– Pastor Isaac Oyedepo on ‘THE RESURRECTION – THE VALLEY OF DRY BONES’ at Mercy Conference 2024: The Resurrection || Evening Session Day Four || Household of David || 3rd February, 2024 ||
I didn’t come to the Conference so much to preach but to receive. If I had my way, I would’ve been here from the beginning. Pastor Osunmankinde and his wife, I want to deeply appreciate you. My family loves you. Church Gist. My wife and I and of course Bishop David Oyedepo like you heard today, really love and appreciate you. We are so grateful to God that our eyes see the things that we see.
I will be one of the people that will speak about this 20 years to come, 30 years to come that I was at a Conference, on the start day of the Conference, the devil thought he had us. Church Gist. I have never heard of such a thing but now, I have experienced it.
– I am glad to let you know that before tonight is over, by the power of His Resurrection, whatever seems to have been dead or dying in your life or my life finally, it’s coming back to life!
I will like you to know that we are not defeated. What we saw happened on Wednesday morning is a picture of what must happen before resurrection. When I saw the video that went viral where Pastor was speaking…in fact someone had called me to say “are you aware of what is happening at the Conference you should be speaking?” Church Gist. I said ‘no’ and when I saw the video, while others saw chairs, I saw bones and those who helped me around knew that the message was concluded before Wednesday night. I received a download and when I saw the video (this is what I was trying to tell Pastor), the Lord said, “now you can tell, I gave you the right message.”
It was bones I saw. What seemed to have been the ground was a valley. Literal opening of the eyes and what we saw at the start of the Program was the beginning of resurrection. I like you to sit tight, we won’t do too much of teaching. A lot has been done. Church Gist. You have probably heard the best of messages on the subject of the Resurrection. But the Lord told me, He said “tonight is a prophetic night.” We will not just be teaching and teaching, we will be speaking.
– In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, before the next Mercy Conference, you will not look anything close to what you look like now!
I will be teaching on the subject of ‘THE RESURRECTION – THE VALLEY OF DRY BONES.’
The greatest event in Christendom is the Resurrection and one of the greatest revelations to be unveiled before Jesus Christ returns is also the Resurrection. Let me say it again. The greatest event in Christendom is the Resurrection. We are not professing a faith that is built on the birth of just the death but the birth, the death and the resurrection. That’s the greatest event. Church Gist. But God is saying through the Mercy Conference and speaking to our pastor about this and seeing what we saw is enough proof that he heard from God…And God is saying that the greatest event is the Resurrection but let them be taught and shown the reality of what it takes for something to die and come back alive. John 12:24. (Speaks in tongues).
No wonder that Paul the Apostle said that “I may know Him and the power of His resurrection.” I never knew until Pastor Dele Osunmankinde was sharing about the fact that the first Book written I think he said was 1 Thessalonians and was written by who? Paul. Church Gist. Yet Paul will cry “that I may know Him and I want to know the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings.” Philippians 3:10.
Until you are ready to die, you are not ready to rise. God wanted to shift Household of David so it had to die (the building). After every death, comes life. In fact there is a mystery, the mystery of life in death. So Paul began to exclaim “that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection.” Church Gist. The same Paul will say “if that same Spirit that raised up Jesus Christ from the dead dwells in you” because there are situations that will come your way that are as good as dead – “that same Spirit will quicken your mortal bodies.”
Sunday morning is coming. But between the death and the resurrection, there is activity…And so what we’ve been having from Wednesday night till now is activity. Tomorrow (Sunday) – celebration. Let’s not go too much into all of the expositions we have received so far. Church Gist. But please take this. A revelation of the Resurrection reveals 3 things among others that He has revealed to me for now – 3 things.
1. The Resurrection is a person and we heard alot about that. John 11:25. So when we talk about the Resurrection that we have come for in this Conference, it is an introduction to Jesus. Is somebody catching what God is saying? Now go back to Higher Ground Conference last year, what was it? ‘The Revelation of Jesus.’ Church Gist. Are you seeing there is a connection somewhere? You need a revelation of Jesus first before the Resurrection. This thing is working something. I don’t know what God is already speaking to him about the next Higher Ground Conference but I am coming back because I must be a part of the drama. From the Revelation of Jesus to the Resurrection, I’m waiting for the next one.
2. The revelation of the Resurrection talks about a people. (A person, Jesus. 2, it talks about a people.) John 14:19…Now it’s talking about the death, the Resurrection. Church Gist. So the Resurrection is beyond Him, it flows to us. Because I live, Jesus said, a people will live.
So the revelation of the Resurrection;
1. It reveals a person, Jesus
2. It reveals a people, the Church.
The revival we are crying about cannot come without a revelation of the Resurrection. The things we are talking about, praying about, weeping about, crying about that we want to see again happen like it has happened in the past and happening with our fathers in the faith will take the process of the Resurrection. Church Gist. Listen! Do you know what happens when they say revival broke loose in a Church? Let me make it very simple. Resurrection happened in the Church. That’s the meaning. There you have another definition of revival. Resurrection!
3. The revelation of the Resurrection is a period. A season comes in a man’s life when there is a switch. If you miss the season, you may have to wait for the next season. To everything, there’s a season including resurrection. Ecclesiastes 3:1-2…and what happens after death? It’s the Resurrection. Church Gist. I am grateful to God not because I’m preaching tonight but I am part of this thing. (Speaks in tongues) My life cannot end this Month the way it started. I’m not talking of next year, I’m talking of this Month. It is impossible. I am as hungry as every member seated here or anyone streaming. Things must change!
You know when you are so used to death, you think you are alive yet you are dead. Church Gist. He said “awake thou that sleepest.” He is sleeping but he doesn’t know he is asleep. “Arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light.”
– Lift your hands tonight! In this Service here tonight (Pastor Leke prayed that, I will re-echo it again), with your hands lifted up – everything dead or dying in this season of resurrection, I command that they come back to life!
So I’ve given you the ABC of it, the simplest for you to remember. The revelation of the Resurrection:
1. Reveals a person
2. A people and
3. A period.
Household of David and everyone connected and everyone that is in love with what God is doing and about to do in this Church, get ready. This is our season of resurrection!
Ezekiel 37 is where the drama unfolds and shows a picture of what happened with Jesus. Ezekiel 37:1-14…take note. It wasn’t just any point, it was a valley. Church Gist. They don’t bury on top, they bury down. Remember He is showing me this Scripture and telling me to preach it before Wednesday.
– What is about to happen to Household of David, all the mockers will soon run into hiding!
I just heard Him. There are things that complete you that are in the hands of somebody else. So it means the right bone may have been here, the left bone may have been there but as I prophesied, this one came and met this one. Are you following what He is saying? Bone came to bone – location. Church Gist. There are allocations for some of you (this is my digression but I hear Him in the Spirit clearly), there are allocations for you that are still in somebody else’s hand. Before February is over, wherever, whatever belongs to you is, it will locate you!
So don’t worry and you are wondering why are we shouting? There has to be a noise. It’s scriptural. Church Gist. You have heard and heard now we will shout and shout and shout.
From a valley with bones very dry. Then they arose an exceeding great army (not an ordinary army). Church Gist. Great army is great but now He says “exceeding great army.” Haven’t you read? “God is able to do exceeding…”
That means whatever you think the army is or will be or whatever you think that the Household of David will come out of this looking like, whatever you think the Mercy Seat will look like, He says no. Your views are below my capacity. If they came alive, that would have been okay. But they didn’t come alive as an ordinary group of men. Who told you there were an army before they died? Church Gist. But the power of His resurrection doesn’t take you back to where you were, it takes you ahead of where you should have been and cuts short the lost time. Exceeding great army!
Go back to where we began. The Resurrection – a person, a people and a period. Let’s keep reading. This is the main text for today…everything already arranged. Church Gist. If they can show it on the screen, I will ask that they do. Just a picture of what it looked like and with the eyes of the Spirit, you will now see a valley. You will see those irons of the seats are bones.
If we leave here with just the teachings without the activity, we have missed it. I never discussed the teaching with anybody but you will know what I am teaching, nobody has taught and what they taught, I’m not teaching and what will happen tonight again, it’s another one when the next teacher comes and what will happen tomorrow…if you are part of the army indeed, you are not bothered about how God brings the resurrection. Church Gist. Your own is just “I must resurrect.” And so God will bring somebody like Pastor Leke (Adeboye) in 20 minutes and altar call is done. That is, it is clear – don’t touch it again. Something is happening!
– You will smile again!
– You will laugh again!
– Your best days are not behind you, they are ahead of you!
– Our generation will see revival again!
– Shout Amen like you are there!
So we go back and see and you may be wondering why are we taking time to read? Do you know what has happened by the incidence? God has just announced the Household of David. Church Gist. There is an announcement in the realm of the Spirit you cannot pretend not to know that there is a Church whose Conference was not to hold…this is all happening as the picture of resurrection. I have never heard anybody teach it connected to resurrection.
– Watch out, there will be manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit in the Household of David like never before!
– People will step into where you have meetings, miracles will take place without prayer!
“But except a corn of wheat falls to the ground and dies”…you know if the enemy would have known, he wouldn’t have crucified the Lord of glory. Church Gist. He wouldn’t have been part of orchestrating the fire if he had known “this fire I brought will just take this Church to another dimension and mess my kingdom.” He wouldn’t have done it but he is a fool. So get ready, resurrection is here.
– I don’t know who made it early enough tonight, I’m glad to let you know “the person that walked into this Auditorium no matter the state of your bones – spiritual bones, material bones, financial bones, family bones, whatever it is, mental bones, whatever the state of dryness may have been, today you step into the Resurrection!
So there are 5 things to point out here and we pray and before we step down by the leading of the Holy Spirit and as our pastor allows, there will be certain declarations. Church Gist. They are not written down, they will come from the Spirit.
5 things that the Lord showed me from this Scripture about the resurrection is:
1. There must be a valley. Ezekiel 37:1. Do you know God was there when Jesus went to the Cross? Church Gist. No wonder Jesus said, why have you forsaken me? And the Psalmist says “even if I go to the valley, to the depths of the sea, you are there.” So God can visit a valley.
The valley represents the position of the bones. The bones were not just where you can see them, they were in the valley. Church Gist. I’m just reminded now, Pastor Osumankinde said he once saw RCCG (Redeemed Christian Church of God) planted in the valley. They are bones. The valley! Matthew 28:5-6.
– I announce to you, when they check you where you used to be, they will never find you there again!
The valley! I’m unveiling what resurrection is as revealed from here – a valley. The power of His Resurrection will always lead to a change of position. Church Gist. It may meet you in the valley but doesn’t leave you in the valley.
At salvation as we just heard a few minutes ago, the power of His Resurrection changes your position from death to life, from darkness to light. Church Gist. We have all of that in John 5:24, 1 John 3:14, Colossians 1:13. We didn’t have to have a teaching for that, that was demonstrated.
At the valley of dry bones as many of us call it (please follow this, this will mean a lot now and after now)…at the valley of dry bones, the first thing that the power of His Resurrection did was to attack the valley. But until we acknowledge our state, there can’t be a change of state. Church Gist. As I began to hear from Pastor Osunmakinde some of the things that in fact, the Mercy Conference was announced so late because it wasn’t meant to happen there. God is saying there is a shift but we must attack this valley.
My sister (Pastor Tolu) said “enlarge the place of thy tent.” Last year’s Higher Ground Conference, people were turned back. The space can’t take us, it’s not a house fellowship, it’s an explosion. So what you saw, whether you think it’s natural or not, was an attack on the valley. That’s it (referring to the picture of the building shown on the screen). Is that where we are going back to? Church Gist. Can you see with the eyes of the Spirit, those are bones? That’s a valley. That will soon become like the children’s Church. Don’t mind me, I’m just speaking as commanded.
– The things you are struggling to do as at now, very soon it will become your daily expense!
So at the power of His Resurrection, one of the things that the Spirit of God is doing is first to attack your valley. Some of us are too comfortable in the valley because we have others in the valley, we think the valley is normal. Church Gist. You know when you are around abnormal people, you will think you are normal and those who are doing greater things, you will think they are abnormal. There must be a switch!
What I’m seeing is heavy. A time is coming, it will be street that is purchased. We are starting from somewhere. A time is coming, that is the Household of David City. God can bring a city out of a valley. Some of us built our first houses when we were kicked out. There had to be an attack on the valley. Church Gist. Some of us discovered the anointings and dimensions when we were pressed down. If you want the great juice, you must crush the grape. God is saying there is a generation waiting for the City of Household of David. There’s a generation! That valley is not my place. The valley!
So you can’t talk about the power of Resurrection or Resurrection without the valley.
2. The bones. The bones here refer to the state of God’s people. We are not looking at Church now, we are now looking at us. Let our fathers tell us the things they have experienced. From our Daddy G.O (Pastor E.A. Adeboye) to Bishop Oyedepo, to all of these great patriarchs, Pastor Taiwo Odukoya, you will discover that we are failing…and you know if you have other failures around you, you will feel that you are okay. Church Gist. Have you noticed failures are in the same group? I used to be like that. Usually, we are backbiting on those who are doing well. When will you leave the valley of failures? The bones! Some of us are so comfortable. We just come “I just had a testimony, I had a job.” It’s okay but it’s more than that. We should see mad people on the road and go lay hands on them and cast out devils. Now you will see people on the wheelchair, everybody is avoiding them – from the pastor to the usher, to the protocol, to the security. What happened to us? We have become so comfortable, we are just having revelation without…“and at the hour of prayer”, it wasn’t a healing Service, who was there? Peter and John at the hour of prayer. “Silver and gold, we have none”…they have come from the drama of resurrection. We should be walking as men and women with fire in their bones.
Why are you afraid to challenge the norm? The bones are dry. When did we become so conscious about our status on social media? That may be a social valley. When will a generation arise again and say “these bones are too dry.” The bones were very many but very dry. Church Gist. Everywhere there is massive increase in Church, everything (I’m not talking about Household of David, I’m talking about Church generally), massive increase, that doesn’t excite me as much. Because the quantity of the bones is not as important as the quality of the bones. The bones were very many but very dry.
– But I speak to somebody here who will dare believe God that came to this Resurrection Mercy Conference, something is going to happen to the state of your bones!
3. The Word. As long as you live, you can’t remember something this simple. Valley of dry bones, what happened? Valley, bones! What next? Ezekiel 37:4…hear the Word from God. We have had this so massively well since Wednesday, the Word has been coming. Church Gist. Every opportunity I have had to connect…I was in Unilag (University of Lagos) this Morning, I still got back, still tried to see how I can get a view of what had happened – connecting to the Word. I heard things I have never heard before. The Word! “Hear ye the Word of the Lord.”
This is not a motivational conference, no! This is the Word! Don’t excite me without the Word but if I see the Word, you can’t stop my excitement. The Word! I’m not teaching you something that is for you, it’s for me. I have stayed in this state for too long. Be careful when people applaud you, it is the same way they can applaud you to your downfall. “Lord, what is the state of my bones?” Then He says “this is the state of your bones.” For God does not look like man looks. Church Gist. For me, Mercy Conference this year is like a retreat. It’s now I’m telling you because it’s my session. I didn’t come to eat. (Speaks in tongues.) Enough is enough for being at this state!
When will the Reinhard Bonkkes again arise? When will a generation and a nation wake up and say “the fathers have done their part, when would we rise up?” When will a nation say “we thank God for all the people coming to have crusades but what is wrong with us?” “Hear the Word of the Lord.” Ezekiel 37:5. Church Gist. Hear the Word! So go back and keep hearing. I will do the same.
I heard again today that it takes 16 times to fully understand a message. So that means even the one I am preaching, I still need to go back and hear it. When you know that the thing has fully entered you is when you don’t need your note. “Hear the Word of the Lord!”…and the Lord began to speak to me recently, I said “what’s happening to us?” Church Gist. We have heard so much from men that we have lost touch with God. Many of us know the traditions of our Churches, we don’t know the Word of God. We don’t! But the Bible says in Luke 5:1, that they pressed to hear the Word of God. Do you truly believe this is the Word? The number of yeses shows us our challenge. Luke 5:1. What is the taste of the Word in our generation?
Pastor Dele was talking about, no, it’s the Word, it’s Word! I said “we better wake up.” That, it is the Word that excites. I said “what’s happening to us?” You know how you know we have lost with the Word? We applaud the preacher for the way it is said and how it is…we are applauding the preacher. It’s not the Word we came to hear. Church Gist. What happened in the days of Peter that people will leave all their challenges and sit to hear the Word of God? Do we still have as much value for the Word? Or as the Word lost value because it is in every translation that you can think about? Some of us have 50 Bibles at home. What value?
Then you hear believers now arguing “the Word says but let’s face the fact.” Face your dry bones. The value of the Word must be restored in our generation for us to work. Look, men like Evan Roberts…Look at our fathers in faith here in this Country for instance (I just wanted a picture of old generation – new generation), you will see most of them with their Bibles. Church Gist. I have a picture of Evan Roberts, the man that shook Wales. Their posture normally is with the Bible. Daddy G.O (Pastor E.A. Adeboye) – the same thing. Bishop Oyedepo – the same thing. Archbishop Idahosa – the same thing. Now we have too many pictures that have no Word. These generals never cared about photographs. In fact, it was said that Evan Roberts, you couldn’t get him to take a picture. He is too busy. The fire that is coming from the eyes will damage the camera so what’s the point? At 26, a nation was boiling. 26! A Bible school drop out was catching visions for 3 months continuously everyday.
What will make a man begin to declare “give me Scotland or I die?” I need to start asking, is it the same Bible we are reading? I am told of one of the stories of the Archbishop that when he just gave his life to Christ, he said “you shall lay your hands upon the sick, they shall recover. Cleanse the leper, heal the sick, raise the dead” – his pastor was teaching him. He asked him “sir, do you believe what you just read?” He said “yes.” He said “you believe it?” He said, yes. Church Gist. “Do you raise the dead?” He said, no! But you said you believe what you read. He said, yes! “Have you tried to raise the dead?” So he said, I will take what I have heard and he started going from street to street “is there any dead here?
Did God ask you to feel bad for Him? “You shall lay your hands upon the sick, they shall recover.” He didn’t say pastors. “These signs shall follow them that believe.” Signs should follow us, we shouldn’t be looking for it. I came here with my clothes on, I am not naked. My clothes followed me. Church Gist. I can’t tell you “go and look for what I am wearing at home.” If I say go home to look for what I am wearing, it means I’m not wearing anything. “These signs shall follow them that believe.” The Word!
So don’t joke with the things we have heard – preacher and member, let’s go back and listen to it. Some things were too deep to catch it the first time. Church Gist. I heard things, I said “I have not heard this kind before – deep things. If all we do is clap and go and say, we have resurrected – we lie. The Word!
The Word carries life so contact with the Word brings life. John 1:1-5. He says “I am the Resurrection and the Life.” He went on to say “a time will come when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of man (the Word) and they that hear, shall live.” He said that in prophecy. By John 11, He said “Lazarus, come forth!” Church Gist. You can’t contact the Word and remain in a dead state. I didn’t say, you can’t contact preaching, I said, the Word. I didn’t say your note, I said, the Word.
Until the Word becomes personalized to you (your own Word)…that’s what brought each bone to themselves. The Word located the bone. Church Gist. When the Word steps into the valley of dry bones, there is bound to be a rattle. Ezekiel 37:7. A rattling! The Word!
I taught our children this week in our devotion, I said “the Word of God is our license to life.” If you have ever had your license seized, you know that you can be arrested even though you are a licensed driver for the absence of your license. When the police stand, one of the things they are looking for is your license. Recently in the City of Abuja where we are, I got stopped. Church Gist. They said, I was talking on the phone while driving. I said “did you see me on the phone?” They said, you were looking down and I couldn’t argue…and so, what they did to punish me was to take my license and they said “you can go.” The same people can arrest you somewhere else for not having the license that they seized. So at the valley of dry bones before you are allowed to come out of the grave, you must present your license. The Word of God is that license. John 14:19…who is I? Jesus! Who is Jesus? The Word!
The Word is your license to life. If we remain Word empty, that’s not the Household of David because this is a Word loaded Church. But you can be in the midst of a Word loaded Church and be Word dry bone. Church Gist. The Word is the license. All I’m saying is from Ezekiel 37.
4. The Spirit. Ezekiel 37:5,14…if you go and study that Scripture and God gives you a deep understanding, breath there is Spirit. The Spirit! If that same Spirit…thank God for the Word and “the words I speak unto you, they are spirit and life” – I understand that. Church Gist. But He said (now, it’s talking about the Word, Jesus) “if that same Spirit that raised up the Word from the valley of dry bones dwells in you, that same Spirit will quicken your mortal bodies.”
To enjoy the power of His Resurrection, we must allow the interruptions of the Spirit. 1 Corinthians 2:4. The Spirit! It is the outpouring of the Spirit that qualifies dry bones to come alive.
5. The prophetic. That’s why there have been a lot of Amen. It’s not a downplay of anything, it’s part of the process. “And so prophesy, I prophesy.”
– I’m here again to prophesy to somebody here, before the end of February, there will be a shift in your life! Look at it. Between February and November is how many months? Let’s say 10. Church Gist. Some of us don’t understand Mathematics too well but take January out, take December out, what do you have? 10 months!
– These 10 months for someone will be like a decade in terms of result, in terms of….
Now what you see that happened at the valley of dry bones as we round up is the hand of God must have also come and given them speed. Church Gist. It didn’t say they came back to life and sat down. It says they came back to life and they arose an exceeding…
My brother is here, we will sing that Prophetic song “owo oluwa be, Lori ate mi, o n’gbe mi fo 🎶🎵🎼…
Lift your hands right now. He said I prophesied as I was commanded. I come from a prophetic lineage, there must be a bit of it inside from time to time. Lift up your hands. Church Gist. Every area where you may have suffered a stagnation representing death, by the power of His Resurrection, you are released from that valley in the name of Jesus!
– He said, you have gone round this mountain long enough. Whatever cycle you may be in, you are moving but no progress – by the power of His Resurrection, the Resurrection power doesn’t leave you in the valley, the Resurrection power doesn’t leave you at the floor level, the Resurrection power brings you out. Church Gist. I therefore decree, every form of movement without progress is terminated here at the Mercy Conference!
– Some of us including myself, our spiritual rate is pitiable, the dimensions we should be in is far from where we are, by the power of His Resurrection, for someone there shall be a shift in your spiritual life!
– A generation is waiting for some of you and you are still in the village. A generation is waiting for you and you are still in cycles, a generation is waiting for you and you are still weeping – you who should wipe away tears, I hereby decree by the power of His Resurrection in the authority of the name of Jesus, the resurrected Christ, everyone that is behind schedule by the power of His resurrection, I decree you catch up with schedule in the name of Jesus!
– And if that same Spirit that raised up Christ from the dead dwells in you, He said that same Spirit will quicken (make alive) your mortal bodies. Church Gist. I decree every lump, every cancer, every fibroid, every stranger in your body, every tumor in your body, by the power of His Resurrection, they are melted in the name of Jesus!
– Whoever may have left you behind and they are mocking you, they have left you behind and they are using you as examples, they have left you behind and they are waiting to rejoice at your downfall, well, by the Power of His Resurrection, there will be a change of position.
– When the Spirit of God comes upon a man, comes upon a meeting, things shift. I don’t know who I’m speaking to. You have heard the Word, the Spirit has been injected in you and you are saying no, enough, enough! We are a few days to the last day of the Meeting, there may never again be in recent times another resurrection. Church Gist. May you point to today, the 3rd of February, 2024 as the day where a shift took place!
– Dead visions come alive in the name of Jesus!
– Dead ministries come alive in the name of Jesus!
– Dead businesses come alive in the name of Jesus!
– Dead marriages come alive in the name of Jesus!
– Dead finances come alive in the name of Jesus!
– I decree so!
And when the prophetic gave place, the last of the 5, there arose a great army and this army can be likened to Joel 2. Church Gist. The kind of army that we are going to see in our revival, the revival we have been praying for – everyone is marching in his ways and none are breaking their rank. Get ready for it!
– There are people that will be sent into politics, there will be a shift!
– People sent into ministry, there will be a shift.
The Lord has been telling me of recent “while there are other offices of the Ministry so prevalent, one seems to be lacking – the Ministry of the Evangelist.”
– For someone here with a clear call of the Ministry of the Evangelist, in the name of Jesus, that fire that catches evangelists, the fire that makes them restless, the fire that is in their bones, I decree the same in the name of Jesus!
They will not respect us alone for our teachings. They will respect us for the proof. As we all leave the Mercy Conference including myself, I am going back to my assignment with a consciousness of the Resurrection because at the valley of dry bones, it didn’t end at the valley. Church Gist. The bones didn’t end very dry, the bones didn’t end very dry, the bones didn’t end as very many. They arose a great and mighty army. I just heard Him. Raise your hand!
– In the name of Jesus Christ, the giant in you arises from this Conference!
Finally, one of the things that the power of resurrection does is that you become a risk taker. Church Gist. There are bridges to burn. You think your help is in a man so you keep looking at him. “What do you think?” But today has marked a difference!
My father (Bishop David Oyedepo) will say it this way “He is either the Lord of all or not Lord at all.” Your generation is waiting, what are you doing? Thank you Lord. I heard Him again. Listen. Don’t leave this Conference like you are still in the valley. Don’t leave this Conference like your bones are still very dry. (I’m talking to you as a person now) Don’t leave this Conference as one who didn’t hear the Word. Church Gist. Don’t leave this Conference as one who didn’t see diverse manifestations of the Spirit and will yet see more. Don’t leave this Conference as one who didn’t receive a prophetic word. There are certain things said today, you know it is you. Rise up from the valley. Get up from that dying state. Step on to higher grounds.
Father, we give you the praise and we give you all the glory. Thank you Father for the power of your Resurrection. Church Gist. We give you the praise and we give you all the glory in Jesus mighty name. Amen! God bless you!