– Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche on “THE NEED FOR POWER || Power Communion (Midweek) Service || Glory Dome, Abuja.
Ecclesiastes 8:4. I welcome everyone here tonight as I speak briefly on the Word, “THE NEED FOR POWER”. Light has Come and the Glory of God is Risen through Power. Church Gist. This is also our month of the anniversary, Dunamis International Gospel Centre and Dunamis itself means Power. So, most times in November, we deal on the subject of Power. Our objective is to understand, just like the topic, the need for power.
The subject of power is a very sensitive subject and when power is mentioned, many things come to mind. Church Gist. There are different kinds and dimensions of power. First, there’s physical power. Brute power, the power of muscles. Second, there’s intellectual power, the power of books, information. Third, there’s emotional power, the power of the mind, of the will of the emotion. Fourth, there’s financial power, the power of money. Fifth, there’s military power. Church Gist. The force of the military. Sixth, there’s political power, the power of rulership and governance. Seventh, very terrible, diabolic, satanic power. Eighth, spiritual or Divine power. That is our emphasis tonight. Church Gist. For the avoidance of doubt, that is what we’re dealing with tonight – spiritual or Divine power. That is superior to all the other powers.
Now, apart from diabolic or satanic power, to some extent, let me say, five over eight of these powers are mandatory, important and vital. I will tell you why. First is physical power. Church Gist. You need a strong body, a sound mind and fervent spirit to fulfill a solid destiny. The body must be strong, the mind must be sound, the spirit must be fervent. So, you need that physical power, that energy of the body, that agility so that your destiny does not slip through your hands. Church Gist. Exploits belong to the strong. Daniel 11:32. So, in case you’re here and you’re a victim of weakness, maybe you might be encouraged to do some exercise, even if it is walking, cycling or whatever it is, so that you don’t allow your body to just degenerate like that. Church Gist. So, we need the physical power. Of course, we need the intellectual power. To be knowledgeable is to be marketable. What you know determines what you show. When we talk about intellectual power, the power of books is there but you must know that whatever you do with your life, you must do it at the top of your range. That knowledge, the intellectual power is power. Of course, we need the emotional power. Church Gist. That is the power that makes you not to sink before challenges. That is the power that makes you with audacity and ferocity. Matthew 11:12. That is the power that makes you have a mind that is forceful. That is the power that makes you to rise up again even if you went to the floor. That is the power that makes you refuse to take no for an answer. Church Gist. That is what makes you to be a stranger to fear. That is what makes it impossible for the devil to catch your tears. That is what makes you to keep on moving in spite of opposition. There are people, they are emotionally weak, every little thing makes them cry. Church Gist. Every small thing, it’s better to die. Of course, fourthly, we need financial power. The Bible said money answereth all things. Where there’s no vision, the people perish but where there’s no money, the vision perish. Vision without provision equals frustration. That is, you’re totally frustrated. Anointing minus money equals annoyance. That is what Archbishop Benson Idahosa said. You’re annoyed – you know what to do, the spirit is willing but the pocket refuse. Of course, as a nation, we need military power, we need political power – correct and authentic political power. Church Gist. The fifth one we need as individuals is spiritual power. That is where we turn our focus on this evening.
Why do we need spiritual power? When I say power while I speak, I’m referring majorly to spiritual power, even though it could apply to any of the other powers but I’m referring majorly to spiritual power. Why we need power;
1. Power puts in command, in control and in charge of the affairs of life.
Luke 10:19. Like we just read which is a popular quote from God’s servant, Morris Cerrulo, all truths are parallel. The most powerful nations in this world are majorly in control and command of many things, America, for example. Church Gist. Power puts us in command, in control and in charge. If it looks like things are out of control, spiritually and otherwise, as if the things of your life are out of your control, what you’re in need of is power – ancient spiritual power.
2. Power guarantees victory in battle.
Daniel 11:25. Joshua 17:17-18. If battle overwhelms you, it’s because power is small. Proverbs 24:10. Church Gist. We need spiritual power, Holy Ghost power and the power of God to win battles against witchcraft, to win battles against the occult and ancestral and generational curses, to win the battles against evil people that you confront in the office. It takes power to win the battle of affliction. The devil put an affliction in your body as a battle. Church Gist. You’ve heard someone battling with hypertension, stroke, cancer or this or that, to win the battle, whatever that battle is, power is needed.
– I speak to someone here today in any form of battle here tonight, I decree and I prophesy, that battle shall bow!
3. Power guarantees territorial enlargement.
Power gives us the capacity for territorial expansion and extension. It guarantees territorial enlargement.
– somebody say power!
That was what we read concerning the sons of Joseph just now. Joshua 17:17-18.
Don’t forget this, you don’t enlarge territory without engaging the enemy. If the world you live in is too small for you, there’s an enemy to engage in order to expand your territory. Church Gist. I’ve remained on this level of my life for too long. “I’ve remained in this financial realm for too long. I’ve remained in this business realm for too long. I’ve remained in this ministry realm for too long, I need to expand and extend”, then you engage the enemy and do so with power.
– somebody shout power!
If you want to go where your father didn’t go, you need to connect power that your father didn’t have. You need to connect power that your ancestors never had. Church Gist. If you want to go where they haven’t gone, you need to know what they haven’t known and connect with power they have not connected.
My earthly father was a highly influential person in many realms. He broke barriers, he did what his fathers couldn’t do. For example, he pushed his people into the realm of royalty. Church Gist. There’s a clan that is divided into two, only this clan has been king since time immemorial and he asked, “what about our side? Why is there nobody king there? Is there any challenge? Is there anything?” Because in those days, if they say this tribe is slavery tribe or this tribe is this, you can’t be king. They said, “no challenge”. “Why is there nobody king from there?” They said because nobody has come out. He said, “okay, I come out”. Church Gist. So, he stepped in there and took that seat and was there for almost 40-50 years while exploding business wise and financial wise. But he had a limit. Now, we have stepped forward in knowledge and in connection with the power of God and stepped into realms he couldn’t step into despite all that he was able to do.
Listen to me my brothers and my sisters, if the world you live in is too small for you, you must connect with power to break forth.
– That is why I speak to somebody here tonight, that power to break forth is coming upon you now!
– lift your voice and say, ” every limitation on my life and destiny, every ancestral limitation, every generational limitation, I break out now!”
Aggression determines possession. Violence determines victory in the realm of the spirit. I’m not talking of just physical violence, violence in the spirit. Church Gist. I heard the story of two kings battling for a territory. After they have done physical things, it was now left with who will reach that territory first. They were on the canoe paddling and going, this king was lagging behind, the other one was in front, when this one behind saw that this one in front was ahead, he cut off his hand, threw it into the land, said, whoever stepped in there first is the one who possesses. Church Gist. Those were the kind of ruggedness of ancient people, who whatever they wanted, they got it by any force. How much more you that have spiritual power and force? Is there anything you’re going to trust God to step into that the devil can stop you from stepping into?
– I announce to you today, that place that is yours, you’re stepping there now!
– somebody shout power!
4. Power delivers from existence in vulnerability, captivity or existence as a victim.
When you’re sufficiently connected to spiritual power, you’re not vulnerable to the devil, when you’re sufficiently connected to spiritual power, you don’t remain in captivity, when you’re sufficiently connected to spiritual power, you don’t exist as a victim. Church Gist. In secondary school in those days, that young boy that is always moving about defeated, harassable is harassed by everybody, everybody will beat him. But that guy with audacity, that has bold face, even if he doesn’t have bold body, they clear. Church Gist. There’s a way you’ll look in the realm of the spirit that the devil that was not looking for anybody’s trouble will look for you. Church Gist. Like we used to say, “the face looks slapable, so it is slapped”. The man looks harrassable, so he’s harassed. He looks frustrate-able, so he’s frustrated.
I traveled somewhere and they kept us waiting where we shouldn’t be waiting. Instead of giving us access neatly as we have done in literally 95 percent of countries in the world. Church Gist. This one, they were just wasting our time and messing up and some people were coming, those working there “oh, man of God, you’re welcome” and they bring their hands to shake. I say, “you want me to shake you? You’re wasting my time here. So, you know I’m man of God and you’re wasting my time here and you’re bringing your hand for me to shake you? I won’t shake you”. Church Gist. Before you know it, they started running helter skelter. I am in your country but I know who I am. I’m sure they have never had such experience before. Do you understand what I’m saying? I’m not saying you should be rude, I’m saying you should have audacity. Church Gist. You should know who you are both in the spirit and in the physical, in the dream and in real life.
– somebody say a loud Amen.
It is bankruptcy of power that makes a witch to leave all the way from your village to come to Abuja to attack you in the night. Bankruptcy of power. Church Gist. You have traveled to Washington and they’re still following you there. You’re in Germany still seeing yourself in Ikot-Ekpene. You’re here living in Lekki and yet they’re still taking you all the way back to Nsukka (laughs). Look at what God said to the tribe of Esau in Genesis 27:40b when Esau didn’t come on time and Jacob received the blessing. Church Gist. See what God was speaking through Isaac to Esau. Genesis 27:38-40, “When you will have the dominion, you’ll cease to serve in servitude. When you’ll have the dominion, you’ll cease to function in captivity”. Did this come to pass? Yes. It came to pass in 2 Kings 8:20. Church Gist. There was the day that came, in the days of Joram, where Edom said, “no way. God told us almost 400 years ago that if we have power, we will not serve anymore” and they got the power and they became delivered.
– Listen to me brothers and sisters, tonight, the power I speak about is setting you free from every captivity and vulnerability of hell.
– anything that makes you look like you’re a victim of frequent attack, frequent sickness and frequent affliction, by the power I speak tonight, you are set free!
5. Power gives us voice, force and influence on the Earth.
You have a voice, you are a force and an influence in the World of the Spirit. It gives us voice, gives us force, gives us influence. Luke 4:14. He (Jesus) had not printed a handbill yet, He hadn’t done one crusade yet, He had not healed a sick yet, He only returned in the power and His fame spread through the Region. Who spread the fame? Not the Crusade yet, not the testimony yet, not the healing yet. His power gives you a voice, it gives you force, it gives you influence. Church Gist. There is something about the Man of power that makes him effortlessly influential. People in political or other forms of power recognize your power, occultic people recognize your power. I will be coming in some places and somebody will be looking at me and look like this (Frowning his face). 🎶 He knows, I know 🎶 (Laughing). Him and me, we know ourselves! Just seeing me coming, he just do face like this (Frowning). I was preaching in a Church one day, I moved in one direction, one lady just moved off. I move where she moved, she moves again, I move where she was, she moves again. I said: ‘Okay, it is you I’m coming for – the devil inside’. 🎶They know! I know! You know, I know! 🎶 (Laughing). Hallelujah!
-I announce to you today! By the power that shall come upon you tonight, anywhere you step into, the forces of darkness will recognize who you are, the forces of darkness in your family, in your community, they will recognize who you are. Church Gist. They will recognize where you have come from. If you believe that shout the loudest Amen!
6. Power gives us the capacity to enforce change.
To make change happen by force. You enforce change. Acts 10:38. He (Jesus) went about doing good. He went about enforcing change. He was changing the situations in the lives of people, changing situations everywhere by the agency of power. Church Gist. If there is anything around you that needs to be changed, you confront it with power. Every situation around your life that needs to be changed, you confront it with power, every situation around your destiny that needs to be changed, you confront it with power.
7. Power gives us the capacity to overcome resistance.
When you are powerful enough and strong enough, resistance is overcomable. 1 Chronicles 29:11. Anywhere there is power, there is victory, there is conquest. When you see power, you see conquest. Acts 10:38. He (Jesus) moved to resist resistance, for God was with Him. Hallelujah! If there is a resistance in front of you that you are unable to overcome it is because the power you need, you have not gotten it yet. Church Gist. During the construction of the Glory Dome, right on that side of the Garden there, one 12, I think, or 16 Tyre Tipper came and sunk in the ground. Every effort to pull it from the ground proved abortive. The more they pulled it, the more it entered the ground (Illustration). So they noticed there was a bulldozer (Illustration). So they brought one bulldozer, big one! from one side of the Construction Site and said: ‘There is one guy here (The bulldozer), it should be equal to this task’. So the guy came like this (Illustration). He didn’t break, he didn’t go like this and back, his movement did not stop (Illustration).
-That is how that challenge is about to move tonight! Church Gist. That Amen is too paralyzed!! That thing that has not moved, that has stood in your way, that affliction in your body, that family situation, that career situation, that situation of witchcraft is moving tonight by power! If you are saying Amen, shout the loudest Amen!
Please, don’t ever forget, that whatever resistance you experience it is not because it cannot be overcome, it is because it has not seen sufficient power. Church Gist. Every resistance around your life, your family, your destiny, your career, whatever! Wherever they are, it is not because they cannot be overcome, it is only because they have not encountered sufficient power! Say: Power!
One day, one disciple of A. A. Allen was casting out a devil, he casted out: ‘Come out! Go! Out! In Jesus’ name’! The devil remained. He looked at the devil, he said: ‘You better go now! Church Gist. Very soon, my father Evangelist A. A. Allen will be coming and you know if he arrives you have to go’. devil advised himself! In those days, A. A. Allen will introduce himself: ‘I am A. A. Allen, the devil was out’! ‘In case you are not aware, the A. A. Allen you are hearing in your kingdom, I am the one here (Laughing). Somebody shout: Power!
-I announce to you today! That resistance around your life and your destiny, this month is not permitted to expire until that resistance expires. Shout: Power!
8. Power gives us the capacity to make things work.
If things are not working, power makes them work. Actually, Elementary Physics defines power as the capacity to do work. And work is said to be done when an object is moved through a distance in the direction of a force. In Acts 3:6, there was a man, a crippled man that was quarantined at the Beautiful Gate for 40 solid years. All that Peter did was to apply power. Somebody say: Power! The Man, it was not that he didn’t have hands or legs but he had legs that could not carry his weight, legs that were not useful to him. Church Gist. They were non-functional legs that needed power to make them function. I was entering the Reception here and a woman was carrying a child. My driver was with me, I think one or two people, the Receptionist was there, this afternoon. Boy was helpless, he is not eating, he is vomiting everything and he is afflicted. His mother carried him helplessly like that; about let’s say, 10-year-old child with another person there. ‘In Jesus’ name, you are healed’!! As I turned my back to go, the boy had already jumped down from the hand of the mother and began to run and run towards me, I embraced him. The mother said: ‘Eh! You jumped down? He is walking’!
Many years ago, we did an anointing service in Area One Church – This will be like 22 years ago. Brother Abel was his name, he had a Volvo that knocked engine. They did everything possible, that Volvo didn’t move. So he carried the anointing (oil) that was prayed upon in the Church, went and anointed (the) Volvo engine, started it one hand, that was how mechanic was deprived of money for that season (Laughing). One hand! All modalities to start that vehicle proved abortive, but you know? The Holy Ghost is a container of… the anointing oil is the transmitter of power.
One day, a young man shook hands with me. He came all the way from the United Kingdom, his brother was in jail in Britain, about five of them committed a crime which they legally committed. This Boy came all the way from England, he had his dreadlock hair with which he attended the Service. He came to me, he said: ‘I want to shake hands with you’. I said: ‘For what’? He said: ‘I want to shake hands with you’, I shook hands with him. He said: ‘I’m going to carry this hand and visit my brother in the prison and shake him’. Church Gist. He carried that hand and put it on his neck, if you want to shake him, he waves you (Laughing). Entered the Aircraft like that, carried his hand, landed in Heathrow Airport, went to the prison, saw his brother. He said: ‘I came to release you from this prison, I shook hands with the Pastor and I’m coming to shake hands with you’. Baam! ‘You are out’! Under 24 hours, the Judge called the case in a hurry, he called the case in a hurry. Wait! And the Judge said: ‘One, two, three, four, five – You all committed this crime! One, two, three, four, return back to the prison! You, you are done, be released’! He was out! When we went to England we saw the guy that was released from the prison plus his brother, shook hands with him. He introduced him as: ‘This is my brother that I went to release from the prison’. Power dey oo!
-I believe there is somebody here today! That power that we have just talked about shall be your portion and whatever that is not working around your life. Church Gist. Whatever that is not working in your body, I decree, they shall work now!
We landed at the Ibadan Airport, young lady with pelvic fracture came and said: ‘Pastor, I want you to just pray for me’, I said: ‘You are blessed’. Church Gist. She said: ‘Is that all’? I said: ‘Yes! You are blessed’! She turned to go, ‘cramm’ pelvic bone adjusted. She ran back! Let me tell you, there are more things that happen than you know, only in eternity we will know the full extent! On the spot! Pelvic bone worked, normalized together! Walked away gently!
-Today, I prophesy! Whatever is not working, I decree! They are working now! Somebody shout: Power!
Finally, before we go: What is our heritage of power? Do we have any basis to expect to walk in power? What is our heritage?
1. By being created in the image and likeness of God, we are created for power. Genesis 1:26. Psalm 62:11. If power belongs to God, then power is the privilege reserved for anyone who is in the likeness of God. Church Gist. The likeness and the image of the goat must do ‘meee’. The likeness and the image of the dog must do ‘hohohoho’, the likeness of the eagle must soar. The likeness of Jehovah must be a power broker, a power commander.
2. By becoming sons of God.
We connect power by sonship. By becoming sons of God, being born again. John 1:12. Church Gist. So, if by creation the power was lost because of the fall of man, by redemption we regain the power.
3. By being filled with the Holy Spirit we are wired for power.
Acts 1:8. Power. Micah 3:8. Power from creation, power from redemption, power by the Spirit. We are wired for power! Somebody say: Amen! The other day, I was in the house and I was told that mysteriously one of the little pets, the cat, got paralyzed from waist down. Whether a vehicle hits it or an object hits it or something hits it. From the waist, all the way from here down, back leg, everything! If you touch it, it is motionless and it lays down helpless. Church Gist. They had to give it food in the same position. She (Dr. Mrs. Becky Enenche) told me: ‘Cat is paralyzed waist down’, maybe a car ran over it, maybe somebody hit it, maybe something happened to it, nobody knew. The way we are moved with compassion for man, my heart was filled with compassion for cat. I carried bottle of oil, I said: ‘Let’s go’! (Laughing). This is my second time anointing cat, I think you know the story of the first one – The cat that was a mis-cat. I anointed the back, the waist down of the cat, placed my hand on his body and said: ‘Sorry oo, you hear? Sorry’!!! I don’t know, there was no instant motion.
The next day or so they came and they said: ‘Cat is moving’, nerves came back, cat is walking, cat is in motion, cat is permanently healed of paralysis (Laughing). If God can heal cat! I’m not telling you theory, I am not telling you what somebody told me. You have the picture? (Referring to Dr. Mrs. Becky Enenche) Okay! The walking video, I wish we had the paralysis video, it was lying down, they threw food, they put food in his mouth. You know? Church Gist. John Wesley once prayed for his horse, in the course of their journey, maybe it was tired or something, crumbled! He said: ‘If God can heal man He can heal horses, move, we have not finished evangelism’. Horse stood up, journey continued! John G. Lake prayed for a crippled horse too in South Africa not to show power but the horse was in pain. The owner wanted to kill it because he didn’t want to see the animal writhing in pain. So John said: ‘Don’t kill it, let’s pray for it’! Baam! Leg healed, pain gone! Horse walked!
Beloved brothers and sisters! If all you did with your Holy Ghost baptism is to speak in tongues without speaking in power something is wrong. Church Gist. If the only thing you did with your Holy Ghost baptism is to speak in tongues without speaking in power something is wrong and that thing shall be corrected now!
What is my counsel?
1. Walk in the consciousness of power by walking in the consciousness of your heritage. Proverbs 23:7. Your life turns out according to your thoughts. Church Gist. If you think any witch can overcome you, you are right and if you think they cannot overcome you, you are also right. Walk in the consciousness of power by walking in the consciousness of your heritage.
2. Identify and activate factors that trigger the flow of power.
Ephesians 3:20. Anything you can ask, anything you can think can happen according to a power that you carry inside. ‘Open eye and see’! ‘Shine ya eye’! Not according to a power that is coming from outside, according to the power that worketh inside you. That is, there is a power inside you that knows no limits. God said: ‘I am not about to give you something new, there is something inside you’. God did not give Moses a rod, He only revealed the potential of the Rod that was already in the hand of Moses. Church Gist. Listen with me for two minutes, I have a glass of water on my left and a glass on my right. I have three cubes of sugar in this Glass and I have three cubes of sugar in this (Other) Glass. In this (right) Glass, I stirred the sugar very well until there is no grain under, everything is stirred. In this (left) Glass, nothing is stirred, the sugar just remained at the bottom. If I tasted the water, what will I feel? This left will taste like normal water even though it has something inside it that can alter its taste yet because it has not been stirred. But this right hand has been sufficiently stirred, once you taste it you cannot claim ignorance.
The difference between the power we manifest is a product of stirring, the storage is the same but the stirring is different. The storing is the same but the stirring is different, it is the same Holy Ghost but different stirring! Do you remember what Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 1:6. ‘That you stir up the gift of God…’ Stir up! Don’t store it up, stir it up! Don’t just let it be stored, let it be stirred! Church Gist. In the course of the Month, we shall be looking at the various things to do to stir the power, to stir the matter. The things that will stir you until you become constructed rugged, until when they call your name devil will be running. Heeey! You don’t need to be a Pastor for that to happen, until when they mention you, devil will be running. Somebody say a loud Amen!