-Bishop David Abioye at Mid-week Communion Service.
I thought somebody is shouting right now to the Lord! You can make that shout louder to Him and give Him a very big hand; He is worthy of our praise.
Lift up your hands one more time and give glory to Jesus. Exalt Him; let Him hear your voice. Do like the one leper, he lifted up his voice; he gave glory to God. There is no secret thanksgiving. Every thanksgiving is loud. Thank Him again.
Blessed be God in Jesus wonderful name we have prayed.
Heavenly Father we thank You again tonight. Ever since this day began, You have been with us, You’ve watched over us. We do not take You for granted for everything You have done for us. Receive our thanks in the name of Jesus. Church Gist. Tonight again, we here giving You glory; receive it from our hands Lord. Speak to us now Lord, send Your word to us. Let Your word refreshes us; let Your word enlighten and empower us. Thank You for doing so Lord. In Jesus glorious name we have given thanks.
Please be seated and if you can, give another big hand to the Lord.
Welcome to 2021, your year of Supernatural Turnaround. We are reminded tonight that the prophetic focus for this month is:
Every time we are praising Him, we are producing wonders. Praise is wonder producer. Our teaching series in the course of the Mid-week Services is:
I want to count it a very great privilege tonight to be asked to bring us this word. I do not take it for granted and I believe God will bless each and every of us tonight in Jesus’ name.
There are wonders in praise and one series after another unveils to us the wonders that praise contains. Praising God is not making empty noise. Praising God is cheering up the wonders that praise contains. That’s why the word engaging is very crucial. Not everybody who knows something get benefited from that thing. What you know is for your head. What you engage is what comes into your life. Church Gist. You may know something very well in your head but it is not reflecting in your life. Reflection in our lives is a product of what we engage from our heads. So you may know so much about praise but what is it producing in your life and the only way for it to produce is for you to engage in it. That is, you don’t know what praise can do until you start engaging in praising God.
We are reminded again tonight that praise focuses on the integrity of what is written. That is, if you know what is written; it stirs up praise inside you. David was a man of praise. His praise was word driven. Now, the reason why many people get tired praising God is because they are word empty or word low. Church Gist. When your heart is filled with the Word, your body will move in praise because you are dancing about what is written, not around what is happening (Psalm 56:4, 10). Word loaded saints don’t have problem praising God.
A practical example is a life of Abraham (Romans 4:17-20). Abraham was strong in the faith, praising God. The Word is the stirrer of our praise. If you become Word-full, you will naturally become praise-full. People of the Word are people of praise. They are celebrating the integrity of the Word of God.
We understand also that praise is an ever-prevailing weapon of war (2 Chronicles 20:22-24). When praise is on, God is at work. Also, we see that praise is a covenant trigger for signs and wonders. Church Gist. Let praise go ahead, wonders will follow immediately. Wherever the Word goes, wonders will flow.
- Tonight, the wonders of God will flow through our praise!
When you become an instrument of praise, God turns you into a vessel of wonders. This is why there are people who don’t lack wonders because they don’t lack praise. If you make your mouth to lack praise, your life will lack wonders. If you make your mouth to be filled with praise, then your life will be filled with wonders. Church Gist. Hear what David said, “I am as a wonder unto many”. Everybody saw him as a wonder but he made himself an instrument of praise to become a vessel of wonders. David didn’t pray for wonders; he became wonders because he instigated his experience as he kept praising God (Psalm 34:1).
Tonight, we want to focus on the wonder of joy and praise, stirring up health and vitality.
Praise without joy is making noise without knowing. There are people who when praising God, they frown their faces. Praise actually means, melodizing the Word. Church Gist. In those days when somebody wants to give a special number, there were no instruments in those days, so somebody comes up and said; “please don’t listen to the melody, listen to the word”. I’ll say to myself, “why don’t you read it to us then?” Without melody there is no song. “For thou shalt have a song” that is what the scripture says with melody in your heart, with gladness of heart (Isaiah 30:29). If you don’t smile, you are only making noise. These are elements that make praise thick; gladness of heart. If it lacks joy and gladness, it is not acceptable.
So when we are singing praise, let it reflects on your face (Ephesians 5:18-20). It is not praise if it is not melodious. Somebody may say; “oh, but I can’t sing like the choir”. God is not looking for choir singing when it comes to praise. He said, let everything that hath breath praise Him. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all ye lands. So everyone can do it. Church Gist. Everyone can make melody in his heart to the Lord. So without joy, praise is unacceptable. That’s why it is been combined that joy and praise engenders health and vitality (Jeremiah 30:17, Numbers 23:19). Praise focuses on the Word. Now that God is saying He will restore health to you, you can as well start singing because He is not a man that He should lie. If He says He will change your captivity, starting dancing like a man that is free. If He is saying you will never be poor again, you can put your hand in your pocket as a very rich man with expectation that something will soon flow out of your pocket.
- Somebody, you are receiving your health right now!
- Wherever you are watching this service from right now, health is released into you!
- Every wound that may be here tonight or may be in any place where you are watching this service, by the time this service is over, you will discover that the wound has closed up!
It is you who determines the now and the now begins with your praise. Remember, when they began to praise Him, He began to work. The beginning of your praise is the beginning of your wonders particularly the wonders of health and vitality (Proverbs 17:22). Church Gist. Praising God is taking divine medicine; supernatural medicine. Praising God brings injection of life into your system. A merry heart doeth good to the body but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
Do you know you can be singing and be sorrowful? Like they did in that Psalm; “by the river of Babylon, where we sat, when we remembered Zion. We dropped our trumpet. They asked us to sing the Lord’s song, we said no; we will not sing the Lord’s song”. Not knowing that it was the Lord’s song that was going to bring them out of that captivity. Church Gist. “That’s something I don’t understand about this Church. Papa doesn’t know the pain I have: otherwise, he won’t ask me to lift my hands. Everybody around knows that I have paralysis around me. How can he tell me to be lifting my leg?” So, you can be singing and be sorrowful. There is sorrowful singing.
- From tonight, you will not know the way to sorrow again!
Joy must with go praise. Smile on your face must go with praise because your smile validates your expectation from your praise. We see practical example here of how, when Jesus was been praised. He went into the temple and from there, he chased out every devil that was buying and selling in the body of people. Church Gist. Our body is that temple today because we are the temple of the Lord. Every time we are singing Hosanna (Matthew 21:9-14), He comes down. Praise is not meant to be low; praise is to be high. The higher the praise, the greater the healing.
Those of you who are familiar with crusade attendance, it is not just the prayer that heals the people; it is when people begin to praise. The same thing happens here, every time we are in Faith Tabernacle or in any of our services, after the Word has come, after the prayer; then the high praise. It is in the midst of the high praise that God comes down. The Word set the pace of course but when we begin to praise His Word, when the instruments are high, then He comes down. Church Gist. Every time praise is on, the earth quakes because God comes down. When God comes down, anywhere He puts His feet, there must be a shaking. When Paul and Silas praised Him and He came down, the prison shook because He came down and He puts His leg in the prison. Anytime we are praising God, God’s name and His acts become defined in the midst of His people.
- Tonight as you praise Him, He is coming into your body. The strange movement in your body, the brain tumor, backache, arteritis, diabetics, blindness in your eyes, anything that is not working in your body; Jesus will come to your body tonight!
- Any arrow of evil that has been sent to work against you will go back to where it is coming from!
Sometime last week, we came out of our Staff Morning Devotion and a little girl was fresh in her madness. It took not less than four men to hold down. The energy that the devil gave her was unusual. As I looked at her in the eyes, I said; “You foul devil, you are out of this body now!”. She started making noise. I said give me the oil there and as the oil was poured on her, the demons came out. That is not the end of the story. Church Gist. She became ashamed of herself. I said, “take her home to wash and let her come back”. When she came back, she began to narrate the story. Her uncle sent the evil spirit to her but as soon as that evil spirit came out of her, it went and landed on the daughter of her uncle. She said, “As I speak right now, the daughter of my uncle is mad”. That is what Jesus does.
- Every devil that has been trading around your body; Jesus will chase them out tonight!
First of all, when we are in high praise, remember they cried. It was not a gentle praise. The praise that will bring you out of your oppression is not a gentleman’s praise. It has to be a praise of freedom. So beyond just bringing out sickness from our body, thanksgiving and praise quickens every dead organ in our body back to life (John 11:41-44). Church Gist. You can’t call forth for miracle without your praise setting the pace. It is when thanksgiving has gone ahead that you can be calling forth your miracle. Do you know as we praise God tonight, everything called dead in your body is coming back to life?
- As the Lord God of this commission lives, who never lies, who gave the mandate to His servant to liberate the oppressed from all oppression of the devil; His wonders will be performed in your life again!
Isaiah 61:3
- The oil of joy is here tonight. Your cloth will change tonight. Your sickness cloth will change tonight.
We understand from Bible history that people with different plagues were given different garments to wear. For instance, Bartimaeus had the garment of blindness so that he can be easily identified. The first he did to receive his miracle was to cast out that garment from his body; the garment of heaviness. What replaces that garment is the garment of praise. Until you are ready to wear the garment of praise, the garment of heaviness cannot leave you. You have to shake your body; shake the garment of sickness from your body so that the garment of praise can come on you. Church Gist. These are simple scriptural principles that many don’t care to apply. So when we say shall we praise God and you standing still, it can’t happen that way. You have to shake it. The garment of praise, celebration and joy, that is what God is releasing here tonight but you have to position your head for it by dancing. You have to position your body for it by allowing that garment to come on your body. When you do that, you are releasing healing virtues into your body (Proverbs 18:14).
If you allow your spirit to be wounded in the midst of praise, God cannot help. Tonight, someone is receiving help. If you are ready to put on that garment of praise, shout a loud Amen!
Nehemiah 8
The more joyful we are in the Lord, the healthier we live. Your health can improve; the healthier our health improves, the more we praise Him. Ever praise-full is ever healthy. Don’t let your soul be cast down (Psalm 42:5, 11). Praise equals health (Habakkuk 3:18-19) Church Gist. Each time you wake up in the morning and put your feet on the ground, the first thing is; “Thank You Jesus”. You know what you are doing? You are injecting yourself with life.
- No one will leave this service with any sickness tonight!
- No one will wake up in the morning with any affliction in his or her body!
Give God a big hand of praise!!!
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