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1st August, 1981: The Great Tabernacle of The Apostolic Faith Church located at Anthony Village Campground, Lagos is dedicated.

1st August, 1962: The new name, ‘The Church of Pentecost’ legally replaced ‘The Ghana Apostolic Church’. The Church of Pentecost is one of the fastest growing Churches in West Africa. As of May 2023, The Church of Pentecost now has presence in 151 nations with a total membership of 4,203,077.

1st August,1982: Rev. Isaiah Ghele Sakpo, a former Vice-president of The Apostolic Church, Nigeria inaugurates the LAWNA Evangelical Defense Force (TACLEDEF). LAWNA which stands for “Lagos, West and Northern Areas” is a movement whose task is to promote evangelism, prayer and other spiritual activities among members of The Apostolic Church.

1st August, 1834: Robert Morrison at age 52 passes on to glory. He was the first English Protestant missionary to China and had translated the Bible into Chinese, constructed a Chinese grammar, founded an Anglo-Chinese college and edited a six-volume Chinese dictionary.

1st August, 1895: Anglican missionaries Robert Warren Stewart, his wife Louise, their two children and seven other Christians are butchered in China.


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