THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE WORD PART 2 || Pastor David Ibiyeomie at The Holy Spirit And The Word Service || Salvation Ministries – Home of Success || 15th September 2024 || Second Service ||

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  • Pastor David Ibiyeomie on THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE WORD PART 2 || The Holy Spirit And The Word Service || Salvation Ministries – Home of Success || 15th September 2024 || Second Service ||

The Message today is “HOLY SPIRIT AND THE WORD”. You cannot understand the Person of the Holy Spirit and remain the same. He is a revealer of truth. He is the Author of the Bible. Isaiah 29:11,12. What is the Bible saying? You may be educated and not understand the Bible. So, both the educated and the illiterate, if they don’t have the Holy Spirit, they will not understand the Bible. Church Gist. Do you understand what the Bible is saying? The one educated said “I cannot read” The one who is saying I cannot read, both of them, ignorant, because they don’t know the One who wrote the Bible. You cannot understand the Bible without the Holy Spirit. It’s impossible.

    2 Timothy 3:16, 17. The Bible is a Book of Instructions and our lives cannot be worth any more than we are addicted following those instructions. But you cannot follow the instructions without the help of the Holy Spirit, because He’s the One that will help you understand the Bible to follow what He’s saying. Church Gist. It is understanding that will make you do something naturally you wouldn’t do. Are you getting what I’m saying now? He is the One that gives understanding to say effortlessly, the reason we struggle in certain area is because we have not understood the Word of God.

    • I pray today our understanding be opened by the Holy Spirit. Church Gist. Look at the Amen how we’re saying it. Say with me: Holy Spirit, open my understanding.

    Isaiah 11:1-3. The Holy Ghost is the One that makes you to understand fast. Where somebody is talking to you, preaching the Bible and all of a sudden, He begins to interpret it to you. Say, I hear. Ephesians 1:18. (Paul) said “This is my prayer that you have understanding”. Church Gist. The reason many don’t have outstanding results and don’t have things going the way God wants them to go is because they lack understanding, because the Word of God can handle any situation and circumstance, to turn around no matter what you’re going through in your favour if you have understanding. Church Gist. The Word of God has capacity to enforce a supernatural turnaround at any point in time, but you need understanding of the Word to achieve that. Understanding comes via the Holy Spirit.

    How do you gain access into God’s Word since it’s sealed? It is through the Ministry of the Holy Spirit. It is through the Ministry of the Holy Spirit that we gain access. John 16:12,13. Church Gist. He said, there are too many thing I will say to you, Jesus was speaking, but because you will not understand, they are too deep. They are too what? (deep). You need the Holy Ghost to interpret them. Say, I hear. Your access to the Word of God is the Holy Spirit. So, it is only Him that can interpret the Word to you.

    • I pray today, He will open you up to the truth. That Amen is weak.

    He will be the One to unveil the Scriptures to you. No matter who is teaching you, there is a limit you would understand without the Holy Spirit. Are you hearing me? We were taught prosperity by Bishop Oyedepo himself in Bible School, we were taught, he taught us. That is, he started it then gave it to another Pastor to teach, but I didn’t understand prosperity because he taught us. Church Gist. Are you getting what I’m saying? I had to, in 1997, go back to the Holy Ghost for fresh insight into prosperity. They taught us health, I didn’t understand it, I was still battling little by little until I got better in understanding. There are things even till now, I’m getting better in understanding. Because you can’t know the whole Bible. No mortal man can know the whole Bible. There are things now that the Holy Ghost is revealing, you’ll say “Oh, this thing is deeper to this level”. Church Gist. Have you not struggled with sin in the past before and when understanding came, you didn’t struggle again? Has it happened before? But when you lack understanding, you think sin is part of life. Am I talking to you?

    1 Corinthians 2:13. The things men teach you, there’s a level. But when the Holy Ghost teaches you, you get deep insight into the Word of God. Say, I hear. Let me say this. You cannot access the truth with your intellect. You can’t. Your intellect is too small to access the truth. The truth is the Word of God. John 17:17. You can’t access it with your (intellect) otherwise, PhD holders would have known the Bible. The most confused people in the Bible, they are theologians, because they think they can use their intellect to access. They would quote Bible up side down. They would even confuse you the more. Without the help of the Holy Spirit, no man can understand this Book (the Bible). You’ll be reading it like literature textbook. Are you getting what I’m talking about?

    The Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit and written through Holy men of God. The Author is who? (the Holy Spirit). If you take my tape and transcribe it, are you the Author? No. The Holy men, 44 of them just wrote 66 books. All they did with 1,189 chapters, all they did was to write what He inspired them. Are you getting what I’m saying now? 2 Peter 1:21. The Holy Ghost was the One telling them “This is it’. They were just writing. It’s not their word. Say, I hear. How many understand what God is saying here? Church Gist. So, who should you ask if you want to know the Bible? That’s why when you want to read the Bible, always ask the Holy Spirit to interpret it to you otherwise, you’ll be reading Bible from your logical perspective, the human philosophies. You can even see truth and say it’s not truth. You can see what God is saying and say that’s not what God is saying. Are you getting what I’m talking about? It’s very dangerous not to allow the Holy Ghost to interpret the Word of God to you. Shout hallelujah!

    Now, a common thing. They say “Little wine for stomach’s sake”. Have you heard people say so? And they drink alcohol. They say it’s for stomach’s sake. Now, that man has read the Bible up-side-down. God who said “wine is a mocker”. The wine (Little wine for stomach’s sake) He is taliking about there is Communion, He is not talking about alcohol. Church Gist. If it’s alcohol, how many have you taken now that has made your stomach well? Proverbs 20:1. But somebody will read and say a little wine for stomach’s sake, so he will now drink stout. He’ll say “the Bible say little wine for stomach. So, this one is for stomach’s sake”. You are misinterpreting the Bible.

    When we were in Lagos, a young man said…we said, “Ha, you want to marry now?” He said he wanted to go and see her. He said he’ll see the young lady, but he will keep the 10 commandments. We said it’s not possible, you can’t see a young lady, 2 of you in one room, you keep the 10 commandments. Church Gist. He said he will see the young girl but he will keep the commandments. Is it possible? ‘You don see where goat and yam go dey together, he go keep commandment?’ He misinterpreted the Bible.

    Romans 6:1. Yes, you started with sin does not mean you’ll continue in sin. The day your eyes open, you’ll know that sin has to stop. Is that true? But if you don’t understand Bible, you’ll say, “No, no, no. You started with sin, so sin should continue for life”. Romans 6:1. You may not understand it, but the day your light opens, even as a man of God, you say “What? Will sin continue?” Are you getting what I’m saying? But people quote it and say, “no, sin should continue, there is nothing wrong in committing sin”. Church Gist. There’s something wrong in sin. Sin is wrong. Whether committed by a senior man or junior man, it’s sin. True? But if you don’t understand Bible by the Holy Ghost you can say, “Well, there’s nothing, everybody is committing it”. Have you not seen people say so? But the day you understand Bible, you say “No, no. This thing is sin”. So, without the Holy Spirit, you can’t even be convinced of sin. (I’ll teach them in the fourth Service) Do you know without the Holy Ghost you can’t be convinced of sin? You will see sin as righteousness. You can even kill somebody and say there’s nothing wrong in killing the person. Have you not seen Christians who are ritual killers? Have you not seen Christians who are armed robbers? The man does not see anything wrong. Church Gist. He says after all, government officials are stealing. So him, if he steals, what is wrong. They are stealing with pen, he is stealing with gun, all is stealing. But by the conviction of the Holy Ghost, the man will say no, this is not of God. Are you getting me?

    So, without the Holy Spirit you can not understand this Bible. It’s not possible. He is the One who will tell you, “this is what I’m talking about. This is what I mean”. Without Him, you will read Bible up-side-down. You’ll even read it to justify yourself because there is a Scripture for everything, it depends on how you put it negatively. Church Gist. The same Bible says “It’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man (to enter into the Kingdom of God)” Luke 18:25. So, you can take that side and say poverty is of God and quote that Scripture. Are you getting me? But you have misquoted it because Jesus was giving that illustration based on you trusting in money. But have you not seen people say that to be rich is wrong? He misquoted it. Church Gist. Another person can also take it and misquote the prosperity in a wrong perspective. He says, “Prosperity, no matter how you get the money, it doesn’t matter. What matters most is that you are prospering” So, every one of us must depend on (the Holy Spirit) to tell us what He’s talking about.

    • I pray today, He’ll help you and I. Shout a better Amen.

    John 1:1-3,14. The Bible is simply saying the Word of God has been existing from the beginning. Is that true? That Word is Jesus. Now, Jesus has been existing but He did not exist as Jesus, He existed as the Word. The Holy Spirit is the One that made the Word to become flesh. Church Gist. How did He do it? Matthew 1:18,20. He empowered a young virgin called Mary and took the Word and enveloped the Word into her womb to become a Son and then she gave birth to Jesus. Is that true? So, without the Holy Spirit, the Word of God will never be made real in your life. How many of you understand what I’m saying?

    • Say with me: Help me understand, Holy Spirit. Say it one more time.

    1 John 5:7. “There are three that bear record in Heaven. The Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one.” Why did it not say “the Son”? So, in the beginning, there was no Son. There was the Word. John 1:1. Now, the beginning was the Word. So, in the beginning, we have God the Father, God the Word, God the Holy Ghost. Church Gist. How many understand it? How many can flow? Now, that Word came down, but the Word was now empowered by the Holy Ghost. Matthew 1:18. The Holy Spirit is the One that empowered the Word and put the Word into her womb to become a Son. So, without the Holy Ghost, no matter the Scripture you know, it will never be empowered. How many can know this simple thing? Now, listen. Even if I quote Scriptures and the Holy Ghost does not empower the Scriptures, it will not produce results. That’s where I’m going. Are you getting me? I can quote now. Quote the whole Scripture, “By His stripes…” That does not mean you will be healed. The Holy Ghost has to empower. “The words I speak unto you, they are Spirit and they are life” Is that true? So, the Holy Ghost has to empower that Word for healing to take place. Church Gist. I don’t know whether I’m able to pass across…so, take away the Holy Spirit, you will be speaking theology. You’ll be using literature. Do you understand me? Oh, Glory! So, be conscious of the role of the Holy Spirit every time you are declaring the Word. Are you getting me?

    Okay, let me be very practical. I want a brother to come. Just a brother who is new who has not understood what I’m taking so much. Come, one brother, come. From the congregation, just any brother, come. (Give him microphone.) Hold the microphone, come and stand here. At least, even if you are a brother, you hear people say God bless you. You used to say it you too. I think you can say God bless you, is that not so? Church Gist. Now, I want any of the young men on suit here, one of you, come. Any of you here, just come. Stand here, you, stand here with suit. Now, listen. (to the first brother) The way you normally say God bless you, shout it and wave him with one hand. Are you getting what I’m saying now? Say, God bless you and point your hand towards him. (Brother demonstrates and the brother on suit remains on his feet) Did he shout? The words he said “Bless you” is not empowered. He said “God bless you” True? Now give the microphone to another person who understands me. Bro Nwakamma, you’ve been here for sometime so you should be able to understand. Church Gist. Stand by his side. You too, say “God bless you” and wave him and see whether the 2 of them… (God bless you. Man falls under the anointing). One, the word is empowered. One, the Word is not empowered. How many understand me? They said the same thing. But one person’s word was empowered. One person’s word was not empowered.

    That you are speaking the Word of God does not mean it will produce. That you quoted Scriptures even in prayer does not mean the prayer will have effect. You must know the role of the Holy Spirit. How many can flow with me? You can quote “By His stripes I am healed. Church Gist. No weapon formed against me” and the weapons are against you. So, when you quote Scripture, make sure you are conscious of the Holy Spirit empowering the Word. The 3 of you (3 brothers who illustrated), stand there. You too, young man. Now, see the Holy Ghost empowering the Word. The 3 of you, God bless the 3 of you in Jesus name. (3 brothers falls under the anointing) Did I shout? The Word I spoke was empowered. So, when I said bless you, they were blessed. But somebody can stand here now, “God bless you” and shout and nothing will happen. So, that you’re shouting does not mean that your prayer has effect, that you’re shouting does not mean you’ll get result. Church Gist. Every time you’re quoting Scripture, recognize that the Scripture must be backed by the Holy Ghost otherwise, you’re quoting nonsense. You’re just quoting for quoting’s sake. That’s all I’m teaching. So, the Holy Ghost have to open your eyes to empower the Word.

    Rise to your feet. Say with me: Holy Spirit, from today, I want to live in your consciousness. Church Gist. Empower every word that I will declare.


    Say with me: I want to live in the consciousness of the role of the Holy Spirit in making the Word to produce result. He said “And the Spirit gives life”

    • From today, the Holy Ghost gives life to every part of your body!

    John 6:63. The Holy Spirit created you and let me say this to you, no matter any part of your body not working, it will work right now. Job 33:4. Church Gist. You are not a product of men. He made you. Can the Manufacturer lack His own spare parts? He made men and did like this (breathed into man) He is the One that gives life into men.

    Long ago, my wife was dying, I will never forget. We were in Church and they came to call me. Pastor Charles now said “look, her eyes have turned” She was on chair in the house and I had to leave the Altar to go. Saw my wife, the teeth had closed. Church Gist. They gave her overdose, so “The God Almighty…” and I did like this (breathed into her) She made (exhaled) and came back to life. Why? The breath in me is His breath. It’s not my breath that gave her life, it was His own breath that gave her life, but I was conscious that what I breathed out from me is His breath.

    A young lady, when HIV was very ravaging, she had full blown AIDS. The whole of her body was rashes. She went for test, positive. She came standing and said, “Sir, do you want me to die?” The mouth had turned. You can’t even go near the person. Church Gist. That time, HIV was…it was full blown AIDS with rashes and the Holy Ghost said to me “Breathe into her mouth, I’ll give life to her” and I said open your mouth from afar. (breathed out) She went back, HIV turned nagative. The breath of the Almighty.

    Another person had intestinal obstruction. For 4 days, she could not go to the convenience, the tummy was bloated. A Ghanaian, a lady and they were to take her for surgery. Church Gist. They brought her, she couldn’t move and the Holy Ghost said, “Breathe into her mouth and my breath will come into her” I did (breathed out), the intestines were twined and there she said “I’m pressed”. Went and pooed, that was the end. Job 33:4.

    A young man had accident, the bones were broken, the legs. Bishop Oyedepo picked the legs, broken legs and did like this (breathed on it) the bone made (sounds), one of our classmates. Church Gist. You don’t give out carbon dioxide, it’s the breath of the Almighty.

    Say with me: Holy Spirit, you are my Maker, you created me. You gave me life. Any organ in me not working, right now, by your power, I command it to work. Church Gist. (Please, lower the keyboard when we’re ministering.)
    Say with me: Holy Spirit, you are my Maker, any organ in me not functioning properly, I command in the name of Jesus, let it begin to work. Let the breath of the Almighty give me life.


    John 6:63. 2 Corinthians 3:6. So, the Holy Spirit is the Giver of life. Now, bring anything as a point of contact, your business card, anything. We are in a time of the Holy Ghost, please, bring anything as a point of contact. Your career has been going down, your business has been going down, even your passport, bring it. Church Gist. Anything. Listen, you can’t need more than these to get testimonies. Bring even the name of the Church and say “Lord give life to Salvation Ministries” Bring anything as a point of contact, bring anything. If it’s your children, write their names and say “give life to my children” Have you done it?

    Now look at it and say: In the name of Jesus, Holy Spirit, give life”

    Yesterday, a Man of God called my wife and said he was in their Estate where motor (vehicle) hit his right leg and broke his leg into 2. Church Gist. The bone was broken like this. All that I prayed was “Oh God, give life to the bone” He said “Sir, I’m on crutches”.

    • Now, that which you have spoken, life enters there in the name of Jesus!

    He said, “Son of man, prophesy. Can these bones live?” I can do things for you, but I like you to understand who He is. Church Gist. So when you get to your shop next time, you just point at the shop, you say “Life in this shop” You’ll be surprised the shop will begin to make (sounds) You’ll say “I speak life by the Holy Ghost into this business”

    Now, whatever you have declared life, life enters there! Because the Holy Ghost…say with me: He’s in me. You are in me. Say it one more time: Holy Spirit, you are in me, with me and for me.

    • Now, because He is in you, sickness leaves your body right now.
    • Because He’s with you, no evil shall touch you.
    • Because He’s with us, He will give us victory.
    • Because He’s for us, no evil will come near our habitation.

    Finally for time sake. Ezekiel 37:5,6,14.

    • In case any body’s kidney has packed up, I decree those kidneys to come back.
    • In case nothing is working in your career, today, now, they begin to work.
    • In case your business has gone down, I command it to rise.
    • In case your family has been going down, your family will bounce back in the name of Jesus.
    • I speak now life into whatever that is dying around you.
    • I speak life into everything dying around you.
    • Receive life and jerk back in the name of Jesus.
    • If you believe God’s Word, let your Amen confirm it.

    Say with me: The Holy Spirit has given life.

    I’ve shared this testimony before. One day, I woke up with sharp pain at my back, long ago and I knew it was my kidneys. The pain was terrible. The two kidneys were…if I had gone to hospital, they would tell me something about my kidneys. Church Gist. I didn’t pray, I just laid hand there and I said “Holy Ghost, give life to my kidneys”. As I said that, I was just meditating. What I heard was ( a sound) and the pain left. After that, I did a comprehensive check up, my kidneys are 100 per cent intact. Why? He’s the Giver of life. If you follow me, even if they told you you’re doing dialysis now, even if you’re on dialysis and you follow this teaching, your kidneys will come back!

    Who is the Giver of life? (The Holy Spirit) He is the One that gave life to Jesus after He died.
    Say with me: Every organ in me, work by the Holy Ghost, the Giver of life. Church Gist. Say it with deep understanding. (Every organ in me, work by the Holy Ghost, the Giver of life.) Shout hallelujah.

    Now, listen. It is what you say that God will do. Bring me that paper. Come with it. Is there any life here? This is a diary. Now, give it to me. (Gives it back to the brother) Give it to me again. You see, no life. So, two of us are taking it. Is there any life? Give it to me. Now, I give it to you. Is there anything? Now see how the Holy Spirit works. Church Gist. That’s why I said don’t play. Now, Holy Ghost, give life to this diary, put your power. This is just an object that has nothing. Give life to this diary. This young man, when I give him, he won’t be able to hold this diary that two of us were exchanging. You’ll be surprised he won’t be able to hold it. Give life to this diary in the name of Jesus, that you are real and a Person. Now, take it. (Brother falls under the anointing) Was it the same diary two of us were exchanging?

    • That means the same body that was dead, say with me: From now, life in my organs, in my body.

    Now, where do you want life? With this understanding, speak to that point in the name of Jesus.

    You see, every morning, speak to your body, in case there is anything there. Every morning, speak to your body, say “Holy Ghost, give life” If your kidneys, you’re on dialysis, every morning say “Kidneys, receive life” Speak, don’t go. After you pray all the prayers you pray, just speak life to your body. “Kidneys, receive life by the power of the Holy Ghost” You’ll be shocked the kidneys will jerk back. Church Gist. If it is shop, you go in the morning, say “Holy Ghost, give life to this shop. Give life to this business.” Are you getting what I’m saying now? If it’s your CV, speak over the CV, “Give life to this CV” so wherever you submitted it, the life makes people to begin to look for you. Are you getting me? “Give life to the business”. Are you hearing me? Glory to God! Even your brain, speak (life) You’ll understand at a different frequency, but you cannot flow in this dimension until you’re born again.

    —Altar Call—







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