TOWARDS MAXIMIZING OUR GLORIOUS DESTINY IN CHRIST 5C || Pastor David Oyedepo Jnr at Covenant Day of All Round Rest Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland|| 30th June 2024 || Third Sunday Service ||

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  • Pastor David Oyedepo Jnr on TOWARDS MAXIMIZING OUR GLORIOUS DESTINY IN CHRIST 5C at Covenant Day of All Round Rest Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland|| 30th June 2024 || Third Sunday Service ||

We have been looking at this line of teaching all through the Month in our Sunday services and we’re concluding it in our service today and it’s captioned TOWARDS MAXIMIZING OUR GLORIOUS DESTINY IN CHRIST.

By character, God is a God of plans and purposes. Ecclesiastes 3:1. His plans and purposes cover everyone that belongs to Him. Jeremiah 29:11. This is why every child of God in Scriptures is ordained or described as a child of destiny. Romans 8:29,30. So, every child of God is a child of destiny. Church Gist. That means that we are not called to live life by chance. We are called by God to live life by plan. We are here to fulfil, to execute the plan of God, to actualize the agenda of God in our lives. That means that for everyone that is a child of God, there is a plan with God, there is an agenda with God. There are packages with God for everyone that is a child of God. This is very important.

It is vital for us to understand that every child of God has a common destiny in Christ. It means that what God has available for one, He has available for the other. Every child of God has a common destiny in Christ. What He has for one, He has for the other. There is no partiality in the Kingdom. Church Gist. God has made adequate provision for every child of God to enjoy every heritage that He has made available for the Redeemed. But we must recognize that it is our understanding that determines our experience. Matthew 13:23. The variance in their ability to receive from that Word is the product of the depth of their understanding. So, our understanding determines our experience.

That is why God has been opening our eyes more and more to see the diverse blessings, diverse packages, diverse descriptions of our destiny in Christ and this morning, we are going to go further as we explore the picture of our destiny in Christ. Church Gist. Our destiny in Christ includes the following. 2 things we’ll look at quickly this morning.

1: It is a triumphant destiny. Say with me, “Triumphant destiny” Everyone that is in Christ has a destiny of triumph. 2 Corinthians 2:14. Church Gist. That means there is no place for defeat. Every child of God is ordained an entity of unquestionable victory. 1 John 5:4. So, defeat is not in your destiny. Is somebody hearing what God is saying this morning?

  • I said defeat is not in your destiny!

God has ordained you to be an entity of unquestionable victory. Church Gist. That means in every situation, the outcome of the situation is victory and triumph.

  • I don’t know what you’re confronted with right now, but I have good news for you this morning, the outcome of that situation is victory and triumph for you!
  • If you believe it, say a louder Amen!
    That is the destiny of the Redeemed.

Every time you find the enemy looking like he’s gathering against you to bring one assault or the other, remind yourself of your destiny. That’s what David did. Psalm 27:1-3. “I know my destiny. Church Gist. I’m not permitted to be defeated. I’m not permitted to be afflicted. I’m not permitted to be tormented. I am not a punching bag for satan. My life is a life of victory. My life is a life of triumph”

  • Somebody believes it, say a loud Amen!

We must come to recognise the picture of our identity in Christ. Our identity is the identity of victory, the identity of triumph, unquestionable dominion in our situation of life. Isaiah 54:16,17. Church Gist. Now, listen very carefully, when you look at the Scripture, it gives you a picture of your heritage in Christ, that by your identification in Christ, you have a package of unquestionable victory, so much so that the Bible tells us there “No weapon that is formed against you will prosper” They can try it, but it cannot work. Isaiah 54:17. Church Gist. So, it’s talking about a future of certain individuals who have righteousness from God and who are servants of God. That looks like you and looks like me! This is why it says that for such persons, no weapon formed against them can prosper. But to help us understand it further, Isaiah 54:16.

  • Now, I am telling you that no weapon formed against you will prosper!

Here is what God is saying and this is a very, very clear picture from Scriptures. He said “Look, I created the Smith that blows the coals in the fire. I created the waster to destroy and I’m the one telling you that no matter the weapon, it can not work against you” This is the meaning of that. Church Gist. The person who wants to create an instrument to utilize against you, God said “I made him. The instrument that he wants to create, I made all the raw materials for those instruments. The one who gave him the assignment and went to pay him to do the job, I also created him”. So now, tell me how that weapon can work. No weapon! Because the One who is behind the utterance that said “no weapon” is the Creator of all the ones who want to weaponize against you, so it cannot work. Church Gist. That means that you and I are ordained for lives of unquestionable triumph everywhere we find ourselves. All that is required is that we continue to walk in His plan, follow His way, do what He commands, follow His leading.

When you are led by God, you can’t be hurt by men. It’s impossible. You can’t be hurt by men when you’re walking, following the plan of God, you cannot be a victim of the wicked plans of men. Church Gist. That’s why He said that he that diggeth a pit is the one to fall into it.

  • I have good news for somebody here, every contention in any department of your life, via the encounter that you are having today, it is overturned for your testimony.
  • If you believe it, say a louder Amen!

The reason for all of these is simply because, by redemption, we have been repositioned. You are not in the same place you were before you came to Christ. When you are in Christ, you have been elevated in position. You are no longer where you used to be. Church Gist. You see, repositioning simply talks about a recalibration of authority. Ephesians 2:5,6. Ephesians 1:20,21. So, according to Scriptures, when Jesus rose from the dead, He went to sit down at the right hand of God and that place was put far above all principalities. Why was it far above them? Psalm 110:1. “Until you’re putting your legs on the neck of your enemies” That is the far above position. Church Gist. What that means is that the things that used to contend with you before Christ, they’re not your mate again in Christ.

Look at this picture. Joseph was a prisoner. In fact, Joseph began as a slave in the house of Potiphar. Potiphar got offended because the Wife of Potiphar lied against Joseph. He was put in prison, so he was a slave that became a prisoner. Every kind of authority that he may have had as a slave, he lost when he went down into prison. Church Gist. But suddenly, Joseph encounters Pharoah, Joseph is picked up from the prison and put to sit by Pharoah. He now becomes second in command to Pharaoh. It is the same Joseph but in a different position. Suddenly, the one who put him in prison has to salute him in motion. Why? Because the position has changed. Every time there is a change of position, there is a recalibration of authority. Church Gist. That means that the things that used to fight you before, arrest you before, detain you before, torment you before, afflict you before, are no longer on the same level anymore. You are now far above. Say with me “Far above!” That is the secret of our triumph.

So, in redemption, we are not triumphing because we are struggling to win, no. We are triumphing because we are sitting to win. “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool” That means we are winning by authority and that authority comes to us on the platform of redemption. Church Gist. Now, listen to me very carefully. That means that any devil that tormented you, you permitted him. That’s why the Bible says “Give the devil no place” You are put in a different strata of authority by redemption, that is your heritage.

  • From now, I see that becoming your practical experience.
  • If you believe it, say a loud Amen!

2: We have a growing destiny. Proverbs 4:18. That means that destiny in the Kingdom is not a destination but an adventure. There is no limit, there is no cap, there is no restriction in terms of your destiny. It is a growing destiny. Our destiny has the opportunity to keep growing and growing until Jesus returns. Church Gist. When it says that it will shine more and more to the perfect day, the perfect day is when the Perfect One returns. 1 Corinthians 13:9,10. So, the perfect day is when the Perfect One, Jesus Christ Himself, comes. That means that everyone that is a child of God has the opportunity to continue to experience an ever growing destiny from one level to the other, from one dimension to the other. There is no limit on your destiny.

1 Corinthians 2:9. That means if eye hath seen it, if ears have heard it, it has been conceived by the heart of man, it is not up to the limit of what God has in store for you. So there is a limitless destiny in Christ. Church Gist. Every child of God has a limitless, growing, unrestricted destiny in Christ. This is so important. That means you are not to be a partaker of stagnation. That is not part of your destiny. Your destiny is ordained to be an ever growing one, moving from one level to the other.

Many people get to the point in life where they begin to see one or two things here and there and they believe that oh! they have come to the end, as it were, the end of the road. If life has not ended, the journey has not ended. Church Gist. There is still something in front of you. Until Jesus returns, there is the opportunity for destiny to continue to blossom. That means the best of you has not been seen yet. Is somebody getting what God is saying? No matter what your age is calendar-wise, the best of you has not been seen yet. The agenda and program of God is never for the best to be in the past. Proverbs 4:18. Church Gist. Ever increasing glory. Ever increasing advancement. Ever increasing enlargement. This is God’s ordination for everyone that is a child of God. That means if you have seen something in the past, God is saying you haven’t seen anything yet. There is still something in front of you.

When you look at the picture of this Commission, you will discover that has been our experience. Many times when people will see one thing, they wonder what can happen again. When this Tabernacle was built, 50,000 Seat Auditorium Sanctuary built in one year. Miracle unheard of. Everybody began to wonder what can happen again. Before we knew it, first service filled. Church Gist. What can happen again? Second service. What can happen again? Third service. What can happen again? Now, the Ark is happening again. Always a new chapter, a new level, an ever growing picture that God has in store for you. Hear this, you have seen good things but you have not seen the best thing yet! There is still something in front!

No matter what it looks like. People may think, “Oh! Everything he can see, he has already seen. Nothing again is there to see” No! There is still something in front of you. Church Gist. There is a greater glory ahead of you. There’s a greater increase ahead of you, greater testimonies ahead of you, greater breakthroughs ahead of you. Is somebody getting what God is saying?

  • For you and for me, I see that ever growing destiny finding practical expression in our lives in the name of Jesus Christ.

But take note that this destiny only becomes a reality in Christ. That means outside of Christ, it is not your experience. You must be in Christ. The triumphant destiny is only a reality in Christ. Church Gist. The ever growing destiny is only a reality in Christ. Until you are in Christ, you are not insulated from the occurrences of the World. You must be in Christ.

For example, we discover that in the natural, man cannot fly. Is that true? Man cannot fly. Man can jump but he can’t fly and that’s why it’s advisable that if men want to jump, they jump from places that they can land without challenge. Church Gist. You don’t jump from a storey building now, for example. Why? Because you can’t fly as a human being. If you jump from there, gravity pulls you down because man does not have the capacity to fly. It is not in man’s ability to fly. He’s not insulated from the force of gravity that pulls everything down. But when a man is in an aircraft, suddenly, he can fly. Not because he now has ability to fly, but because he is in the aircraft. Church Gist. So, somebody will now say “Oh! I just flew from California to New York” It’s not witchcraft, it’s aircraft because he has entered into something now that gives him the capacity to fly.

When a man is in Christ, he’s insulated from what pulls other people down. In nature, he cannot fly but in Christ, he can fly. In nature, he’s stranded and limited, but in Christ, he’s unlimited and cannot be stranded. In nature, he can be defeated, but in Christ, he cannot be defeated. Church Gist. So the question is not just who are you, the question is where are you. Are you in Christ or are you outside Christ? In Christ, you are hidden from crises, outside Christ, you are a victim of crises. In Christ, you are hidden from limitations, outside of Christ, you are a victim of limitation. So, the question is not just who are you, that’s a good question. But the second question that is more vital than that is where are you? Are you in Christ or are you outside Christ? Church Gist. Are you in Jesus or are you in the World? Are you in the Kingdom or are you under the government of the World? Where you are determines how you live. Is somebody getting what God is saying? Where are you? Are you in Christ? Because that determines your experience.

I like you to understand that everything that man knows how to do in nature is very limited and in fact, the efforts of man are falling more and more into futility as time goes on. Only those who are in Christ can be insulated from the occurrences in the World. Church Gist. The question is, are you in Christ? Colossians 3:1-3. You are hidden with Christ in God. That is what insulates us from the occurrences of the World and creates a different experience for us. So, the question is, where are you? Are you hidden with Christ? Are you hidden in God? So, there are layers to us being cocooned. Church Gist. A man who is in Christ is cocooned in Jesus and Jesus is cocooned in God. That separates him from every negative experience in the World. That’s the difference maker.

  • My prayer this morning is that for each one of us, if you are not yet in Him, may today be your day of entry in the name of Jesus Christ.

Now, today is our Covenant Day of All Round Rest. Let’s take note of the fact that all round rest is the will of God for every one of the Redeemed. That’s God’s will. That’s what He desires for everyone that is redeemed, His will is for us to enjoy rest on every side. Church Gist. John 14:27. There is a peace that passes all understanding. That is what God has packaged for everyone that is in Christ. So, every child of God has a heritage of all round rest.

To experience the reality of all round rest, let’s take note of the following;
1: Be born again and stay in the faith. This is vital and important. John 16:33. If you are going to enjoy the peace that God has in store for us, then you and I must ensure we position ourselves in Christ. Church Gist. You must be born again and stay unmovably in the faith. You see, the challenge is that for many individuals, they begin to shift grounds, they come to Christ and they want to mix Him with something else. You can’t do that. In this Kingdom, you are either with Him or you are out of Him. You must maintain your stand in the faith. Refuse to shift your ground in the faith. Church Gist. That is what gives you and I access to a life of all round rest. You must maintain your stand with Him. Psalm 16:4. So, maintain your stand with God.

2: Be willing to learn the way of peace. Matthew 11:28,29. So, there is rest that is available. To access your rest, you must learn from God. There are things that you find in God, find in His Word that give you access to unperturbed dimensions of rest, when you can not be shaken by situations. Church Gist. So, if you’re going to gain access to rest, you must learn the way of rest, the way of peace that is available in Christ. Isaiah 59:8. There are things that we must discover to give us access to the command of peace. If we’re going to have rest on every side, there are things we must discover from God’s Word. 2 Chronicles 15:3-5. Church Gist. The moment there are things that are not discovered, individuals can become victims of the torment of the enemy. So, we must go to learn the way of peace. Discover the pathway to a life of rest.

3: Stay in love with God. Our love for God causes all things to work together for us for our good. Romans 8:28. Church Gist. So, lovers of God always enjoy all things working together for their good. When our heart goes after God, rest surrounds every department of our lives.

  • I see that becoming somebody’s experience here in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

When you are in love with God, you are in companionship with God and companionship with God keeps the battles of life at bay. Because of the One who is with you, you are kept as it were, from every contention that is against you. Church Gist. This is so important. 1 John 4:16-18. When a man or a woman is operating in the love of God, there is no place for agitation, their heart is fixed, trusting in God. Nothing is permitted to shake them. Shout hallelujah!

Remember when we looked at the example of David? When David began to declare in Psalm 27:1. He began to make his boast in God. Church Gist. But you discover that one thing about David that was clear in Scriptures was David was a man after God’s own heart, his heart continuously went after God and that brought David into a realm where God was his companion at all times and it brought him into realms of unusual dominion.

  • That would be somebody’s experience from now in the name of Jesus.
    So, stay in love with God.

4: Settle down with God in His house. 2 Samuel 7:10. So, getting planted in God’s house creates a defence around us from all assault of the enemy. It creates a defence around us. So it means that no matter what the enemy is seeking to orchestrate, there is a line of defence around us. Church Gist. Zechariah 2:5. So, God surrounds those who are planted in His house with His fire. That means that such persons can not be assaulted by the enemy.

  • The good news for somebody hearing my voice this morning is no more assault against you again.
  • There shall be no more assault against you.
  • If you believe it, say a louder Amen!

That is the benefit of being planted. When you are planted in God’s house among other things, we begin to see Him surround us with His fire to keep everything that seeks to assault us away from us.

  • From now, nothing that seeks to assault you will ever be able to reach you again.
  • If you believe it, say a louder Amen!

5: Enter into a covenant to make serving God and the interest of His Kingdom your way of life. This will give you all round rest. Enter into a covenant. 2 Chronicles 15:12-15. When you get sold out serving God, God begins to surround you with rest on every side. Church Gist. “He gave them rest round about” That means there was no department of life where there was any unrest permitted. Every department of their life was rest on every side.

  • That would be somebody’s experience from now in the name of Jesus Christ.

So, He gave them rest on every side. Why? Because they entered into a covenant to seek and to serve God. Church Gist. Now listen, when you get committed and sold out to seeking and serving God, He settles every area of life that is causing you contention and agitation. He gives you rest on every side.

  • After today, in your family, there shall be rest.
  • In your business, there shall be rest.
  • In your career, there shall be rest.
  • In your health, there shall be rest.

Listen to this, only God can give all round rest. There are many people today, they have one thing working, many other things not working. Career is working, family is not working, just tension in one area or the other. Church Gist. But when God comes in on the scene, as a response, particularly to our commitment to the advancement of the Kingdom, He ensures that everything begins to work on our behalf. Rest on every side! That would be somebody’s experience from now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • From now, you are stepping into the war-free zone of life. Church Gist. That means before the battle comes near you, God has already established your victory. Somebody believe it, say a loud Amen!

—Prayers and Altar Call—









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