TOWARDS DEVELOPING YOUR VALUE FOR KNOWLEDGE || Bishop David Oyedepo at SHILOH 2024 Day Four Hour Of Visitation || EVER WINNING WISDOM || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland || 13th December 2024 || Fourth Word Session.

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  • Bishop David Oyedepo on “TOWARDS DEVELOPING YOUR VALUE FOR KNOWLEDGE” at SHILOH 2024 Day Four Hour Of Visitation || EVER WINNING WISDOM || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland || 13th December 2024 || Fourth Word Session.

Have you been truly visited? Can you call this a special day in your life? Have you caught any light from heaven? Church Gist. Welcome to the ever winning realm of life. Welcome to the realm of no more defeat, no more going down, no more backward trend.

Let’s run through Shiloh 2024 Ever Increasing Wisdom Creed. We have these 24 lines to keep us focused on why He called us for this meeting. It is also on the website for free download.

I am holding in my hand the Holy Bible.
This is the ever living Word of God
The Bible is the answer book of life.
The Bible is the wisdom bank of heaven whose currency never loses value
The Bible contains the ever living wisdom of God that secures an ever winning life on earth.
The Bible is the wisdom from above that is ahead of all civilizations.
The Bible is the wisdom of God that still creates solutions today like it did in the beginning.
The Bible is the wisdom from above that is far above all realms of human knowledge. Church Gist.
The Bible is the wisdom of God that turns mountains to plains.
This wisdom is the custodian of riches and honour.
This wisdom empowers believers for exploits
It engenders supernatural breakthroughs.
It makes stars of believers.
It enthrones the redeemed
It cuts rivers among the rocks.
It stops the way against evil
It engenders peace that passes all knowledge.
It stirs joy unspeakable full of glory.
The content of the wisdom of scriptures is pure and explainable for those who care to know. Church Gist.
Destruction and death are subject to this ever winning wisdom
This wisdom secures length of days.
Interestingly, divine wisdom has unlimited capacity for growth
And this is what makes the ever growing wisdom the guarantee for an ever winning life.
Lord Jesus, my crave on this mountain is a fresh enduement with the Spirit of wisdom that will enable me gain unimpeded access to higher realms of the wisdom from above all through the days of my life. Amen!

I like you to enumerate on that after this Shiloh event and for the remaining part of the year because next year will be an outbreak of new realms of experience in your life as you subscribe in totality to the wisdom from this book.

You don’t fail an exam because you don’t know anything, you fail because you don’t know enough. You make 39 per cent, that’s okay. Out of 100 birds, you are able to catch 39, you tried but you didn’t pass. It is the inadequacy of this wisdom that we are addressing by the Holy Spirit. Nobody is saying anyone is not wise. Every child of God, we have been told, has a deposit of wisdom. A measure! Church Gist. And is left to determine whether it remains a measure or finishes the measure and becomes no measure or does little with it and it becomes little measure or does much with it and it becomes great measure and does much more with it and it becomes exceeding great measure. It is not about we don’t know something. We don’t know enough is the question. When we know enough, it will show.

People can get angry, “He said I am not wise.” Nobody said you are not wise. Somebody failed an exam, do you commend him? Sit up, my friend. Sit up! You can’t do it, sit up. Your son came back home with an F. Church Gist. You don’t pat him on the back. It is time to move forward. Move from F to E, move from E to D, move from D to C, move from C to B and as grace comes on you and me move from B to A.

We are here to announce there is a need for a shift. Everybody needs a shift. What I have learnt in getting ready for this meeting is more than what I have ever learnt. I had written four books on wisdom, none qualified for a reference. Wake up! I am not A. Church Gist. Never! I am not there. A? How? When I see people assess people in my office and they say A A A A, I ask how? Even you that is assessing, can you get A? What you are calling A for him, I won’t score B there. It is time to wake up.

We are examining very important points for the fews minutes we have that I believe will change everybody’s perspective on how to keep this ever winning wisdom alive. Without value for knowledge, no man can increase in wisdom. Knowledge is the principal raw material for accessing and sustaining divine wisdom. So I am speaking on the subject TOWARDS DEVELOPING YOUR VALUE FOR KNOWLEDGE.

People have taught about praying, thank God. You pray to access but you learn to sustain. No student that settles on prayer passes exams. You pray for grace to understand the subject, you now settle to study the subject. Too much religion about realities. Church Gist. Too much religion. Things are not changing, you say you are praying. Find out other things to do. An engine alone does not run a car, you need a gearbox, you need tyres, you need brakes otherwise you go into an accident. It is a composite system. It is time to wake up.

Without genuine value for knowledge, no one can increase in wisdom. No one can. Wisdom is a product of applied knowledge. Church Gist. Knowledge is not there, so what are you applying? Something is shifting. Something is changing. You are getting out of here charged to take charge.

This was the exact copy of the book I read in 1976, The Purpose of Pentecost. I read it in one seating and the outcome was express access to the voice of God. One of my greatest assets in my Christian journey today. My ears got opened from this book. I think it was ₦1 or something. This book titled The Gentle Breeze Of Jesus, I bought this book ₦1:10k I read it in 1975, it stirred my appetite for the supernatural. I am walking in it today. Wake up. You are either building a functional, not decorative library or you are building a mortuary. Wake up! Proverbs 1:5, Proverbs 9:9. No shortcut.

No matter who lays hands on you, what you have is a deposit that requires maintenance. Otherwise you lay hands on 10 different people to receive the Spirit of wisdom and they get 10 different results by taking 10 different levels of responsibility. I returned from a trip and my wife asked what I brought back. I said come and see. Church Gist. I took her to my study room and I opened the first bag, books. The second bag, books. She said what else. I said that is all else. I said the content of these books can make me a manufacturer of the things I should have bought. Value for knowledge!

How can you be a believer for God’s sake, the year is now ending and you can’t point to any book of the Bible you read. That I read St John this year, you can’t point. You have not read one single literature since the year began. You don’t get wiser that way. The wiser we get, the more ‘’win-full’ life becomes. It is time to wake up, this religion is enough, let’s face reality. By His grace, I have a walk through library in the house. Not a shelf. Church Gist. A walk through, like you are in the University Library. Not decorative library, explorative library. I was looking for a book that I read last in 1995. I asked my domestic staff to go and check it. He said he couldn’t find it. I said I am coming. In five minutes I found it. I can tell where it is.

It is time to wake up. Come and learn of me, Jesus said, and you will have rest for your souls (Matthew 11:29). It is time to come awake to our covenant responsibility. Church Gist. Ever winning wisdom is impossible without a quest for ever winning knowledge. Ever growing knowledge is the secret behind ever winning wisdom. You are going places.

There were two uniquely endowed folks in scriptures. They were both prayer giants but they were bookworms. Daniel 9:2. He was unusually endowed, strangely endowed. The arrogant king bowed down and worshipped Daniel for the wisdom at work in him. Church Gist. Daniel 9:2. Daniel 10:3-4. Daniel waited on God for 21 days to seek an understanding of a particular issue. So prayer is not a substitute, it is a complement.

Can I share this with you, it will bless you. Our cell system was crawling and I said wait a minute, we seemed to have exhausted all that we know. So I ordered 400 copies of Building Successful Home Cells. So we read with three objectives: What should we be doing that we are not doing that is stalling the growth of our cell system? Church Gist. What should we not be doing that we are doing that is killing it? What should we be doing that we are not doing well enough? So our pastors read and we met to analyse the outcome. The Cell grew from 3,000+ to 7,500+ within a year. That is the power of knowledge.

Solomon, the most endowed, became the most stupid. He had no counsellor, he read nothing. He was celebrating the gift until the gift vanished and lost value. So we kept pushing and I said we seemed to have exhausted all that we learnt in this book. So I ordered another Church Growth research materials. We divided it chapter by chapter with the same objectives. The cells galloped to 15,000. The power of knowledge. Then came a tall order to double the number of churches in one year. I said there may not be anywhere we can get this from, so let’s find out from those who are doing well in our cell replication program within the church. Church Gist. So we collected the data, we analyzed what they did and we held a seminar. The cells grew in one year by over 20,000 cells. New cells. You will be stagnated forever until you respond to this. We learnt from those who knew even from our members. I am their father but they are the practitioners, so they know what they did. Let’s find out what they did. I can’t be a cell minister anymore. Here are some people and you say he is not ordained. Which ordained? He has results. Is it ordination you want to eat? The man has results. You remember one of you? I ordained him that night. Look at this man he has birthed so many cells, 25 or something. I said come! I ordain you as a pastor now. Who is a pastor? The one who knows how to pastor. I ordained him that night on this altar. What is a pastor that is not doing anything?

You humble yourself to learn from those that you have taught who are on the field and know what it takes, you draw from them. We got over 20,000 new cells and are still functioning today. By the grace of God, we might have the largest cell system in the world. Church Gist. This morning on the altar of prayer, I have located how to double that number this coming year. The first half of the year. To fire that up, you go and explore the more. Psalm 45:4. We ride on the wheels of knowledge majestically.

From 1985, I’ve been a life student of Church growth. Life student, real life student. I read all readables on Church growth. I photocopied whole books, whole books like this because there was no way to get, no electronic medium. The photocopy will be so faint, you will be doing your eye like this. I won’t let go. You can pray till forever you don’t know how, it won’t work. Church Gist. There are Philips in your life that have an understanding of what you don’t understand. You are just reading. Ethiopian Eunuch, “Sir, do you understand what you’re reading?” He said: “I don’t know, we were told to be reading this thing, to be reciting it as we are going back home. I’m reciting.” He said: “Now, can I explain to you? From the same Scripture. His Philip made him to understand.

(David) Yonggi Cho was my Philip on Church growth. (David) Yonggi Cho was my God sent Philip. He may not be your own but he’s my own. He’s gone to Heaven but the impact of what he taught me is still here. Sir, anything we do without an understanding will lack outstanding results. It is understanding that makes anything outstanding. Church Gist. It’s not the doing of it, you don’t understand the mystery of financial breakthrough, you will just be struggling it won’t happen, you will be using methods to make it look as if it’s happening. “I Daniel, understood by books.” Then came Paul, even Peter witnessed that the wisdom given him was too high. 2 Peter 3:15. But Paul said: “Bring me my notes, bring me my books.” Every wise man reads books and have notes. He reads and they are not reading for fun. They are studying to discover. Discoveries are precious to them and they took note of them and as they took note of them, the World begins to take note of those individuals. It’s our value of knowledge that grants us access to ever-increasing wisdom.

Prayer would enhance our access, laying on of hands would deposit divine wisdom but it will never move without subscribing to the learning demand. Learning demand! That’s why increasing revelation of the truth is the mystery behind the manifestation of ever winning wisdom in life. Settle down! Sir, I read 8 books on marriage, how many? (8), before we were married. I’ve not had to pray one prayer to make the marriage work. Knowledge is power! When you apply yourself to it you are on majestic ride, you are not struggling. You are on a majestic ride. Church Gist. Enviable ride! Listen, I read quite a number of biographies on ministries because that’s my life. I need to find out how it works by learning from those who have proved that it works, find out where they made mistakes that I can avoid it. I made amazing discoveries, stepping into ministry I wasn’t empty. I had light to work with. Anything you approach with common sense will never deliver an extraordinary result. Common sense equals common results. We need to learn to grow in wisdom. God filled Bezalel with wisdom and commanded that they go teach others. So that those ahead of us who has been given these things, we settle down to learn from them and get to where we are going.

Let’s come this way, we have a very successful University system. It didn’t come in by chance or by mandate. Vision delivered, now how it works must be discovered. How would this vision deliver? It must be discovered, so I selected 9 world class universities to find out what has sustained them for years. That time Havard was 366 years and Oxford was 900 or thereabout. I found out how it works. Is it not working? So, any vision that is barren of knowledge will not see the light of the day. Church Gist. So, settle down! Church is not growing, look for where Church is growing, find out what they are doing? Don’t examine away, winter! Winter! Cold! Okay, stop winter? Stop cold, stop harmattan. You can’t stop them and it mustn’t stop you. Everything that works in the Kingdom delivers on knowledge. On knowledge! We haven’t grown as a Church by chance, there were factors at play and as long as those factors are in place, the growth continues. We saw one Sunday here, 3,000 souls saved. It was Pentecost. So it’s important to be awake to take responsibility. All these: “Eh, I’m the founder” and so what? Are there not founders who are confounded? Will titles help? Never! Title holds no value. It’s an adjective of convenience. It holds no value.

-But somebody is going forward here.

So, find out where things are not working. Find out where you can see it working, connect with what they have learned there and employ the same thing, you’ll get results.

-Somebody’s story is changing.

Somebody came to my office crying, “satan has been buffeting me, challenging me.” And he is a whole grown man and I said: “Listen! I can’t talk to you under this condition, you’re emotionally destabilized, go and get the book: “satan, Get Lost!” When you finish reading, come back. When he came back he was beaming with smiles. I said: “What’s happening?” His sight has changed. “Ah! I didn’t even know satan is as cheap as this.” He found out how much power he had to walk over the serpents and the scorpions and over all the powers of the enemy. His countenance changed. The way you are cringing, you need to know something you don’t know. Go and find out. You need to know something you don’t know.

I’m still busy learning! Striving for change of levels. I want my C to change to B by His grace or my D. I don’t know where I am now; to move to C. It’s time to wake up. Time to wake up! We’re getting there! Nothing of value is ever free. So, if divine wisdom is a most valuable asset, in the life of a believer after Salvation then it carries a cost. Church Gist. Nothing of value is ever free. One of our daughters here has some challenge and she heard me say: “The answer is in the Book, no matter the challenge.” So, she began looking for the answer from Genesis, she found the answer in Jeremiah. Genuine answer, the siege ended. You know the journey from Genesis to Jeremiah? Some will rather travel to Australia to go and look for it and yet they will not find it because it is not in the knowledge market. She settled down from Genesis and only hit the answer in Jeremiah and the siege was over. Matthew 7:8.

-It’s time to be awake.

That’s the awesome responsibility of accessing and sustaining this ever-winning wisdom.

Oswald J. Smith taught me from his book: “The Man God Uses.” I never met him in my life oo. Can I tell you something? I never met (David) Yonggi Cho once before he went to Heaven. No! I never met (him), we never met! But he was busy teaching me from 1985. Church Gist. I was busy learning from him. 2010 was when we read that Book and the explosion erupted as we entered 2011. Just possess the meekness required to learn. All these: “I know what I’m doing.” You don’t know what you are doing. If you know what you’re doing, it will show. It’s not showing because you don’t know what you are doing well enough. So learn more so it can start going well. Thank You Jesus!

Being close to the Charismatic Movement, I had some insights on financial prosperity but I’ve not made the discovery required to be in command. I knew I had not made the discovery that would put me in command. So I took two books and went out for three days. “Jesus! Show me the secret behind this Kingdom prosperity thing!” On the third day, I found it. I knew I found it. Church Gist. So I screamed: “Yeah! I can never be poor!” That’s 42 years ago! Discoveries are valuable assets and they come through the process of learning, an openhearted learning, a readiness, a knowledge that you don’t know and you want to know. You want to find out from those who know. Sir, I have been feeding in the Word of Faith since 1976. So believe me, everything becomes natural, I’m not struggling! “He will build this Tabernacle in one year, it was easy. My faith senses have been developed to some level that could handle it. It’s what is inside you that speaks when you’re confronted.

-Somebody’s story is changing.

No matter where we are, we can get wiser. If we choose to take responsibility, we can get wiser. I’ve said some things now on cell growth. If you’re anybody that desires cell growth, you should just go and listen to it. Church Gist. Get some cell ministers from here: “Please, una, make you tell me how this thing dey work.” it’s natural! “You know I can’t talk to him, he’s not ordained.” Ordained of what? I was the one who taught them, they were the ones who taught us how to get results. It’s so important, this thing takes meekness. To even know that you can know better takes meekness but to feel that you know everything makes you just there.

-We are going places.

After studying those 9 world class universities, I came forth with a verdict based on knowledge – This is imagined as a new generational Harvard. It was clearly stated and declared openly. See where we are today! That’s the power of knowledge. In your business, power of knowledge! It’s crawling! Somebody else is growing, you say: “He’s using medicine.” You are using God, who should get better results? Church Gist. How can God be backing you and somebody that the devil is backing is outshining you? No! Find out what he knows! He’s a believer you are angry! You want to kill him? Find out what he’s doing that is moving his business forward. Find out why he is not feeling the heat of the economy. Find out from him: “Excuse me sir,” he will direct you. If it’s from here, we will direct you to a book. Go and read this book! Read that book! He will recommend about 10 to you. You will say: “Ah! This thing is too much!” You can’t find the answer without searching for it!

People are going through tension in marriage. There are amazing books on marriage written by proven authors both in this Church and across the World but they won’t read. When I pick a book, what I first do is to first read about the author whether he has authority to write what he is writing. Church Gist. You can’t be writing to me in Church growth when your Church is not growing, I won’t read your book. I won’t! I want to learn from a practitioner. You’re borrowing money around, I can’t read your book on prosperity. No! It will confuse me. No! The things you have heard, the things you have seen, the things you have looked upon, the things our hands have handled; they are the ones you are qualified to teach.

-Somebody’s story is changing.

“You know I’m writing this book, I’m writing a book.” You can be writing it for yourself, only you may be reading it. No! Have you a proof of it, where is the proof of this?

-Somebody’s story is changing.

In search of fresh unction, I went through the Book of Ezekiel. I saw the drama in chapter 37, I was captivated. “Lord! Connect me with the secret of the Book of Ezekiel.” I was coming down from that Mountain. He said: “Behold, I have touched your tongue with the coal of fire. From henceforth, as you say it you will see it.” Nothing of value is ever free. I must round up because we have to go. Carry that in your mentality as you leave here. Nothing of value is ever free. Church Gist. I’ve made some level of discoveries on faith. Have those materials and fire up your faith in case of assumption. Fire up your faith! Build up your faith. I’ve made some few discoveries on success and it’s showing. Pick up those materials. Check through them. It doesn’t have to be white to be right, no! Check where the proofs exist. They are everywhere. They are with the white, with the yellow, with the black but find out where the result is. Stop feeling good because you are in America. Which America? Does it change your story? Stop feeling unique because you are living in the U.K. what’s the meaning? That’s where you choose to live. Amen!

Now, will I envy anybody today. I mean in your own perspective living in any part of the World? No! Was I envying them before? Church Gist. No! I knew these things apply to every born again child. Just take responsibility. “I just came out from Jamaica.” That’s your journey. I mean you’re an air hostess you can go anywhere you like.

-Somebody’s story is changing.

Can I tell you something? Until we take responsibility, we keep living like liabilities. No matter where you live in the World! No matter where we live in the World, until you take responsibility, you keep living like a liability. My son came one time from Port-Harcourt and I said: “Receive grace to take responsibility.” He wondered what kind of prayer is this? Church Gist. He got to Church he said: “All of you, receive grace to take responsibility.” That is the key missing link in the Christian faith. “God will do it!” I say: “How?” I know God will do it, I know He won’t do it.” Until you know what He says you should do, He won’t do it.” I know God won’t do it. You are the one who thinks you know by ignorance. God won’t do it until you do what He says you should do. So find out what He says you should do and commit to doing it, believing. Then, you’ve committed God to do it.

If after all these things, then you go and begin to beat your wife at home, then what have you learnt? Nothing! You start speaking rough and you know that God answers the words you speak, not just the prayers you pray. He said what you said in my ears, I have heard and I will do it for you. Church Gist. It is time to wake up and take responsibility in the application of that knowledge. Now, I know what to do and I know what will make what I am to do work. So I discipline myself to align. Somebody’s rising. Somebody is breaking forth.

The wiser we get, the better the results we command. It is time to get wiser. It is time to locate the Philips assigned us on our journey. It is time to pay the price that makes prize winners. I wrote this some years back: Truth is timeless. Time doesn’t change the truth. Truth is ageless. Truth is constant. Truth cannot be reviewed. Truth cannot be revised. Truth cannot grow, we can only grow in the knowledge of the truth. Truth cannot be developed, we can only develop our understanding of the truth. There is no new generation truth. Truth is eternal. Young people, hear me now. God will not rewrite the Bible because of you. There is no new generation truth. Church Gist. Jumping and jumping and jumping, you just jump and jump and come down empty. Truth! It is alright to celebrate before the Lord but it is not a substitute for knowledge. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. There is no old fashioned truth. Truth is transgenerational. There is no private revelation, every revelation of the truth applies to whosoever believes. Because what God says to one, He says to all. God’s Word is valid for all times but applicable to only those who believe. Truth is truth, I either take it or leave it. For you can do nothing against the truth but for the truth. May this truth take hold of each one of us today.

As it is commonly said, the taste of the pudding is in the eating. Oh, taste and see that the truth still works and will keep working till eternity. Its effect is still the same. Oh come and taste that what the truth instructs to do is the only way to where we are going. If therefore the Word of God is truth, then the truth of scriptures must be timeless, ageless and constant. Church Gist. Only those who care to prove the truth with their obedience of faith ever experience its validity. You are going to have new order of experiences because wisdom will keep untying every tight area of your life. The answer will not stop coming and coming.

The Word works and will continue to work until Jesus returns. The Word works and will continue to work where you live notwithstanding, where I live notwithstanding. Church Gist. Wherever the sun shines, the Word works. Wherever the moon shows up, the Word works.

I once had the privilege of travelling with the president of a nation. We were all in that cabin. I saw three books in his hand and he was reading. I was reading as my habit and he was reading. There was no plan. You are number one in your nation, what are you reading to do? To get wiser. You are President of a small company but you won’t read. The total number of your citizens is 12. It is not that you don’t have time, you abuse time. You mismanage time. Everybody has an equal amount of time. No matter who prays for you, you need faith for the prayer to be answered. Jesus prayed for them, it wasn’t answered because of their own unbelief. Church Gist. I lay hands on you ‘be healed’, the anointing goes in but it won’t sustain your health. Proverbs 4:20-22. You sustain it by the insight and faith at work. If it is the faith of the minister, why do you pray for 10 people and three of them are flying on the same subject and seven of them crawling? The faith of individuals is as important as the faith of the praying man.

You can’t force anybody to be healed, stop wasting your time. “I say be healed. Be healed!” He can’t be healed until he believes. “Prosper in the name of Jesus!” He can’t prosper until He does what makes people prosper. Church Gist. “I command you to prosper, I am a prophet of prosperity.” You are wasting your time. He cannot prosper until he begins to do what makes people prosper. Scriptures cannot be broken. It is a new day.

So the ball is in your court and my court. I am absolutely responsible for the outcome of my life and so are you. It is the greatest light I caught getting ready for ministry in 1981. My son, you are absolutely responsible for the outcome of your life. Church Gist. Don’t look for a devil to blame. You are responsible. You are responsible. Isaiah 51:2. You and I are responsible. It is time to take responsibility.

There are these following treasures as engraced access by God. They will help keep you positively engaging spiritually, on your feet till we make it to Heaven together. Can I hear your Amen? ‘Fanning Revival Fire: A Manual For Stirring Revival In A Local Church.’ Church Gist. They are tested principles. They’ve worked in several other places, they’re working here, they will work in your own life. ‘Church Growth Manual: Vital Covenant Keys To Healthy Church Growth.’ ‘Redeemed As A Wonder To Many’ – A wonder to the World not a wanderer.

-From today, it will be clear that you’re on God’s side and God is on your side. Can I hear your Amen?

‘Passion For Souls: The Most Profitable Engagement On The Planet Earth.’ Church Gist. What will a man give in exchange for his soul if he loses his soul? If he gains the whole world. God will do anything to keep a soul winner going.

-He will keep you going. Can I hear your Amen?

‘Snapshots Of My Adventure In Ministry.’ I did this when I was turning 70. It can help you boost your faith in whatever God calls you to do as you commit yourself to it in the name of Jesus. We have this Volume here: ‘Pillars Of Destiny.’ Church Gist. They touch on several areas of our lives to be a blessing. And we have this new one – ‘Leadership Ideology: A Covenant Perspective’ and then ‘Leading Revolution In Education.’ They are all available for our spiritual nourishment and inspirational enlightenment. They will go a long way to keep us going in Jesus name. Thank You Jesus!

Now, these are collections of my books on faith before these ones were produced. They contain all the books on faith. These are all online. The World is changed, you can always access them online. These are my findings by the help of the grace of God on “Vision.” People don’t even know the meaning (of vision). When they have one they don’t know what to do with it. It will go a long way to help us to keep winning all the way. Church Gist. Then I have the collection on wisdom, the collection on success, prayer fasting and healing. The collection on consecration: ‘How To Keep Living A Life That Pleases God At All Times.’ And then the collection on the supernatural – How to operate in your original realm that you’re redeemed into and not be overwhelmed by the powers of darkness. It’s there. And the collection on prosperity. There is the Book I wrote on: ‘Winning The War Against Poverty.’ It will make you hate poverty with all passion. You will hate it like you hate excreta. It’s part of the materials kept here. It will keep you going anyday, anytime.

What am I doing? I’m trying to help you to locate what can keep you productively engaged and winning and triumphing everywhere. And here is the Baba of them: ‘The Holy Spirit.’ It helps to expose the ministry of the Holy Spirit in all its dimensions and then, the largest is ‘The Word.’ What the Word has for you and me and how to tap into it. It’s a number of books put together in one volume. This will help. You can also access the individual copies if you’re interested, they are all online. Church Gist. Now, praise the Lord! I have these materials, there are 4 volumes out, they are called: ‘Treasures Of Life.’ They are my personal notes from my personal studies over the years that we are wrapping up into different volumes. They are also topical, you can also locate the topic you want in the content. Every learner must have a note and he must take note of his note to keep his life going. Treasures Of Life – Volume 1 to 4, they are available. We are still on with the various volumes coming. And then, by divine inspiration we started packaging all Shiloh teachings over the time and they are captioned: ‘Dominion Realities.’ This has no end in terms of the volume. Work has just started, this is Volume 1 and 2 and we are ongoing. Why? Give attention to reading, to exhortation and to doctrine, meditate on these things, give yourself wholly to them and thy profiting will appear to all.

-You are going places! Give the Lord a biggest hand of praise.

Remember to come along with any balance of your desires that is yet to be delivered. The Ark of Testimonies will be out here in the evening for the evening session. Ushers will be told when to collect those things. Church Gist. We put them in the Ark as we do. God has been doing wonders ever since, He will do more wonders in your life in the name of Jesus! You have come with some desires that have been delivered? Write a thanksgiving paper to Jesus. “Thank You for answering before this time, on this and that” and it will show in your life. Thank You Jesus!

It’s the last night and it promises to be the best of nights for everyone of us and it shall be so. Remember we are also to give thanks to God for all miracle marriages of the year across boards in all the nations. All the miracle babies of the year like we do all the time. Church Gist. You thank God for something, He multiplies it back to you. There is no one who came with any such desire who will not return with their own. We are also blessing the nations tonight, we did that yesterday, we are also doing it again tonight in the name of Jesus! Lift up your two hands and give God thanks as we get ready to move on our short break.








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