UNLOCKING THE SUPERNATURAL 3 || Bishop David Oyedepo at September 2024 Week Of Spiritual Emphasis Day Three || LFC Canaanland || 6th September 2024 ||

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  • Bishop David Oyedepo on UNLOCKING THE SUPERNATURAL 3 at September 2024 Week Of Spiritual Emphasis Day Three || LFC Canaanland || 6th September 2024 ||

We are called peculiar people, we now belong to royalty. That’s a change of story. In the precious name of Jesus, may every eye be opened tonight to see what we carry so as to know how to unlock it. Church Gist. Let it be so in Jesus name. Thank you Lord for what you have done since this Week of Emphasis began and thank you for what you will do tonight in Jesus name.

While what we hear is important, what we find from what we hear is far more important because what we find defines our life. While what we read is important, what we find from what we read is what creates a future. As far as your eyes can see from what you read, onto you will I give it. While what we study is also important, what we come out with, what we find in our study is far more important because that is what approves us to walk in the supernatural. Church Gist. Acts 2:22. We are approved by what we find. John 5:30, 19. It is the finding that matters. When you settle down to study the Word, ask God to help you find today. When you have found it, there shall be a reward and your expectation shall not be cut short. We must move beyond readings, studies and hearings to the realm of findings.

Every truth found rejoices the spirit and the soul. Jeremiah 15:16. The biblical authentic proof of finding is joy from within. You can’t find a treasure and not smile even though you don’t have the gift of smiling. If they call to tell you that your plot in the village, that they have found gold there, you will smile even though you don’t have the gift of laughter and they hardly see your teeth. You can’t find this thing and not rejoice. So whatever you are not rejoicing about, you are yet to find. You have heard it, read it, you have studied it but you have not found it. Church Gist. When I found Deuteronomy 8:18, I stood up and spinned. It turns people around. “Ye! I can never be poor.” That’s an aptitude test. So when you read and read and you come out frowning and complaining, you have not found anything. I knew this church would never be affected by any economic situation. I knew that from the beginning. In 1987, it got lightened like lightning.

Never mind the Word oh! How can a toddler appraise the thesis of a PhD? That is when an intellectual is trying to appraise the truth of scripture. Like the man on whom the king leaned in 2 Kings 7. He just killed himself for nothing. 2 Kings 7:2. It is like a non living thing trying to approve the performance of a living thing. It is like a beast trying to appraise the performance of a man because he is well trained. Church Gist. You know they train dogs how to dance and all that. Can it appraise the performance of a man? So never mind when the world thinks you are mad. They thought so about Jesus, the wisdom and power of God. Paul said “In the way which you call heresy, so serve I my God believing all things” Acts 24:14. Paul is still here, they are all dead. Don’t let the comments of unbelievers dazzle your life, you are above that realm. Church Gist. There is nothing in an unbeliever that should attract your envy. Nothing! How can a man be envious of an animal? Because they want to derail you. “You know why you are jumping about? You want children.” Thank you, una well done. They tried so hard to derail me, pastors inclusive. “There is nothing there.” The anointing oil is a mystery, I have found it. Now they are carrying barrels of oil. All of them. It is a bottle I told them but they are carrying barrels of oil. “This prosperity message is dialectically materialistic.” Una well done. They don’t use grammar to appraise facts. Somebody’s story is changing. I like you to think outside the box, you don’t belong inside.

There are two virtues going for us which we are looking at today in UNLOCKING THE SUPERNATURAL. The Holy Ghost is in you. He was first with them, now He lives in them. John 14:18. Now, the Spirit of Truth is the Helper. It helps you above the natural limitations. He’s the factory of signs and wonders that shake the Heavens. Church Gist. Now, that mighty force now resides in you and me. Truly you are not an ordinary person! You are not an ordinary person! You are not permitted to die like men die. Two days ago, one of our young ladies turned 110 in Church. I spoke to the Area Pastor: “Is she very active?” He said: “Very active.” She holds one of the zonal centers in that place.

-Far above! That’s you! Far above human limitations, torments of the devils! Far above! Church Gist. The good news is: No devil has power to take your life while you are far above.

Can a lizard take your life? An ant? We were going into a village for outreach and then there was this charm that farmers tie to threaten people. So they got there and they stood. I said: “What’s the matter?” They said: “See!” I used my hand. All of you pass! What is it?” Lie of the devil! You have the Holy Ghost in you and we were told His mission. Joel 2:28-30. Wonders in Heaven and in the Earth! Church Gist. Wonders that shake the Heavens on your inside. Somebody asked me one time, he said: “What’s the estimate cost of Youth Chapel down to Secretariat?” I never found out. “Are you in charge?” “No! I’m a foreman, I never found out! We never borrowed! Done same time.” There is something in you, you must have to discover. Now, among others – He quickens our mortal bodies; causes our body system to come alive. He quickens our mind, they call Him the Spirit of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7.

-The Spirit of sound mind is in you and is on your children. Can I hear your: “Amen!”

And He strengthens us with might in the inner man. Ephesians 3:16. Unusual vigor, unusual strength! So you are a product of that Factory on your inside. Quickens your mortal body, brings it alive, all the organs of your body. Strengthens you with might in the inner man, quickens your mind via the Spirit of a sound mind. So you cannot be a question mark anymore but an exclamation mark. What manner of man is this? What wisdom is this? “You know? That Bishop is mad, hear what he’s saying.” Yes! It is that madness that is making my life have colour and shape. They said to Jesus: “You are beside Yourself.” In their days that means, ‘You are mad’. He said: “I’m doing the will of My Father!” They said: “You are mad!” “God is My Father!” “Eh? No! We know Joseph, God can’t be Your Father.” Church Gist. The Bible said: “It is foolishness to them that perish but to us, it is the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 2:21. There is something in you that they don’t have neither can they understand. 1 Corinthians 2:14. So you can’t blame them, they can’t know. No matter how much you train your dog it can’t speak grammar. To say: “Hello master, I’m going out to the gate, I’ll be back soon.” Have you ever seen that thing? There are experts in dog training oo but they have not succeeded. “Hello master, I’m not sleeping here tonight”. He can’t know them. You have this in your inside, don’t let them despise what you carry. You carry the unusual on your inside. His name is the Holy Ghost! You carry a life transformer on your inside. He’s by name: ‘The Holy Ghost’.

  • satan is in trouble.

Above that, He gives us capacity to understand the Scriptures and everything outstanding is a function of understanding. John 16:12,13. Access to all truth. Church Gist. You can’t have access to the rod and not gain command of signs. Access to all truth. John 16:14. There is no intellectual prowess that can access that Sir. 1 Corinthians 2:10.

  • Glory to God!

That’s where the command of signs and wonders come. Did you see what happened on the day of Pentecost? Peter was flowing in the realm of supernatural insight, pulled the whole creation together into one chapter, power broke out, they were pricked in their hearts. That’s what He does. The Comforter will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things. Church Gist. ‘Haba’ Not some things, all things, “whatsoever you have heard of me”. So, you can now say “Holy Ghost, show yourself”. At any crossroad, “Holy Ghost, show yourself” He’s a person. Death is threatening your life, “Holy Ghost, where are you? I know you are on my inside on a mission to quicken my mortal body, show up, manifest yourself”. You are learning the skill of how to engage Him. People just think that speaking in tongues and that’s the Holy Spirit, He’s there as your Helper and my Helper. But we have to call out for His help in order to experience it.

No medical doctor go from house to house “Are you sick?” You go to him, “Doctor, I need your help” The same way we go to the Holy Ghost, “Holy Ghost, I need you now. Doctors have finished all they know to do and you’re on my inside, you’re not there for fun. You’re there as my Helper, show up for my help. Church Gist. Quicken my kidney back to life, quicken my liver back to life” Call for help. It’s not weakness to call for help when you need it, it’s wisdom. The Helper is lying fallow and we’re struggling. Call for help. Call for help.

As we have said severally, the knowledge of who we are and what we carry is vital to our level of command of the supernatural. Now, who am I? I am redeemed a spirit being in human flesh and what the Holy Ghost does is to work with our spirit to deliver the good. Romans 8:16. So, whatever your spirit man has received, the Holy Ghost comes along to see it delivered as you call for His help. Church Gist. You have received it in your spirit. The difference between intellectualism and this thing we are talking about is that intellectualism is domiciled in the mind, spiritual understanding is of the Spirit, so even when you’re asleep, He’s awake. The things loaded inside your spirit, when you’re sleeping, it’s working. Your spirit doesn’t sleep, He didn’t sleep, “You’re gone and I’m gone”.

I once told you a story of when years ago, I saw myself in a coffin and then in the sleep, I said satan, you must be a dummy. No one sees himself in a coffin and stay there. Ecclesiates 9:10. Church Gist. What answered? What was inside the Spirit answered while I was asleep in the body. Wake up (x5). John 3:6. Acts 14:11. That’s us. That’s the Church. That’s the believer.

We are redeemed to operate in the realm of unlimited possibilities after the order of Christ. John 14:12. Philippians 4:13. Paul said “I can do all things” They said, “can you see now? He’s a mad man”. He said, “I’m saying through Christ” – “Stop that nonsense. You can do all things? Look at him.” Church Gist. How can a man be lost in the deep (in the sea) and come back and go to work? How can he be stoned to death and dragged out of town to carry the thing to anywhere he wants to and then he rose up? We are redeemed into a world of unlimited possibilities.

  • Every barrier on your way must clear this time!
  • Every barrier on the path of your health must clear this time!
  • Every barrier on your business and career must clear this time!

Can I have you say with me? “I carry what it takes to manifest the supernatural. The Holy Ghost is on my inside waiting for me to call for help whenever I need one. Church Gist. Holy Ghost, come to my help right now on this matter, on that matter.”

Now, it’s not just having Him, it’s knowing how to engage Him and that’s what we have learnt tonight. Church Gist. Knowing how to engage this great deposit on our inside. Isaiah 59:19. He can stop any evil from happening. That’s His mission.

The number 2 thing we look at tonight before we close is, by redemption, we now have divine presence with us. And divine presence creates the needed environment for the supernatural. Zephaniah 3:17. The sea saw them, it fled. Church Gist. Why? Because God was in the midst of them. Psalm 99:1, Acts 16:26. His presence is a spiritual platform for the supernatural.

Don’t fight any man that has God with him. It’s a risk. Romans 8:31. His presence empowers us to operate in the supernatural naturally. I would tell my wife in those days anytime I came down here, before we started construction at all “I can feel God here.” I would walk through this forest full of peace. No iota of fear. “I can feel God’s presence here.” Church Gist. I was going to town around 1 a.m one of the nights and armed robbers were on the highway. As they sighted my car coming, “take cover Bishop is coming. Take cover. He is not carrying any gun o but take cover. ‘Apata Idigbolu ni O’ (He’s a Rock of offence), take cover.” His presence scares your enemies and that is our right in redemption.

Revelation 3:20…so you are carrying God about. He is not somewhere in the sky. Right there, not just with you but in you. Church Gist. That makes you a working miracle. That makes all of us working miracles.

  • I see every obstacle in your life, bow out!
  • I see concerns in your life turn to miracles like a dream of the night and that’s you!

Moses said, “if thy presence go not with us, take us not hither.” He knows what it means. He saw that presence divided the sea. Church Gist. He said, “my presence will go with you and I will give you peace.” Now, this is the proof of His presence – peace. Exodus 33:14-16.

  • Your rest has come!
  • The turbulence is over!
  • The storm in your life is over!
  • In your family, it’s over!
  • In your career, it’s over!
  • In your business, it’s over!

“I will give you rest.” Mark 16:20. His presence will always create the needed environment for signs and wonders. Acts 19:11-12. Church Gist. “If your presence go not with us, take us not further. Leave us here. We can’t make any meaning going.”

John 8:29. Amos 3:3. It takes obedience to secure and sustain His presence. We can maximize the value of His presence only by our obedience. Church Gist. Obedience of faith to whatever He commands. With the Holy Ghost at work in you and me, with His presence with us and in us, we have become unbeatable in the battles of life.

-Therefore I decree your victory, supernatural triumph, your inexplainable but undeniable triumph in life in the name of Jesus. Church Gist. So shall it be in Jesus’ name.

The supernatural is a reality all we need to do is to learn how to use the rod of the Word to command it. The good news is, even children can find it.

-I pray tonight that every time in the Word that we spend we will make findings and may the findings continue to refine our lives. Every time in the Word whether listening to a teaching or reading the Bible or anointed books on the subject matter. May you keep finding!

There is no end to finding. Romans 11:33. There is no end to it! And the more we find, the more refined our lives become even in the same subject. Church Gist. The more we find the more refined our lives become.

-Again my prayer is that from henceforth, there is no time in the Word that will not lead to findings in your life in the name of Jesus!

I found the power in the Communion back in 1976 as a priest was reading from John 6:48-58. Amazing! In 1977, I found the testimony of its reality in Wigglesworth’s ministry. I became an addict, it never stopped working.

-In the name of Jesus Christ, may the mystery behind the Communion be fully made manifest in everyone’s life today.

  • Bishop David Oyedepo on UNLOCKING THE SUPERNATURAL 3 at September 2024 Week Of Spiritual Emphasis Day Three || LFC Canaanland || 6th September 2024 || Part F

“As often as ye take this, you do it in remembrance of Me.” So it goes to renew our access to eternal life. “You eat of my flesh, you drink of my blood, you have eternal life”. John 6:54. Church Gist. So we are renewing our eternal life policy by the Communion. Our human life is giving way to our eternal life, our new realm. It opens our spiritual eyes to see brighter by the day. It empowers us to live like Jesus. John 6:57, John 14:9.

  • By this Communion, every thing that cannot be seen In Christ dies in you and me.
  • Whatever that cannot be identified with Christ will no longer be identified with us, I mean with you and me.

Can you imagine Jesus carrying migraine? Answer (No) Deafness? (No) Partial or full blown? (No) Blindness? (No) Church Gist. Can you imagine Jesus losing His liver? His kidney? (No) His colon? (No)

  • Now, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, whatever cannot be seen in Jesus, as we partake of this Communion tonight, it’s gone off of our own life.


  • That’s you changing level!
  • You will never have your heads bowed down anymore!
  • You have all the help, I have all the help I need on my inside. Church Gist. All I need is to engage them. Hallelujah! Welcome to the world of the supernatural.

Next Sunday is our Enough is Enough Service. Church Gist. When God says it’s enough, no devil can go ahead. “It’s enough, stay now your hand.”

  • I see God saying that concerning every item on your list of enough is enough!

“Enough! Stay now your hand. Stop there destroyer! Church Gist. Don’t go any further. It’s enough.” 2 Samuel 24:16.

  • No one dies young in this place again!
  • No one keeps nursing sickness and disease anymore here!
  • No one comes under the spell of failure and defeat anymore!

Settle down if you believe in the prophetic word and make a list of your enough is enough. Your drowsy spiritual life – enough is enough. You hear everything, nothing moves you – enough is enough. You read, it looks like Greek – enough is enough. You pray one minute, (you doze off) – enough is enough. Church Gist. Make your enough is enough list on your spiritual issues because that’s where the key to your life and my life is. Then, make a list of others where the enemy is trying to harass your life. Enough is enough! God is saying, stay your hand it’s enough.

  • That will be the command from Heaven concerning every item on your list in the name of Jesus Christ!

Tomorrow morning is the Leadership Empowerment Summit for the month of September. All those concerned are admonished to make sure they are there at the various area and district facilities to make it closer to everybody. We should all be there tomorrow. It’s going to be an Impartation Service. Church Gist. God will be plugging us into what this Commission carries and that will take you up into your next level of stewardship in the name of Jesus.

The husbandman that laboureth must be first partaker of the fruits.

  • You won’t lack any testimony that God offers on this mountain!
  • It will be reflective in your life as a labourer!







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