- Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche on “The Rising Glory – Light in the Darkness” || Kingdom Power and Glory World Conference || Day 2 – Evening Session || Glory Dome – Abuja
The atmosphere is so heavy and pregnant, encounters are already happening, things are already happening but let me trust God to drop Word in the midst of the climate because that was what God did at creation. Church Gist. As the Spirit of God moved, He spoke Words into that climate and things happened.
Isaiah 60:1-3.
- The Lord bless His Word in Jesus name.
Our subject today is “The Rising Glory – Light in the Darkness”. We are in the conference of the rising glory and tonight our emphasis is “Light in the Darkness”. Church Gist. Our objective is to understand our role as Light and to understand our access to Light.
There are four things tonight that I want to start with by way of introduction;
- Light is a major department of the Glory. Isaiah 60:1. So when we are talking about the Rising Glory, a major matter to talk about is the matter of Light. Isaiah 58:8.
- The earth is currently under the grip of darkness. It’s a fact, Scriptures made it clear; “darkness cover the earth and gross darkness the People”. We saw that extensively in the morning.
- Light is the singular answer to darkness. You don’t need anything, you don’t beg darkness, you don’t negotiate with darkness. Church Gist. As a matter of fact, when you carry Light, prayer for darkness is not a prayer. Light is the singular answer to darkness. John 1:5.
- Our assignment, the assignment of Kingdom people is not just possessing Light but functioning as Light. Isaiah 60:3. You have been designed to rise like the sun rises. Church Gist. It is not only the sun that is permitted to rise. I have been packaged as a Light that rises. There are Kings waiting for you to rise as Light. So, you are not dealing with sunrise, we’re dealing with “Paul-rise” – you call your name. So, Light is not just a thing, Light can be a person. Church Gist. God has designed that you and I be Light-personified.
Many years ago, we taught that “you’re a weapon”, tonight, we want you to understand that yourself, you’re a Light. Whether the Light that you are will shine or not is another matter. Do we have examples? Yes;
- God is Light. 1 John 1:5. If God made man in His image and in His likeness, the recreated man is Light. How many of you know that darkness cover the earth, darkness ruled the earth, was in charge until God who is Light appeared? How many of you know that? How many of you know that the earth had light before the sun was created? How many of you know that the evening and the morning were happening before sunlight? Church Gist. God did not light the earth with sunlight on day one, He didn’t light the earth on day two with sunlight, He didn’t light the earth on day three with sunlight, as a matter of fact, sunlight and moonlight were created on day four but light appeared on day one. Where was that light from? It came out of Light that was God. Church Gist. In case you don’t understand, Revelations 18:1. If an ordinary Angel can light the earth with the glory he carried, then it is very easy to understand how God lighted the earth with Himself at creation before He created the sun and the moon. Genesis 1:1-5. Evenings and mornings were happening with the Light that came from Him until verse 14. Genesis 1:14-19. So, the evening and morning of day one to day four did not happen by the rotation of the sun, it happened by Light that God released from Him. Church Gist. God was the original Light of creation before the sun and the moon existed.
There are many of us who are depending on, maybe government or institutions to cause the change on the earth that we desire, God is saying, “no, I want to hold you responsible to change the situation. As much as I did not depend on sunlight and moonlight to light the earth, you’re not to depend on any system to create change on the earth”. Church Gist. You will understand as we go.
- David was the light of Israel. Do you remember? 2 Samuel 21:15-17. Earlier on, they told David, “if 10,000 of us perish, nobody will care but you alone you’re more than 10,000 people. David, if you die, it was not a person that died, it is thousands that died. It is not death of a person, it is light that was quenched”. There are some people when they die, it was a person that died, there are others when they die, it is light that quenched. I will still come to this later. Church Gist. There are families and communities where the only light of the family got quenched by the devil.
A man was crying to me, literally, in the office sometime back, he talked about one of the senior brothers in their family, doing very well, billionaire person, how a man duped him and the man just manipulated that man’s life until the man died and this man was saying, “sir, he quenched the light of community, that was the shining star of our community”. Church Gist. “David, don’t go to war, you have rescued us from darkness for as long as you have lived, now, you have trained us to fight, from now on, let us fight the fight so that you can keep the light”.
David was a 17 year old boy when he appeared in the battle field. He didn’t appear to fight battle, he came to give food to his brethren and when he came he saw a darkness situation over Israel. That darkness lasted for 40 days.
Darkness that loomed in Israel and nobody was able to challenge that darkness. I want to provoke something here tonight. 1 Samuel 17:4 – 12, 17 – 23
-I see the spirit of David dropping here tonight over somebody! The spirit that handles Goliath of families, the Goliath of communities, the Goliath of nations, the Goliath of territories, mantles to handle those Goliaths, I see it falling on people! If you are among them, shout the loudest Amen!
Listen to me Beloved, can you imagine in your mind, David did not appear, David did not rise like the sun rises, Israel would still be in captivity to the Philistines forever.
Listen to me, there is a family that is waiting for your rise! So that they are not buried by darkness. Church Gist. There is a community depending on your rise. There is a nation that is depending on your rise! There is a situation that is depending on your rise! So they are not buried by Goliath. And the truth of the matter is, light is not a title. Light is a glory. Church Gist. Saul had the title, but he was not light. So he had no ability to tackle the night. Title carriers have no power to deal with night. It takes a light to handle the night. Carry all the titles and give me all the mantles. Any title you want carry, but I’m in need of more mantles to break devil’s heads. I want to set more people on fire like that Warri man. We will not be alive and Goliath will bury our generation. Not under our watch. Not under our watch.
“…Thou shall go no more so that you do not quench the light of Israel…”
-Somebody lift up your hands and say, Father I shall arise as a light in my family, in my community, in my generation. I shall arise as light!
Don’t forget this when you leave here tonight.
If you don’t rise, the whole village may sink. The whole family may be gone. The whole community may be buried.
Example 3: John the Baptist. He was a burning light. John 5:35.
Does anybody here have the raw, printed, physical Bible?
Go to Malachi. What do you see between Malachi and Matthew?
That blank page between the end of the book of Malachi and the book of Matthew represents 400 years of no revelation.
It was 400 years of no prophecy, no revelation, no insight, no Prophet. Nobody prophesied, nobody heard anything, nobody saw anything, nobody said anything from God.
Until John.
John came to break a darkness. The whole earth loomed in darkness. His generation was literally being buried in darkness until he arose as a burning and shining light and went into the wilderness and began to prophesy
There is someone here tonight that God is about to raise to break a jinx! That God is raising to break an embargo, to lift up an embargo, to break a negative history, to break a negative cycle, if you are that person shout the loudest Amen!
Nobody heard anything, nobody saw anything, nobody, till John appeared. Church Gist.
Who said that since nobody has ever become a pastor from your family, you cannot become? Who said that since nobody has ever touched that realm from your community, you can never touch it? Who said that since nobody has ever reached that dimension, you can’t?God may be waiting for you as light to discontinue the blank page! To bring the blank page to an end.
I don’t know about you, but I refuse for darkness to continue in my generation. I refuse for darkness to continue in my family. I refuse for darkness to continue in my community. I refuse for darkness to continue, I am rising as light. I shall arise like the sun and bring the blank page to an end!
Who said you cannot be the first to break the back of that devil? That you cannot be the first to break the embargo? That you cannot be the first to terminate that cycle? Church Gist. I am anointed to announce that a mantle is coming on you, that will cause you to bring the blank page to an end! A mantle is coming upon you that will cause you to bring darkness to an end.
During that period you had the wars of the Macabees and all the things, some of them you’ll see them in the Apocryphal Bible. All during those 400 years. 400 years of darkness.
One man rose and brought it to an end. God is about to use you to bring something to an end.
But that light was short-lived.
Then another light arose, who was prophesied to come – the master Jesus.
Matthew 4:12 – 17.
- The Master Jesus. Matthew 4:12. When Jesus heard that the only Light that appeared after 400 years had just been quarantined. The only Light that dared to rise had just been arrested and imprisoned. Matthew 4:13-17. Church Gist. “Let me move into the region of darkness as the Light in the land has been arrested”.
How can Light be arrested and about to be quenched? You need to know this so you never come to the point where as Light, you’re quenchable, arrestable and eliminateable. Church Gist. It looks like two things stood up to me as I studied this.
- It appeared that John (the Baptist) did not fully understand who he was. “Man that is in honour and knoweth not is like chicken that dies” – Psalm 49:20. He didn’t understand his full potential, capabilities, possibilities and the abilities he carries. Luke 1:17. John came in the spirit, that is, the character and attitude of Elijah. You know Elijah was quick tempered, and John too when the soldiers were coming, “you generation of vipers, children of snakes, return back to your snakeous fathers”, soldiers were begging, but that was not the only thing John carried, not just the spirit but the Power, the Power that called fire from heaven was in John, the Power that parted the river Jordan was in John, the Power that multiplied the food for the widow of Zarephath was in John, the Power that rose the child of the widow of Zarephath was in John, yet the Bible said, “John did no miracle”. John 10:41. Church Gist. John did no miracle yet the Power of miracle was in John. He didn’t understand his full content.
The devil doesn’t care about the anointing you carry for as long as you don’t understand it. The devil doesn’t care the kind of mantle you have for as long as you’re not aware of its details. John did not fully understand, he didn’t know miracles and secondly, he was arrestable. Church Gist. How many of you can have a flashback on your mind, the last time they sent some people to come and arrest Elijah. 2 Kings 1:10-12. How can you carry the mantle of a man like Elijah and die like chicken?
- somebody here tonight, you’re going to cry to God, “please Lord, let me understand all that I carry. Help me never to be ignorant of what you have put in my life, let me understand my rights and privileges as a son of God, let me understand the grace that is at work in my life, let me understand the anointing that is at work in my life”.
Somebody can be a light that is quenchable if he doesn’t understand what he carries.
- oh Lord, please help me to fully understand who I am in you. Help me to fully understand what you have put in my life.
Kenneth Hagin wrote a book titled, “Understanding the Anointing”, that it’s not just carrying the anointing but understanding that anointing. Church Gist. Understanding what God has put inside my life, understanding that I cannot die like chicken, I cannot just die in the hands of a Herod. The one who orchestrated the death of John the Baptist was a woman, Herodias, the wife of Herod because John preached and said why should Herod carry his brother’s wife to sleep and marry, that was John’s offense. The one who was trying to orchestrate the death of Elijah was also a woman, Jezebel. If Jezebel could not kill Elijah, why would Herodias kill John the Baptist? The circumstances are all the same. Elijah called fire on those who came to kill him and when the worst came to the worst, he just took direct flight to heaven. Church Gist. John carried that same Power, the spirit and the Power of Elijah but he didn’t understand.
- place your right hand on your chest and say after me, “Lord, help me to understand what you have put inside my life, help me not to misunderstand, help me to understand Lord, in the name of Jesus”.
- It appeared like John doubted his Master and Sender. At one point, John said, “are you the one to come or should we wait for another?” – Matthew 11:3-6. John doubted and became offended in his Master and Sender. Church Gist. If the devil wants to finish a person, he makes them quarrel with God. The worst thing that can happen to anybody is to consider God as the person that is against you. John doubted and became offended in the one that he testified about. They said, “how do you know that this is the saviour of the world”. He said, “the one who sent me said, when you’re baptizing, the person you will be baptizing that a dove will come down and descend on his head” and he saw the dove and he said, “here’s the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world”. Church Gist. The worst thing that can happen to a preacher is to doubt what you once preached and once believed, and it can happen to any child of God, it’s to begin to doubt the things you testified about. John doubted it and became offended and from offense to destruction.
- somebody say a loud Amen!
Let me go back to the point I was making before all of these. When Jesus saw that the only Light on the ground had been arrested, he moved to deploy himself as the Light. Church Gist. Every time you see Light vacancy, step in to fill it. Anywhere you find yourself, in your family or in your community, wherever you find yourself, everytime, when the Light ahead of you becomes dim or eliminated, arise, shine and fill the gap. Church Gist. I don’t know who I’m talking to here tonight, mighty man of God, all of a sudden, he has crashed and you’re there in the same location and territory, what are you waiting for?
“Here am I, use me”.
You know, Elisha was not the only one that knew that Elijah was about to be taken to Heaven, all the sons of the Prophet knew, all of them. When he was following Elijah, they kept telling him, “do you know that God will take your master from you today?” He said, “I know it, hold your peace”. Church Gist. You know what Elisha determined? “This light cannot go and there’ll be a vacuum, Israel cannot be prophet-less, as he steps out, I step in.” Now, listen to this, God gave Elisha the mantle of Elijah, not just because Elisha followed Elijah, because he was not the only one, I will say that another day, they were plenty but he was the only one desperate enough to fill the vacuum that the exit of light will create. Church Gist. How do I know? Elijah gave him a tough condition, “when you see me taken, the mantle shall fall and you’ll have what you ask”. Elijah was taken to Heaven and went with the mantle, Elijah never dropped a mantle, read it well. 2 Kings 2:10-12. “The mantle I asked you to give me, you have refused to give me and you said if I see you, I will get it, I have already seen you, whether you drop it or not, I have cloth here”, he carried his clothe and tore it into two, one portion, second portion – double portion. Church Gist. When Heaven saw his desperation, the next verse happened, 2 Kings 2:13. The mantle fell, not given, not dropped, it fell, Heaven fell it, desperation dropped it, passion dropped it, fire dropped it. He paid the price and it dropped.
- I prophesy to you, something is about to drop!
When you see a church that was once flourishing, closing down around you, don’t agree for that to happen. Step in and audaciously fill the vacuum.
R. W Schambach said that when he heard about the death of Jack Coe, he wept like a baby. Church Gist. And he stepped into, probably dimensions of praying. This mantle cannot go like that. Schambach stepped out with some dangerous mantles. Prayed for a woman that they had removed the breast because of breast cancer, mastectomy. A new one grew out. Yes, Schambach’s ministry. You don’t cry, you don’t smile and rejoice when the light ahead of you is quenched.
One man of God came to me and was telling me about one pastor in one country involved in homosexual scandal or something like that. He was looking at my face and my face fell, like I was going to cry on the spot. And he said, What is it? I said, it would be a major loss if he falls.
He was watching like, What do you mean? I said, It caused God a lot to bear one such person. Church Gist. It takes so much for such a person to be packaged. I went into desperate praying for that man, the event was reversed. The devil was nullified.
One boy came to me, his brother had died. His immediate senior brother, like the hope of their family. And I said, Kneel down, I’m going to pray for you. In destiny, graces can be lost like that. Let me pray for you and let me and you ask God, that whatever assignment that brother is meant to fulfill, let God add it to your own. Church Gist. And I drew strength from the fact that Abraham fulfilled his father’s destiny. His father couldn’t enter Canaan, he entered. I prayed for him with passion. Let not your parents and family be disappointed because of his passing. Whatever he would have done for them, do double. Laid hands on him, with fire and with passion.
Whenever the light in front of you is appearing dim, or appearing like it’s disappearing, rush in there, make demands on God, I am available. Church Gist. Let this vacuum not exist. Try me, Lord.
I have so much to say tonight, but I don’t have so much time to say it now. Father, here I am. I am available, let hell not rejoice. Tell it not in Gath. Publish it not in Ashkelon, let the daughters of the uncircumcised not rejoice.
David mourned for Saul who was meant to be his enemy. But what was paining David was one tiny point – the sword of Saul and Jonathan has been cast down, vilely cast down. As though he had not been anointed with oil. A man with oil on his head shouldn’t die like that.
2 Samuel 1:21. Jesus quenched, fulfilled the vacuum. Church Gist. God is waiting for you to fill the vacuum around you. Matthew 5:14 – 16.
Stand up on your feet, let me stop here.