-Pastor Paul Enenche on ‘IT IS FINISHED’
Special Good Friday Service, Dunamis International Gospel Centre.
Father, we worship You. We honour You, we adore You, we magnify You. Father, thank You for Your auspicious presence this morning, we give You the praise, we give You the adoration. Thank You Master, in Jesus precious name.
Isaiah 53:1-10
The subject this morning is: “IT IS FINISHED”
This morning, our objective is to understand the finished work of Calvary (John 19:30). The greatest blessing that ever happened to humanity was the blessing of the cross. Church Gist. We have a book titled ‘The Blessing of His Bleeding – The Power in the Death and Shed Blood of Jesus Christ.’ He bled that we be blessed. The cross was a cross over for humanity, where humanity crossed over from disaster to distinction. The cross was a cross over for humanity, where humanity crossed over from calamity to possibility. The cross was the place of exchange, where we took up His strength as we surrendered our weakness.
I won’t be holding this mic now to preach, if not for the cross. We won’t be seated here this morning, if not for the cross. Very quickly, what did Jesus carry on the cross?
That is to show you what to believe for. It’s all there in Isaiah 53, where we read. I’m going to enumerate them, not necessarily in the order which it came in the scripture here:
1). He carried man’s transgression; our iniquity. What would have taken us to hell, He carried it.
2). He carried our affliction and infirmity; by His stripes, we were healed.
3). He carried our oppression and captivity – Anything that is the reason for bondage; this is the realm of curses; ancestral curses, generational curses, witchcraft curses .
4). He carried our rejection and inferiority. He was the Man rejected so that we can become the people accepted. The Bible says, we are now accepted in the beloved. Church Gist. Any man or woman that is purchased by the blood of Jesus is inferior to nobody under Heaven. This is the deadly blow to inferiority complex, the deadly blow to the spell of rejection.
5). He carried our frustration and depression. Nobody has the right to remain with the spell of depression because of Calvary. He was the man of sorrow so that we can be people of joy (Isaiah 53:3).
6). He carried our grief and pains. This attacks the cycle of continuous grief around your life. He has borne our grief and carried out sorrows. Church Gist. Whatever is the cause of grief in your life, in our lives, around your vicinity, He carried our grief and our pains.
7). He carried our deprivation and scarcity, empty-handedness (Revelation 5:12). One of the reasons why He was slain is to receive for us riches and blessings.
- Today, I decree, everyone under the spell of scarcity and empty-handedness, in this Easter season, that spell is broken!
- Everyone under the spell of scarcity and shortage, on this Good Friday, that spell is broken!
- Everyone under the spell of empty-handedness, in this season, that spell is broken!
2 Corinthians 8:9
8). He carried our premature death – He died young for man to live long (Hebrews 2:9).
- Everything that wants to take you out of this life before time, or take your loved ones and your precious ones out of this life before time, today, that agenda is cancelled!
Jesus went all the way for this and more. We cannot go through all of them. This is summary and then, at the end of the day in John 19:13, He said, ‘It is Finished.’ What is the meaning of ‘It is Finished?’ I looked at it up in the Greek, ‘Teleo’ and among other things, three meanings of this word stand out. Finished there means:
a). Ended, brought to a close, brought to an end. What is ended?
“I’ve finished the devil, the enemy of mankind, I ended his rule and his tenure, I ended his agenda. I finished with the powers of witchcraft, I’ve finished with the powers of the occult, I’ve finished with demonic powers.”
- I am here to announce to someone, every devil that has been after your life and your family, every witch and every wizard, every occult power; every power from hell after you, after me, after the Body of Christ, after this Church; every power from hell after your destiny, today, they are confirmed finished.
By the power of Calvary, they are confirmed finished! - It is like what Moses told the Israelites at the Red Sea; the Pharaoh you saw today, the Egyptians you saw before today, I announce to you, you shall see them today forever no more!
- After this Service this morning, every witch, wizard, force of hell, every power of darkness that will not let you rest shall be laid to rest!
- I announce in the name of Jesus, before this week is out, this week is out under the next 24-hours, before this week is out, before the Easter season is out; any power from hell that will not let you rest shall be laid to rest!
b). Completed, executed, concluded, implemented. That is, “My Father sent me on an assignment, my Father sent me on an agenda to deal with the devil. The agenda He sent me for concerning the redemption of mankind, concerning the rescue of human destiny, that agenda is completed, executed, concluded and implemented.”
Do you know the meaning of that for you?
There is nothing left concerning your destiny, God’s purpose and God’s plan for your life that has not been handled. God is not about to do something for you now, He did it already on Calvary, He did it 2000 years ago. What you are looking forward at, God is looking back at; it’s already concluded.
When He said it is finished, there’s no room left for it to be continued; it is finished. What you are to become in this world was completed before you were born (Jeremiah 1:5) – Marital matters, completed. Financial matters, completed. Health matters, completed. Deliverance matters, completed!
- I announce today, what Jesus has completed for you shall be manifested in this season!
- You have the right to lay hold on it in this season; ‘Lord, this is the season in which my matters were completed at Calvary, I make demands on them. I demand that they manifest now. Church Gist. My issues were completed, executed, implemented, concluded at Calvary, I make demands on their manifest now. I make demands on their realization now!’
If you can take this revelation, then somebody under the next six months, he would have been settled maritally, then under the next one year, the matter that has troubled you all this while would have been handled, you would have been carrying your children in your hands under the next one year!
You don’t get result only because it is written, you get result when it is revealed. There are many things God has done for us, but you are not aware, so it doesn’t happen for you. The secret things belong to God, but once they are revealed, they belong to us (Deuteronomy 29:29). So, you may be saying, ‘But Jesus died all this while, why didn’t I see results?’ Because you didn’t know; you are not aware that it is completed, executed. You are still looking forward to the result that had happened in the past. You are asking for money that is already in the bank, all you need to do is to write the cheque and cash it.
That is why you are here today, because it is finished, it is completed, it is executed, it is concluded, it is implemented. You are going to pray shortly but lift your hands and your voice and say;
‘Father, thank You because the matters of my life and destiny, they are completed. They’ve been executed, concluded and implemented’.
c). Discharged (as in a debt), paid up. What is it that has been paid up? Any debt that the devil claim I owe him. Remember the song, ‘I owed the debt I couldn’t pay, whereas He paid the debt that He didn’t owe.’ Whatever the devil expects you to pay because of the iniquity of Adam, I cleared it – debt cancellation. It is in the same way that we now say, ‘I owe the devil nothing’ (Jeremiah 31:29-30).
Anything forefathers did with the devil is not my concern; paid up, cleared out. Any record the devil is keeping is useless (Colossians 2:13-15). He paid the debt and torn the evidence, He paid the debt and deleted the record. Church Gist. I don’t know what you have done in time past that the devil is bringing up all the time, even if you were a witch and you have decided to be dewitched, your previous record of witchcraft activity, is cancelled
Matthew 11:28-30
What do you do?
Come to Me and drop everything that you have been carrying, so you can find rest. Drop your sin, drop everything and I’ll help you. Church Gist. That is all that is requested. You don’t continue to live like you have lived before, offending God and so, we are going to do those eight things right now.
Lift up your hands and thank Him for His Word to you today
- Father, You took my transgression, I’ve come to surrender; I ask that You pardon me everywhere I have erred and sinned, wherever I have fallen short, I need mercy now in Jesus’ name.
- Lord Jesus, I surrender my infirmity today; I cannot be sick, I cannot be weak, I cannot be afflicted because Jesus on Calvary took my sicknesses, afflictions and pain. I cannot be sick, I cannot be weak, I cannot be afflicted.
- Father, I reject every curse, every bondage, every oppression, every captivity on my life and around my life, I reject it. Every ancestral curse, generational curse, family curse and covenant, today, I reject now. By the blood of Jesus, I am free!
- I reject rejection, I cannot be rejected. I am a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, holy nation made in the image of God. I am not inferior; I cannot be inferior. By the power of the cross of Calvary, I reject the spell of rejection now!
- I reject depression, I reject the spell of frustration. In the name of Jesus, depression is not my portion, labour without reward is not my portion. By the power of Calvary, I connect with the garment of celebration, I connect with the power of success, productivity and results, in the name of Jesus.
- I reject grief and every form of pain; every cycle of sorrow in my life, in my family, in the Church, in Dunamis and in Nigeria, by the power of the blood that flowed at Calvary, you cycle, you are broken now.
- In Jesus’ name, I reject every spell of scarcity, empty-handedness, poverty, bankruptcy and deprivation; every garment of wretchedness by the power of the Cross, you are destroyed in the name of Jesus.
- I reject premature death for my life, family, and for anybody connected, related and associated with me, with this Church; premature death, your tenure expires by the blood of Jesus that was shed on Calvary. Premature death, you are gone forever!
- Father, I thank You because the devil is ended. Father, I thank You because every power of hell after my life and my destiny has been brought to an end, they are ended now.
- Father, thank You because every plan and purpose You have for me and my destiny is completed, executed, concluded implemented. Everything You have in mind for my life, destiny, the Church, Dunamis, Father, thank You because they are completed, executed, concluded and implemented; I take delivery of what is completed, executed, implemented for my life, family and for the Church, I take delivery now.
- Father, I am discharged and acquitted from every obligation to the enemy. Every debt is paid up, cleared out from today by the power of the blood of Jesus from Calvary. I decree, I announce, I pronounce that I owe the devil nothing! My record is clear and clean by the blood of Jesus.
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