UNDERSTANDING THE HEALING WONDERS IN REDEMPTION 3B || Pastor David Oyedepo at AYAC 2024 Thanksgiving / Special Healing And Anointing Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland|| 18th August 2024 || Second Sunday Service ||

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  • Pastor David Oyedepo Jnr on UNDERSTANDING THE HEALING WONDERS IN REDEMPTION 3B at AYAC 2024 Thanksgiving / Special Healing And Anointing Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland|| 18th August 2024 || Second Sunday Service ||

This morning, our teaching series continues, “UNDERSTANDING THE HEALING WONDERS IN REDEMPTION”. We are going to be looking specifically today at Healing Wonders In The Word. It is important that we are reminded that one of our redemptive packages, or the heritage of our redemption includes our health, wholeness and healing. Church Gist. Matthew 8:17. So, by redemption, there is a provision for our healing, our health and our wholeness. 3 John 1:2. So, God’s provision includes man’s vitality, our health, our healing and our wholeness.

But God’s Word is the balm in Gilead. That is, the instrument through which God facilitates the wholeness of man. Jeremiah 8:22. Church Gist. The Word of God is that balm in Gilead and why do we say so? Psalm 107:20. Luke 5:17. What was the scope of the healing? Matthew 4:23. So, the instrument is the Word, the scope is all manner (of sickness and disease).

  • So, whatever manner it is that you came into this service with this morning, by the power of the Word of the Lord today, I see your liberty supernaturally established. Church Gist. If you believe it, say a louder Amen!

It is important to note that when the Word of the Lord enters into the heart of a man, the Bible tells us that the entrance comes as light and what is the function of that light? That light is to shatter darkness. Church Gist. Psalm 119:130. John 1:4,5. It shatters darkness, because the dominion of light over darkness, like God’s Servant our Father has said over and again, is instant and unquestionable.

  • Today, by the Word of the Lord coming your way, the hold of darkness over your health, the hold of darkness over your wellbeing is shattered in the name of Jesus. If you believe it, say a louder Amen.

But the question we must address this morning is, what is in the Word that heals? What is inside God’s Word that heals? Church Gist. What makes it the balm in Gilead? What makes it the solution for man’s health situation? What is in the Word that heals?

  1. The Word is medicinal. Say with me, “medicinal”. The Word is medicinal. Proverbs 4:20-22. That word “Health” in verse 22 means medicine. “They are medicine to all their flesh”. What that means is that the assimilation of God’s Word is an introduction of a spiritual medication to man’s body. When you are ingesting the Word, you are taking spiritual tablet and the tablet of the Word resolves every situation in the health of man without a side effect. Church Gist. That is the potency of God’s Word. It is the carrier of Heaven’s medication. So, the Word of God is the container of Heaven’s medicine for your body. Just like a syringe contains medication for the body when it is injected into the body and it is pushed into the body, medicine enters the body. In the same vein, when the Word of God is injected into your spirit and pushed into your spirit, medicine enters your body.
  • That means as somebody is hearing me right now, the medicine of Heaven is entering your body. If you believe it, say a louder Amen.

It enters your body to instantly address the situation. It is an all purpose medication. Church Gist. It enters into your body and begins to address whatever situation has been afflicting you.

  • I pray again today this morning, that no matter what that situation may be, as the medication of the Word of God enters into your system, I see your body right now being perfected in the name of Jesus. If you believe it, say a louder Amen.

God’s Servant, again, shared in the first service, the testimony of how he met someone some years ago who was challenged and afflicted in the body and he told her, he said “Sit down, I’m going to give you right now 3 tablets” and she was wondering what kind of tablet is he talking about and he gave her 3 Scriptures and as she took those tablets, the satanic oppression that had been tormenting her was instantly subdued. Church Gist. She said everytime she would sleep, there would be a force that would come and pounce on her and she would be struggling and struggling and she said but the next time, after partaking of the 3 tablets, the force came again, but this time, the force was suspended, could not land on her. Why? Injection has already taken place. The body was no longer tormentable. Church Gist. So, with the Word that was now inside her system, she instantly engaged dominion and commanded that force to leave. Not only did it get suspended but it got checked out of the entire environment and that was the end of affliction, that was the end of oppression.

  • This morning, by the Word of the Lord that is entering into your body, entering into your system right now, whatever has been tormenting you before now is subdued in the name of Jesus. If you believe it, say the loudest Amen!
  • I said, whatever has been tormenting your body, whatever has been agitating your system, whatever has been afflicting you, by the authority of the Word of the Lord today, I see that force subdued in the name of Jesus.

So, the word of God is medicine. It is there to correct and recalibrate your system. That’s what God’s Word does. Church Gist. It goes there to correct whatever has been there that has been causing disruptions in your system.

I remember the story of a particular man, he was told by the doctor that “You have a terminal condition” It means that he was going to die and they had told him that he had very few days to live. So, he went back into his room, took up his Bible and began to consume the Bible aggressively. He began to study the Scriptures, everything he could find on healing, he was digesting chapters and chapters of the Bible. Church Gist. By the time he came out after one week, they checked him again, every trace of the terminal disease had been terminated. Why? His body had been medicated by the Word. Many of us are used to panadol, aspirin, various kinds of mediation, but God is saying “Get on a Word medication. It will recalibrate your body and get you beyond the place of affliction”.

  • I see each one of us, from this day onward, entering into a realm where no affliction would be traceable to you again.
  1. The Word of God is surgical. Now, I’ll like you to listen to this very closely. The first surgery performed on the Earth was not performed by man. God is the original Surgeon. Genesis 2:21,22. God caused a deep sleep to fall, God opened the Man up, God took out the rib, God closed the flesh. There was no trace of stich on the body. Now, the question we must ask ourselves is that if God is a Surgeon, a master Surgeon like this, then the question is, how does He perform the surgery? Church Gist. Do I need to go right now and look for a particular hospital and say “look, I’m looking for your operating room, I want to lie down so God can operate me there”. How does He perform His own surgery? And the answer is simple. The surgeries of Heaven are performed by the Word of God. How do we say so? Hebrews 4:12. What does that mean? Listen to this very carefully. The Word of God has the ability to reach the deepest part of man. There is no part deeper than the marrow. When you cut the flesh, you reach the bone, when you cut the bone, you reach the marrow. Church Gist. There is nothing after the marrow and it said that this Surgeon scalpel has the ability to reach even to the bone and the marrow. That means, there is no part of your body that cannot be operated on by the Word. Is somebody hearing what God is saying? There is no part of your body that cannot be operated on by the Word. So, the Word of God is God’s surgical tool through which He performs surgeries on our system.
  • I pray for somebody here today that by the Word of the Lord today, whatever it is that needs Heaven’s surgical intervention, I see that Surgeon’s scalpel reaching out to you right now. If you believe it, say a louder Amen.

So, God performs surgery by His Word. When God’s Word is going forth, surgeries are taking place. Church Gist. He begins to perform surgeries by His Word.

Many of us will remember the testimony of one of us who stood on this Altar and said that in 2007, he was attacked by armed robbers and shot at close range and as result of that, he had a surgery that took place on his elbow and he had been in pain and discomfort and he had gone out, serving God and he said suddenly, the Lord spoke to him, “My son, go and lie down. I want to perform a surgery on you” and he went and slept. Church Gist. By the time he woke up, the implant they had put inside his elbow was beside him on the bed. No blood, no water, no stich location. But the Word God spoke had performed a surgery on that elbow and removed the implant. Now the implant was what was supposed to help the elbow to be functioning. But when God operates, He doesn’t need any artificial implant to make it work. So, implant was out but elbow was still working. Why? Because the master Surgeon had taken charge of the situation.

  • For somebody hearing my voice right now, whatever requires that Surgeon’s intervention, by the Word of the Lord you are hearing right now, I see that surgery instantly executed. If you believe it, say a louder Amen.

Some years ago, I was privileged to be teaching in one of our services and there was a particular Brother who had had an accident and as a result of that accident, his neck vertebrae was fractured and as a result, he had been in pain for about 9 years. He had to keep wearing a neck collar and a neck brace every where that he went. He couldn’t sleep without that neck brace in place. He couldn’t drive without that neck brace in place. Church Gist. He couldn’t sit in the office without that neck brace in place. But suddenly, he came to that service and this particular subject, the surgical power of the Word was been taught that day and as he heard the Word, instantly, the Word performed a surgery on his fractured neck. The vertebrae was repaired and for the first time in 9 years, the pain that he had been carrying instantly disappeared. He went to sleep, no pain, sat down, no pain, driving, no pain. The master Surgeon had taken over the matter.

  • Now, listen. It doesn’t matter how long your case may have been, but today, the master Surgeon is taking over your matter!

One of us shared a testimony in the first service this morning and she said that she had a particular growth that she had performed surgery on twice, but came to AYAC, the just concluded AYAC and right in the Service, as the Word of God was going on, she looked, lo and behold, the surgery had taken place. Church Gist. The growth that was there had been removed. What man could not remove first time, second time, the master Surgeon removed in a moment.

  • Now, hear this. Whatever man has failed at concerning your health, the master Surgeon is taking charge to perfect it right now. If you believe it, say a louder Amen.
  1. The Word is creative. John 1:1-3. So, the raw material for every creation is the Word. Hebrews 1:3. The original raw material for everything that is created is the Word. So, God’s Word is God’s creative instrument. It has the capacity to create whatever is missing. Is somebody hearing what God is saying? That is why when God’s Word comes forth, there is nothing that cannot be created. Why? Everything created was created by the Word. Your kidney was Word created. Church Gist. Your liver, Word created. Your intestine, Word created. Everything made by God was made by His Word. John 1:3. It is the Word of God that created everything that you can see. Everything in your body is Word created. That means that your body can be Word recreated. Is somebody hearing what God is saying? If they tell you that your kidney is gone beyond repair, no problem. It can be recreated. The Word of God is God’s creative instrument. It has the capacity to recreate whatever it is that was lost.
  • I pray for somebody here today, that via the Word that you are hearing, I see everything that needs to be recreated in your system, supernaturally recreated. Church Gist. If you believe it, say a louder Amen. I said I see it supernaturally recreated in the name of Jesus Christ.

I recall the testimony of one of us during one of the meetings in our Church in New York. There was a meeting that was going on and God’s Servant had come for that great convention and this individual who had come to that convention had been challenged and had gone for a surgery and in the surgery, one of the ovaries had been removed, surgically removed in one of the best hospitals in the United States. Church Gist. That surgery was performed in a part of the United States and this person came for that meeting and after that meeting, she began to have very, very strange pain and discomfort. As a result of the discomfort, she ran to the hospital to do a check and when they did the check, lo and behold, the removed ovary was back there again. “Oh!. Madam, did you not say that this surgery had taken place?” She said yes. Brought out the report, surgery had taken place, ovary had been removed but by the encounter at that Convention, it was recreated by the Word. Is somebody getting what God is saying?

Jeremiah 18:3-6. Something inside you may have been damaged, but the Bible says when it is inside the Potter’s hand, He has the ability to make it again anew. He can make it again anew. You have been told your heart is damaged, He can make it anew. Church Gist. You have been told that your kidneys are damaged, He can make it anew. You have been told that there is an intestinal problem and that intestine is damaged, He can make it anew. You have been told that your lungs have been damaged, He can make it anew and how does He do that? By the instrumentality of His Word.

  • Therefore, this morning, I pray for somebody hearing my voice, that by the Word of the Lord today, every thing that has gone damaged and destroyed is recreated now. If you believe it, say a louder Amen.
  1. The Word of God is prophetic. Isaiah 34:16. So, the Word of God is the container or documentation of the voice of God. It is prophecy, it is God speaking ahead to that which concerns us. It is prophecy. 2 Peter 1:19-21. Church Gist. So, when you see the Word of God, it is speaking directly to you. It’s a prophecy concerning you. Is somebody getting what God is saying? It’s a prophecy concerning you. So, you take it raw and swallow it all. Why? God is, through His Word, prophesying to you. Shout hallelujah!

So, when you see the miracles of healing in the Bible, it’s not just God documenting a story, no. Church Gist. It’s God prophesying your miracle. He’s prophesying your miracle. He’s telling you what is available for you so that you and I can dive into it.

  • Today, by the Word of the Lord, I see each one of us stepping instantly into our own miracles. If you believe it, say a louder Amen.
  1. The Word quickens our mortal bodies. Ezekiel 2:2. It quickens our mortal bodies. It makes the body come alive. Shout hallelujah! It quickens our mortal bodies. So, when the Word of God is going forth, there is the quickening power of God that is being released. John 6:63. Church Gist. So, God’s Word carries quickening power. It has the ability to quicken our body. Whatever it is that seems to be dying, the Word of God has the ability to infuse life. Shout hallelujah! So, it is a life quickening force that infuses life into whatever seems to be dying.
  • Today, by the Word of the Lord, I see life being infused into our systems.
  • Maybe something has been said to have died in you, by the Word of the Lord today, I see life being quickened into it afresh. If you believe it, say a louder Amen.

So, the Word of God is God’s life quickening instrument. It infuses life and quickens our mortal bodies. It causes whatever is dying in us to be brought back to life. That’s why I know that today, as God’s Word is coming our way this morning, whatever has been said to be dying in you, you have been told that your kidney function has diminished dramatically and it looks like it’s dying gradually, today, by the Word of the Lord, I see your kidneys being quickened afresh. If you believe it, say a louder Amen. It doesn’t matter what the case may be, the Word of God has the ability to bring life.

In creation, we are told that God formed man out of the dust of the Earth. It says and after He did that, He breathed into man the breath of life and the question we ask ourselves is, how did He breathe into man? The breath of God was transmitted by the Word of God. As He spoke to man, life was entering into man, so much so that what was formed as dust began to turn to flesh, turn to bone and then turn to blood, turn to water, until a man was standing full by the Word of God. Now, listen. Dust represent death. Job 30:19. When a person dies and the body is left and it decays, it turns to dust. Church Gist. That is the state of death. But when the Word comes like it came in Genesis, it met dust and turned it to flesh because the Word is a life carrier. Is somebody getting it now? Anything in your body they say has started reducing how it works, what they are saying is that it is gradually dying. What is required? Let the Word come and when the Word comes, what happens? Life comes. It turns dust to flesh. Ezekiel 37:3-10. That means that the Word of God is what it takes to reverse every thing dead and bring it back to life.

  • Therefore, I speak to you today, by the authority of the King of kings, by the power of the Lord of lords and I declare that whatever may be dead or dying in your body is brought back to life now! It is brought back to life now in the name of Jesus Christ. Somebody believes, say a louder Amen.
  1. It is the light of life that shatters the works of darkness. There’re things that are in our bodies that are not biological. We heard a testimony that was read to us just now this morning. That individual said movement was taking place all over the body. It was not a biological matter. Church Gist. Had gone to hospitals, nothing could be found. But as he partook of the anointing, suddenly vomited a live snake and that was the end of the affliction. You see, there are many things that are taking place in our bodies that are simply oppressions of the works of the powers of darkness and the Word of God is the force of light that shatters the hold of darkness. John 1:4,5. When the light of the Word comes, the power of darkness is paralyzed.
  • for somebody hearing me right now, every sentence of the power of darkness, today, by the authority of God’s Word, I see total liberty coming our way. If you believe it, say a louder Amen!

Job 33:21-25. He just encountered the Word, the light of the Word and he shattered the hold of darkness. There are many people today, there are things going on in your body that there is no diagnosis. They look at you and they tell you there is nothing wrong. But you know that there is something wrong. Church Gist. Your body is under attack. It seems like it’s been ravaged on every side. No scan can see it. MRI? Nothing. X-ray? Nothing. CT Scan? Nothing. They check your blood, they can’t find anything. They listen to your heart, they can’t find anything. But life is pining away. Why? It is an oppression of the powers of darkness.

  • But I have good news. This morning, by the light of God’s Word, every hold of the powers of darkness is shattered in the name of Jesus.
  1. The Word of God carries divine nature that is immune to sickness and disease. You see, inside God’s Word is God’s order of life. John 1:4. It is God’s order of life. 2 Peter 1:4. So, when we are taking in God’s Word, we are taking in God’s nature. Church Gist. The nature of God is entering us. That means that we begin to have an immunity. Sickness can no longer hold you, disease can no longer hold you. You become separated.

You see, in the natural, many times, we find ourselves in a lineage where there are many, many things that have taken place even physically. Many people dying by one disease, cancer killed this one, cancer killed that one, cancer killed the other one. Church Gist. But when God’s Word comes, it doesn’t only heal us, but it recultures our nature. It gives us a nature that is immune to that which has afflicted us before. So, the Word of God can reprogram you. Shout hallelujah!

The nature of things determine what can happen to a thing. For example, have you ever heard before that a mango tree has malaria? No. You know why? As a plant, it does not have the capacity to accommodate malaria. So, no matter how many mosquitoes are feasting under the tree, malaria is not a possibility for it because of its nature. Its nature does not accommodate it. Is somebody getting it now? The nature of God does not have cancer. Church Gist. That nature cannot accommodate hepatitis. It is a nature that is immune to those conditions. Don’t say “As a human being” No, you are not just a human being. By the Word of the Lord, you become a Godlike being. John 10:35. Because the nature of God entered them, so they could no longer be harmed. That’s what happened to the Man, Paul. Paul was bitten by a viper and the Bible said he shook the viper into the fire and everybody was looking at him, waiting for him to swell up, fall down and die and the Bible said they kept looking at him and looking at him and looking at him. Church Gist. When he didn’t fall and die, they said this man must be a god. What had changed his system was his body had been recalibrated by the Word. Hear this, there are many of you, it is not that you are sick today, but you have always been having cycles of sickness and sickness.

  • By the Word this morning, I see your entire system being reprogrammed supernaturally in the name of Jesus Christ.

But it is important to note that it takes faith to tap into the healing virtues in the Word. Matthew 9:29. It’s not enough just to know what the Word carries, you must believe it. Luke 1:45. So, you must apply your faith to it. Believe that in the Word of God is surgical power, that He can operate your body. Believe that the Word of God carries medication, that He can administer it into your body to drive out sickness. Church Gist. Believe that in God’s Word, there is light. Light that can shatter the hold of darkness. Believe that in God’s Word, there is life, life that can quicken your entire system. Believe that in God’s Word, there is creative power that can make new whatever it is that needs to be recreated. You must apply your faith to the potency of God’s Word and as you do, you will see the potency of God’s Word provoking your miracles in the name of Jesus Christ. If you believe it, say a louder Amen.

The good news is that today is also an Anointing Service and it is important for us to understand that this treasure called the anointing is loaded with hidden powers. Church Gist. It is ordained by God as an instrument through which you and I can be triumphant, among other things, over the hold of sickness and disease. Is somebody getting what God is saying? So, it’s not just a substance. The Anointing oil is not just oil.

I’ve shared this before. The first time we had, I was in Secondary School in SS 1 class. The first time we had a Chemistry class, practical class. My Chemistry teacher stood in front of the room and he told us, “Look at this” and we saw a brown bottle. I can never forget it. That’s SS 1, when I was in SS 1 and it’s still imprinted in my heart till now. He showed us a brown bottle and in the bottle was a clear substance. He said “What is this?” We didn’t know but it looked like water. Church Gist. So everybody kept quiet since we didn’t know what it is and he took a piece of paper over the chemical basin and poured that water like substance on that piece of paper and the paper caught fire. My eyes opened. That it looks like water does not make it water. That day, I stated having respect for clear substances. Listen to me. That that oil looks like vegetable oil does not mean it’s for cooking. It is a carrier of power. Somebody, say with me, “Power”. It is a carrier of power. It may look alike but it’s not the same. It contains divine power.

-and today, that power will work on somebody’s behalf.

You look through Scriptures, you’ll discover that the mystery (of the anointing oil) was unveiled to us in the Book of Exodus 30:25-31. It was brought forth as a transgenerational mystery. Church Gist. Among others, it was ordained to engrace the redeemed to serve God because through it, the people of God were positioned to stand in service.

But the mystery applies also to the Tabernacle and all the vessels. Exodus 40:9. It pertains to us. We can anoint ourselves, we can anoint our homes, we can anoint our business places. Church Gist. We can anoint everything that pertains to us. So, it is a powerful force that can be administered on whatever pertains to us.

  • Today, this force will work for you in the name of Jesus Christ.

Furthermore, we know from Scriptures that our body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and that is why we can partake of this mystery, among other things, to provoke that force of the Spirit in order to see the full delivery of our health and our wellbeing. Church Gist. When you partake of the anointing, it has the ability to quicken or make alive and that includes all malfunctioning organs, everything that is out of order, whether external or internal.

  • So, today, by this anointing, whatever it is that has been tormenting you, whether it’s external or internal, today, it shall be delivered as testimony. Somebody believes, say a loud Amen.

The question, what is in the anointing oil that heals? Very quickly.

  1. The healing power of God that exempts us from all plagues is in the anointing. Mark 6:7,12,13. So the anointing oil carries healing power. Church Gist. The anointing oil carries what? It carries healing power. As we administer it, there is the release of the healing power of God on our behalf. It carries healing power.
  2. It is the yoke destroying power of God that sets free the captives. Isaiah 10:27. Church Gist. So, the anointing is a yoke destroying power. Shout hallelujah!
  3. The anointing restores our health. So, when your health has been robbed of you, it gives it back to you. It restores our health. Church Gist. Jeremiah 30:17. It was your portion, satan stole it, but by the anointing, God will return it. Somebody believe it, say a loud Amen.
  4. The oil of joy that engender healing, health and wholeness is released by the anointing. In the first service, we had somebody that had been afflicted with depression, after the anointing was administered, depression lifted and depression is the key to oppression. Church Gist. When there is depression, oppression will follow.
  • But today, I see by the anointing, the release of the Spirit of joy.
  1. The mystery of the fan and the fire that destroys all plantings of the devil in our bodies is released by the anointing. Church Gist. So, when the anointing is released, there is the fan and the fire, it begins to sweep whatever it is that has been tormenting us.
  • Today, somebody is coming out free. If you believe it, say a loud Amen. I said, somebody is coming out free in the name of Jesus Christ. Somebody is getting out free.

One of us was afflicted years ago, so tormented. Everything just looked to be degeneration and then one day, looking so dejected, that person took the anointing oil, “If this power that they said is in this thing is there, let it work for me today” and that person took a shot of the oil and suddenly coughed out, thick substance came out, bloody substance, thick. Church Gist. By the time they checked it, they discovered it was cotton wool that was left in that person from a surgery. The surgery was done in Europe, the cotton wool had been there causing torment and affliction. But the anointing swept it out.

  • I don’t know what may be in your body, but the anointing will sweep it out in the name of Jesus Christ.

What is required from you and I? one vital tool and that is faith. As you and I keep our faith alive, we will see that anointing working supernaturally on our behalf.

—Prayers and Altar Call—










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