THE PROFIT AND DIVIDENDS OF WISDOM || Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche at September 2024 Impartation Service || Dunamis International Gospel Centre || The Glory Dome, Abuja.

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  • Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche on “THE PROFIT AND DIVIDENDS OF WISDOM” || September 2024 Impartation Service || Dunamis International Gospel Centre || The Glory Dome, Abuja.

I welcome everyone this morning in Jesus’ precious name. I bring you greetings from Botswana – Gaborone, their capital and then Francistown. Two crusades, one Nation, North and South. Church Gist. We’ll give you the highlights shortly but I welcome you into this morning service. It was a revival, not just going for an event, it was a revival, national revival and I believe that that climate of revival shall come upon us here today. I ask that the spirit of God will open the heart, the mind and understanding of somebody to the instructions this morning that the Lord will be giving to us. Church Gist. Very deep and impactful instruction on “THE PROFIT AND DIVIDENDS OF WISDOM”. That is divine wisdom.

Our objective is to understand both the profitability and necessity of the wisdom of God. Ecclesiastes 10:10. Church Gist. The Scripture makes it very clear that wisdom is profitable. That means there’s profit in walking in wisdom. To walk in wisdom is to see profit. To walk without wisdom is to lack profit. Now, in the course of defining wisdom last Sunday, we saw several things. Church Gist. The definition came also with the profitability of wisdom as we saw wisdom as inventions and so on and so forth. Last Wednesday, we looked at the proofs of wisdom. When wisdom is available, what do you see and feel and experience? Church Gist. We saw peace and the presence of God and progress and so on. All those also capture the profit of wisdom. But in addition to all of that, if a man and a woman walks in the wisdom of God, what do we expect?

  1. Wisdom brings distinction. Wisdom equals stardom. The availability of wisdom is behind the making of Kingdom stars. Ecclesiastes 8:1. Church Gist. Behind shining in life is wisdom. If you’re going to shine in your career, assignment and in destiny, behind shining in life is wisdom. And our assignment, our call is to shine. Matthew 5:14-16. We have a call to shine. Isaiah 60:1. We have a call to shine and that call is realized by the operation of wisdom. A man’s wisdom maketh his face to shine. Church Gist. We are the head, not the tail, above only, not beneath. We are to stand out in life, not to die out in life. Daniel 12:3 corroborated Ecclesiastes 8:1. Please, open your ears to hear what you’re hearing today. Church Gist. Don’t say “I’ve heard about wisdom before” because you’ll hear things you haven’t heard before. So, it’s a calling to shine.
  • I decree today, everyone whose life has been buried in obscurity, what you’re doing has been buried in obscurity, I announce today, that season of obscurity is over forever!

You know Joseph shined by wisdom. Daniel is Babylon, he stood out by wisdom. Church Gist. Now, let me say something to you: Jesus said, many people came from distant parts of the world to hear the wisdom of Solomon, He said, “but a greater than Solomon is here”. Jesus said He was a greater than Solomon. And then, He said, “as my Father sent me, I sent you. Church Gist. The works that I do shall you do, greater works than that shall you do because I go to the Father”. He said, “of all men born of women, there has never been one greater than John the Baptist but he that is least in the Kingdom is greater than he”. So, John the Baptist is greater than Solomon. “of all men born of women, none greater than John the Baptist”. Church Gist. Alright? So, John was greater than all that was born before him. You are greater John. “And he that is least in the Kingdom is greater than he”, so, you’re greater than Solomon. Everyone came from around the world to look for Solomon, why is nobody looking for you in your street for good? Not for evil. I want you to get angry. Church Gist. If the genetics of Jesus Christ, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah is in me, I reject obscurity. He’s the bright and the morning star, “they that be wise shall shine as stars”, I reject obscurity.

  • Today, I announce, the embargo is lifted off your life forever!
  • In your field, in your realm, in your endeavour, when they count outstanding people in that realm, your name would never be left out!
  • if you’re saying Amen, say a louder Amen.

In all humility to God and to the glory of El-Shaddai, if you’re going to make mention of places of worship globally, I don’t know how many you’ll count before this one is mentioned, globally, by the doing of Jehovah. Church Gist. Now, you’re tied to that same mantle, you’re connected to that same House. Are you hearing what I’m saying here today? “I and the sons that the Lord has given unto me, we are for signs and wonders”. Church Gist. You’re tied and connected to that stream, that oil, that mantle, that grace, that flow, there’s no devil that is demonic enough to render your life useless, to cover your destiny in obscurity, to waste your life and time and energy in things that are producing no results in the name of Jesus!

  • give the Lord the praise and take your seat.
    Wisdom brings distinction and establishes people in stardom.
  1. Wisdom brings preservation for life. Preservation of lives and destinies happens by the agency of wisdom. Ecclesiastes 7:17. Wisdom brings preservation. Church Gist. You look at Ecclesiastes 9:14, it gives us a prophetic parable of how wisdom brought preservation. Ecclesiastes 9:14-15. Yet, no man remembered that same poor man. That one is subject for another day. Our focus today is “by his wisdom, he delivered the city”. The wisdom of God at work in your life can help you deliver yourself, family, community and loved ones and bring preservation. Church Gist. Wisdom, without a doubt, is a weapon, a tool of deliverance and preservation.

2 Samuel 20. There was a City called Abel-Meholah, a man called Sheba the son of Bichri who when David was on the move, I think, in the days of Absalom or so, did so much harm against David. Church Gist. So, David sent the chief of defense staff, Joab to go and look for Sheba, the son of Bichri. “Bring him back, dead or alive” and the man went into the City of Abel-Meholah and Joab and the Army of Israel surrounded the City, they wanted to destroy the City and destroy the man along. Please, be careful who comes into your camp. One man in a house can bring destruction to the house. One wrong person in a vehicle has occasioned the perishing of many. Church Gist. May God deliver you from camping any Jonah in your ship. Jonah in the ship meant there was no journey. Everything was lost because there was no Jonah. That was what was happening. I preached many years ago on the wisdom of association, that the wrong association can bring drastic destruction. Church Gist. That was this case until a wise woman arose in 2 Samuel 20:16-22. “You said I should hand him over to you? It’s not him I will give you, we’ll throw his head across the wall”. So, they first of all located the Sheba wherever he was hiding, decapitated the Sheba. That’s destructive surgery, it’s like amputation but this one is decapitation. Church Gist. That City would have died with one man, a man, a wrong person would have swallowed up the City until wisdom arose.

  • I speak to someone here, anything that is seeking to destroy your life, whether it’s a disease, an affliction, a conspiracy in the office, whatever it is that is seeking to destroy your life, family, marriage, ministry and your destiny, I announce today, the wisdom for preservation is hereby released!
  • if you’re saying Amen, say a louder Amen.
  • lift your right hand and say after me, say, “in the name of Jesus, I receive wisdom for preservation, I shall live! And everything connected, related, associated with my life will receive preservation by the wisdom of God!” Hallelujah!
  • somebody is already blessed, say Amen.

Job 28:7-16,28. So, what is the profit of wisdom we are dealing with?

  1. Wisdom overturns and uproots mountains and difficulties. Job 28:9. That is, whatever is called a mountain around your life, a difficulty around your destiny, the wisdom of God can literally just uproot it. Church Gist. It just uproots it, a whole mountain by the roots. So mountain have roots. Whatever is called a mountain in your life, there’s a root of it. Wisdom knows the root of the mountain and wisdom can uproot it. There’s nothing too difficult, no situation too mountainous or too insurmountable that wisdom can’t uproot, all you need is for God to say one word.

Look at the testimony we heard, this girl was wearing a mountain for 15 years in her hand. What is meant to make her do ‘guy’ and shine and make her look pretty was her resistance for 15 years and there’s no way it can be known until it is revealed. Church Gist. It is that revelation that is the wisdom of God. Where God said, “the reason why your life has not moved is this thing on your hand”. And she brought it this morning to show to us. “The reason why your destiny is on the same spot is this thing on your hand”.

Somebody bought a baby doll or something like that like a decoration and put it in the house. That thing was an altar bringing suicidal tendencies in the house. Church Gist. It took the wisdom of God and the revelation of the spirit to point out that thing is the matter, this thing that you have put in on your shelf there, that thing is an airport, landing path for evil spirits. Job 28:9.

Nebuchadnezzar saw a dream that was a nightmare that he forgot, he had no interpretation of it until a man by the name, Daniel, sought the wisdom of God, then was the thing revealed to Daniel in a night vision. Daniel 2:19-22. Church Gist. So, that revelation was God’s wisdom. See, no matter how mountainous a mountain is, one revelation from Heaven will reveal the weakness of the mountain. Church Gist. Just one light from Heaven, just one direction from God, just one voice from above will show you the weakness of the mountain.

Joseph unveiled, dissolved and uprooted. It was a mountainous situation where 7 dry cows swallowed up 7 sweet cows and that was the nightmare of Pharaoh but God unveiled his wisdom by wisdom to Joseph and also gave him the solution to that mountain. It was overturned.

Now, what I’m saying today is, I don’t care what that mountain is, “I am not ugly. I am educated, I am spiritual, I am doing my best, yet no man is saying hello not to talk of ‘can I marry you?’ Lord, what is the root of this mountain? Show it to me, let it be uprooted”. Church Gist. “I am hardworking, I am tithing, I am doing all the things I need to, what is the root of these financial losses? Show it to me. Give me the wisdom that will overturn and uproot this mountain”. “I am trying my best in ministry, I am under submission and doing this and that but why am I here?”

  • I speak today, by the anointing of the Holy Ghost, every mountain in your life is being uprooted and overturned today by the wisdom of God!
  • you believe that, shout the loudest Amen.

Job 28:11.

  1. Wisdom tames the floods and the challenges of life from overflowing and overwhelming lives. Wisdom tames the floods and harasses the floods and the challenges of life from overflowing and overwhelming one’s life. Church Gist. That is, “what kind of flood is this? What kind of tides of evil is this?”. Isaiah 59:19. That standard that is lifted is liftable by the wisdom of God. You know the meaning of that? It means, you’re not permitted to be drowned by any challenge. Church Gist. You’re not permitted to be overwhelmed by any flood or tide of evil once the wisdom of God is accessible. Somebody say Amen!

I’ll give you an example. There was a prophet in the days of Elisha – I believe that one day, I’ll give a diagnosis of that prophet’s problem – who died and left his children in bondage because he went and took a loan and used his two sons as collateral. Church Gist. “If I don’t pay this money, carry these boys”. Many things were wrong. And the woman ran to Elisha, said, “you know that thy servant did fear the Lord but the creditors are come”. One thing is clear to me, number one, that Prophet was under no prophetic covering, otherwise, the Prophet Elisha who was the standard Prophet of that time would have known the challenge of the Prophet and solved it in his life. Church Gist. Number two, that Prophet was not a covenant practitioner. “Thou shall lend unto nations, thou shall not borrow”, he didn’t hear that passage. More things to say about him but they have come to carry the children as bondmen and this woman ran to Elisha. Just one wisdom from above, “what do you have in your house?” She said, “I have a pot of oil”. “Really?” She said, “I have not anything but a pot of oil”. He said, “that is where the answer lies, there’s something in your house that is an answer to your stress”. And I’m talking to somebody indirectly right now. There’s something in your vicinity, near you that is solution to your calamity. Church Gist. And he said, “go, take that oil. Go get vessels or what have you”. Borrow vessels, this one was not a borrowing or indebtedness but a getting of what to use to multiply the resources. And she got and she poured the oil. That was a way out of the flood. It was a flood of evil, husband is dead and now children are to go forever. Church Gist. Widow that is childless that had children before. No. One wisdom arrested the flood.

  • I don’t know who is here and the enemy appears to have come against you in one way or in another way, I am here to announce to you, one wisdom from God, one revelation, one direction, one idea, one inspiration is coming to bail you out of the flood! To arrest the flood and send the flood back to hell!
  • somebody say a louder Amen!
  • will you help me tell three people around you, tell them, no flood shall overrun your life!
  • before this week is over, God is going to give somebody a light, a revelation, a direction that will push back the flood and tide of evil. That will rescue you from the flood of hell!
  • about the loudest Amen!!

I don’t think anybody has the right to preach like this if he’s coming from a week-long crusade when you’re doing morning and evening and midnight prayer. Church Gist. My PA Secretary said to me, he said, ah! When he saw the outline of the message, he’s wondering, how possible with the schedule we just ran. Ola ola. It’s because somebody’s destiny is at stake and God wanted you to hear. You’re not at the mercy of any devil. Church Gist. You’re not permitted to be at the mercy of any flood of evil. You’re not permitted to be at the mercy of any harassment from hell.

  • I announce today, the floods are returning back to where they came from!
  • help me tell three people, tell them the floods are returning back to where they came from!

Atimes, the wisdom of God that saves you is not complicated. Many people are looking for complicated solutions to complicated challenges but most times, complicated challenges have simplified solutions. Church Gist. Atimes, it is so simple that people ignore it to their destruction. Three nations are fighting you, the Ammonites, the Idomites and the Moabites with weapons and He said, “carry praise-worship, let them praise”. “We should be singing until they come and kill everybody?” But that was the wisdom of God. 2 Chronicles 20:21-23. Church Gist. And while they were doing that simplified solution, the complicated Army began to fight themselves. Hey!! That situation was meant to overrun and drown them. That situation was meant to cause them to cease existence as a people. That is what the wisdom of God is about. 5,000 men, not to talk of women and children, 5 loaves and 2 fishes, very simple. This big Goliath, tiny stone. Hey! See, the human mind works atimes so complicated. Until the answer is complex, we don’t believe it is an answer. “Pastor say a word”. “You’re blessed in Jesus’ name!” “Is that all?” I’ve seen people held my hand as if they’ll pull it back. I say, “leave me. Calm down!” (Laughs). Church Gist. There are people I’ve never seen in my life who received intervention from the television. You heard from Malawi just now. Hallelujah!

  • I decree today, that simple answer to every complex issue of your life is being released right now!

Our second example is Judah in the days of Jehosaphat. The flood couldn’t overflow them because the wisdom of God, direction from Heaven, divine idea and inspiration landed. Church Gist. The voice, “this is what to do to handle this matter. This is what to do, this is how to go about this” and they did that and the matter ended.

  • somebody say a loud Amen.

Many years ago, I told our accounts office, I said to them, “don’t ever complain about what you see” because atimes, what needs to be done is bigger than whatever the offering could account for. Church Gist. Am I communicating? In the days of this construction, I don’t think that what was being spent a month then could be the offering of a year. Yes. How did the balance come? I told them, I said, “you know what? Whatever you see, praise on it”. Church Gist. So, there’s praise in their counting room. After what order? After the order of Jesus, he saw five loaves and two fishes, He praised on top of it, He gave thanks on top of it and it became enough. It was able to do what needed to be done. Many times, we read the Bible but we don’t see what is there, neither do we apply it. Church Gist. You carry your salary, you say, “what is this?” Praise on top of it first. “What can this money do now?” Praise first. Praise on top of it and then do the things you’re meant to do, spiritual obligation wise and watch God. Church Gist. The time will come when what is entering your hand, extra salary sources that is not crooked, that is neat and clear and clean, extra salary, it will be more than your salary of one year. Somebody just heard something now.

  • lift up your hand and say, “Father, I receive the wisdom of God, I receive it now!”
  • give the Lord the praise. Give Him the honour and adoration.
    We’ve had people that were not members of this Church at all at that time, who were (giving), some trailer of cement, all manner. Extra income sources, all manner.
  1. Wisdom unravels and discerns the precious and valuable. Job 28:10b. Wisdom sees the precious where others see nothing. Wisdom sees value where others see nothing. Church Gist. Wisdom sees value in the valueless. It will even see treasure in trash. I said that the other day. It will even see riches inside rubbish. There are people today who are turning all manner of garbage into things, fuel, all manner of things. Was that not the wisdom of Master Jesus that saw 5 loaves and 2 fishes as a valuable enough to answer. Church Gist. John 6:5-11. That 5 loaves and 2 fishes that meant nothing to Andrew carried value. Now, the value was such that.. 5,000 men beside women and children. can I tell you something and this is very true. Women are usually more anywhere there’s miracle because they’re praying for themselves, praying for their children and praying for their husbands and family. I know many men who will say, “oh. My wife is the praying type”. Church Gist. He doesn’t come to Church, “my wife is praying for us”. May you never marry such men. May God deliver you from them. Because the man is meant to be the Priest of the house. So, if it is 5,000 men, you can be sure of at least 7,000 women. That is already 12,000 and if the women brought their two children each, that is 14,000 plus 7,000 plus 5,000, 26,000. Church Gist. Let’s say over 20,000 people were there. 5 loaves fed these thousands of people. When he said 5,000 men beside men and women, in other words, if we are to count women and children, we may lose the count but we’re sure of 5,000 men. What Andrew said was nothing fed 5,000 people, 20-something thousand people until 12 baskets were collected afterwards. Church Gist. There are many things you’re calling nothing, some of us would have been billionaires by now, if God only opened your eyes to certain things around you that you call nothing. Church Gist. Our minds are so stereotyped and rigid. You just expect that something must happen a certain way. “I must get a big government contract before I’m a billionaire. I must do this and do that”. Church Gist. And God is saying, there are unconventional things, there are things that nobody is seeing, there are sources that nobody is paying attention to, I want to open your eyes to see something that nobody is seeing.
  • I stand here today by the anointing of the Holy Ghost and I decree right now, Jehovah will open somebody’s eyes to see something precious that some people are not seeing before this month of September, this month that is dedicated to wisdom, before the month is over, your eyes will see something!

Didn’t we just see it right now? The Prophet’s widow. What will answer her cry… I can even go further. Who knows whether the prophet who left his children as collateral died of hypertension? Money worry plus stroke. Moneyria. Money worry. Because see prophet, police is at your door in the morning before Sunday service. Church Gist. You say, “Lord, what kind of life is this? It’s better I go. This embarrassment is too much. I don’t even know how to talk to”. It’s possible he died with the answer in his wife’s kitchen – a bottle of water. What will solve the matter was already in the house. I’m talking to somebody here oh. Church Gist. You’re busy looking for people to help you, borrow you this or do this or that for you, where there’s an answer your eyes have not seen because it doesn’t look complex, it looks too simple. Pot of oil. Job 28:10b. Hallelujah!

  • I stand here today, in the name that is above every name, Jesus Christ the resurrected Lord, your eyes shall be open to see that precious and that which is valuable, receive it in the name of Jesus!
  1. Wisdom brings direction. Ecclesiastes 10:10. Direction, which I believe, is the summary of all that we’re saying. “Which way Lord?” When Elisha needed direction in 2 Kings 3:15-16. Church Gist. He heard “thus saith the Lord” as one tiny wisdom step, ‘bring me a minstrel’ and the minstrel played. When David was hit in 1 Samuel 30:8, instead of rushing to war, he said, “Lord, should I pursue this troop?” And the Lord said, “pursue, overtake and without fail, recover all”. He got that direction and he recovered. Church Gist. Please don’t forget as long as you live that wisdom from Heaven means what God is saying per time. What God wants done. God’s answer, God’s view, God’s mindset concerning the matter. Church Gist. God’s counsel, His advice, this is how to do it and what to do to get out of this or to move here, this is what to do”.

What is the way of wisdom? We are on that journey and we are going to look at it comprehensively in one of the services but first of all;

  1. Walk in the fear of the Lord. Job 28:28. Psalm 25:12. The way He shall choose, that is the way of wisdom. Do you have a conscience that is clear and tender? If you do wrong, do you know? Does your heart prick you? Church Gist. There are those who deliberately orchestrate and organize for iniquity. That fear of the Lord, that tenderness of the conscience, that child-like feeling of guilt when you’re guilty, that thing is a highway for the wisdom of God. Genesis 42:18. Church Gist. Was a major secret of the life of Joseph – “I fear God”. You cannot fear God and lack wisdom.
  2. Rely on and make demands on the wisdom of God. Don’t rely on your wisdom. Your own wisdom failed you many times. Don’t rely on your intelligence, it fails. Church Gist. Don’t rely on past experiences, it can fail. If David had relied on past experiences, he would have lost the battle with the Philistines in 2 Samuel 5. Proverbs 3:5-6. I don’t have the time to analyze it, maybe in second service, I’ll look at the other translations. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not…” Don’t rely on what you know. In all your ways, every step and every move you want to make, acknowledge Him. Church Gist. “Lord, I’m about to move this way, am I in the right path? I’m about to invest in this business, am I correct? I’m about to take a journey, are you in that journey?” Involve Him in your moves and He will direct your paths. Many people will say “oh” I don’t know what people are afraid of. Maybe they think God will not answer them. No. Church Gist. Ask Him first and leave Him to answer. By any means, He will answer you. Through the preaching of the Gospel like this, in your dreams of the night, with the peace of your heart, by any means, He will answer you.

Somebody heard something today, who is the person? Who is really blessed today? How many of you can say, ‘from this Word, I am coming back with a testimony?’ stand on your feet with a shout of praise. Church Gist. I am aware you received something today. I tell Preachers, I say, if what you’re preaching does not move you, clear out of the altar, let somebody else talk. If it doesn’t move you, it won’t move nobody. If it touches you, even the devil will be touched. Hallelujah!










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