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17th June 2017: Joseph Omo Ebhodaghe, popularly known as Joepraize, weds Joana Shittu at Christ Embassy, Ikeja, Lagos State Nigeria. Joepraize is a Gospel Music Minister and a Songwriter.

17th June 2011: Dr. James Abayomi Boyejo is called to glory. He was a Pastor Emeritus and one of the 3 Founding Fathers of Foursquare Gospel Church. He was also the First National President of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) from 1985 to 1992.

17th June 1703: John Wesley is born to Samuel and Susanna Wesley. He was an Evangelical Leader who Co-Founded the Methodist Movement with his brother Charles Wesley.

17th June 1999: Babcock University is formally inaugurated. The University is founded by the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Babcock University was named after an American missionary by the name of David C. Babcock, who pioneered the work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Nigeria in 1914.

17th June 2012: Suspected Islamic extremists bomb three Churches in Kaduna State. Over 20 persons were killed which led to a 24-hour curfew imposed by the then State Governor, Patrick Yakowa.

17th June 1904: John Vernon McGee is born. He was born in Texas, United States of America. He was a Theologian, Radio Minister and an ordained Minister of the First Presbyterian Church at Cleburne, Texas.



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