- Bishop David Oyedepo at Breaking Invisible Barriers Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland || First Sunday Service.
Behind the torment and the torture of the powers of darkness is the absence of light. No one can retain light and be tormented by the powers of darkness. You can’t retain the revelation of life and be tormented by death. It is the absence of light that gives power to darkness. May the light of heaven break through into everyone’s life today and may that bring an end to all harassment of the power of darkness against your life. Church Gist. When your torchlight is put off in the night, darkness naturally and automatically prevails. So it is not enough to access light, it is important to retain light. It is the light we retain that guarantees our victory over darkness, not the light that you had. The light you retain and are walking in. You can’t be walking in the light and be barricaded by darkness, every barrier of darkness scatters on its own as light comes in. Therefore, in the precious name of Jesus, every difficult force making life difficult for anyone, making life unbearable for anyone, today as light comes through and you choose to retain that light marks the end of them all.
Prayers – Ask God for light.
Lord, thank you again for the privilege to be in your presence. We have come to your house of illumination. David said, “when I entered the sanctuary of the Lord, then I understood”. Lord open the understanding of every one of us today in a new way and let all invisible barriers clear the way for us.
The Dominion of light over darkness is instant and unquestionable, you turn the light on in your room at the night, light shows up and darkness parks up instantly. There shall be instant breaking forth today as light breaks through into your heart. John 1:14. Translated from spiritual to reality. Every light received and retained empowers the believer for dominion over the forces of darkness. We had this woman in Congo Brazzaville, she read the book Winning Invisible Battles some years ago, it was in French. As she got to the middle of that book. She had been in the siege for a long time, she could feel something following her but she couldn’t touch it. Series of misfortune everywhere. She was reading the book and that thing walked out of her. Light chased out darkness. It is not about the story, it is about access to the mystery of the gospel. A man was crying, you know when a man cries it is a serious matter. Nothing is working, I said under your condition there is no way anybody can treat you, go and get the book Satan Get Lost and see me afterwards. Let me give you seven days, he came back smiling. Church Gist. What is going on? He said I don’t know Satan is this cheap. Things turned within seven days as he encountered light. People just sit down begging God, you can’t beg me to see inside the darkness. You need light. “oh Papa lay hands on me”, hands on you is not equal to light. People are lazy. Light received and retained establishes your Dominion over the power of darkness. As light broke into the prison, every man’s chain fell off. The cheapest way to break invisible chains is access to light.
We got a mad man delivered by Jesus in that outreach in 1980, and then those evil spirits came back on him and men of muscle were holding him down. They told me that there is a great problem somewhere here, so I got in there. I said where is the problem, leave him. Then I shot one arrow of light. Jude 6. What are you doing here? All the devils left him instantly. Nothing gives you command over the powers of darkness like light. Light is sweet, it is a beautiful thing for the eyes to behold the sun. Don’t specialize the problem, deal with your ignorance. If you know where I came from, there can’t be more than principalities there. There is only one devil, he makes you enlarge your problem so it can sit on your life. If Papa knows where I came from, he won’t be talking like that. Everybody in my house is a witch, my mother is a witch, my father is a witch, I hear. The day darkness succeeds to overcome light, it is not just light, there is light of a candle, the light of a torch, the light of a fluorescent bulb, the light of a 60 watts bulb and there is flood light. 1 Corinthians 15:41. Church Gist. You have settled down for this dim light which is a result of partial contact. You can hardly see. Brighten your light. My prayer is that light will find its way into your life today and the power of darkness will give up on your life. All this hiring pastors for prayer is not equal to light. The entrance of His word gives light and understanding to His people. John 1:1-5. There is light here that creates life in this book.
UNDERSTANDING THE BLESSEDNESS OF A REVIVAL. How many can see a revival going on here, it takes a quickened spirit for someone to leave his or her home at 4am going to where? To worship. A revival is a spiritual awakening that stirs men to keep panting after God at all cost. You were singing and enjoying it as you were coming. Your spirit man is revived. There is an awakening that draws you unto God with delight. That is a revival.
What is a revival? The stirring of the spirit of men to keep engaging in kingdom advancement endeavour with delight. He is not feeling pressed or forced, He is just enjoying it with delight. That’s a revival. Haggai 1:14. Stirring of your spirit to engage in kingdom advancement endeavours with delight. When one is in a revival you will know, the passion of prayer shows that his spirit is quickened. “Oh God, what did I want to say?”. Many years ago, I went to a mountain and I saw one professional prophet attending to his clients and they all lined up one by one going there. Church Gist. My spirit man was grieved, I walked there and said “stand up”. He started gathering his luggage, I said Out, so I possessed the mountain. You know when Paul got to that city, his spirit was grieved. It was all given to the idol. It was a military barracks and most of the clients were military people, so when I chased the man out, they just left one by one. Don’t fake God here. I was not taller than this at that time. So it is not about the height or the age but the light.
What’s in a revival?
- A revival moves men to walk in the fear of God, to please God becomes the lifestyle of anyone in a revival. You can’t be in a revival and not know.
- A revival is a move of the Spirit ordained to terminate all afflictions and frustration of God’s people, thereby turning them into the envy of their world.
Zephaniah 3:17.
What we call a revival is a divine visitation among His people. When He comes, He begins to demonstrate His might among others through massive salvation of souls. Zephaniah 3:19-20, a revival is a season where God goes on to undo all that afflicts us. Church Gist. These are the packages that are reserved for those in a revival, supernatural restoration, and give you a new name. When God gives you a new name nobody can cancel it. Isaiah 62:3. When God gives you a name and you stay on course, that name speaks all through your life and after you. A revival is not a system to get people and let’s grow a church. It is a season where God has ordained to change your story if you care to engage. - Revival is said to occur when the word of God is said to come alive in increasing dimensions. God’s word becomes like eating food to you. It’s not one book that threatens you and makes life difficult for you. You stay on the word and you can’t even remember food because you are really eating. Jeremiah 15:16. Church Gist. When God’s word begins to give an unusual sweet taste to you then you are in a revival. Sweeter than honey and the honeycomb then you are in a revival. When God’s word no longer looks like Greek to you, you are in a revival. He painted that picture in Jeremiah 31:34-35, the word factor of a revival. There is always an eruption of the word in a revival. Acts 6:1.
- When going to Church becomes a way of life for you, then you are in a revival. “I am busy, I do a lot of travelling these days because of my new position”. You are not in a revival. In the days of Michael Faraday whenever he went to any city, he would ask where the church was. He was a great researcher, I don’t know what you are. Since I gave my life to Jesus by grace, I have always been a Church addict. One time, our plane had some challenges somewhere and we just left and went to Church. We were trying to meet up with Church service here since we won’t get here on time, we had to service ourselves. So that your life will not smoke. If you don’t service your car, it will start smoking. They said newcomers should stand up, I stood up because I am a newcomer and filled out the documents. The Pastor preached so powerfully, I came to fellowship with the Father, Son, Holy Spirit and the brethren. So all this “I am so busy, I can’t come to Church”. Church Gist. Before you go to the shrine, you better wake up. You are either in Church or in a shrine, nature abhors a vacuum. You might end up in a cult where you walk naked in the night, with ordinary pants and carry a calabash on your head. When going to Church becomes a lifestyle then you are in a revival. Let’s go to Church, “I am not going today. I went last week, I went the week before. I can’t be going more than twice in a month” and then on Sunday, he is shouting all around “who took my Bible”. If you are feeding on it every day, you won’t be looking for it. I have never seen where a thief went to steal a Bible. May going to Church from today become your new lifestyle. That’s where we go from strength to strength, that’s where we receive sanctification. John 15:3, Ephesians 5:26, John 17:17. Let me tell you this and you will like it. If you stop coming to Church for three months, it will impact your language. The things you have stopped saying all your life, you will start saying. The life in you has been squeezed out. When you squeeze the life out of clay it becomes dust. He looks at his wife and says I am not marrying you again, I dreamt you are a witch. Church Gist. After four children? Life has been squeezed out because life is not serviced. No battery lives forever. You recharge it or it goes flat. So going to church is to redeem you from going spiritually flat and doing funny things. Somebody’s story has just changed. Psalm 84:6-7, 132:12. It is very far, I think India is closer than Canaanland. Come for treatment, you say it is far okay, stay with your disease. No one here will miss his portion. God has come down to change your story. May you receive grace to work with HIM.
Among the blessings that accompany a revival include:
Financial Blessing.
Haggai 2:6. He is looking for who to entrust these treasures into their hands. When you are in a revival and you are promoting God’s kingdom with your resources, He causes prosperity to flow in your direction. Zechariah 1:17. Wealth in the kingdom is not an achievement, it is an entrustment. Luke 16:11. In a revival, financial giants rise because of commitment to kingdom advancement endeavours. Quite a number of people here have built rural churches, some have built major churches and God is just multiplying them. A number of the Zonal Centres here in Lagos were built by members of the Church. Some have given land in highbrow places and committed to building them and you find their story changing. Your church is proof of the financial fortune factor in a revival. That’s why we are building a building of 109,000 capacity without stress and building about a thousand rural churches at the same time and you are building facilities here in Lagos at the same time. Financial fortune is part and parcel of every revival. Haggai 2:3-13. Before revival broke out in Nigeria, how many Churches had two plots? We don’t have parking lot elements in Church design in Nigeria, there is nobody to park cars there, the church contributed money to buy a bicycle for the Pastor and they warn him every day to be sure that he doesn’t override the bicycle. Church Gist. Suddenly, the number of megachurches in the last 15-20 years in Nigeria is more than the number since 1876 when Christianity came. That’s a revival and God is pushing His resources through His people that He can trust. The word entrust is one you can trust? Can God trust you to use His resources for your purpose then that will determine how much He can put in your hand. Suddenly this Church will now become an overflow of the new one. Like a dream of the night, we are running a city where light has never gone out since 1999. That’s the financial fortune factor of a revival. Do you know why they are going up? They know the resources came from Him so releasing them to Him is not an issue. We are not a Church of rich people, we are a Church of poor people made rich. Church Gist. I have never knocked on a door in my witnessing endeavours. I am sent to the people on the street that God wants to make rich, so I go to them under the bridge. Jesus loves you. What? He has never heard anybody say that anybody loves him for a long time. They came in here and… somebody came in here just two or three months ago and the story just changed forever. He is in every service, I still saw him last Sunday. He has been in the dungeon of wickedness for a very long time, came here, gave his life to Christ, got baptized in Christ and everything just turned around. May your own financial fortune package in this revival not elude you. No game, no gimmicks, no cheating on others, no receiving bribes. Clean wealth, dignifying wealth. I said clean wealth is your portion. There are people who have means but cannot spend it, because people will ask what they do. That’s why thieves don’t live in town, they live in corners of the bush. Church Gist. Your church’s own is an open display. No gimmicks, no connectivity, no banking aid, no overdrafts, no telling suppliers to wait a bit, God is still working on it. What that means is that you are coming out of every form of financial pressure finally. Just start expressing your pleasure in promoting His kingdom at your level. A chair is broken at your zonal fellowship centre and you have the wherewithal to do it. Don’t write a long letter about it. Just do it. God who is watching will say “this boy who is buying chairs if I give him more He will start building churches” so He gives you more. That’s how it works. The financial fortune element will humble the world around us. Many financial giants, the kind the world has never seen before will arise from this platform. They will never worship wealth, they will keep worshipping the most High God.
Among the blessings in a revival is health and vitality. The reason why is that the labourers are few so He is committed to keeping fit the few that are working His work in His vineyard. Luke 10:2. Every fruitful labourer has committed God to keep him or her fit. John 15:2. Supernatural fitness is the portion of everyone engaging in a revival. Exodus 23:25. In the name of Jesus, for every one of us serving God at one level or another, I curse the root of sickness and disease finally in your life. You are walking out of it like a dream of the night today. You can’t be serving God and serving sickness at the same time. You can’t serve two masters. Church Gist. Therefore in the name of the Lord Jesus, every negative medical verdict concerning you is overturned today. Not one of the disciples was reported sick, while they were on Jesus’ mission. Mark 3:14. They never said let’s arise and go and they said Andrew has some health problems. They are always ready, ever ready health. For serving Him at whatever level you are today, on the prayer altar, as a cell minister, in the sanctuary, serving the interest of your Father entitles you to clean health. Therefore I decree impartation of sound health and vitality on your life. Health is your covenant right as you serve your God and the interest of His kingdom.
Everyone on the go for Jesus is empowered to command the supernatural. Mark 16:16-17. When you are in a revival, you are empowered to command the supernatural. The supernatural is the right of everyone on the go for Jesus. 2 Timothy 2:6. You are a partaker of the supernatural, a priority partaker and it flows through you to bless others. Church Gist. God is not looking for who to use, He is looking for who to bless, who to honour, who to distinguish, who to exempt from all evils of life and He has found you. May the blessedness of this revival speak forth in your own life. Operation Reach for your stars runs till the 31st of this month, may you never be left behind. May these remaining days be days of dramatic change of story for you.
This Covenant Day of Breaking Invisible Barriers, I like to give you the following keys that will empower your thorough fare despite the forces of darkness.
- Let us be conscious of the fact that invisible barriers are real.
Matthew 13:27. While men slept, his enemies came and sowed tares. He crept in unnoticed and began to corrupt our heritage. An enemy has done this. 2 Corinthians 10:3. We are confronted with battles in the realm of the invisible. Ephesians 6:12. We are in a battle against invisible forces but we have that redemptive right to clear them off our path. As mentioned earlier. Light is what establishes our redemptive right to clear off all invisible barriers on our path. We are children of light. Ephesians 5:8. These forces are forces of darkness. God is light and like begets like. When you are walking in the light, your Dominion over darkness is auto. No begging, no struggle. I am a child of light, great! Are you working in the light? Now, what light? Ephesians 2:6. Light is forever far above the darkness. No argument, no debate. Light will always have a workout over the forces of darkness. Our problem is not in many cases, particularly in most word-based churches, lack of access to light but walking in the light. When we are challenged we just drop the light and start saying what they say so we suffer what they suffer. It is not the absence of light but throwing off the light or switching off the light when you are challenged. “Let me tell you the truth, things are very bad. You know we don’t say that in my Church but you are my friend. Things are terrible. They are worse than the worst. Let me tell you the truth, there is no way I will not withdraw my children from school, we are going back to the village because I can’t pay the rent. There is no way”. See the way he is speaking curses. We throw away the light when challenged. Somebody asked me, Brother David do you ever have challenges? I said maybe it came and I didn’t know. There is a level of light that makes challenges sweet because champions are made out of challenges. When you cringe when challenged you are defeated. Champions are made from challenges. Church Gist. You don’t become a champion from your mother’s lap. They don’t beat children in schools anymore but when we were growing up beating was part of the lesson. You got five over ten, bring your hand. You got three over ten, lie down. It is not today that when you fail, you just walk down to the house. When they say you failed, you run to the bush. They will be looking for you. Now you say, well the example was not favourable. I just ghosted, I had some psychological failure. There is no one to explain to, when you fail you will be torturing yourself by yourself. But now they just come and pick you up in your failure, you sit in the car and say excuse me, can I buy some snacks.
The only way to subdue darkness is to walk in the light. If you don’t have light, darkness has a natural right given by God to overrun your life.
Keep walking by faith, Ephesians 6:16, 2 Corinthians 5:7. God cannot lie. Don’t take what they take or you start talking what they talk about and seeing what they see. A woman was told this was a miscarriage, she said no that is not what God said, after seven years of waiting. She was seeing blood anyway, blood was just flowing on its own and she gave birth. Nine months exactly after. The light was brighter and stronger than the darkness that was trying to attack her. Church Gist. “Your blood pressure is high”, she said not me and it went back. Every sickness is looking for accommodation. Are you available? My name is Backache. Are you available? They call it to you and you call it back to yourself. Walk by faith and you see how weak the devil is. Mark 11:23. So clear the barriers with your faith.
- Keep serving God and the interest of His kingdom as a lifestyle and you are entitled to rest round about.
Barriers clear the way from all areas of your life. 2 Chronicles 15:12,15. A covenant to keep serving God in season and out of season clears the barrier off your path. He needs you so He wants to keep you safe so you can keep serving Him.
- Keep following His leading. God can’t be leading you and the devil stops you.
Keep following His leading. Isaiah 48:17. God said to me October 1st 1983, I am committed to leading you if you are committed to following me. Many are not committed to following, so they just pray and God said why waste my time, just go where you want. Your luggage is already packed to go to Germany and you say “Lord should I go to Germany, anyway I am going”. If I ever missed my step to America when I thought that is where to go to get myself equipped for ministry I would have lost it. He said the thing you seek does not come from abroad but above, so stay where you are. Allow God to lead you, it will make a difference. Isaiah 48:21. No matter how deserted the place may be, if God is the one leading you there, there will be gushing of favour. Church Gist. That’s when God is leading. God led us here, God led us to this impossible place, this desert, it was a lost end of town, a place going nowhere. It is a forest of devils, even villagers dread passing by this place at 6pm. He said this is the place. Now, from this forest, the world is being fed from the world of God. Young people, the vogue of the day is to take a flight to anywhere. That’s the vogue of the day and many have gone on that trip of no return. Caution! Caution!. I started hearing God distinctly when I was 22. Seek to know the voice of your shepherd. Some are sent there, no way.
We missed our road to Kumasi in 1986, with the anointing on this commission, no way forward. No dignifying property to rent, no parcel of land to buy because God was not there. When God said arise get down to Ghana, all the demons couldn’t stop us. We have close to 200 churches in Ghana. A number of them are mega-churches. Allow God to lead and you will stop swimming against the tides. Suddenly you become a call girl for going to a place God has not sent you. You go into depression and suddenly you give up on life. Caution, Caution! At this time you should know where God is asking you to go and what He is asking you to go there and do. To wake up and say you are going anywhere to do anything. What a life! Do you have a spare? Why squander the only one you have. Church Gist. There are many of you today who will make what we are privileged to do be like nothing when you locate what you are called to do and stay there. Church Gist. Parents, your children going abroad is not an achievement. In those days, when you go abroad and return they will be shooting guns to welcome you. Nobody cares where you are coming from now. It was in those days, Rev. Engr. , Rev. Barr. Revival swept them away. In Church, you are a Pastor. This man has been a Chartered Accountant for 20 years, that’s a late comer. What is he coming to ministry to do? Oral Roberts started before 20, Kenneth Hagin also before 20. He is late. You must attend IYAC 2022. Parents ensure your youths get there.
Expect that by the anointing today, your understanding will open to the next levels. Your access to light will no longer be impeded and your breakthrough will become unstoppable. If you walk in the light that you have received today, no invisible barriers will survive on your path.
- For you and your household, it shall be a walkover in every battle that confronts you.
Prophetic Blessings
- Every barrier on the path of your business and career shall be destroyed.
- Every barrier on the path of your fruitfulness and getting married shall be destroyed.
- Even in old age, you will still be bringing forth fruit.
- Nobody dies young in your lineage anymore. You will not bury your children and grandchildren.
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