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  • Dr Pastor Paul Enenche on “THE RISING GLORY – IN INDIVIDUAL LIVES” || Kingdom Power and Glory World Conference || Glory Dome, Abuja || Day 4 – Morning Session

Isaiah 60:1-3.

The objective of this study is:
1.Understand the rising glory.
2.To understand our access to the rising glory.

Two things that I will say by opening in introduction. First, the glory does not only rise in levels from generation to generation, the glory also rises from level to level in an individual’s life. Church Gist. The meaning of that is, you may be at a level of glory now but there is a level that is beyond the level you are! You may be at a level of power now, a level of influence, favour and grace now but there is a level higher than where you are now.

We read all those Scriptures yesterday, Proverbs 4:18, Psalms 84:7, 2 Corinthians 3:18 and we said that the glory rises from generation to generation and today, we are saying that it is not just from generation to generation, but in an individual’s life the glory also rises from levels to levels. Church Gist. That was why He said, “Arise! Shine, for your Light has come and the glory you carry has changed level Isaiah 60:1.

  1. Commitment to the rise in glory in our personal lives is a sureway to the attainment of our generation’s glory. Church Gist. If I am committed to ensure that the Glory of the Lord in my life grows or the anointing, blessing and favour in my life grows, then there is a guarantee that what God has in mind for my generation, I can attain to it!

We are going to look at examples through Scriptures, of men and women that we can see a steady rise in glory, influence and favour in their lives:

1.Abraham Genesis 12:2. That was the first level that Abraham had! In other words, Abraham was at a level but not at the blessing level yet. You know that it is possible to have money and not be blessed because there is more to blessing than physical things. Abraham was at a level where God met him and wanted to release upon him, blessings.

Now, Abraham shifted from the level God met him to Genesis 13:2 where he began to become rich! God met him literally unblessed to a level where he began to see riches! From that level Abraham moved to Genesis 24:34, now the level was shifting, we now move back to Genesis 24:1 where He gave the conclusion of Abraham’s life, and we saw that God has blessed Abraham.
From, I will bless you to now you are rich to now, you are great and blessed in all things!

There is a song that they used to sing in Scripture union in those days, 🎶From Glory to Glory, He is changing me…🎶 Church Gist. From the promise to the product, from the prophecy to the reality! There are phases!

  • I announce to someone here, move from the realm where God has spoken the things that He would do in your life, you are shifting to the next level and to another level until what God will do in your life cannot be quantified!

God has blessed Abraham in all things, there is no need to count them one by one!

  1. Isaac: Isaac experienced rising glory Genesis 26:13. Church Gist. So what is the progression that we see in Isaac?

i. Great
ii. He went forward- That’s progress.
iii. He grew- That is increase and elevation.
iv. He became very great.
v. He had possessions.
vi. He became enviable- A whole nation envied him.

For some people in our world, when they become very great, they stop there, but when Isaac became great, he refused to stop! He went forward! Church Gist. After he had achieved progress, he still refused to stop! He grew! He went up!

After he went up, he still refused to stop, he became very great! Church Gist. After he became very great, he still refused to stop! Possessions of men servants and maidservants- That is male and female employees! He still refused to stop there until he became the envy of the nation.

You know what it means for a nation to envy a man? What level are you going to stop? Church Gist. That was the progression of the rising glory in Isaac.

3.Jacob. He experienced the rising glory in Genesis 32:10. When I was coming from my father’s house, the only thing that I had was a stick but now I have become two bands! From one stick to two congregations! Glory!

Even in the realms of Divine Manifestations, Jacob grew and went his way and the angels of God met him while he was going to meet Esau. He was afraid of Esau! Church Gist. Genesis 32:1-2. Now Jacob moved from that realm where angels could not just meet him but he lived in the company of the Celestial Genesis 35:5.

-That shall be somebody’s portion!

  1. Joseph. Joseph grew in glory, relevance and influence.

i. He started from being manager of Portiphar’s house Genesis 39:2-6. So Joseph started as a manager in a person’s house. From there he became a manager of a prison that is managing an individual’s concern to managing an institution Genesis 39:22. From managing my house! Church Gist. Even though, unpleasant circumstances took him to the prison yet God shifted him to managing a prison! Now from managing a prison, God shifted him to managing a nation. Genesis 41:39. You know the story.

Somebody that is managing a particular station today, in a short while, God will promote you over an institution. And in a short while, God will give you an influence over a nation! Influence over a continent!
Influence over a generation!

Do you see the progression? When you are in God’s agenda, and it is time for you to rise in glory, even your enemy can’t stop it. Church Gist. When you are in the agenda of God, and it is time for you to rise in glory even the sworn enemies of your life can’t stop it.

Can I tell you why?
Genesis 40:1-4. What is the name of the person who told Joseph about Pharoah? After Pharoah had seen a vision and he couldn’t interpret? That’s the butler. Church Gist. And the butler now had been taken to the prison and kept under the charge of Joseph. Why must it be Joseph that they should keep him under his charge? Why didn’t they find another person?

I have a question to ask: Who was the person who handed them over to Joseph? The name? The Captain of the guard.
And who is this captain of the guard?
Genesis 39:1.
Who is the one that Joseph offended? Potiphar. Who sent Joseph to the prison? Potiphar. And who is now handing over high profile prisoners unto Joseph’s hand? Potiphar!

That takes us back to what I said: When it is time in God’s agenda for you to rise in glory, even your enemies cant stop it!
The man (Potiphar) who sent this man (Joseph) to the prison for attempting his wife, how can he trust him with any other thing?

Somebody get ready, because a certain Potiphar is about to link you with your next level of glory! The one who worked against you in time past, the one who resisted you in time past is about to be used by God to catapult you to your next level of glory, next level of promotion, next level of impact, next level of increase!

I believe that if this is what somebody came here for, it is enough.

    David’s own is so interesting and so exciting because you could see a graded rise, a calibrated rise, a steady rise, in the anointing of David.

The first place David started from, he had 3 levels of the anointing.

The Anointing number one was the Anointing in front of his brethren. 1 Samuel 16:13. He was anointed king in the front of a family, in the front of his brethren. Church Gist. He dwelt in that anointing for some years, then God shifted him to Anointing number 2 which was the Anointing by the elders of Judah, a tribe in Israel. 2 Samuel 2:4. After he had dwelt in the realm of the anointing in front of his family, he now moved to the anointing by one of the tribe in Israel. The second anointing gave him influence and dominion over the House of Judah. One tribe.
After he dwelt there a while, God shifted him to the next level of the anointing. That is the anointing over Israel. 2 Samuel 5:3.
There are many people who want the anointing over Israel without the anointing in the father’s house. And there are many people who receive the first anointing and die there.

When our ministry was about 16 years, I came across a book that Kenneth Hagin wrote. I can’t remember the particular title now. He said, when he was 16 years in ministry, the Lord visited him and told him to start what he called him to do. After 16 years! That he should get ready to enter his plan for the his life. I read the book at the right time. Our ministry was around 16 years. I said, What! If after 16 years, he has not entered Chapter 1?

For many people, that 16 years is when they have finished ministry. I woke up, I told myself, I haven’t started yet.

David’s rise in the anointing was so swift, so sweet. Level to level to level. It was not manipulated. It was not cajoled. It was not worked up. It followed a pattern by divine help.
Every level positioned him for the next level. And God would have seen that he was qualified for the next level to shift him to the next level. So sweet, so clean.

Beloved brothers, sisters, Pastors, men and brethren, I don’t know where you are today, there is a level ahead. There is still a level ahead. There is a realm of the anointing ahead. There is a realm of power ahead, a realm of glory ahead, a realm of influence ahead, a realm of grace ahead and I announce to you in the name of Jesus, you are stepping into it!!

Somebody say I’m moving in the anointing from glory to glory. I am rising in the anointing from glory to glory.

    His first level was sitting in the temple, hearing and asking questions. That was Level One. Luke 2:46.
    Level number 2 was the level where he functioned as a Scripture reader, what they will call in some places Lay reader. Luke 4:15-20.
    This was his pattern for years, the way he grew up. You know in Bible study, Somebody read for me so so and so…
    As anointed as He was, He started by reading and asking questions. Then, He moved to the level where He functioned as a Reader, just somebody read the Scripture for us. Church Gist.
    His third level was His level of ministry – of preaching, teaching according to Scripture. Matthew 4:35. Luke 4:15. Luke 13:10-18.
    He moved in these levels.

No matter how hard you try you can’t jump the levels.
He moved in these levels. Our emphasis today is What do I do to not die at the level where I am?
What do I do to move in glory?

  1. Never stop pressing for the next level!
    Never stop pressing for the mark. Like we say, until we see Christ face to face, there is one level more. Philippians 3:14. Never stop pressing. Never agree to stop.
  2. Don’t over celebrate any level. Don’t let human applause distract you from the next level. Don’t over celebrate any level. We appreciate God for what He has done for us at this level but we cannot die here. John 6:15.
    He had done so many miracles, they wanted to give Him chieftancy title, he ran. Don’t over celebrate. There are people who get titles today as if it is chieftancy title. We have authentic Bishops, authentic prophets. My father in the Lord is a Bishop. But there are those today who carry Bishop and Prophets as if it’s a mark of attainment. I am at so and so level so I should be this.
    No sir. They came to make Him a chief by force, He ran.

Some people said they have made them a Bishop, I should assist them to buy the cloth. I was just wondering whether I was hearing well.
Why are you calling me into a responsibility that is not mine?

-Lift up your right hand, say in the name of Jesus, I refuse to settle down anywhere. I’m moving to the next level.

  1. Stay around with God than with men. When you stay around God, your inadequacies are exposed. When you stay around God, your inefficiencies are made clear to you. Isaiah 6:1-8. He saw himself, saw that he has not arrived. He thought he was a pastor, prophesying until God was saying, Who shall we send and who shall go for us?
    Everybody was already celebrating him as a called man, great man of God but God was still looking for who to send.
    Stay around more with God than with men. Because when you stay around God, your inadequacies are exposed, your inefficiencies are exposed, made clear to you.
  2. Keep trusting God for fresh light. Because we rise with light. For access to fresh light, light of scripture. Light and insight. Isaiah 60:1. When light comes, glory rises. When you see something new and you apply yourself to it, you shift in glory. That was what Peter saw. Matthew 16: 18. Peter just shifted because he saw something.
    Keep trusting God for access to fresh light. When you see something new and you apply yourself to it, your glory level shifts.
  3. Keep making necessary moves and taking relevant steps.
    What we saw in Isaac was that he became great and decided to go forward. He went forward. Genesis 26:13. Word-based steps. God moves with movers. Church Gist. He walks with those who walk. Rising is a step. Shine! Until you rise, you can’t shine.
    Nobody will see rising glory until they are ready to rise in action. You want power, plan to be a witness. After the Holy Ghost is come upon you and you shall be witness. Church Gist. You want the blessing of God, begin to function as a blessing. I will bless you and Thou shall be a blessing. Begin to function as a blessing. Make necessary moves, take relevant steps to shift in the glory.

You want church increase and explosion, plan for it. Walk in the light of it. We kept chairs outside in the Overflow in Area 1 before people ever came to sit on them. Keep making necessary moves and taking relevant steps!

  1. Never stop growing: He became great, went forward and he grew – Genesis 26:13. Never stop growing, learning, upgrading, updating and upscaling yourself in the Word, in your assignment, your giftings and graces. Church Gist. You can never see glory without growth. No growing, no glory. If you want glory, grow. If you are not growing you will soon be groaning. Isaac could not become very great until he grew.
  2. Be faithful at your current level: be faithful to do what you are meant to do at your current level. Be faithful to the assignment. You want to pastor a thousand people and you are not careful with a hundred people. Church Gist. You are not faithful to pray for them and preach to them. Some people come to the altar carelessly. “What is this… only 20 people came today, only 100 people came today.” You just rush over everything, share the grace and bye. You say, “I am just wasting my life here. All the prayer I prayed throughout the night this is the only number of people that came?” God is saying, “I am watching you.” Anybody who knows this Church and this Pastor when we were 34, we started with 54, I think I preach with more fire then if possible. Church Gist. If I went for 5 services on Sunday, I will change shirt 5 times – soaked, suit is dripping. My wife will carry my suit at times and squeeze water out of it.

One day we went for one of our Churches in the East. The place (the size of the whole Church) is like my office upstairs now; it was not even up to. I preached like I was preaching in the stadium. The pastor’s wife said, “I am shocked Sir. I didn’t know you will preach in this place like this. I thought it was only in the Church in Abuja with crowd you will preach like this. Church Gist. You see you are preaching to this people inside this cubicle like you are preaching to the whole world?” We don’t know how to do it otherwise. If you are not faithful to the few, the much will never arrive. It is the same thing with your business. There is no way God can commit a multibillion business in your hand the way you are running the one you have now.

You are a motor mechanic and people come to your workshop, they can’t see you; they never see you there. If they see you there you are playing draft or ludo or something. God says leave this man at this level. Faithful! Luke 16:10. The way we read it is that, “He that is faithful in that which is least will be faithful also in much.” That is not what God said. He said you can confirm how the man will handle big things by how he is handling small things now. Church Gist. He will not be faithful in the much he is already faithful. So, no devil can prevent the much from entering his hands. I don’t need to wait until I give him big things. The way he is conducting himself with these small things, I am convinced that he won’t handle big things well; so leave him there.

Many of us think that Joseph was just lucky that was why he moved from Potiphar’s house and he began to manage the prison. No, there was faithfulness displayed. Genesis 39:6. A billionaire handed over his house to you and went to sleep and not one Kwacha (Zambian Kwacha) or one shilling is missing; not one Naira, Pound or Dollar. Church Gist. Genesis 39:21-22. By the time God saw how he handled a man’s house nothing spoilt, he handled a prison, nothing went wrong. He said let me make you handle a nation.

You want to be an Apostle over a nation and God placed a community under your hand and you messed up? You began to run around the Local Government Chairman, the Governor, Senators and Honourable Parliamentarians and they pocket you, your anointing and your destiny. Church Gist. God said this man cannot be anything; he will disgrace the kingdom if you make him to access higher palaces. He became almost a beggar, begging people.

Let’s confirm all of these and let us shift in glory. How many are ready to shift in glory today?
Lift your hands and begin to speak to God.











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