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16th June 1935: Elijah Oludele Abina is born. He is the General Overseer of The Gospel Faith Mission International (GOFAMINT). He is also one of the Founding Fathers of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN).

16th June 1949: Felix Meduoye is born. He is a Reverend and the President of Gracelife Ministry International. He is also the past General Overseer of Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria.

16th June 1992: Lawrence Oyor is born. He is a co-founder of Davidic Minstrels and also a Pastor at Davidic Generation Church, an arm of God-Will-Do-It Ministries. Pastor Lawrence is the biological Child of Reverend Dr. G.F Oyor (of blessed memory) and Reverend Mrs. Patience F. Oyor, the Founders of God-Will-Do-It Ministries. He is married to Oluwadarasimi Oyor (nee Bamiloye) and they are blessed with 2 sons.

16th June 1964: Kunle Ajayi is born in Mushin, Lagos State, Nigeria. He is a Songwriter, Saxophonist, Televangelist, an ordained Pastor and the Intercontinental Director of Music at the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). Pastor Kunle is the closest Music Minister to Pastor E.A. Adeboye who always ushers him to minister at all major programs.

16th June 1958: Christopher Oghenebrorie Okotie (Kris Okotie) is born. He was born in Abraka Delta State, Nigeria. He is the Founder of the Household of God Church International Ministries.

16th June 1960: The Presbyterian Church of Eastern Nigeria and the Presbyterian Synod of Biafra are integrated. This integration led to its renaming as the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria. The Presbyterian Church of Nigeria was founded by the United Presbyterian Church of Scotland missionaries led by the Rev. Hope Masterson Waddell at the invitation of King Eyo Honesty II and King Eyamba V.

16th June 2022: The National Universities Commission (NUC) approves the change of name of Samuel Adegboyega University to Glorious Vision University, Ogwa, Edo State Nigeria. It was founded in 2011 by The Apostolic Church Nigeria, Lagos, Western and Northern Areas (LAWNA) Territory. It was initially named Glorious Vision University and the Federal Government of Nigeria through the NUC rejected the name necessitating the change to Samuel Adegboyega University in 2011.

16th June 1855: William Booth marries Catherine Mumford at Stockwell Green Congregational Church in London. They are the Founders of The Salvation Army.

16th June 1846: Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti is named Pope Pius IX. He was the Roman Catholic Pope with the longest verified Papal Reign from 1846 to 1878. He was popularly known for convoking the First Vatican Council’s declaration of the infallibility of the Pope in 1868. He was also known for his declaration of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception.



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