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  • You need to respond to issues promptly by intercession, supplication and not by discussion.
  • Being instant in prayer is an asset on the altar of prayer.
  • Stop waiting for what you have not asked for.
  • Souls will never be delivered without a demand.

Lord Jesus, thank You for another day, the end of another week. You kept us, You upheld us, You covered us, provided for us: receive our thanks in the name of Jesus. We thank you Lord for the grace granted each one of us to be a part of this strong wave of glory. Receive our thanks in Jesus name. Speak to each one of us this morning by your Word, in Jesus precious name.

Delayed response can be frustrating, even devastating. Prompt response makes our walk with God most profitable.
Isaiah 55:6
I don’t think there is any way I can earn a commercial license for flying, the age has passed. It will be another world which does not exist. It is gone!
There is no method I can use now to train as an astronaut: long passed, passed forever.
“Seek ye the Lord when He may be found and call upon Him while He is near” – Isaiah 55:6
“They that seek me early shall find me” – Jeremiah 29:13
Our prompt response is vital to making the most of our walk with God. Hezekiah received a threat letter from the King of Assyria (2 Kings 19:14-20). As he received that letter, he went promptly to the house of the Lord and spread it before the Lord: Promptly.
Here is it, what is the way out here? Then a Word came from Isaiah the Prophet (2 Kings 19:15, 20).
And we saw the outcome.
Prompt response is our asset with God.
There are quite a number of other instances there that goes to authenticate the demand for being instant in prayers (Romans 12:11-12).
Instant prayer response to challenges that come our way.
2 Chronicles 20:1-4
We saw 3 Kings gathered together against Jehoshaphat, each of the three kings was stronger than Judah.
Prompt response and we saw how Jehoshaphat stood and prayed before the Lord; the prompt response that followed after.
Continuing instant in prayers.
One family here said, “Lord we have asked you for children for quite some time, we can’t see them. Now, give us souls.” That prayer came from the heart and God gave them souls and on top of it, added the children they are looking for.
God hasn’t changed, be instant in prayers. Stop waiting for what you have not asked for. Church Gist. Souls will never be delivered without a demand.
Psalm 2:8, Isaiah 66:7-8
Being instant in prayer is an asset on the altar of prayer.

Now we saw another one here:
Nehemiah 1:2-4
As soon as he heard, he responded. That was the trigger for his glorious destiny and suddenly a governor emerged out of a cup bearer (Nehemiah 5:14). Suddenly, favour landed on him from Heaven.
As soon as he heard, he responded: instant in prayers.

We saw this in the New Testament:
Acts 4:23-24
On the spot, prompt response! And we saw how the Holy Ghost came down, the place was shaken where they were gathered and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and spake the Word of God with boldness; and great grace was upon them all (Acts 4:31, 33). By prompt response. It was not for discussion, it was for intercession, it was for supplication.
It is very important, therefore, quit ye like men, be strong (1 Corinthians 16:13).

This is very important. Don’t watch this season pass you by. Bartimaeus said, “I am hearing voices, what is going here?”
“Jesus of Nazareth is passing” – What? The One that raised the dead, they said, Yes. As the news drew closer, I could see Bartimaeus got himself on the mat and trying to locate where the noise was strongest, to find out where this man would be and when you see a blind man running, you will clear the way.
Mark 10:46 -48
Clear: JESUS! He was wearing the blind man’s garment so you can’t be saying, “is he okay?” He is a blind man. When a blind man is running, what do you do? You clear the road or he clears you. He wasn’t passing through the crowd Sir, the crowd had cleared, “I won’t let You go.”
🎼 Jesus is passing this way, this way today.
Jesus is passing this way, He is passing this way today. 🎼
This is one of the times of the year when Heaven come down to reside among men, in the midst of the year. A special season in God’s agenda.
He has come down in our Midst, don’t let Him pass you by. Bartimaeus made his way to Jesus and returned with his sight.
-Whatever is missing in anyone’s life, you are returning with it for a testimony from this prophetic season.
-This Midst of the Year will open up a brand-new chapter to your life.
-Whatever represents a concern today shall be turned to you for a testimony.
And now your obedience is what will provoke that miracle because a miracle simply a result of our obedience of faith. Whatever He tells you to do, do it, then you birth a miracle (John 2:5).
A miracle is a confirmation of His Word that you have decided to put to work. When you put His Word to work in faith, you have committed God to confirm it for a miracle. He was working with them, confirming the Word with signs following (Mark 16:20). They put the Word to work and God got committed to confirm it to a miracle.
All you need, just like your Father in heaven, “thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people” (Habakkuk 3:13).
So go forth on the altar of prayer for the salvation of men in this awesome season.
Brought them out of darkness into light.
“Thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people” – that is a revival (Habakkuk 3:13).
Revive thy work o God in the midst of the year. So we are out to be about our Father’s business by going forth for salvation of people, because all souls are mine. He wants all men saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 2:4). As you do that, He said, He will get you up upon your high places.
It’s a season for dramatic change of story and your own is listed.

Prayers: Isaiah 66:8
Lord, give to me my desired souls in this Midst of the Year revival season.
Pray that prayer with all intensity. That medical doctor was going after them, reached out to 49, he got 7 established. Got their numbers on his head, was responsible for their transportation to Church. And suddenly, what is an evangelism question doing in a medical interview? No. He is a humorous God, we serve a humorous God. Now pray.
Lord, I must not fail this demand, I must not miss my own portion. Jesus, grant me souls into Your Kingdom in this prophetic season. Pray in the Spirit. Mean the thing you are praying from the depth of your heart.
Thank You Lord. In Jesus precious name we have prayed.

Show me your faith without your works and I will show you my faith by my works (James 2:18).
He is a God of knowledge by whom actions are weighed (1 Samuel 2:3). It is not just saying it, what steps are you taking to realise it.
Show me your faith without your actions, I will show you my faith by my actions (James 2:18).
How many believe God to come along with souls into God’s presence tomorrow.

Ask God for the appropriate strategy, the wisdom required to make it happen. Ask God for utterance, ask God for insight, ask God for the right words to your targeted souls. Ask God for the right words for anyone you have to send an SMS to. Ask God for the right steps to take to realise it. Ask God for grace to take those steps.
Prompt response. Pray that prayer, believe in what you are praying and expect to see it happen. Take grace to take appropriate steps towards making it happen. Thank You Jesus.
In Jesus precious name we have prayed.

I decree the release of your open rewards in return for your engagement.
-This Midst of the Year will never leave You where it met You.
-This Midst of the Year will transform and change your story in every area of concern in the name of Jesus.
-It will be clear to everyone around you that God has visited you.
-It shall be your season of visitation for your desired transformation. In the name of Jesus Christ.

Speak to the day:
That the Lord will make it a most fruitful day for you as you desire to see your fruits appear before the Lord.
Ask the Lord. Speak to the day. The day must be a most fruitful day for me on the prayer altar, in my passionate drive to see souls coming into Your presence tomorrow for their salvation, for their breakthroughs in the name of Jesus Christ.

Please be reminded we have the Empowerment Summit at 7 am this morning. It promises to be an awesome time in His presence. All concerned should ensure to be there with your heart panting for an encounter with your God in the name of Jesus.




CHoP is an acronym of Covenant Hour of Prayer

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