- Bishop David Oyedepo on UNDERSTANDING PATHWAYS TO SANCTIFICATION 4A at First Pre-Shiloh Encounter Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland|| 25th November 2024 || First Sunday Service ||
Remember the prophetic focus for the month is GODLINESS IS PROFITABLE UNTO ALL THINGS (1 Timothy 4:7-8). It delivers what God says He will do in the now and secures the one He will do in eternity. Church Gist. It is the only virtue that covers the two realms. The realm of the now and the realm of eternity. No one shall trade off this most precious virtue among us in the name of Jesus Christ.

UNDERSTANDING PATHWAYS TO SANCTIFICATION has been our subject of consideration in our teaching series for our Sunday Services. As our custom is, we start by examining what are the ways to living a sanctified life. What are the pathways to living to living a sanctified life? Remember nothing of value is ever free. Church Gist. The most valuable spiritual virtue in the Kingdom apart from salvation is sanctification. Because it secures access to our inheritance, grants us access in prayers, guarantees our rescue when challenged, grants us access to the secrets of God that makes stars. So it is a virtue of inestimable value, so it carries a cost. What are the demands for living a sanctified life?
- We Must Engage In Self Purging
2 Timothy 2:19-21. Self purging begins from self examination. Am I okay? Am I on the right path? Does this path lead to heaven? Is this pleasing to God? We can’t be involved in self purging without engaging in self examination. Church Gist. That man came to himself and said “Wait, o boy! Is this the way to end your life? You have a home. Isn’t it better to be a servant than to die and waste away in this place?” Self examination! Examine yourself if ye be in the faith or not. 2 Corinthians 13:5. Examine yourself! Let’s stop playing religion, let’s come real. 1 John 3:1-3. Purify yourself to be part of that appearance and partake of rapture. - We Are To Mortify Or Destroy The Deeds Of The Flesh Through The Help Of The Holy Spirit
Romans 8:13. We have the help of the Holy Spirit to destroy the works of the flesh. Remember we saw the Holy Spirit in prophecy in Malachi 3:1-4. The Holy Spirit is that sudden messenger of the covenant. He came down suddenly in chapter 2 of Acts of the Apostles. Acts 2:2. His mission is to refine us as gold and silver. To purge us. Matthew 3:11-12. So we engage the Holy Spirit to mortify the deeds of the flesh. Church Gist. How do we do that? Jude 20. Praying in the Holy Spirit. I don’t know where the forces are coming from but in the name of Jesus I tune into the Holy Spirit and I begin to speak mysteries to God and He begins to answer me with mysteries from heaven to set me free. So we have to engage His help to silence the works of the flesh in our lives. That’s why every born again child must be baptised in the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking with new tongues. Please come real – stop playing religion. This thing works! - Engage the power of testimonies for your desired triumph: somebody has walked out of drug addiction – gallantly so for years – engage that. Somebody’s life has been transformed by one Word that he heard, take that same Word, grab it with faith, put it to work and you have it. Why? There are no private testimonies in the Kingdom. Church Gist. What He does for one He will do for the others when they come on the same key. You remember the testimony of the woman with the issue of blood in Matthew 9:20-22; Matthew 14:36. So every testimony of consecration can be replicated. If it takes time to understand what this individual did and we are interested in same product, we engage accordingly to obtain the same result. Testimonies are prophetic. They speak to the lives and in the lives of those who believe in them. Revelation 19:10. Those folks saw how that woman was made whole, they began to look after the garment of Jesus and as many as touched Him were made perfectly whole. Let’s grab testimonies of consecration to receive our own.
Can I tell you something? Jesus is not building mansions that no one will occupy but let no man take your own mansion. Church Gist. He’s not raising crowns that no man will wear, let no man take your crown. Revelation 3:11; Revelation 12:11.
- We recognise that without faith, it is impossible to live a sanctified life. 1 Samuel 2:9. We have to depend on God for the needed help. Romans 3:25-27. It is engaging the law of faith that establishes the righteousness of God in our lives. Now watch: Hebrews 11:5-6 – That was a mini rapture. That was a prototype rapture. Only those who live a life that pleases God makes it. Church Gist. But without faith it is impossible to please God. People say, this thing is not real, you know why? They want to do it on their own. They’ve attempted severally – it’s not working. It takes faith in God to live a life that pleases God. It takes faith in God for the needed help to live a life that pleases God. John 15:5; Mark 10:27.
- I decree every ungodly taste dead in every one’s life!
We have been cheated enough; it’s time to step in to our promised land. Can I have you say with me, “enough is enough!”

Now, let’s look at a few of the cost of ungodliness
What does it cost me, what do I stand to lose by ignoring the demand for godliness? Church Gist. If godliness makes living profitable, that means ungodliness makes it unprofitable. No value added, value erosion.
- Ungodliness blocks access to God’s presence: Hebrews 12:14; Psalm 101:7. So we miss out of God’s presence and that’s a lot. Church Gist. What does that do?
a. We miss out of joy for in His presence there is fullness of joy; at his right hand pleasures for ever more.
b. We miss out on access to the path of life: Psalm 16:11 – so we are always confused not knowing which way to go. It’s an unprofitable engagement. - It blocks access to divine favour: Nothing flies like favour particularly in the kind of times we are living in. We need the favour of God not the favour of man oh. Proverbs 13:15. Church Gist. When we miss out on favour, we get into hardship. Joseph was a slave but favour was with him. Wbu? God was with him. He was thrown to the prison unjustly, favour found him. He found favour from Potiphar, he found favour from Keepers of the prison . Nothing flies like favour. And favour catapulted him from prison to the palace. Psalm 5:12. Church Gist. So, favour is the lot of the righteous. 1 John 3:7. Stop listening to junks. He that doeth righteousness is righteous. Do you congratulate your son for stealing? They send him out of school for stealing, you say, “well, you’re okay my son. They may condemn you, I don’t condemn you”. There’s no sane parent who does that. Can I tell you something? Romans 8:1-2. Read it complete. Church Gist. There’s no lawless realm in life oh. There’s the law of the spirit of Christ that we engage to be free from the law of the sin of death. Romans 8:1-2. We live in a lawless.. people preaching, there’s no law, haba. There’s law in your local government. There’s what you’ll do today in this country and you’re going to Church with all the anointing and they’ll lock you up. Get on a wrong route and just be going. Police stop you, don’t stop. They’ll catch you. Church Gist. You’ll say, I’m coming from Church”. They’ll say, “you’ll finish the Church in prison”.
The Kingdom of Christ is not a lawless Kingdom. 1 Corinthians 9:21. People hate law. Young people, they hate law, , they hate regulations. Church Gist. That’s how you come to Church and carry your telephone and be doing, you know, chats. In Church? There’s no lawless zone in life. No where. Even babalawo gives law, “this thing I gave you, you mustn’t talk till you get home”. Is that not a law? “If you talk, you die”. You just move with your mouth (closed). There’s no lawless zone in life, only in the grave. In the grave, no law because there’s nobody hearing you. Say with me, there’s the law of Christ. Church Gist. There’s the law of the spirit of life that saves from the law of the spirit of death. I’m amazed. People preach and they’re sweating, sweating on error.
Now, how many believe there’s Heaven? You know I’ve been saying that before. Are you sure? How many believe that there are conditions to meet? Are you sure that there are conditions to meet? So, where’s no law? Is it your place? Are you a landlord there? You have C of O? He’s the sole owner, He has the sole right to determine who can enter there. Church Gist. He’s not a developer oh, He’s the owner. He owns it all. How many want to make Heaven here? Please, I beg you, I beg una, make una embrace the law of Christ. It’s a more serious law than the law of Moses. You hate a man, He says, “you have killed him”. Is that not a higher law? Church Gist. Now, you’re very quiet. Because it’s your day of rescue!
- no one under the sound of my voice today will miss Heaven!
- no matter how wayward the world becomes, you’ll be exempted!
The Bible says, “iniquity shall abound”. It will not catch you! Thank you Jesus.
While God’s mercies endure forever, repentance is a non-negotiable requirement for forgiveness. Proverbs 28:13. 1 John 1:8-9. Church Gist. We are here this morning, everyone needs help in one area or another. Lift up your right hand, “Holy Spirit, I need your help to subdue the flesh in my life. I need your help to mortify the works of the flesh in my life, I need your help. God, I believe you because without you, I can’t live a life that pleases you. Church Gist. I believe you to live a life that pleases you from today. I believe the testimony of triumph from others, I must have my own”. In Jesus’ precious name we have prayed.
BENEFITS OF SANCTIFICATION. We would look at just a few of them.
- Sanctification secures supernatural rescue when under attack. Psalm 34:7. Psalm 34:19.
-The last defeat you suffered is the last defeat you will know in your life.
Sickness came on Hezekiah, he turned his face to the wall: “Lord! Remember now oh Lord! I’ve walked before you with a perfect heart and I’ve done that which is pleasing in Thy sight” and God said: “Yes! You are rescued!”
-Anyone under any form of siege among us, today is declared your day of rescue.
- It engenders peace and serenity that is so scarce in the world today.
Isaiah 32:17-18. Proverbs 28:1. Church Gist. Righteousness engenders peace and quietness. 1 Peter 3:13. - Sanctification engenders access to divine secrets that make stars in the Kingdom.
Daniel 2:19. Who was Daniel? Daniel 1:8. Daniel 6:4. Church Gist. What a life! He has unusual access to divine secrets. Psalm 25:14.
-I pray for everyone’s access to divine secrets from today onward in the name of Jesus!
Job 29:4. Job commanded dominion as a youth and who was Job? Job 1:1-3. Job 1:7-8. Job 29:4. Church Gist. God’s secret is ever opened to them that fear Him
-You are the one God is talking to!
- It secures supernatural supplies.
Psalm 37:18-19. Psalm 37:25.
-You’ll never beg! Your children’s children will never beg.

The fear of God secures supernatural supplies in season and out of season.
- It procures generational blessing.
Psalm 112:1-3. Church Gist. No games. Proverbs 13:22. It passes on.
-You won’t leave evil behind for your children. You will not leave evil behind for your children.
- It secures eternity with God.
Heaven is the Home of the Redeemed that chooses to live a life that pleases God. 1 Corinthians 15:19. There is a home beyond here and sanctification is the only way there. Colossians 3:5-8. Church Gist. Everything that can disqualify you for Heaven, get rid of (them). He said: “Don’t be deceived.” No unrighteous man has a place in Heaven. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. And He listed out what He meant by unrighteousness. You don’t need Greek or Hebrew for that. It’s clean!
-In the name of Jesus, no one here will miss his place in eternity. We shall make it together!
The good news is, it’s never late to be right. It’s never late to return and until one returns he cannot be restored. Church Gist. So it’s time for each one to make up his mind. I’m not just interested in writing the note, I want to experience Jesus in this area of my life.
-And He will show up for you!
Now, quickly listen to this before we round up. The Lord began to speak to me on Wisdom Keys required to enter into any of the provisions He’s made for us. Church Gist. So, today we’ll look at some Wisdom Keys For Successful Living.
How many wants their children to succeed in life? How do you think God does not want you to succeed? 3 John 1:2. Let’s look at 5 Wisdom Keys For Successful Living, because you have an heritage of Success in Christ. Church Gist. You are redeemed as a City set on an hill that cannot be hidden. You are not redeemed a mediocre. You are redeemed a success. You are the “Light of the World” connotes a pacesetter. You are the “Salt of the Earth”, you are a value adding citizen. Now, you have and I have that success heritage in Christ. When you pick any medication, you find the elements that make up the product. Church Gist. I was told years ago that an average Peugeot Car had 3,000 parts. So, what you find on the road is not just one thing, it’s those 3,000 parts put into components, components into systems, systems into the overall body and then the car is on the road.
People don’t know those keys, so we start running around with only one. It’s just like giving. Giving does not guarantee prosperity, no. Giving sets the pace for it. Now there are things that must go in to take delivery of it. A giver who is a sleeper will be a pauper, because what God bless is the work of your hand. Church Gist. What God blesses is the work of your hand. All Covenant Fathers were workers. You know, it’s not being an Indolent, just roaming around, wake up in the morning, tie towel at 11 am, no.
What are the Covenant Wisdom Keys For Successful Living? 5 of them and they work like fire.
- Identify your mission. Identify your field of play. What are you out to succeed at? Define it. Ecclesiastes 10:5-8. So, there is a broken Covenant that was the reason for that misfortune. Now, he now went on to proffer solution. Church Gist. Ecclesiastes 10:10. So, the first requirement is direction. In the School of Success, you must have direction. What is your mission? What’s your purpose? What are you driving at? Praise God!
- Wisdom. Learning the know how to take delivery. Your mission is defined, but we need the know how. Ecclesiastes 10:15. You can’t know how without learning how. Church Gist. What you don’t know, you don’t know. What you won’t learn, you can’t know. What you don’t know, you pay for it. You can’t know how without learning how, you can’t.
I didn’t train as a Minister of the Gospel, but I’m called to Ministry, so I have to learn how Ministry works or it will never work, it will never work. Church Gist. Did you jump out of school after reading Chemistry, you’ll go and be selling spare parts, you will fail the following day. The first acquisition is the last one you have. There is the know how that you must go after to deliver any task. Amen.
Covenant (University) was going to start, it’s not part of my assignment. I had to learn how a University that would last runs and if you saw the news yesterday or day before, Covenant, again, another ranking, number one Interdisciplinary Science in West Africa, number three in Africa, number 73 in the World. Amen. Now, wait a minute. There are 2,600 Universities in America. 2,600, are you hearing? 2,600 in America. Church Gist. People just waste their life for nothing. I learnt how, He taught me, He made me to understand it and I implanted it. Landmark followed. Landmark follows immediately. That’s the power of know how, that’s it. I’m not guessing about Ministry, I learnt it. 39 biographies across centuries, I learnt it. I learnt how those who failed, failed and how to avoid it. I learnt how those who went proud and crashed so I could avoid it.

- Discipline. Ecclesiastes 10:16. That’s one of the greatest problem here.
The last one I said is number one problem, the know how. The black man doesn’t believe in know how. “Just let’s go my friend. If you want to help me, help me. I want to start business”. Which business do you know? He’s not willing to learn. He carries B.Sc Business Administration to go and be selling textile. Church Gist. The Man who taught you, does he know about textile? No, no, no. People just waste their lives. Some have something, they don’t know what to do with it. They are under pressure under it. So, it’s important to learn. They say if you want to hide a thing from a black man, hide it in a book, write it in a book, he won’t find it. He can talk from morning till evening, but he can’t read for one hour. “What are you saying now? Say it again let me hear”. Church Gist. There are believers today in Church, born again oh, that they read the Bible one hour in a week, you can’t find it, many. One hour? Where will he get the time from?
- The next is discipline. Living as commanded, not as convenient. Now, living to deliver the mandate at a cost you subscribe to. 1 Corinthians 6:12. Listen to me: we couldn’t afford to rent a house of 5,500 in 1986 in Kaduna. “If you don’t take 5,000, we will look for another house. It’s not our house.” Some people today, they are on 100,000; they are renting a house of 18 million. Are you a thief? So you still wonder what kind of life is this? Church Gist. You are starting a company, you are buying a new car. The company has not made one profit – one naira. You started with borrowing, where are you heading for? Gross indiscipline Sir!
Can I tell you something? (In) 1989, we could not afford a ₦45,000 per annum house. I said, is it for sale? No! You see I’m so refreshed and relaxed, I’m not owing anybody. If you don’t know your size, you just cut down. Discipline! Discipline! You just go about just trying to pose until you are deposed. Who are you posing to? Amen! Church Gist. Can you drive your car into somebody’s house, into the room? They say, goodbye – you say, please, come and see my car. For what? Who wants to see your car? I want you to be free. Proverbs 24:27.
Come-on say, ‘work first!’ People are looking for pleasure first. Work first! If you put pleasure first, you will d1e under pressure. Work first! Am I looking for a house of ₦45,000 to rent? Work first! Am I looking for a house to buy? Church Gist. No! I can only buy a street or a town. Work first! That’s discipline. This thing must work first and then pleasure comes after.
- Hard work. Only hard workers emerge highflyers. Hard work! Ecclesiastes 10:18, Proverbs 22:29. This is where faith people have problems. “I’m believing God” – he’s doing nothing. Believing God to do it for you? No! John 9:4, John 5:17, 1 Corinthians 15:10. Church Gist. Our future has a lot to do with the quality of our labour today. You sow sparingly, you will reap sparingly; you sow bountifully, you will reap bountifully.
- Sacrifice. It’s a detestable word and that is the key to making the most of anyone’s mission on earth. Sacrifice! I once stated “there is no star without a scar and the scar of every star is sacrifice.” Luke 12:49-50, John 10:17-18…that’s sacrifice. Philippians 2:8-9. Church Gist. To make the most of our engagement in any field of endeavour is sacrifice. Thank you Jesus!
I’m sure you are having a foretaste of Shiloh already. These are wisdom kits for successful living. Joshua 1:8…that’s what He says to do. Church Gist. Know where you are going, what you are trying to succeed at, learn how to get there, discipline yourself towards getting there, work it out, put your best into it; now go beyond your best – they call it sacrifice. Go beyond your sacrifice and you will be there! Amen!
- You know something? Failure is over in your life!
- Failure is over in your family!
- You will not suffer stagnation anymore in the name of Jesus!
I have this testimony here, it will help you. Now, Success Buttons – I wrote it 1986. Someone testified from Lagos, we were in Kaduna. He made his first million in business following the tips here. 1986! By learning how! Now, I have this one, we just changed the title “Towards Mental Exploit” was what it was before. It’s now “Towards Intellectual Excellence.” We have had 2 first class emerged through this book by their testimonies from behind. Church Gist. They got through this book and something opened up. Those 2 fellows ended up with first class from school by learning the how. Wake up my friend! There’s no free lunch in life. Wake up! This book came up in 1995 I think – “Exploring the Secret of Success.” Someone built a factory in Zambia from this book; (he) sent us his testimony. He built a factory by learning how.

- Somebody’s life is changed!