand, you are not serious. Church Gist. Shut down and give God 30 minutes of prayer time. Be serious with your life. Too many witches want to kill you, be serious with your life. Schedule your prayer life. Structure it well. Spiritual matter require discipline investments. Say Amen, somebody. That’s what it takes. Fan it to flame.

2 Timothy 1:6. “The inner fire” You feel it when you come to Church, you feel it in an intense service, strong praise, strong worship, strong Word, something in you comes…now, go and fan it. Church Gist. Go and rekindle it. Rekindle it, the embers are burning out. Praise the Lord! Rekindle it, fan it to flame. Let it burst into flames. Somebody, Say Amen.

Hear me, you can either fan the flame of your spiritual fire or allow it to be quenched. It’s up to you. 1 Thessalonians 5:19. The fire can be quenched. The fire of the Spirit in you can be quenched, so God said it must not be put out. It can be quenched so, fight to protect it, fight to secure it. It can be quenched, just existing daily, eat, sleep, wake up, go to work, come back. Just existing nominally and carnally. Church Gist. The fire will be quenched and God forbid such a terrible spiritual state. So, fan it. That’s why you notice that when we begin the year with 21 days prayer and fasting, most people are spiritually on fire. Back to back investment. You see all these come on Sundays, come on Wednesdays, in between the gap, many things happened. So, when you need to rekindle your fire, you take 2 days for yourself, you take 3 days by yourself. You take one day, one Saturday, you say “This Saturday, I am staying indoors from 6 am to 12 noon. Read my Bible, pray, sing choruses. Read my Bible, pray, sing choruses. Read my Bible, pray, sing choruses.” Church Gist. They say, what really are you looking for? Now, I’m just rekindling the fire. Then by 12 noon, you come out.” Glory to God. Hallelujah!” You’ll discover you feel fresh. You’ll feel light. You’ll feel free of heaviness because you have rekindled the flame. Can I hear Amen? You have rekindled the flame just reading your Bible, praying, singing choruses. Don’t let anything distract you now. Be very careful, don’t let anything distract you, be very careful. Praise the Lord.

Can I tell you something? All your relations that are not spiritual, God forbid, the day anything happens to a person, all of them becomes spiritual overnight. “Man of God. Man of God” But it’s too late. This is the time to be spiritual. “Man of God, he was one of your members. Man of God, we are here with him now” (They) put the phone by his ear. Do you think it was everybody Jesus went and said “Roll away the stone” It was somebody that had an investment that can be called on. Church Gist. It’s not everybody He said roll away the stone, no. The Disciple, he was a Disciple, whom you love. He had a deep intimate relationship with Jesus. There was an investment. It’s not every grave He said, “Roll away the stone, come out”. No Sir, some people are too empty. No matter how you call, nothing will come, except God just shows mercy. Church Gist. This is the time now to stay alive, this is the time now to engage the Spirit. Can I hear Amen? Have you not heard people’s testimonies, while they were passing out, their spirit was still interacting, their spirit was still communicating, their spirit was communing and they came back.

  • In the name of Jesus, I command your spirit to come alive.
  • I command your spirit to be on fire.
  • I command your spirit to wake up.
  • Say, “I reject a lazy spirit. My spirit will not be lazy. My spirit will not be dry” Say 2 Amen very loud.

So, what will the fire do in your life?

  1. Manifestation of divine presence. The fire gives God’s presence, real, close, feelable, palpable, touchable, they can sense it when they come around you. They can perceive it when they come around you. The fire makes sure dem0ns don’t take over your atmosphere. Church Gist. The fire makes sure you carry a divine atmosphere. A divine atmosphere, an atmosphere that carries God, an atmosphere that is loaded with God’s presence. That’s the assignment of the fire. Say Amen, somebody.

They come around you, they feel God, they come around you, they sense God. They come around you, they perceive God. They come around you, they know you carry God. That’s the assignment of the fire. Exodus 19:18. God was inside the fire. So, the fire carries God’s feelable, palpable, tangible presence. Say Amen, somebody. Church Gist. Exodus 13:22. It gives you a divine presence that never leaves. Listen to me, nobody carries God like placards, carrying a sticker on your car, “belive it or not, I’m a child of God” doesn’t mean nothing. But when agents of satan enters an atmosphere where God is present, they can sense it. “Nna, leave that thing, e no go work here. That thing no go work here”. That’s why you need the fire. It crowns you with a divine presence atmosphere. That is why Paul said “If God be for us…”

Are you aware that Gideon said, “If the Lord be with us”. You see, God can be with you but the presence is not felt, it’s not tangible. So, certain things still manifests around you that shouldn’t. Amen somebody. Certain things still manifest. Church Gist. But there is a dimension of divine presence that when you carry it, the devil cannot maneuver around you, he can’t. Amen somebody. You need that fire. Acts 4:13. Did Jesus give them complimentary card? No, it was a presence, a divine presence. The divine presence.

We entered somewhere to buy ice cream and as we were buying ice cream, one woman that stood behind us and her husband just turned and said, “Are you a Pastor?” I was on jeans, T shirt, everybody was on jeans, T shirts. Church Gist. “Are you a Pastor?” I said, “Why do you ask?” He said, “I felt something when you walked in”. I said “Yes, I’m a Pastor”. “I felt something when you walked in” Hallelujah! A presence.

  • May the fire of God never depart from your life oh!

You need that tangible (presence). Soak yourself. Praise the Lord. Soak yourself so that you’ll come out with His presence. Church Gist. You come out carrying a rub off of His presence. Somebody, Say Amen.

  1. Clarity of divine guidance and leading. The fire provides light that guides you. A censor that guides you in the right direction. When you are heading out of the right direction, the alarm begins to increase, you’re uncomfortable, you just know this is not right. You just know this is not it and when you realign with divine presence, with His guidance, there is peace. Church Gist. That inner alarm. Somebody is saying something that makes sense but you feel a check on your inside. It’s terrible to lack that inner guidance. You are just a vegetable waiting to be harvested. “Well, from the look of it, from the look of it…” Look what? There are liars who lie well. “Well, from the look of things…” What look of things? That fire guides you. That fire leads you. Amen somebody.

It was that fire that told Moses, “Come, this thing you are doing, you are long overdue. I have an assignment for you”. It was that fire. It was that fire that went before the Children of Israel by day and by night. Praise the Lord. By day and by night. It was that fire.

-Somebody say, “Holy Ghost, let your fire guide me”.

Exodus 13:21. Psalm 78:14.
-Somebody, this step you are about to take, by the fire of God, you will not miss your way in Jesus name.

You open your Bible to read, every verse looks the same. But you need a Word. Church Gist. When you get to a certain Word, the fire just activates that Word and that Word stands out and you just know, “That’s my Word”. Numbers 9:15-23.

  • Receive divine guidance. Receive divine leading. Church Gist. Receive divine guidance in the name of Jesus. You need that fire. You need the fire. Amen somebody.
  1. Empowerment for destiny assignment. The fire is power. It empowers you to be the husband you should be, to be the wife you should be, to be the disciple you should be, to be the Minister you should be. Church Gist. The fire empowers you. Acts 2:3,4. The fire powered them to begin. They began to serve God. They began to follow God, they began to serve Jesus, they began to preach the Gospel. It’s an empowerment that makes destiny easy.
  2. Impartation of fresh glory. Psalm 8:4-6. The person that should marry you should see a glory about you. There’s a glory that should confirm, “Yes, this is the person we should employ. Yes, this is the right person”. There’s a glory. Just as when you come near a demon1c presence, something in you pulls you backward. Church Gist. Even unbelievers, when they come near an atmosphere of evil, they say “I don’t know. My heart was telling me don’t enter that car” because there is something repulsive about evil and there is something attractive about glory. Amen, somebody. There’s something attractive about glory.
  • I pray for somebody here, anything that is making them treat you like others, may the fire of God renew your glory.
  • Say with me, “Holy Ghost, by your fire, cover me with a new glory. Cover me with a fresh glory”

Exodus 24:17. By the time Moses spent time with that Fire, Exodus 34:28,29, the same glory radiated on his life. You see what fasting does? You see what shutting down to pray does? Just 6 am to 12 noon on a Saturday, just do that. I know that you are a very busy person, but don’t let your life be at the mercy of dem0ns. Church Gist. Just settle with Him. Let a fresh perfume of glory come upon your life. So there is no place where Moses prayed and said “Oh God, give me the kind of glory that when people look at me, my face will shine”. Just stay with Him, just begin the day with Him before you jump out into the streets where a w1zard is about to shake your hand.

The Bible said they invited Naboth to a feast, made him chairman of the occasion, he didn’t know that they had kept something on his chair to finish him. Church Gist. Sat on it, he didn’t survive, he died. They stoned him. Everybody believed the lie. Good men are always targeted, so good man, soak yourself in His glory. Can I hear Amen? Soak yourself in His glory.

  • Somebody say “Holy Ghost, I need your fire”

I wonder what Moses was praying for 40 days. It might be a repeat of the same prayer. You know, prayer can be very dry sometimes. Prayer can look like you are not making any progress. It can look like you’re not doing anything, you’re not achieving anything, you’re not going anywhere, until you start seeing certain results. Church Gist. I have fasted before, many days and nothing happened. I didn’t see any Angel, no divine encounter. It was just regular normal. Then when I finished, God said “The ball is now in my court. You have played your leg. Watch me play mine” So, even when you don’t feel anything, something has happened. “Moses wist not” Meaning Moses didn’t feel it, Moses didn’t sense it, Moses was not even aware, but that prayer investment had made impact. Church Gist. “Emm, after I fast and pray, what will change?” Are you asking me? Continue your life. You have not suffered enough. “All these 30 Days Of Victory, for what?” No problem, it’s your liver, not my own liver. Have you not seen people on medication for 3 years now, they take it every day for 3 years now. There are some people that have been on a certain medication for 7 years. Amen somebody.

So, if this fasting, if these 30 Days Of Victory is me renewing my strength, so be it. At the end, I didn’t see Angel, I didn’t see mountain, fire didn’t fall, so be it. But when the time really matters, you will see the difference. Church Gist. It was other people that said “Moses, your face is shining” to the extent that they carried cloth to cover it so he can talk with people.

Luke 9:28. The Bible said “As Jesus prayed” My question is, why didn’t John pray, why didn’t Peter pray? Why didn’t they pray? It was only Jesus that prayed. But He took 3 people to go and pray. Church Gist. Why is it only one person that ended up praying? Because many people play with their seasons of encounter until it is too late. Luke 9:29. Wow! Amazing! I need the fire of the Holy Ghost. I need that fire to carry God’s glory. Amen somebody.

  • I pray again for somebody here, may the glory of God remain fresh on your life. May the glory of God remain ever fresh on your life.
  • When they try to fire any arrow in your direction, when they try to call your name anywhere, when they try to invoke your destiny anywhere, may that glory fire rise up for your sake in the name of Jesus.
  1. Upliftment in command of divine authority. The fire determines your authority level. It determines what you can command and when the fire increases, it shifts you to a higher level of command. Church Gist. Upliftment in authority level. Say a loud Amen. The fire of God baptizes men with divine authority.

In Acts 2, after that fire came upon the Apostles, the Bible said Peter and John in chapter 3, came to the Gate, “Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have, give I thee, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk”. Church Gist. Wow, what they never did before, a new level of authority and then by chapter 4, they went again for another time of retreat from verse 23 to verse 33 and the Bible said “With great power”. Acts 1:8, that was the first level. Second level, Acts 4:33. Can you see the difference in authority level. By this Second level, Peter didn’t need to lay hands on anybody.

Acts 5:12. Hear me, it is not prayer. It is what authority you’re using to pray. It is not prayer. Yes, you’re praying, but with what authority level, with what level of power? Everytime you spend time with God in the fire to increase your fire, your authority level increases. Church Gist. Every believer uses the name of Jesus to pray, yet they don’t all command the same level of result because we are not all operating on the same authority level. There’s no Christian that uses another name. All believers use the name of Jesus, but you need a shift in your authority level. Psalm 110:2,3. So, the more you encounter His power, the more you are able to rule in the midst of your enemies.

Ephesians 3:20. What level of power are you operating in? Can you see why your quiet time is important? Can you see why prayer time is important? Can you see why being in Church is important? Can you see why partaking in your department is important? Church Gist. Can you see why Kingdom Service is important? All of these are the avenues through which you refuel your fire and you step up to a higher level, so that when you give command, what didn’t obey you before, begins to obey you. Somebody in the House, say a loud Amen.

  • Lift your right hand and say, “In the name of Jesus, by the fire of the Holy Ghost, I enjoy a new level of authority”.
  1. Release of divine intervention and rescue. The fire handles your battles, handles your enemies, handles your confrontations, handles your struggles, it handles your mountains, it handles your challenges, it handles your resistance. Isaiah 64:1-4. It turns your battles to victories. Church Gist. It turns your obstacles to miracles. It turns what they meant for evil to turn out for your good. The fire makes your enemies to say “No, no, no. Her God is real” Some people will even tell you openly, “whichever God you are worshipping, hold Him very well”. Only them know how they have tried you and yet they couldn’t penetrate you. You need the fire in order for your mountain to be handled.
  • Shout, “I will not be a casualty” Say it again. Say, “I will not be a victim”.

Isaiah 64:3. The same Herod that killed James couldn’t kill Peter. Fire is in levels. Amen somebody. Where was James when Peter walked away from ship loads of fish to follow Jesus? Church Gist. It was Peter that said “we would give ourselves continuously to prayer and to the ministry of the Word”. Amen somebody. Beloved, use your time of peace to build spiritual fire so that you will have fire to reply the enemy in the time of battle. Divine intervention and rescue.

Psalm 46:9. 2 Kings 1:10-12. I can imagine you talking like this and a witchcraft circle close down. I imagine you talking like this and whatever they were planning right there scatters. 2 Kings 1:13-15. Always read your Bible complete. The Angel of the Lord was there, the Angel of the Lord was with him. Church Gist. The Angel of the Lord was supervising the whole operation. Say a loud Amen. God can permit such operations based on His agenda per time. It doesn’t happen everyday. But this is one of the benefits of being in the fire, of carrying the fire. Don’t be carnal. Don’t be what? Carnal. Don’t be empty.

  • I pray again for somebody here, carry the fire!
  • Oh, somebody say, “Holy Ghost, I need your fire. Renew your fire in my life” Say 2 loud Amen in the House of God.

7: Activation of spiritual gifts and potentials. Spiritual gifts can remain dormant. Spiritual gifts can remain non functional until the fire comes. The fire activates spiritual gifts. They began to speak in other tongues after the fire came upon them. They began to speak in other tongues, they began to preach with power. Church Gist. Peter stood on one stand and quoted from Old Testament to New Testament, Acts 2. One sermon. Amen somebody. Stephen did even more. Acts 7. Stephen blasted through Scriptures anyhow. The fire will quicken your mind, it will quicken your understanding. The fire will quicken your illumination. Can I hear Amen? Spiritual gifts will come alive so that you can serve the Lord with results. Somebody, say a loud Amen.

It will inspire your words, it will enlighten your mind. It will make your words impactful. Church Gist. It will make your words command results. Hallelujah. John 14:26. John 6:63. Say a loud Amen.

  • Tell your neighbour, “You need the fire of the Holy Ghost for your gifts to come alive, for your gifts to be activated. You need the fire of the Holy Ghost”. Let your Amen be the loudest one here.
  1. The fire is also for defence, protection and preservation. When you do exploits, when you serve the Lord, when you represent God and the enemy wants to carry a counter attack, the fire is for your defence, the fire is for your preservation, the fire is for your protection. Church Gist. Say a loud Amen. Whether defence by way of attack, or defense by way of securing you, the fire can break out to deal with weapons that are fashioned against you and the fire can surround you to cover you.

Isaiah 29:5-7. Say Amen right there. Say, “All of them will pass away”. Isaiah 4:5. The fire is for your defence. Church Gist. The fire will shield you, the fire will keep you. 2 Kings 6:16,17. For where the glory of the fire is, there shall be a defence.

So, what’s my counsel to you to keep that fire burning?

  1. Raise prayers to God. The fire falls in response to prayer. It is when you pray that He releases the fire. When Jesus prayed, His countenance began to radiate that glory fire. Church Gist. You want that fire? Take your prayer life and your prayer time seriously. Draw up a prayer schedule and maintain it. David said, “When I prayed, God moved on the wings of fire” Psalm 18:6,8,12.
  2. Receive the impartation of God’s Word. Open up and receive the Word. Don’t be dull when it comes to time for the Word. Don’t be sloppy when it comes to time for the Word. You can talk, you can shout, you can argue, you can take pictures, you can do everything. Time for Word, you will be sleeping. Church Gist. Be alive to hear the Word. Be alert to hear the Word and it will impart fire into your life. Luke 24:32. So, the opening of Scriptures to you will increase your fire. Can I hear Amen? Jeremiah 20:9. Receive the impartation of God’s Word.
  3. Rise up in spiritual warfare. You want the fire? Rise up in spiritual warfare. Don’t be lazy. Don’t be slow. Don’t be sluggish. Rise up in spiritual warfare. Respond to the challenge with fire. Church Gist. Respond to the confrontation with prayer. Rise up in spiritual warfare. Isaiah 9:4,5. Be a warrior for God. Declare battles against the attacks and assaults of the enemy and God says, “I will give you that weapon of fire”. Can I hear Amen?
  4. Release radical praise. You want the fire?Learn to be radical in your praise. Personal praise, corporate praise. Radical praise attracts the fire. Isaiah 39:27-30. The fire is not for everybody, it’s for those that are vibrating with God’s songs. It’s for those that are exploding with God’s songs. Have a song. Forget your pain, have a song. Church Gist. That is why Paul and Silas sang. Have a song and God will scatter them. Can I hear Amen? Have a song. Release radical praise. Forget how you feel, forget your emotions, forget the heaviness, get into the Spirit, become a warrior, release radical praise. He said “The saints shall be joyful in glory. They shall sing aloud upon their beds. The high praises of God will be in their mouths and a double edged sword in their hand”. That’s the key.
  5. Release sacrificial giving as a lifestyle and in the day of battle, fire will answer for you. Sacrificial giving as a lifestyle. Amen somebody. Psalm 50:1-5. Somebody say, “He will come” and by the grace of God, because of what Jesus did on the Cross, our own is not He will come, our own is ‘He is here’. Our own is ‘Lord, show forth’. Church Gist. So, you give as a lifestyle and you just keep going. Time to give to the poor, you give. Time to give to the work of God, you give. Time to give your offering, you are always excited to give. Listen, Heaven is piling it up. God has not forgotten. The Bible says a day will come when the sacrifice will provoke fire. Can I hear Amen? It says, “The Lord hear thee” In what day? In the day of trouble. Everyday is not the day of trouble. Psalm 20:1-4. So, there is no one time magical offering. No, it’s a lifestyle. This must be your lifestyle. Giving as a lifestyle, helping the poor as a lifestyle. Giving to God’s work as a lifestyle and in any day the devil tries your life that’s the day they know that the silence of God does not means absence. Say Amen, somebody. Church Gist. Never you close your heart when it’s time to give to God’s work. Never you turn away during offering time. To the level to which God has blessed you, grow in your giving. Grow in your giving because God is a faithful rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Be a channel of blessing to the less privileged around you and you’ll see that this God is too faithful to fail.

Rise to your feet.
Don’t let any body’s spiritual level look like a mystery to you. There are no favorites. Praise the Lord. Pick up these simple keys and then begin to build spiritual fire. Paul said “Fan to flame. Stir it up”. Church Gist. Can I hear Amen? And if I were to add, I’d say pray in tongues. If I were to add to it, praying in tongues. That’s the language of the Spirit. When you pray in tongues, the fire burns. When you pray in tongues, the fire is kindled. When you pray in tongues, the fire blazes on. Somebody, say Amen.

  • Congratulations everyone of you! Only good news will come from your life. Only good news will come from your destiny.
  • You will never know a better yesterday.
  • It shall be from glory to glory to glory. Can your Amen be the loudest one here?
  • Tell your neighbor, “Neighbor, I know what to do. My fire will not go out. My fire will not be quenched. I will fuel the fire”. Say a loud Amen!

— Prayers and Salvation Call—






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