- Rev. Ntia I. Ntia on “TIME TO SHINE” at Time To Arise And Shine Sunday Service || 30 Days Of Victory || Day 1 || 1st September 2024 ||
“TIME TO SHINE.” Isaiah 60:1-2. We see clearly from Scripture here, is that one of the first things God wants to do to His people is to cause them to shine. Church Gist. After God said arise, the next thing God said was shine.
What Does It Mean To Shine?
- It means, be outstanding and notable. Don’t be small, don’t be covered, don’t be hidden, don’t be buried. Be outstanding! That means wherever you are, stand out. In whatever you are doing, stand out. You are God’s representatives, stand out. You represent God’s Kingdom, stand out. Matthew 5:14. That means, excel and be distinguished. Excel in whatever you do. Don’t be known as a failure. You are representing the Most High. Stand out! 1 Peter 2:9.
He said the reason why you are called out of darkness is so that you become a showpiece, you become a model, you become a display of what God does with people’s lives; of what God does when people hand their lives over to Him – how God polishes them, how God blesses them, how God furnishes them. Church Gist. God can never enter your life and make your life worse than you were. He makes your life better. So He said, shine!
- Your mark in life will be a mark of distinction, it will be a mark of uniqueness, it will be a mark of greatness, it will be a mark of peculiarity not a mark of shame, not a mark of reproach, not a mark of frustration!
- Therefore, I prophesy, before these 30 days are over, anything that makes people call you frustrated, it shall be deleted from your life!
- Anything that makes them look at you as though you are downcasted, it shall be deleted in the name of Jesus!
- It means, be a light carrier and reflector – radiate light. Your world is in darkness, radiate light. Matthew 5:14. Radiate light, don’t allow darkness swallow people where you are. Don’t allow darkness bury your family. Don’t allow darkness bury your brothers. Church Gist. Radiate light! Reflect light! Shine the light! Be a custodian of God’s light, of God’s radiance, of God’s beauty, of God’s revelation. Be a carrier of God’s illumination.
You might say, what are the lights I am to carry? That is what the rest of this month is about. As God shows you the light that is available for you, as God shows you what it takes to be a shining light in your world, grab it and engage it and manifest it. Darkness is not permitted to swallow people where you are. John 1:4. Church Gist. If the life of God is in you, you carry light that your world needs. If the life of God is in you, you carry light that your family needs. Do you carry the life of God in you? Is Zoe inside you? Is eternal life inside you? Then there is light inside of you and what’s the purpose of that light? John 1:5. John 4:35.
- Somebody receive this prophecy: what they said can never happen in your family, God will use you to show it is possible!
- God will use you to bring back joy!
- God will use you to bring back celebration!
- They will rejoice because of you!
- They will rejoice in hope!
- They will rejoice because of victory!
Don’t ever see things going wrong and say it doesn’t concern me. Don’t see things go wrong and you join to gossip the problem. Shine the light! Calm things down. Relax, no challenge. There is no challenge. God is still in control. Don’t be an alarmist. “I don’t know again o. Even me I am wondering” – that is bankruptcy of light. Church Gist. Sinners can talk like that, not believers. No challenge. Calm down! Light bearers! Shine the light, don’t follow them and be confused. Be still and know that I am God. God is up to something. Please, watch yourself, represent God well. Shine because your light has come.
- I prophesy, all through this month, you will never be stranded in Jesus name!
- Release potentials until you command results. Light equals result. They are waiting to hear and see results. Light equals fruits. You are too gifted to end as a complainer, a murmurer. You are too connected to El Shaddai to agree to be stranded. If it is taking time, it is coming big. Fight it out. Church Gist. If the devil is fighting you, it means he has seen something in you that’s worth fighting for. “I don’t know, I have tried, it’s not working.” It must work. It has to work. Why will it not work? 1 Kings 18:41-43.
You know some people, the only dream they dream is bad dreams. They don’t dream Holy Ghost dreams. There are some people, the only thing they see around them is demons and demonesses. They don’t see goodness and mercy. There are some people, they only see the worst, they never see the best. If you have a white shirt or a white long gown like the one I am wearing now, they won’t see the full length. They will just see one blue or black or brown stain by the armpit somewhere. Church Gist. They say, “wait, wait, what’s this?” They didn’t see the whole cloth. How do you look? How do you see things? Morning till night, they didn’t see they woke up well. They didn’t see that they had breakfast to eat. They did not see that God blessed them with transport money to go to work. They didn’t see that they got to the office and they had a good day in the office and they did their work. They didn’t see that they got home. No, they can’t see all of that. All they notice is that the money I was expecting didn’t come. What if you had an accident? They can’t see anything good. Then, they allow that one thing to spoil their day.
You know what God told Abraham in Genesis 13:14-15? A major heartbreak just happened – God said, take your eyes away from it. Take your eyes from that rubbish. It is not you that lost, it is Lot that lost. Church Gist. The Lord said to Abraham after Lot was separated from him (major heartbreak, major betrayal, major backstabbing) and God said “lift up now thine eyes”…look away from that rubbish, look away from that place, look away from that condition, look away from that environment, look away from that setting, look away from that experience, look away from that feeling; shake it off you. You are greater than it, you are bigger than it.
Psalm 23:6. Don’t just talk about the enemy. If you see enemies then, God is preparing a table for you in their presence. Don’t tell me about enemies, tell me about the table that God is preparing. Why do they hate you? Church Gist. God must be up to something. Why are they talking about you? A blessing must be around the corner? Why are they gossipping you? Favour is about to locate me. Why are they lying on you? Grace is about to promote me.
Declarations: Let the talkers keep on talking while I keep on rising, while I keep on shining. Let the talkers keep on talking while I keep advancing. Let the haters keep on hating while I keep expanding. Let the mockers keep on mocking. Church Gist. No matter how they talk, their opinion is not God’s decision. No matter how they talk, their opinion is not God’s declaration. I will say if the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God.
It’s time to shake off some things. Lay aside every weight. Lay aside the gossip. Lay aside the campaign. Lay aside the lies. Lay aside worry, lay aside the fear. Something good is about to happen. Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard neither has it entered the heart…that devil is a liar. Church Gist. His Word was found and I did eat them and the Word of the Lord was the rejoicing of my soul. The entrance of thy Word giveth light and it giveth understanding.
- I prophesy from this month and beyond, no more sad days for you!
- No more depressed days for you!
- No more days of heaviness for you! Joy!
- Monday to Sunday – joy!
- Morning, noon and night – joy!
- My going out and coming in – joy!
- My rising up and sitting down – joy!
- Whether they like me or not – joy!
- Whether they help me or not – joy!
- I owe nobody an explanation. The blessing of the Lord, I maketh rich and it addeth no sorrow!
- I will not tell you where I got the money from, I will not tell you who blessed me, I will not tell you who blessed me. Church Gist. I will not tell you who favoured me. He that began a good work in me, He will be faithful to complete it!
- God does not need your permission to decide my promotion!
- Lift up ye head o ye gates and be lifted up ye everlasting doors and let the King of glory come in!
- I am here to shine! I am commanded to shine! Whether you like me or not I’m commanded to shine!
- Don’t reply my messages if you like, I’m commanded to shine. Talk bad about me if you like, I am committed to shine!
Shine! That’s a command! Shine! He didn’t say make them lightly, He just said, shine. He said, keep releasing potential. Keep singing, one day we will see you singing somewhere on the screen. Church Gist. Keep on acting the drama, keep on telling them about Jesus, make sure you keep on writing, one day, they will look for you.
- I came here to tell somebody that gift that God gave to you, no devil will cover it!
- No devil will bury it!
- No devil will block it!
- No devil will sit on it!
Release your gift until it makes a way. Release your gift until it breaks forth. Church Gist. Release your gift till you see results. Release your gift until they look for you. Release your gift.
Luke 9:29…as He functioned in His area… “What’s your area?” Sometimes we just read it and we just say “as he prayed.” No, it was not just as he prayed. Church Gist. As He worked in His assignment, as He worked in his gift, as he parented His gift (laughs). 1 Samuel 16:18.
- They soon hear the voice!
- They will soon hear your name!
‘Nor be beautiful face advertised Esther?’ Did Esther shy away from it? I am beautiful – ‘na wetin?’ It’s not my fault. If you are tall, stop bending down. Show your full height. ‘If e easy make dem follow tall’ and if you are not so tall, occupy ground. Occupy! If it’s easy, let them take charge like you. “Look at, look at you, why are you so short?” I am not short. Church Gist. I’m just the right height. Anything taller than me is too tall, anything shorter than me is too short. Right height!
Declarations: From today, no man shall trouble me anymore. My gift will make room for me. Full stop!
Psalm 139:14. “If you don’t like me, you are missing. If you don’t have k-legs like my own, you came with the wrong legs.” Why are you upset with yourself? Church Gist. Calm down! Say, “I like me. Who doesn’t like me, it is their loss. God said, I am wonderfully made – your opinion doesn’t matter.”
“He can’t speak English very well.” Tell the Englishman to speak my language well. ‘Na who English don put money for e account?’ I am telling you, satan will look for any way to kill your gift, to make you conclude that your gift is worthless (valueless) because he is afraid of your gift. Church Gist. Whether it’s your physical features or your natural talents or your mental capacities or your spiritual virtues – ‘all of them na wetin God give you.’ He is scared and it is those that are intimidated by your gifts that want to beat you down by mocking you.
Confident people celebrate others. Confident people! It’s insecure people who make other people their matter. Insecure, scared, timid, cowards! “The gift of a man will make room for him.” Proverbs 18:16. Whatever God has given you to give your generation…one version said, “the bribe of a man” – ‘if na bribe God give you, give your generation bribe na let us see.’ Whatever you have received from the benevolence of Jehovah to dish out to your generation is what God is talking about. Church Gist. Use that strength, use that gift, use that virtue. Until you see results, don’t rest. Don’t let the gift rest. “A man’s gift, a man’s ability, a man’s virtue, what a man has that his generation needs that can be exchanged and traded for value.”
Young man, that daughter of Zion that God showed you, go and propose. “Ehn, the legs are…” Keep quiet! If God allows her real leg to come out, ‘you nor go qualify.’ It’s out of mercy for you, God decided to just hide her small because if all of the potential she has comes out, ‘stronger hands go collect her from you. Nor be only you get eye for good thing o.’ Now that God has given you a revelation – move! “For the steps of a good are ordered by the Lord.” ‘I don’t know, are you sure she will make…?’ Church Gist. I will answer you tomorrow, not today. I will answer you tomorrow. Tomorrow is dominion over darkness and there is a major darkness that does not allow young men see who they should marry. I will deal with you tomorrow. Major darkness! (Referring to someone) Before when I will be preaching like this, he will be melting in his chair and me, I will come around where he is. Right now, no matter how I preach, he’s looking at me and says ‘kai.’ “He that findeth a wife findeth a good thing.”
- Receive open doors for your gift!
Personal Declarations: I am gifted, I must shine. I am gifted, I am talented. I must shine. I am gifted, I am talented. Church Gist. I know my area of strength. I must shine!
Joseph’s own was dreaming dreams. David’s own was singing, dancing and fighting. Find your own and make sure you engage it till what is inside…Luke 9:29…that means, it was bringing out light from inside. It was not light from an external source. It was a light from inside shining outwards. Church Gist. That’s what your gift is. There is a brilliance about your gift. There is a glitter about your gift. You make it look so easy that every head looks in your direction until they try it, they now see that the only reason why it looks easy is because you are gifted. So don’t hide it. Matthew 5:15.
Package that gift well. That is why you mustn’t miss any of the Success Days. You mustn’t miss Tuesdays. Package that gift well, polish it well, brush it well because when they come looking for you, they don’t want to look for a candle with light. They want to look for a candle on a candlestick. Church Gist. Position! You say, “by the grace of God, I am a chef. I cook well.” Okay, what’s your Facebook page? They go to your Facebook page, there is nothing there that talks about your gift, only wedding guest – my bestie’s birthday. No! Along with that should be a major part of your platform should be your gift. You can not say that you are loaded with spirituality and we can’t see your Church on your platform. No! You are not spiritual, you are carnal. 30 Days of Victory has started is not on your page. Anybody following you is lost because you are not a light giver. You don’t give direction to your generation.
If you know God, why are you not pointing them to the God you know? He says, “well, actually, it’s been a long time, I visited Facebook.” Church Gist. Clap for yourself uncle. You are living in a cave. Well-done. You belong to nineteen ‘thurty two’ not thirty two – ‘thurty.’
Do you know what Jesus did to the man that went and buried his talent? Do you know the parable…what the Master did? He said, “cast out this unprofitable servant.” Church Gist. He said, “I regret the gift I gave you. You are a waste of gift.”
- None of us shall be like that in Jesus name!
Spiritual gifts, talents, mental capacities, natural strength – use all of them to impact your generation. You must have results. Proverbs 14:23. Church Gist. Don’t let any devil reduce you to an empty life. He said, “they shall not labour in vain nor bring forth for trouble.”
What Does It Mean To Shine?
- Be outstanding and notable.
- Be a light carrier and a reflector. Be a light bearer.
- Release potential until you command results.
Nobody wants to reward you with “he tried.” He tried means nothing. They want to see your result. “I don’t like snapping my work.” It’s because you are not current. You lack knowledge and you don’t need one year to gain knowledge. Learn by observation and equip your profile. “Me o, I believe whoever is going to patronize me when they see my handwork, they will know. Church Gist. Where will they see it? Money has too much value to waste on trial and error. Too much value especially in an economy like this. “Oga just trust me. Just trust me with your event.” God forbid bad thing. ‘Trust me with your event. Just trust me.” No! We must see your track record. We must see what you have done before.
Pharaoh said, “do you know anybody amongst your people that is a man of activity?” In other words, use past records to decide who deserves this current position. Use past records, proven records, verifiable records. “Quickly, bring in your CV” – he says, “actually, I don’t have CV but I did B.Sc.” Don’t you know that there are too many liars in town for anybody to take your words as face value. A credible authority must verify your claim – that’s what your certificate is. Church Gist. A credible authority, independent of you, must verify your claim. He says, “bring your credentials” – oh, my credentials are in the village. Are you in the village? You can be fasting and praying and yet suffering as if both God and satan are against you simply because you are not shining. ‘These 30 days go serious o.’
God told me, He said, “don’t they have thirty things in their lives they need to adjust?” I said, Lord, more than 30. He said, “you see, so 30 is not enough.” More than 30 things they should adjust. Church Gist. “What will Papa be preaching for 30 days?” Come and see! You are an encyclopedia of issues that should be preached so you have light.
- Be a direction giver – road pointer, trailblazer, pathfinder, frontrunner, forerunner, pacesetter. Light gives direction. Psalm 119:105. Direction! To shine means to show others the way, the way it is done profitably, the way it is done and you are still on fire for God, the way you can run your business well and you are still in Bible study, you are still in Midweek Service; the way you can handle your shop and yet you don’t miss Evening Service. Church Gist. Show them that it is possible. Don’t follow unbelievers and backslide. “I don’t have time, I don’t have time” but you have time to attend wedding, you have time to attend traditional marriage, you have time to go for naming ceremony, you have time to go for burial. But to build your brand and serve God, you don’t have time. Not correct! Show direction. Matthew 2:9.
You are not permitted to come behind your generation in any business line, in any career field, in any career path. You might not be at the top-most top yet but you should be one of the trailblazing upcomers. Longevity is not proof of quality. That they have been around longer than you is no proof that they are better than you. Merely growing old is not proof of improvement. Church Gist. You can grow old without improving. So stop being intimidated by people who have been in any field before you. Respect everybody but fear nobody and I say that with every sense of awareness. Respect everybody but fear nobody. Let your silence be out of dignity not out of timidity. Dignity for things of value, not out of lack of what to say.
The star did not come behind them. It went before them and every child of Abraham is a star. Genesis 15:4-5. Every seed of Abraham is a star in his field. Church Gist. There is nowhere you will hear this Man of God preach with all humility that you will not know he has something to say of substance, of value. We refuse to gather people to waste their time.
- I decree and declare, by the time these 30 days are over, you will be a revolution in your brand!
- You will be a revolution in your field!
- You will be a revolution that will take your world by storm!
Burn until your world stops and turns and looks for you. Burn until they ask themselves “who is this one now?” That’s what the Burning Bush did. The Burning Bush kept burning till Moses couldn’t pass. It kept burning till Moses turned. It kept burning till Moses came near. It kept burning till Moses came to investigate. Exodus 3:3-4. Church Gist. People should follow you and know how to reproduce quality results. People should follow your example and know how to balance capacity with character. It is possible to be intelligent without being arrogant. It’s very possible. It’s possible to be knowledgeable without being a mocker.
- Be a darkness destroyer. Whether it is (speaks in tongues)…we will deal with that darkness tomorrow. Church Gist. No matter the kind of darkness around your world…there are several classes of darkness that you must damage.
Personal Declarations: I am a darkness damager. I am a darkness dissolver. I am a darkness destroyer. Follow me, we handle darkness by the grace of God.
Tomorrow is dominion over darkness. “O God, what is this? O God!” Never again! Don’t be helpless in the face of darkness like others – defeated, frustrated, downcasted, depressed in the face of darkness. No! Church Gist. Dissolve the darkness. Daniel 4:7-9… “the Spirit of the Holy Gods is in thee” – He said “that’s how unbelievers refer to God.” We forgive them. We know better. Daniel 11:32. When He is not your God, you don’t Him well.
Even when God has not yet spoken, the fact that you know God should make you calm down. Question – does God lead people and abandon them halfway? So, even though you don’t know the way, you know the outcome. He will not let you see shame. So you will calm down till ‘Oga’ is ready to talk. You don’t rush Him. “Be still and know.” You calm down. Be still! Psalm 46:10. You see how that brother helped that new father? Did you see how the brother helped him? He said, are you not a Full Lifer? In fact, he didn’t even say Full Lifer, he said, are you not a Full Life? To show you the level of Full Lifeness. Are you not a Full Life? Church Gist. In other words, the Word you have been hearing built you for such a time like this. Your wife is under pressure, you cannot join and be destabilized – hold ground for her. Hold ground! Move, turn the hospital corridor to a prayer ally. Face the wall speaking in tongues. They say, what’s going on? You say, we are delivering something. She’s delivering physically, I am delivering spiritually. We are delivering.
My precious wife told me, “honey, I am bleeding.” I said, honeybunch, it’s not blood we asked God for. It’s baby. Until baby comes out, there is nothing wrong. You have many places blood can come from if blood wants to keep coming. You have a lot. Church Gist. There is blood in your leg, in your teeth, in your hand – many, plenty! You have a lot of pints of blood. Till baby comes out, ‘nor be baby. Leave am. E nor be challenge.’ The blood was so disgraced it went back to where it came from. ‘So yeyerized.’
- Listen to me, as the Lord liveth, no devil can stop your rising!
Dissolve the darkness. At the last, Daniel came and every matter was handled. Daniel 5:11-12. Are you a darkness dissolver? “They said, everybody is running away, in fact, there is no…” (shut up) – dissolve the darkness. If God has led you to go and ply your trade anywhere in the World, don’t cause a stampede about it. Church Gist. Some of us will meet you there; ask you how you are doing and come back. There is something here.
- Any door that the devil closed against you, open!
- That same fire is touching somebody!
- That same fire of open door, academic door, marital door, financial door, business door, career door, any door the devil closed against you, open!
While you are here saying you are too old, somebody is connecting on the DP platform, over 60 and he’s getting married and you are here sitting and saying “you know na. Church Gist. At this age, it’s only in the village” – (shut up). It’s in the village that people over talk age.
- I prophesy, they have been waiting for you. Whatever covered you and didn’t let the right people see you, closed door (shout open)!
- They will see you!
- I see gifted people being advertised!
You look so normal and so ordinary. They didn’t know you were a depot of grace. Let them not confuse your humility for emptiness because our God is a God of due season. Church Gist. Our God is a God of set time. He said, “when you humble yourself, in due time, the Lord shall lift you.”
- Your due time has come now!
Personal Declarations: My due time is now. My due season is now!
- Somebody, God is about to shock you!
- He will bless someone you least expected!
- He is about to lift someone you least expected!