THE STRENGTH OF ASSOCIATION || Dr Pastor Paul Enenche at International Ministers’ Flaming Fire Conference 2024 || Day 3 Morning Session || Glory Dome Abuja || 29th August 2024 ||

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  • Dr Pastor Paul Enenche on “THE STRENGTH OF ASSOCIATION” || International Ministers’ Flaming Fire Conference 2024 || Day 3 Morning Session || Glory Dome Abuja || 29th August 2024 ||

Ecclesiastes 4:11-12. I am speaking on THE STRENGTH OF ASSOCIATION or STRENGTH FROM ASSOCIATION. I am talking about the right association. One of the greatest builders of spiritual and supernatural strength is the right company. The right association. We look at two examples. First, from the Tower of Babel. Genesis 11:6. Church Gist. That is this people are unbeatable, they have a strength you can’t beat because of their association and company. In the book of Acts of the Apostles, we see the second example of Peter in prison. Acts 12:5. The strength of that unity brought Peter out instead of being killed by Herod.

On the other side, one of the greatest attacks on strength is the wrong company. One of the greatest deflators of strength is the wrong company. First example is Samson in the company of Delilah. Church Gist. Judges 16:20-21. The strength of Israel made the toy of the Gentiles because of the wrong company. Second example is Jehosaphat in the company of Ahab. 2 Chronicles 18:29-31.

  • You will not die another person’s death.
  • The wrong association shall not be your destruction.

Jehoshaphat nearly died because he was in the company of the wrong person. Church Gist. There are many who have lost out so much in life because of the wrong company. That is not your portion.

Our emphasis in this service is the building of the right company. What strength can be produced from the right company, the right association?

  1. The Strength of Unity
    A people is one. Genesis 11:6. The strength of unity means the deficiency or the elimination of strife. The strength of unity is a situation where strife is eliminated. Where contention is eliminated. Where unhealthy competitive jealousy is eliminated. When the unhealthy competitive tendencies are eliminated, there is so much strength that can be built. That is what happened in the Acts of The Apostles, there was were in one accord and suddenly there came the sound from heaven as of a mighty rushing wind. That revival broke out in the strength of unity. Church Gist. One of the greatest challenges of the healing revival was when unity began to give way for strife, began to give way for contention and competition. People began to go to measure the size of the other person’s tent. So that they can extend their own tent a little bit more so it can be 500 people more than the last one. I am sure you heard that. That became the destruction of that revival for some of them. Unity brings a strength that Satan can’t stand. Nothing! Even God Himself said “Let us scatter their language, even we can’t resist them.

I knew a pastor who used to go from church to church. When he enters a church with his junior pastor, he uses his eyes to size the congregation and he will tell the pastor, “Our church is bigger than this. Isn’t it?” He came to our church in ‘Area One’ many years ago, he sized the place, looked up and down, looked at the gallery and said “Our own is bigger than this.” Church Gist. If that guy is in ministry now or not, I am not aware. He was a foremost voice. Anytime you step out of unity with the brethren into strife, you have stepped out of impact. It is just a matter of time. It is the strength of unity. United with the brethren, with your brother and sister. The strength of unity.

  1. The Strength Of Prayer and Spiritual Warfare
    The right company brings you into a situation where you can have brothers and sisters with whom you can generate strength at the place of prayer. When Daniel was confronted, he went to his company to invoke strength at the place of prayer. Daniel 2:17-19. That was the strength of prayer and spiritual warfare. When the disciples were challenged they returned to the strength of their company. Acts 4:21-31. Church Gist. The strength of prayer is a strength that we can muster from the right association. When Peter was in prison in Acts 12:5, it was the strength of prayer that was deployed by the right company and Peter couldn’t be killed like James was killed. When they took James, the church was taken by surprise but when they took Peter they said “No Way.”
  • I decree that none of us shall be cut short before our time.
    I have seen brethren confronted and all they needed was to be surrounded by the right people and they came out of the confrontation. You are coming out today in Jesus’ precious name.
  1. The Strength Of Corporate Effort.
    When effort is pulled together, it has a strength that nothing can produce. Mark 2:1-4. It was the strength of effort that brought that man out of paralysis. When effort is pulled together, effect is compelled to arrive. Effort pulled together! I think that the time will come when we decide to pull our efforts together and we will see results. One day, Daddy Oyedepo said that we are to pray, we agreed to pray for the state of our nation during the previous government. Church Gist. And on the basis of that agreement we did a prayer in Abuja and did you know what we did? We pulled everybody, that is: Dunamis, Winners Chapel, everybody! We are meeting at so, so and so place. Everybody met there!! Jammed! How many of you remember that? We overflooded the Eagle’s Square then jammed in that place. I was there, he was there, Bishop Abioye was there. He gave a charge and a Word, I preached the message as well and then Bishop. And set the whole land on fire! There was instant change. Are you following what I’m saying here today? The strength of corporate effort. I am looking forward to the time when we would do the kind of things we have done in some cities. Where we come in your city and everybody, we are doing one crusade.

Now! By the mercies of God, the crusades that we do everywhere crowds are there everywhere. But where we come and we say: “This Church, bring 500 counsellors. You bring 500 counsellors. You bring, depending on the size of the Church you can bring 700 counsellors, bring a thousand counsellors, bring this and that!” And then the crusade is done! All the counsellors go to counsel the people – the one you counsel, follow you to your Church. So if you don’t have enough people that followed you to your Church, it’s a function of the deficiency of your counsellors. There is… I think that the Lord will help us in this generation. Church Gist. You know in some Reinhard Bonnke crusades – ushers, counsellors from different Churches, prayer band, ushers, counsellors. Let’s take ushers and counsellors are already 20,000. Not the crowd yet. And you ushers and counsellors you are coming, at least invite the people you’re coming to counsel. Come with them! There is strength of effort! The pull together of efforts. We saw that already when Dr Mrs Enenche was preaching yesterday about the pull of the effort of the man and the wife. The woman was doing this but when the man joined forces, that pull of the effort brought a strength that produced very drastic results. There is a pull of effort.

  1. The Strength Of Love And Affection.
    In the right company especially where love is allowed to flow. There is a strength of it that can beat even death. Church Gist. Songs of Solomon 8:6. And we saw it even played out in Acts 14:18. We saw how love beat death.

-You will not be cut short before your time.

One of the greatest challenges that we have in earth today is people who are stoned and nobody stood round them. We have people who are stoned – brethren stoned, ministers stoned, pastors stoned and nobody stood round them. Two people were stoned in the New Testament – Stephen was stoned, nobody stood round him; he died. Paul was stoned, people stood round him; he got up. James was caught by Herod, nobody prayed for him, he was beheaded. Peter was caught by the same Herod, everybody prayed for him, he was liberated. Church Gist. Please don’t ever let our stoned men lay on the floor without love, without being surrounded. We have this aloof generation. For as long as it (something) is not happening to me, no problem. Just aloof! Somebody came some time ago to tell me about a man who they said did this and did that. It was very, very grievous. He was wanting me to join with him and say: “Oh! This and that!” I said: “Oh! No! That Man is a great investment from Heaven, the devil can’t have him like that.” I went into praying and truly Jehovah deleted it – whatever the devil had in mind. There is a strength from love that is needed by our generation, that is needed by the brethren, that is needed by the laity. That is needed, a strength from love. Let us stop coming to Church and just facing ourselves. It is time to become interested. Philippians 2:1-4 (NLT). There is the strength of love.

Finally, The Strength Of Companionship.
That is, knowing that no matter what, there is somebody around. You have somebody. You know? Isolation is the step before destruction. Before Uriah the Hittite was killed, David said they should isolate him. Put him in the forefront and retire from him, that he might be smitten and die. There are many people today who are suffering from isolation and loneliness. Church Gist. Even though there are people in marital context, they are married but they are lonely. Ecclesiastes 4:11. Everybody needs warmth at one point in your life or the other. It’s the power, the strength of companionship. The strength of unity, the strength of prayer and spiritual warfare, the strength of corporate effort, the strength of love and affection and the strength of companionship.

Now, what is the requirement for relationship? The right relationship.

  1. Rely on divine guidance in identifying the right relationship.
    Romans 8:14. Why is this important? People have married the wrong person. Someone that is good enough as a Christian sister but not as a wife. He is good enough as a brother but not husband. Church Gist. The reason is that you are literally not wired for each other. He’s good for somebody else but not for you. People have walked in there. And you know why divine guidance is important? Jesus prayed overnight before choosing the disciples. Mark 3:12-14. He prayed overnight and chose 12, one was a Judas. Despite the prayer, he could not but choose Judas.

Luke 6:12-13. If He (Jesus) prayed and chose 12 and one was a Judas. If you don’t pray and you choose 12, only one will not be a Judas. (Laughs) Eleven disciples – one Judas. In our own case, it might be eleven Judas – one disciple (laughs). A lot of us have passed through so many unnecessary issues by having (an) association that was not divinely guided. There is nothing that brings assumption like frustration. Not all that glitters is gold. Not everything you see in the water is fish. Rely on divine guidance.

  1. Relate on the grounds of principles and genuine spirituality. On the grounds of principles! Amos 3:3…principles not sentiments.
  2. Watch out for real interest and commitment in the relationship. Real interest! Am I in a relationship where somebody wants to use me or I am in a relationship that somebody is actually interested in my life’s welfare? Church Gist. You should be able to identify that. Proverbs 18:24. Strength from association – this requirement is very important in identifying the right relationship.

What Are The Demands Of Relationships?
Once you are in a godly and profitable relationship, what is demanded?

  1. Love at all times. Proverbs 17:17. You have a demand to love at all times, that is, be generous in your love. Church Gist. Let your brother, your sister, your wife, your husband – let them feel loved. Let them feel it. Love at all times.
  2. Be available in adversity. Be available! “A brother is born for adversity.” You can be a friend until you arrive at the point where you are not just a friend now but more like a brother. Be available! Church Gist. Be available in adversity. Be someone that a friend can count on. Be someone that someone can count on. Available!

One of the things that has finished most people is not the problem itself but the absence of people in their problem. Church Gist. Almost everybody can pass through anything if there are sufficient (enough) people that surround them. Be available in adversity.

  1. Hold nothing back that is profitable. If you know that this piece of information will help this your fellow pastor to move his life and ministry to another level…Acts 20:20. If I have anything going with Evangelist Jonathan and I know this will help him pull up, I am duty bound to hold nothing back. Church Gist. The journey that I took yesterday in the course of the preaching and the teaching, not everybody will tell you details of their journey. Some people, you get to know some things at the end or when they have already left. Yesterday was the first time I was telling the details of my encounter with Morris Cerullo. Paul, the Apostle said, “I kept nothing back that was profitable.” If I know it will profit you, I know it will enhance your life and I think I am in a relationship with you, I am duty bound to make you know. Hold nothing back!
  2. Let the people of your life benefit from your prayer investment. Anyone who is in your life, below you, above you or in your level, make them benefit from your prayer investment. Let somebody be counting on your prayer. Let it be clear. When my mother was here, I knew that if nobody in the World was praying for me, she was and I know my siblings are. Church Gist. Let there be people in your life that you can say if nobody is praying for me, I know this one is there. Let your friends, let your loved ones, let them be able to count on your prayer investment. Job 42:10. Let the people of your life count on your prayer investment.
  3. Do for others what you want both God and others to do for you. Mathew 7:12. You know one of the greatest prayers I pray? “I don’t want to leave this World until I have fulfilled my assignment. Church Gist. Everything God has in mind for me to touch and handle, I want to touch it. I don’t want to appear in eternity and regret.” So one of the heaviest prayers I pray for the people of my life “Father, may they not die unfinished.”

Our Father in the Lord, Bishop David Oyedepo will be 70 years on 27th of September (next month). So 28 days more, it will be his 70th birthday and has lived as if he lived a thousand years in terms of impacts and in terms of results. But our prayer for him still, “Lord, he will not draw his last breath until everything that you have in store for him is accomplished.” Church Gist. He will not draw his last breath. “Pastor David will not draw his last breath until everything God has in mind for him comes to pass.” Everyone of us seated here, you are not permitted to draw your last breath. And you pray it and you pray it with meaning.

Don’t let anybody’s result stop your prayer for them. One bittered pastor said, “Bishop Oyedepo has already done more than everybody, what else does he want?” That was a bittered heart. No! If I say you should reach where God wants you to reach, no devil can’t stop me from reaching my own. Church Gist. I am not struggling to be bigger than anybody, I am struggling to be what God wants me to be – whatever the size is. Whatever size it is! My greatest success is not what I was able to achieve but whether I achieved what God wanted me to achieve.

It is possible to be big and you didn’t fulfill purpose. It is possible not to be that big and the assignment was fulfilled depending on the scope of what God has for you. Church Gist. So anything you wish for yourself, wish it for them. Whatever you want people to do for you, do it for them.

  1. Prove yourself reliable and dependable in the relationships of your life.

Prove yourself reliable. Prove yourself dependable. Proverbs 18:24. Church Gist. You may not overstretch yourself but be available and be dependable to the best of your knowledge, to the best of your ability. Uwaya has testified that he gave a call and the phone was ringing a few minutes or so to the Commanding The Day night prayer and I picked it on the spot. Church Gist. When I heard his voice, he was roaring against that devil. The other apostle from Warri, I saw his text and I didn’t know who it was but they said they were battling with death. I called on the spot. Try your best to be available. I believe it is a new day for us.

I will counsel, in the city where you are, in the nation where you are, ensure that you are not a standalone person. Just as much as you can. If there is no physical person to stand with, just ensure that across the line there is somebody you are linking. I am sure you understand that. You can live in Games Village or anywhere here and you are traveling to America and you call somebody in Lagos that you are traveling to America because of your relationship with the person and because the person needs to know but you won’t tell your next door neighbour where you are going because you don’t owe them any such duty. Church Gist. At times relationships spares no distance and proximity may not be a challenge. Just the fact that there may be connectivity irrespective of distance. Wherever it is. If you can’t find, ask God to send someone into your life. Ask God to show you, ask God to take the cover. For yourself, begin to sow the seeds of relationship and companionship. If you don’t greet people, if you don’t talk to people, if you just face yourself, you can be sure you will reap the same thing. People will face themselves when the burden comes to you.









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